Bullied 14-Year-Old Girl Gets Plastic Surgery to Fix Ears, Nose, Chin


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I don't think this was healthy at all for this girl, next will come the fake breasts, lipo and ass implants.

Bullied 14-Year-Old Girl Gets Plastic Surgery to Fix Ears, Nose, Chin


At first glance, 14-year-old Nadia Ilse exudes an air of confidence that many other girls her age lack. That confidence is hard won.

Teased about her big ears since she was 7 years old, Nadia found school a nightmare. Her classmates tormented her, and she couldn't bear to look at herself in the mirror.

"I felt horrible. I felt like I was like dirt," she said, in an interview with "Good Morning America." "They said that I have the biggest ears that they've ever seen. They called me 'Dumbo,' 'elephant ears.'"

The teasing and bullying escalated, and Nadia, of Cumming, Ga., started to believe the negativity.

"I kind of got into this shell and I actually skipped school a lot," she said. "I made excuses. I would say my stomach hurt, say that I was sick even though I wasn't."

Nadia would cry a lot on the way home from the bus stop and at night before she went to sleep. It got so bad that Nadia even contemplated suicide.

"I actually did think about suicide but I wasn't pushed, I didn't really want to. I didn't think that was the solution," she said.

Nadia's troubles came as a shock to her mother. Because Lynda Ilse had recently been laid off, and had a 9-year-old son, Joshua, who was battling cerebral palsy, Nadia didn't want to bother her mother with her problems.

"I'm heartbroken about it," Lynda Ilse said, speaking of her daughter's torment, including her thoughts of suicide. "I didn't realize that it was that bad. She would mostly say that she has migraines."

Eventually, Nadia told her mother everything and begged for surgery to pin her ears back. Lynda Ilse couldn't afford it, so she turned to the Little Baby Face Foundation, a Manhattan-based organization that provides free surgery for children with facial deformities who have a financial need.

Bullied 14-Year-Old Girl Gets Plastic Surgery to Fix Ears, Nose, Chin | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
Maybe not...hopefully she'll be much happier now. Kids are so cruel, and they pick on the weaker, quieter ones that usually won't stand up for themselves. I'm sure her mom did what she thought best to make sure her daughter was happy. I would hate the thought that my kid wanted to kill herself because of abuse from other kids, but it happens. I guess i might have done the same thing for mine.
Maybe not...hopefully she'll be much happier now. Kids are so cruel, and they pick on the weaker, quieter ones that usually won't stand up for themselves. I'm sure her mom did what she thought best to make sure her daughter was happy. I would hate the thought that my kid wanted to kill herself because of abuse from other kids, but it happens. I guess i might have done the same thing for mine.

My thing is the girl now thinks plastic surgery is the cure all for her problems, thats not healthy.
Maybe not...hopefully she'll be much happier now. Kids are so cruel, and they pick on the weaker, quieter ones that usually won't stand up for themselves. I'm sure her mom did what she thought best to make sure her daughter was happy. I would hate the thought that my kid wanted to kill herself because of abuse from other kids, but it happens. I guess i might have done the same thing for mine.

My thing is the girl now thinks plastic surgery is the cure all for her problems, thats not healthy.

I understood that....and i think it would be important to impress on her that it ISN'T a cure-all. I would make sure my daughter knew that. Hopefully she will be happy with what's been done and it makes her life easier though.
Maybe not...hopefully she'll be much happier now. Kids are so cruel, and they pick on the weaker, quieter ones that usually won't stand up for themselves. I'm sure her mom did what she thought best to make sure her daughter was happy. I would hate the thought that my kid wanted to kill herself because of abuse from other kids, but it happens. I guess i might have done the same thing for mine.

My thing is the girl now thinks plastic surgery is the cure all for her problems, thats not healthy.

I understood that....and i think it would be important to impress on her that it ISN'T a cure-all. I would make sure my daughter knew that. Hopefully she will be happy with what's been done and it makes her life easier though.

I hope so too, but I don't the girl looked hideous enough to need this surgery.
My thing is the girl now thinks plastic surgery is the cure all for her problems, thats not healthy.

I understood that....and i think it would be important to impress on her that it ISN'T a cure-all. I would make sure my daughter knew that. Hopefully she will be happy with what's been done and it makes her life easier though.

I hope so too, but I don't the girl looked hideous enough to need this surgery.

I think she needs a hell of a lot more surgery.
To me it looks like her ears have been pinned too far back. In all honesty, she looks better before than she did after surgery.
My thing is the girl now thinks plastic surgery is the cure all for her problems, thats not healthy.

I understood that....and i think it would be important to impress on her that it ISN'T a cure-all. I would make sure my daughter knew that. Hopefully she will be happy with what's been done and it makes her life easier though.

I hope so too, but I don't the girl looked hideous enough to need this surgery.

other than her ears, her face looked better before. and doctors shouldn't do plastic surgery on people under 18. they're still growing.. they change... it was irresponsible, imo.
I understood that....and i think it would be important to impress on her that it ISN'T a cure-all. I would make sure my daughter knew that. Hopefully she will be happy with what's been done and it makes her life easier though.

I hope so too, but I don't the girl looked hideous enough to need this surgery.

other than her ears, her face looked better before. and doctors shouldn't do plastic surgery on people under 18. they're still growing.. they change... it was irresponsible, imo.

I agree, her face would have probably caught up with her ears in time. Much too young for this imo, I have seen good looking girls get bullied also, what happens now if she gets bullied after the surgery? end of the world?

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