‘Burden Is on the FBI to Justify’ Mar-a-Lago Raid, Prove It Wasn’t ‘Politically Motivated Witch Hunt’

He had lots of lawyers who would stall for years. A real scumbag and a bad businessman to boot. I didn't mind until he became a dictator wannabe .

^^^^^ Famous cry of the Emperor King as he waved goodbye to that rat bastard Geo. Washington as he sailed for the New World to create America.
This political stunt backfired as its most significant impact remains the image of Democrats weaponizing agencies against political enemies. Didn’t Democrats learn anything from the fall of Nixon?
A search warrant violates the rights of the accused.
A search warrant is only valid if there is sufficient evidence of a crime to warrant the invasion of privacy.
A search warrant has to specify the particular crime that authorizes the search.
If there is no crime, then a search warrant is invalid.
Its known as a "fishing expedition".

You already know this, but people who care about civil liberties care about these things. The boot licking authoritarians who populate this board do not.

The sad thing is they are not even attempting to prop up their own power, but power-by-proxy: the power of crooked politicians. And yes, they are all crooked. So at least prop up the ones who will leave you alone.

But this is too much logic for authoritarians. It's all lizard-brain, all the time.
Never went anywhere because Hilkary was protected by a proven criminal FBI & DOJ. Comey testified under oath that Hillary lied to Congress & broke laws, then he lied about her having no intent to.committ crimes and her being too stupid to know she was breaking laws.

Snowflakes say she is 'innocent' because she was protected from warranted prosecution. At the same time, for the last 6 years, you hypocritically do not afford the same to Trump, repeatedly claiming Trump is a criminal and is guilty of anything and everything despite that he is as innocent as Hillary, having never been prosecuted.

Shame on hypocritical snowflakes and Democrats.
Save your self-righteous anger. How many times did Congress hold hearings on Whitewater, Benghazi, emails, etc.? Results? Crickets.
The points about Hillary's emails were that she was using her own email server, so it was not necessarily secure enough, and that by using her own server and cellphones instead of State Department email and cellphones, that nothing was being retained for public disclosure, as required by the Freedom of Information Act.

Retaining classified documents did not violate either of these restrictions.
So a storage room in a semi-public building is secure? How did the docs get transported? Was that secure? Who has seen the documents?
When republicans would not support investigating or convicting Trump for any crime whatsoever they get to claim any investigation is partisan.
Yes, we all do.
For example, our medical records, which HIPAA has classified as restricted.
But that is silly because a president has "need to know" about everything, and does not lose that after their term in office, for the documents they handled during their term in office.

Having a need to know does not mean you are not required to protect what you know
the power of crooked politicians. And yes, they are all crooked. So at least prop up the ones who will leave you alone.
No, they are not all crooked.
To asserts such is simple naivete' of those who have not had to work with or within civic or governmental functions. I have. And many of the elected folks I have dealt with are honorable admirable people. Some, of course, are not. But we all know that caveat can be applied to leaders of our churches, businesses, schools. Good people go into politics for good reasons. And they work honorably. But make no mistake about the frequent nature of their work.....much of it is grounded in conflict. Meaning, Group X wants this. Group Y doesn't. One of them is gonna be dissatisfied with the decision. And will blame who they think prevented them from getting their own simplistic version of whatever.

But for others to claim all politicians are crooked is lazy thinking, and a retreat to cynicism as an excuse to not even attempt to understand the complexities and nuances of policy work. And that lazy cynicism is creating the current atmosphere of hostility towards America's governance today.

No, they are not all crooked.
To asserts such is simple naivete' of those who have not had to work with or within civic or governmental functions. I have. And many of the elected folks I have dealt with are honorable admirable people. Some, of course, are not. But we all know that caveat can be applied to leaders of our churches, businesses, schools. Good people go into politics for good reasons. And they work honorably. But make no mistake about the frequent nature of their work.....much of it is grounded in conflict. Meaning, Group X wants this. Group Y doesn't. One of them is gonna be dissatisfied with the decision. And will blame who they think prevented them from getting their own simplistic version of whatever.

But for others to claim all politicians are crooked is lazy thinking, and a retreat to cynicism as an excuse to not even attempt to understand the complexities and nuances of policy work. And that lazy cynicism is creating the current atmosphere of hostility towards America's governance today.


Then they are outliers.

Because it takes a certain amount of egotism to ask people to vote for you, to campaign for something, and the higher you go, the more true this is. It's one thing to ask your neighbors to vote for you for school board. It's another to ask the state to vote for you for governor or senate. And once you get to the national level, you are almost exclusively dealing with egomaniacs. You have to be. Regular people don't run for such offices.

Conservatives seem to understand this but liberals do not. For whatever reason.
The New York Times reported:

At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

Four who were some of the 100 spy guys who wrote a previous tetter?
At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

Sounds to me there was a bit of either ignorance or deceit involved.
It would be curious as to what those "four people with knowledge" thought.
Did they think it was deceitful?
Or did they think it was simple ignorance?

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