Build Back Better Will Not Cause Inflation

Good. Neither of us cares about the other. It's a draw. Dismissed. You're boring.

And you just aren't very intelligent but have convinced yourself otherwise.

Get back to me when you figure out that you are sadly mistaken with transitory inflation nonsense.
I actually use quite a bit of common sense and it helps to be quite intelligent. You can call me a Trumpster and act as if I don't know what I am talking about. I don't really care. The country needs people like you too. I will continue making good economic decisions and partisans like you will continue to muddle around and miss the forest for the trees.
News don't make economic policy on a national scale using just "common sense". That might work in home economics...maybe...depending on who's "sense" we are talking about.

You use facts. In fact people educated in the economic field use facts.

But hey...use that common sense for medical decisions...see how far that gets you with no expert input
Inflation is a bit more complicated. Causes of inflation:
- Increases in labor cost. That has been an issue lately for some markets like restaurants.
- Shortages in goods. Demand remains the same but the number of goods is decreased will result in higher prices.
- Deficit financing of governmental spending. Bingo. Some people will call this demand-pull. You don't spend more money than what you have and not expect inflation.
- Increased money supply. In the past 18 months, we have doubled the money supply. That has never happened before even during war time.

Put them all together and you will have run away inflation.

Yep. Don't tell Mac. He has other (false) ideas that absolve the Biden administration from any culpability.

News don't make economic policy on a national scale using just "common sense". That might work in home economics...maybe...depending on who's "sense" we are talking about.

You use facts. In fact people educated in the economic field use facts.

But hey...use that common sense for medical decisions...see how far that gets you with no expert input
Fact: you used agencies that have been seriously wrong when it counted.

You're a sub-moronic hack, whose brain stem is just barely functional enough to trigger your impulse to breathe.
News don't make economic policy on a national scale using just "common sense". That might work in home economics...maybe...depending on who's "sense" we are talking about.

You use facts. In fact people educated in the economic field use facts.

But hey...use that common sense for medical decisions...see how far that gets you with no expert input

God you people are dullards and fools. Believe the partisan economic hacks. They are much like the partisan climate science hacks. Politics first. Actual facts and science are secondary.
They were becoming damaged, although we didn't know it because demand wasn't strong enough.

You're welcome, Einstein.
Progs shut down the nation and much of the world. So they can Build Back Better. The tribulation has just begun.
Did someone mention Larry Summers?

Here is what he said about the two infrastructure bills

""Together, they are smaller over 10 years than this past year's stimulus was over a single year, and in addition, they are substantially paid for," the prominent Democratic economist said."

He agrees with Moody's and Fitch
Its all about completely restructuring society with the Homes ACT.

For the global elites, the point is, getting everyone out of small towns and destroying the suburbs. They plan to do this by the HOMES ACT.

This is the core of the globalization agenda, how they plan to make it so folks will no longer own cars, and will rent smart automated cars, create smart cities, etc. THIS, is the kernal behind the whole technocracy.

I suspect it is why the institutional investors have been buying up realestate, because they have known what is coming. It also would not surprise me if they bribe enough politicos, regardless of party, to get this passed.

Biden’s Infrastructure Package Will Federalize Local Zoning Laws, Displace Single-Family Homes In Suburbs​

That would never pass constitutional muster. And I know about 40 States that would refuse to comply.

That would never pass constitutional muster. And I know about 40 States that would refuse to comply.

There are A LOT of things in the last twenty years I thought would never pass Constitutional muster. Hell, I never thought there was anyway in hell the ACA would pass Constitutional muster.

If the folks on that court want to make something Constitutional, they will twist it to mean what ever they want it to.

. . . and as far as states accepting federal mandates? That last time they refused a globalist initiative with federal bribes was. . . let me see. . . ah, COMMON CORE.

So you could be correct.

However, after that failure, the WEF and institutional investors have done A LOT more work on infiltrating both state level, and local level political offices, and indoctrinating officials into UN Agenda 2030 development goals. Most local political officials do not even think to question AGW or the climate agenda.
Did someone mention Larry Summers?

Here is what he said about the two infrastructure bills

""Together, they are smaller over 10 years than this past year's stimulus was over a single year, and in addition, they are substantially paid for," the prominent Democratic economist said."

He agrees with Moody's and Fitch

Moody's research was done by Mark Zandi. He is a left-wing partisan as is Larry Summers. They are both disingenuous in favor of their politics. I don't know much about Fitch.
Don't call anybody an "idiot" if you buy into this plan. How on God's green earth will the government spending money like a drunken sailor ease inflation? Honestly, it takes an exceptionally adept idiot to believe that nonsense. The Democratic Party seems to have cornered all of them.
You really are out of touch with reality, Medicare is funded by payroll taxes, it only goes to the payment for medical insurance for those who need it.
You really are out of touch with reality, Medicare is funded by payroll taxes, it only goes to the payment for medical insurance for those who need it.
BTW, Private sector medical offices and private sector doctors are those who cheat Medicare and Medicaid.
Hahaha, so now massive government spending doesn’t increase inflation? Really? So why are the Dimbo’s so concerned and focused about raising taxes?
You really are out of touch with reality, Medicare is funded by payroll taxes, it only goes to the payment for medical insurance for those who need it.
  • Part A is financed primarily through a 2.9 percent tax on earnings paid by employers and employees (1.45 percent each) (accounting for 88 percent of Part A revenue). Higher-income taxpayers (more than $200,000/individual and $250,000/couple) pay a higher payroll tax on earnings (2.35 percent).
  • Part B is financed through general revenues (72 percent), beneficiary premiums (26 percent), and interest and other sources (2 percent). Beneficiaries with annual incomes over $85,000/individual or $170,000/couple pay a higher, income-related Part B premium reflecting a larger share of total Part B spending, ranging from 35 percent to 85 percent.
  • Part D is financed by general revenues (71 percent), beneficiary premiums (17 percent), and state payments for beneficiaries dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid (12 percent). Higher-income enrollees pay a larger share of the cost of Part D coverage, as they do for Part B.
  • The Medicare Advantage program (Part C) is not separately financed. Medicare Advantage plans, such as HMOs and PPOs, cover Part A, Part B, and (typically) Part D benefits. Beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans pay the Part B premium, and may pay an additional premium if required by their plan; about half of Medicare Advantage enrollees pay no additional premium.
You should really do some research before posting in the future.
You really are out of touch with reality, Medicare is funded by payroll taxes, it only goes to the payment for medical insurance for those who need it.

We are talking about inflationary pressures here. How does Biden's plan do anything but increase those pressures?
Price inflation follows monetary inflation. The whole point of a central bank is to allow governments to spend freely. The federal reserve is no different. This next financial collapse is gonna be a mother.
We are talking about inflationary pressures here. How does Biden's plan do anything but increase those pressures?
Nothing Biden has done, Bozo. Trump and the Pandemic are the cause of inflationary matters, that and private sector greed.

BTW, watch 60 minutes last Sunday and maybe you will comprehend what is going on.
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