So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

The Republican solution to health care is more tax cuts for the billionaires.

Republicans will never admit they were wrong. Remember during the pandemic 5 right wing anti vax radio hosts died because they weren't vaccinated?

On August 4, Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post.

Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”
No you don't pay for liberal government policies. You benefit from them.

If you are rich, perhaps you aren't paying your fair share in taxes. I suspect though you're not rich. Not Trump rich. Those guys aren't paying their fair share for sure.

And you know what? I make just under $100K and I am able to max out my 401K AND invest $20K a year in the stock market. I don't think I'm being overtaxed so I don't know how you are. Waahhh. I'm a rich guy in a country that makes people pay taxes. WAAAHHH. I made it and now I want to defund the government. Now after I have made it. I want to remove safety nets and social programs that rich guys like me have to pay for. Programs that helped me get rich. But now that I'm rich, remove them. Because I'm a selfish greedy bitch.
Pettiness is a sacrament to those people.
I don't think you want that. But you don't seem to realize that corporations shouldn't be in total control of every industry,

National Parks

Some industries need to be regulated.
I dont object to reasonable regulation

But the baby hitlers that often end up doing the regulating need forceful regulation themselves
1) VA medical benefits
2) Medical coverage for the poor (safety net)
I wholeheartedly agree with your point #1. VA medical benefits should be a PRIORITY in our medical system because they were earned by the people receiving them for service to the country.

As much as I agree with point #1, I disagree with point #2. The vast majority of those people have put themselves in that position through their own actions and decisions. Consequences are a necessary part of a functional society.
I wholeheartedly agree with your point #1. VA medical benefits should be a PRIORITY in our medical system because they were earned by the people receiving them for service to the country.

As much as I agree with point #1, I disagree with point #2. The vast majority of those people have put themselves in that position through their own actions and decisions. Consequences are a necessary part of a functional society.

And the children of the people facing consequences? They just don't get vaccinated? They don't go to the Dr until it becomes an emergency?

It is cheaper in the long run to insure them.
And the children of the people facing consequences? They just don't get vaccinated? They don't go to the Dr until it becomes an emergency?
It’s called responsibility. I’m responsible for my needs and my wife’s needs. We got her OFF Medicare and SSDI when we got married because supporting her is MY responsibility, not the Government’s responsibility.
It is cheaper in the long run to insure them.
No. It’s cheaper to bury them.
Republicans will never admit they were wrong. Remember during the pandemic 5 right wing anti vax radio hosts died because they weren't vaccinated?

On August 4, Newsmax fill-in host and longtime conservative talker Dick Farrel died from “severe damage” from COVID-19 after spending the last weeks of his life claiming that the vaccine is “Bogus Bull [Shit],” referring to the pandemic as a “SCAM DEMIC,” and suggesting that the delta variant is an elaborate ruse orchestrated by Anthony Fauci to keep Americans fearing for their lives. “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied [to you] all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” he wrote in a July 3 Facebook post.

Upon contracting the virus, Farrel was suddenly not willing to die for his previously held convictions, as one of his close friends, Amy Leigh Hair, claimed that he encouraged her to get the shot shortly before his death, saying that COVID-19 “is no joke and then he said: ‘I wish I had gotten [vaccinated]!’”
We know little of COVID. We know that Fauci and the CDC can never be trusted again at this point also. The hate for Trump caused this. And because of Progs, our nation is weaker, and China will become stronger.
It’s called responsibility. I’m responsible for my needs and my wife’s needs. We got her OFF Medicare and SSDI when we got married because supporting her is MY responsibility, not the Government’s responsibility.

No. It’s cheaper to bury them.

That is a great idea. But that does not change the fact that tens of thousands of children have little or no healthcare without the gov't.

I was talking about it being cheaper to treat them when it is something small and not a serious illness. But letting them die is not an option. Especially the children.

If you choose letting children die to save the $100 bucks, you are a despicable human.
This is what pisses me off about Democrats. None of them realize that I PAY for all their liberal government policies. I pay multiple times more in taxes than most people earn while asshole Dems tell me I'm not paying my fair share. So F all of them to infinity!

I don't want to hear you defend this then cry when your taxes go up

And I'm going to follow up with this because I know what you are going to say

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Want more?

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
I don't want to hear you defend this then cry when your taxes go up

And I'm going to follow up with this because I know what you are going to say

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Want more?

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
It's a filthy Dem LIE. Swing and a miss left winger.
Healthcare? Nobody needs healthcare to live. I am 60 years old and have not had a sickness, a broken bone, a stitch, nothing requiring healthcare.

Yet, after ObamaCare I went from having insurance paid by my employer to having to pay $800 a month.

Democrats have made life, unaffordable. The only way we can live in America, is if we beg the government for crumbs.
It's a filthy Dem LIE. Swing and a miss left winger.
What's a lie? We are going to start calling out Republicans when they cry lie. What lie? Because we notice on Fox News or USMB you cry lie but in court you don't try to claim lie because the judge would want some evidence.

What part was a lie?
Healthcare? Nobody needs healthcare to live. I am 60 years old and have not had a sickness, a broken bone, a stitch, nothing requiring healthcare.

Yet, after ObamaCare I went from having insurance paid by my employer to having to pay $800 a month.

Democrats have made life, unaffordable. The only way we can live in America, is if we beg the government for crumbs.
If that's the case for you, then I would vote GOP too. What state are you in?
When Republicans say smaller government, what they mean is no oversight. That way it’s much easier to loot the country.
Have you noticed that for Republicans it’s all about looting America. They don’t wanna build anything, they don’t care about healthcare, it’s just squeeze as much as they can out of the country.

HUSH. The adults are talking.

Either way, what makes you think you have the right to force taxpayers to give you a life longer than you are genetically born to live.

Yeah, what right do "We the People" have to expect our tax dollars to go to help children survive childhood. The audacity!
Healthcare? Nobody needs healthcare to live. I am 60 years old and have not had a sickness, a broken bone, a stitch, nothing requiring healthcare.

Yet, after ObamaCare I went from having insurance paid by my employer to having to pay $800 a month.

Democrats have made life, unaffordable. The only way we can live in America, is if we beg the government for crumbs.
Car insurance to drive? I'm 53 and I have not had one wreck, ticket or anything else requiring car insurance. Why should I have to buy car insurance?

Either way, what makes you think you have the right to force taxpayers to give you a life longer than you are genetically born to live.

What gives us the right to tell for profit hospitals that they have to take care of people who don't have the ability to pay?

So if our government is forcing for profits to take care of them, tax payers fund the government so.....
What gives us the right to tell for profit hospitals that they have to take care of people who don't have the ability to pay?

So if our government is forcing for profits to take care of them, tax payers fund the government so.....

We have the right because those hospitals receive tax dollars. If they don't, they can refuse to treat someone unless is a Life & Death emergency.
We have the right because those hospitals receive tax dollars. If they don't, they can refuse to treat someone unless is a Life & Death emergency.

I want to hear Elektra answer.

And I also want him to answer this question I asked him: Car insurance to drive? I'm 53 and I have not had one wreck, ticket or anything else requiring car insurance. Why should I have to buy car insurance?

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