So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

First of all health insurance is still not affordable for many. The Affordable Care Act has reigned in the greed and excesses of the insurers and drug makers to some extent but not enough. The health care industry is largely for profit, and they are indeed profiting..
Health Care and insurance became unaffordable because of ObamaCare.

Overnight I went from paying nothing to $800 a month for mid-tiered care.

You blame insurance companies? You blame drug companies?

You entire reply is a rant because you are a marxist rat.
Yes, and fuck the people who you might kill or injure along the way. How stupid are you
Not as stupid as you are. Start being responsible for yourself.
Me, unlike you have not killed people while driving, nor have I injured people.
TheShitHead Progressive has now revealed that the progressive is killing and injuring people while driving so asshole expects me to pay for the damage, death, and destruction he/she does

I get it, you want no responsibility
you selfish brats continuously whine
This is all we need to know about ThePP (you dont mind that I abbreviate your name to PP?). ThePP hates his/her self so much, lives miserably, is so ignorant, thePP only is here to rant about how I am not a slave to thePP making it so that thePP can live fat while I work.

ThePP, it is you who are selfish and lazy and it is the ThePP that is here whining.

ThePP, it is not selfish for me to keep what is mine, what I labor for. Selfishness is thepp's position, that what is mine is thepp's.
Interesting that it rose once 14 years ago and hasn't budged since.
interesting that you think the price is not still going up
interesting that you are not concerned about the huge massive increase in the cost for less care
interesting that you think the price is not still going up
interesting that you are not concerned about the huge massive increase in the cost for less care

You said your premium went up overnight to $800 when Obamacare passed.

You said you pay $800.

So your premium hasn't budged in 14 years.

So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?​

The Republican solution is to give lip service to as little government involvement as possible while fully funding everything the dimocraps demand. This is why they fail.

All government involvement should absolutely and totally disappear.
interesting that you think the price is not still going up
interesting that you are not concerned about the huge massive increase in the cost for less care
Interesting that he doesn't care that relatively inexpensive catastrophic-only/hospitalization policies were basically made illegal by his scam.
Only government can ensure that consumers get basic healthcare services.

Have access to. And no they can't.

To the first point. Many men who have insurance still will not get colonoscopies. Thus setting themselves up for other issues.

The second point is that the federal government is a shit organization and not the one to be running healthcare.

States are much better suited to do it.
Have access to. And no they can't.

To the first point. Many men who have insurance still will not get colonoscopies. Thus setting themselves up for other issues.

The second point is that the federal government is a shit organization and not the one to be running healthcare.

States are much better suited to do it.
Gee why am I not surprised you don’t even have a solution to fix the problem. What would states DO?! You have no idea. It’s just an easy hollow talking point you people apply to any systematic issue like this

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