So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

I want to hear Elektra answer.

And I also want him to answer this question I asked him: Car insurance to drive? I'm 53 and I have not had one wreck, ticket or anything else requiring car insurance. Why should I have to buy car insurance?

Ok, I will shut up and let Elektra answer. I promise I am capable of shutting up........

What gives us the right to tell for profit hospitals that they have to take care of people who don't have the ability to pay?

So if our government is forcing for profits to take care of them, tax payers fund the government so.....
You are right, the democrats are forcing the private sector to do things they should not be doing.
And that would be our, for profit democrat politicians, that force the private sector to do things to keep the for profit democrat politicians in power
Car insurance to drive? I'm 53 and I have not had one wreck, ticket or anything else requiring car insurance. Why should I have to buy car insurance?
you are right, you should not have to have car insurance, it should be drive at your own risk, another forced for profit democrat politician expense.
Yeah, what right do "We the People" have to expect our tax dollars to go to help children survive childhood. The audacity!
I never needed the government to pay for healthcare to make it through childhood. If $your child is sick, why do I have to pay for your child.

Sadly, the government has made everything so expensive, nobody can no longer afford healthcare or insurance.

In Brazil, it costs less than $1,000 to have a baby, why is the cost $30,000 or more in the USA?
They can not join till they have a serious medical problem
You can't buy a policy on the PPACA marketplace until your seriously ill? I believe that you're describing women with pregnancy issues in texas having to endure more suffering before leaving state for real medical care.
They just don't get vaccinated?
I dont think a vaccination shot is very expensive

Maybe less than a 6-pack of beer or a carton of cigarettes

Who in America cant afford that for their child?
And the children of the people facing consequences? They just don't get vaccinated? They don't go to the Dr until it becomes an emergency?

It is cheaper in the long run to insure them.

Mandatory sterilization before collecting any sort of welfare. Cash payments for abortions.

I never needed the government to pay for healthcare to make it through childhood. If $your child is sick, why do I have to pay for your child.

Sadly, the government has made everything so expensive, nobody can no longer afford healthcare or insurance.

In Brazil, it costs less than $1,000 to have a baby, why is the cost $30,000 or more in the USA?

Lawyers and government.
Christ I'm surprised the left can fold a pair of socks without government assistance. Why don't you mooching libs grow a pair and just admit that you want somebody else to subsidize your healthcare insurance.
I am always amazed at the way you selfish brats continuously whine about the cost of insurance and other government programs while never ever wanting to discuss the cost of not providing those benefits, or the positive outcomes for society and the economy when we do provide certain services. The fact is that we are all connected. No one exists in isolation from others nor are we insulated from the vulnerabilities and misfortunes of fellow human beings. Taking some level of responsibility for others is what it means to be part of a civilized and orderly society. Consider the alternative where everyone must fend entirely for themselves . Consider the fact that today, you may be on top and not need those below you. But you must also consider the possibility that that might not always be the case. Fortunes reverse and those who are left to wallow in despair and poverty today may become your nemesis tomorrow.

Consider the fact that the capitalist economic system that you no doubt support would not be sustainable without a social safety net,. The volatility of a free market economy means that as the economy expands and contracts as it always will, the need for labor reacts in kind. Social welfare programs ensure that there will be a steady supply of labor when needed, and prevent social unrest and decay that comes with widespread poverty in leaner times. You should study history, starting with the French Revolution. First there was “let them eat grass” Then the tables were turned with “off with their heads”. You should also read “Regulating the Poor” by Piven and Cloward

Now moving on to the specifics of health care or as conservatives would say, the culture of free stuff. You state that you do not want to subsidize the cost of health care for others with a small portion of you taxes, but make no mistake about it, when people do not have access to affordable care , you pay one way or another.

First of all health insurance is still not affordable for many. The Affordable Care Act has reigned in the greed and excesses of the insurers and drug makers to some extent but not enough. The health care industry is largely for profit, and they are indeed profiting.. Yet you people continually bleat about socialism anytime that is an attempt to regulate them which basically what the ACA is..

In addition, you fail to understand that , or feign ignorance of that fact that every uninsured person costs the economy, and YOU-in the long run - far more that any subsidy that they receive. When an uninsured person goes to the Emergency Room for charity care, YOU PAY. You pay with taxes and you pay with your own increased health care costs, and you pay a lot more than you otherwise would have.

When an uninsured person forgoes preventive care and becomes far sicker than they would otherwise be, YOU also pay in the end. When that same person becomes to sick to be productive, no longer pays taxes and turns to disability to survive YOU ultimately foot the bill. A society of sick people does not sustain a healthy economy. You people need to smarted up BIGLY
Mandatory sterilization before collecting any sort of welfare. Cash payments for abortions.

Lawyers and government.

I never needed the government to pay for healthcare to make it through childhood. If $your child is sick, why do I have to pay for your child.

Sadly, the government has made everything so expensive, nobody can no longer afford healthcare or insurance.

In Brazil, it costs less than $1,000 to have a baby, why is the cost $30,000 or more in the USA?
See post 310
Mooching parasites who want me to pay for their healthcare, not happening. Get a job losers pay for your own goddamn health insurance I'm not your mommy and daddy. God and have you looked at government run VA healthcare WTF. Idiot mooching Dems and their FREE government <fill in the blank>
That is so god damned ignorant. You think that all people with jobs can afford health care.? What alt-reality are you living in. Many can't even afford to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table. That you the reality of the free market economy that you worship. See post 310.
Healthcare? Nobody needs healthcare to live. I am 60 years old and have not had a sickness, a broken bone, a stitch, nothing requiring healthcare.

Yet, after ObamaCare I went from having insurance paid by my employer to having to pay $800 a month.
That sounds like a boatload of bovine excrement to me. How did the ACA result in your losing employer benefits?
Teabaggers, always blame the "gubmint" for what corporations are doing.

Then, when politicians try to do something to the lower cost.

Landmark Bill to Cut Prescription Drug Prices Signed Into ...​

AARP › medicare-budget-proposal

Aug 16, 2022 — The legislation allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, caps out-of-pocket drug costs and would save the program nearly $300 ...

Teabaggers want to reverse it.

Senate Republican bill would repeal Democratic drug ...​

The Hill › homenews › senate › 3678314-sen...

Oct 7, 2022 — “Prescription drug prices are too high for many critical drugs, which demonstrates the need for more competition and more options for ...

Trump's plan for lowering inflation?

"Drill, baby, drill": Trump's plan to curb food inflation? He ...​

1717848171587.png › ... › Ashlie D. Stevens's Articles

Mar 7, 2024 — Despite gripes about "Bidenomics," when pressed on how he'll lower food costs, Trump doesn't have a coherent answer ...
See post 310
I see your point even if I dont fully share your compassion for deadbeats with a lifestyle of mooching off society

America already provides minimal, basic healthcare for everyone

And its cost us a bundle

The health care that the poorest of the poor receive is not very good

But when you add free education, free housing, free food, free cell phone service and free internet along with much more that I dont have room to name it really adds up

Senator Phil Gramm once called it too many people riding in the wagon vs not enough people pulling the wagon

WinterBorn mentioned immunization and implied that children cant be protected unless government gives it to them, and how much cheaper it is to prevent serious disease for children

And I get their point

But not the assumption that society must do so that at our expense instead of making the parent pay

Do you see why my side is getting tired of supporting your side?
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