So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

Have access to. And no they can't.

To the first point. Many men who have insurance still will not get colonoscopies. Thus setting themselves up for other issues.

The second point is that the federal government is a shit organization and not the one to be running healthcare.

States are much better suited to do it.

If someone chooses not to get testing or treatment, that is completely different from someone being unable to get tested or treated.
General welfare is not health care.

General welfare clause - Wikipedia

I've stated many times I was in Wal Mart one time with a hand full of items I could barely afford and they had 2 black women in front of me with a basket piled so full it kept falling out on the floor. She checked out and her total was 281 dollars. I saw her pull out her food stamp card and swipe it. All free food.

My total was 53 dollars and I had to pay 100% of it.
We have enough problems, with out needing to make things up.
Gee why am I not surprised you don’t even have a solution to fix the problem.

You have not defined the problem. It has never been defined to the point solutions can be identified. It's purposeful because if you try, you find that things are not as cut and dried as you'd like to believe.

What would states DO?!

There have been several state programs tried and some still run you dumbass. Obamacare lived off of Romneycare (Mass). Oregon has a form of health insurance. Tennessee did too until eveyrone started abusing it. Vermont looked at it and found it was "too expensive" to provide all they wanted to provide. How does that not multiply up on a national level. There are no economies of scale. Florida is bigger than Sweden, Norway, Finland put together. All three have good systems. A state can't do that ???? WTF is wrong with you stupid little mind ?
You have no idea.
See above asswipe.

It’s just an easy hollow talking point you people apply to any systematic issue like this

What do you mean systematic issue ?

You are just making shit up.

Wyoming can decide what it wants to cover and Florida can too. We don't need Obama telling us we all have to carry this kind of insurance or that kind. And it would be much much better from a mental health standpoint.

Back to my point. Maricopa County, Arizona is bigger than Finland. It could have it's own system.

You just bleat talking points. GFY
People need to remember that the ACA bill was put forward, AND every Republican got to put their finger in the pot.
This was done to allow some kind of help with the out of control medical expenses. & get a bill passed.
So remember the blame for the ACA SHORT COMMINGS belongs to Both party's.
People need to remember that the ACA bill was put forward, AND every Republican got to put their finger in the pot.
This was done to allow some kind of help with the out of control medical expenses. & get a bill passed.
So remember the blame for the ACA SHORT COMMINGS belongs to Both party's.

Blame it on John Roberts for changing his mind at the last minute and letting a really crappy unconstittuioanl bill stand.
Gee why am I not surprised you don’t even have a solution to fix the problem. What would states DO?! You have no idea. It’s just an easy hollow talking point you people apply to any systematic issue like this
The problem is The State interference in the marketplace, putting its overpriced bureacrats and idiotic regulations between doctors and patients.

The solution is to tell them and you do-goorer morons, who think that you're doing the whole world a big fat favor, to GFY.
You have not defined the problem. It has never been defined to the point solutions can be identified. It's purposeful because if you try, you find that things are not as cut and dried as you'd like to believe.

There have been several state programs tried and some still run you dumbass. Obamacare lived off of Romneycare (Mass). Oregon has a form of health insurance. Tennessee did too until eveyrone started abusing it. Vermont looked at it and found it was "too expensive" to provide all they wanted to provide. How does that not multiply up on a national level. There are no economies of scale. Florida is bigger than Sweden, Norway, Finland put together. All three have good systems. A state can't do that ???? WTF is wrong with you stupid little mind ?

See above asswipe.

What do you mean systematic issue ?

You are just making shit up.

Wyoming can decide what it wants to cover and Florida can too. We don't need Obama telling us we all have to carry this kind of insurance or that kind. And it would be much much better from a mental health standpoint.

Back to my point. Maricopa County, Arizona is bigger than Finland. It could have it's own system.

You just bleat talking points. GFY
I love how you break down my post in singe lines like that is supposed to own me or whatever lol. It’s so dumb.

My point is pretty fucking obvious but I guess I have to dumb it down for you. Our healthcare system sucks and no private Industry can fix it.

So Romney care is better than ACA? Why am I not surprised you didn’t explain that. You aren’t even explaining HOW those programs have bettered healthcare. What the fuck did they even do in TN?

If you think Finland has a good system what the fuck even is your point? Obviously the government runs that system.
People need to remember that the ACA bill was put forward, AND every Republican got to put their finger in the pot.
This was done to allow some kind of help with the out of control medical expenses. & get a bill passed.
So remember the blame for the ACA SHORT COMMINGS belongs to Both party's.
The bill was passed with next to zero republican support, you fucking liar.
The gov't has, no doubt, contributed to the high cost of medical care.

But what they have done pales in comparison to the cost of what the insurance companies have done.
There is direct correlation between medical price inflation and government policy. Way above the rate of inflation for everything else.
You see the same thing with tuition, and the price of housing.
What these have in common is restriction of supply and subsidizing of demand. Zoning, academic acreditation, FDA approval etc...combined with Fannie Mae, student loans, and medicaid etc...

That is so god damned ignorant. You think that all people with jobs can afford health care.? What alt-reality are you living in. Many can't even afford to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table. That you the reality of the free market economy that you worship. See post 310.
Calm yourself moocher, remember it's MY money I earned it. Pay your own damn bills. I'm also not going to pay for your cable tv, liquor or toilet paper. :itsok:
I am always amazed at the way you selfish brats continuously whine about the cost of insurance and other government programs while never ever wanting to discuss the cost of not providing those benefits,
I'm always amazed at the way you overbearing do-gooder assholes continuously pretend that we couldn't live without your smug, paternalistic, snobbery.
Calm yourself moocher, remember it's MY money I earned it. Pay your own damn bills. I'm also not going to pay for your cable tv, liquor or toilet paper. :itsok:
Isn't odd how you're "selfish" for wanting to keep what you've earned and pay your own bills, while the people who wave a gun in your face to pay for their Utopia are "compassionate"?
I see your point even if I dont fully share your compassion for deadbeats with a lifestyle of mooching off society

America already provides minimal, basic healthcare for everyone

And its cost us a bundle

The health care that the poorest of the poor receive is not very good

But when you add free education, free housing, free food, free cell phone service and free internet along with much more that I dont have room to name it really adds up

Senator Phil Gramm once called it too many people riding in the wagon vs not enough people pulling the wagon

WinterBorn mentioned immunization and implied that children cant be protected unless government gives it to them, and how much cheaper it is to prevent serious disease for children

And I get their point

But not the assumption that society must do so that at our expense instead of making the parent pay

Do you see why my side is getting tired of supporting your side?
I don’t think that you see my point at all. For starters, if you did, you would not still be blathering about “ mooching deadbeats” One of my main points is that social programs and health care represent the cost of maintain and sustaining a free market economy where workers a subjected to economic forces beyond their control, where the necessities of life are mostly for profit, and where the labor force is viewed as expendable. A lot of people work their asses of and cannot make ends meet.

All of that has clearly been lost on you as is another of my points, which is the fact that not providing certain services and protections will coast a lot more in the end. It is not about “your side supporting my side” It is about the reality that we are interdependent, and ensuring that vulnerable people can maintain a adequate standard of living is as muct about supporting and sustaining your lifestyle and the structures of our socioeconomic system that YOU take for granted
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which is the fact that not providing certain services and protections will coast a lot more in the end.
Cradle to grave welfare is already costing a great deal

Free healthcare is just an added cost for hardworking taxpayers who have to foot the bill

Providing some minimal charity medical care is inevitable

But we have to be smart about it

For instance providing costly medical care for Americans is a good reason to end the influx of poor migrants that take away healthcare for Americans

Do you agree?

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