Build Back Better Will Not Cause Inflation

You mean it lowers the deduction cap that cost me $2500/year on my $100K income?

Bullshit. It lowers drug costs and adds Medicare coverage for hearing and dental
Please explain why you think the rest of us should subsidize your state and local taxes. Don't you think that should be taken up with the people that are taking your money?
Please explain why you think the rest of us should subsidize your state and local taxes. Don't you think that should be taken up with the people that are taking your money?
Yours are just have less of them.
Switching back to Trump would be a bigger disaster than having him as President the first time. Do you people ever learn?

Good that you realize he lost the election though
Ok then

Now where's my links?

From your link....

(2) Negotiation regarding terms and conditions.—Subject to subsection (i), in exercising the authority under paragraph (1), the Secretary—

(A) has the authority to negotiate the terms and conditions of the proposed bid submitted and other terms and conditions of a proposed plan; and

(B) has authority similar to the authority of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management with respect to health benefits plans under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code.

They already do this....CMS dictates prices, it doesn't "negotiate" them.

Wait, did I say "dictate"...why yes I did....and they already do this hence there is no wobble room.

(e) Approval of Proposed Plans.—

(1) In general.—After review and negotiation under subsection (d), the Secretary shall approve or disapprove the prescription drug plan.
Thanks for admitting you can't provide yet another link to your claim
It should be easy enough for you to find one to prove me wrong...but you can't.
nobody predicted a crash...nobody.
Even your hero Barney Frank wasn't expecting a crash.
From your link....

(2) Negotiation regarding terms and conditions.—Subject to subsection (i), in exercising the authority under paragraph (1), the Secretary—

(A) has the authority to negotiate the terms and conditions of the proposed bid submitted and other terms and conditions of a proposed plan; and

(B) has authority similar to the authority of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management with respect to health benefits plans under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code.

They already do this....CMS dictates prices, it doesn't "negotiate" them.

Wait, did I say "dictate"...why yes I did....and they already do this hence there is no wobble room.

(e) Approval of Proposed Plans.—

(1) In general.—After review and negotiation under subsection (d), the Secretary shall approve or disapprove the prescription drug plan.
Medicare does NOT negotiate drug prices. They are not allowed to.

This bill proposes to change that
That was your whine about Moody's...and then

You fuckers just say shit and forget you said it five minutes later
Nobody expected the Housing Bubble to burst because Wall Street knew they would be bailed out and the same will happen again.
Prescription drug costs are a major concern for consumers and a fiscal challenge for public and private payers, representing 10% of national health spending and nearly 20% of health benefit costs for large employers and Medicare. In response, lawmakers are considering a broad range of policy options, including one that would allow the federal government to negotiate prescription drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries and people enrolled in private plans, a proposal that has strong bipartisan public support. This brief describes the current status of drug price negotiation proposals, looks back at the history of proposals to give the federal government the authority to negotiate drug prices in Medicare, describes the negotiation provisions in key legislation (H.R. 3), and discusses the potential spending effects for the federal government and individuals

"Would allow" inferring that can not do so now.
Nobody expected the Housing Bubble to burst because Wall Street knew they would be bailed out and the same will happen again.
And yet you whined that Moody's supposedly didn't predict the housing bubble bursting

Go sit in the corner
According to two ratings agencies

There's no reason to be against this bill
Let us all now join in song.......

There are A LOT of things in the last twenty years I thought would never pass Constitutional muster. Hell, I never thought there was anyway in hell the ACA would pass Constitutional muster.

If the folks on that court want to make something Constitutional, they will twist it to mean what ever they want it to.

. . . and as far as states accepting federal mandates? That last time they refused a globalist initiative with federal bribes was. . . let me see. . . ah, COMMON CORE.

So you could be correct.

However, after that failure, the WEF and institutional investors have done A LOT more work on infiltrating both state level, and local level political offices, and indoctrinating officials into UN Agenda 2030 development goals. Most local political officials do not even think to question AGW or the climate agenda.

At this point, I think you're underestimating the pisstivity of Americans.

According to two ratings agencies

There's no reason to be against this bill
So I'm sure its been stated , your a lying piece of shit . Nobody believes you .
At this point, I think you're underestimating the pisstivity of Americans.

I really hope you are right.

. . . most folks I meet, actually believe that AGW is real.

All this year, I have been covering the manufactured water shortage, and how the government is purposely limiting the supply of needed fertilizer and other equipment farmer will need in the spring.

By fall next year, there will be world wide famine. AND ALL OF IT? Completely manufactured.

I have been watching it like a slow moving train wreck. They are doing it on purpose, and the propaganda will have everyone believing, that it was caused by "climate change," along with the pandemic.

Thus? They will insist on a instituting climate lock-down and/or individual carbon credits/global carbon tax. The Vax passports will be the method of keeping track of all of this.

And when folks are hungry? It is comply, or starve.

During next winter, what choice will they have?
I really hope you are right.

. . . most folks I meet, actually believe that AGW is real.

All this year, I have been covering the manufactured water shortage, and how the government is purposely limiting the supply of needed fertilizer and other equipment farmer will need in the spring.

But fall next year, there will be world wide famine. AND ALL OF IT? Completely manufactured.

I have been watching it like a slow moving train wreck. They are doing it on purpose, and the propaganda will have everyone believing, that it was caused by "climate change," along with the pandemic.

Thus? They will insist on a instituting climate lock-down and/or individual carbon credits/global carbon tax. The Vax passports will be the method of keeping track of all of this.

And when folks are hungry? It is comply, or starve.

During next winter, what choice will they have?
The crazy marches on

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