Build Back Better Will Not Cause Inflation

Rush told them that they're economic experts because they listened to him.

Where do you get your information? Oh yeah, a flaky scalped Econ. professor with a pocket protector who deems himself an expert because he has been well versed(indoctrinated) in economic theory by other like-minded self-proclaimed experts. It would be a little more believable if 1/2 of these "experts" in economics were actually exceedingly good with their own money.
Gee, if only the supply chains were damaged during the Trump Administration.

Thanks for answering honestly, Goober.
That's when they GOT damaged stupid...but there wasn't the demand on them then that there is now

As noted...imports are up 22%. That's HUGE
Inflation is being caused by exploding demand and damaged supply chains.

Supply and demand. Classic economics.

Yeah, we know this. We also know the cause. You still can't put your finger on it.
According to two ratings agencies

There's no reason to be against this bill
Wow, you must have missed the millions times they have lied about this stuff before........I'm still waiting for that Middle class tax cut from Bill Clinton.
Primarily from my broker dealer and its various proprietary sources.

As a 21+ year Advisor/CFP/ChFC/CLU, I have to take this stuff seriously. As a Trumpster, you just emote.

I actually rely heavily on common sense and it helps to be quite intelligent. You can call me a Trumpster and act as if I don't know what I am talking about. I don't really care. The country needs people like you too. I will continue making good economic decisions and partisans like you will continue to muddle around and miss the forest for the trees.
Still waiting for those hospitalization plan premiums to go down by $2,500.
Or just not go up........but Lesh must be a billionaire, it's the only people who can afford democrats cheap energy, it's gotta be clean (aka expensive) energy!
How fucking stupid are you?

You dumb motherfucker...

Just stop posting. You make cretins look smart
I actually use quite a bit of common sense and it helps to be quite intelligent. You can call me a Trumpster and act as if I don't know what I am talking about. I don't really care. The country needs people like you too. I will continue making good economic decisions and partisans like you will continue to muddle around and miss the forest for the trees.
Good. Neither of us cares about the other. It's a draw. Dismissed. You're boring.
Inflation is a bit more complicated. Causes of inflation:
- Increases in labor cost. That has been an issue lately for some markets like restaurants.
- Shortages in goods. Demand remains the same but the number of goods is decreased will result in higher prices.
- Deficit financing of governmental spending. Bingo. Some people will call this demand-pull. You don't spend more money than what you have and not expect inflation.
- Increased money supply. In the past 18 months, we have doubled the money supply. That has never happened before even during war time.

Put them all together and you will have run away inflation.

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