Bureau of Land Management vs Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, and the US Constitution


i'm not lamenting the justified shooting of an armed terrorist. you are.

I'm not celebrating the unjustified shooting of an American rancher, you are.

nope. there has been no such shooting, so how could i celebrate it?

do you pal around with terrorists in real life or just offer support online?

Are you blind to tyranny in real life or just online?

Are you a member of the federal gestapo?


to what tyranny, specifically, do you think i'm blind?

Yep - also naive and stupid


Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No it wasn't.

The man was reaching for his gun.

Stop lying.

Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No it wasn't.

The man was reaching for his gun.

Stop lying.



Just who do you think you are?

You can't talk to me that way.

Have some class and self respect.

If you want to debate me I'm all for it but you'll have to behave like a mature adult. Using honest facts.

I will point that yes he could have slammed into those cars but like the coward he is, he didn't want to hurt himself. So he didn't slam into them. He got out of that truck, put his arms out briefly then reached for his gun.

When you do that expect to be killed.
No it wasn't.

The man was reaching for his gun.

Stop lying.
No it wasn't.

The man was reaching for his gun.

Stop lying.


why do you love terrorists?


i'm not lamenting the justified shooting of an armed terrorist. you are.

I'm not celebrating the unjustified shooting of an American rancher, you are.

I fought the law and the law won

Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

Listen Retard

If he meant to harm the federal gestapo he would have driven his SUV into the barricade and/or come out with guns blazing.

That did not happen.

Set your socialist/government supremacist prejudice aside.


Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

Listen Retard

If he meant to harm the federal gestapo he would have driven his SUV into the barricade and/or come out with guns blazing.

That did not happen.

Set your socialist/government supremacist prejudice aside.


oh so you are in the snack gang's head now? Stop wasting our time here gramps :talktothehand: You are ASSuming "stuff"

Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

Listen Retard

If he meant to harm the federal gestapo he would have driven his SUV into the barricade and/or come out with guns blazing.

That did not happen.

Set your socialist/government supremacist prejudice aside.


Hands up is such a difficult concept for conservatives
Believe me, I am sympathetic. I had a judge fine me $60 for parking a car with an expired plate on it on a public street. I wrote the judge demanding to know where in the constitution was he given that power. The SOB never even answered my letter!

Since the 1960's SCOTUS fucktards found that they are immune from lawsuits. They can stick it to you with impunity.


Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

Listen Retard

If he meant to harm the federal gestapo he would have driven his SUV into the barricade and/or come out with guns blazing.

That did not happen.

Set your socialist/government supremacist prejudice aside.


That would have made his expected life span even shorter, but I have to admit that this guy did not spend a whole lot of time thinking about the future results of his actions....

Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

He was shot 11 times by some reports................BUT YOU DA MAN.........DA GIRL.........Get shot and your hands would still be up..............that is rumored and yet unconfirmed.................No sound on the video..............Was he reaching down because he just got hit I'm not sure..............

Early on, he should have gave up at the first stop............don't know why he did that...............

Doesn't matter...........the BLM has been abusive in many cases in this country............Have went to court after abusing people and lost...............yet got away without the consequences of those actions.

What report? I'd like to see that.

Is The Bureau Of Land Management Attempting A Land Grab On The Red River? - Texas Monthly

Those reports have been receiving renewed attention this week, as rancher Ken Aderholt of Harrold took to the media to talk once again about what he describes as another attempted land grab from the BLM:

[H]is land could soon be in the hands of the Bureau of Land Management. Aderholt, like many other Red River property owners, has been told that the land his family has owned for over 70 years is no longer his.

“The BLM is saying we should have never had a deed to it. That Texas should have never produced that deed,” Aderholt said.[…]

According to the Bureau of Land Management, the true boundary is about half a mile inland, or roughly 600 of Aderholt’s 1,250 acres.

Aderholt’s house is located inside the 600 acres the BLM wants to claim. While he’s been notified the land could be taken, he has not been told what the U.S. government plans to do with it.

Is anybody doing anything about this?

Oh, yeah. Texas being Texas, people at all levels of government in the state have expressed their support for the deed holders on the Red River and their opposition to the Bureau of Land Management. When the story broke last year, everyone from Rick Perry to Ted Cruz to Patterson to then-Attorney General Greg Abbott insisted that the federal government wasn’t going to come in and take Texans’ land with out a fight. Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) introduced legislation last summer that would A) require the BLM conduct a survey to prove its case within a two-year timespan, with wide appeal powers for deed holders, and B) force the BLM to then sell the land it claims ownership of to the deed holders at “no less than market value.” That bill made it out of committee in September, which is a big step toward passage.

- See more at: Is The Bureau Of Land Management Attempting A Land Grab On The Red River? - Texas Monthly

Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

He was shot 11 times by some reports................BUT YOU DA MAN.........DA GIRL.........Get shot and your hands would still be up..............that is rumored and yet unconfirmed.................No sound on the video..............Was he reaching down because he just got hit I'm not sure..............

Early on, he should have gave up at the first stop............don't know why he did that...............

Doesn't matter...........the BLM has been abusive in many cases in this country............Have went to court after abusing people and lost...............yet got away without the consequences of those actions.

What report? I'd like to see that.

I'll wait for the coroners report on this one..........speculation from some there...........not confirmed.

One of the first engagements with the Bundy ranch as the BLM seize their cattle.......They killed the cattle and then buried them with a back hoe..................

Did the same to the Dann Sisters.............Killed their horses basically through STARVATION..........Killed their cows the same way.

The fascists/socialist motherfuckers at USMB don't give a shit about things like that - they get fed via food stamps.


Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

He was shot 11 times by some reports................BUT YOU DA MAN.........DA GIRL.........Get shot and your hands would still be up..............that is rumored and yet unconfirmed.................No sound on the video..............Was he reaching down because he just got hit I'm not sure..............

Early on, he should have gave up at the first stop............don't know why he did that...............

Doesn't matter...........the BLM has been abusive in many cases in this country............Have went to court after abusing people and lost...............yet got away without the consequences of those actions.

What report? I'd like to see that.

I'll wait for the coroners report on this one..........speculation from some there...........not confirmed.

That's what I thought.
i'm not lamenting the justified shooting of an armed terrorist. you are.

I'm not celebrating the unjustified shooting of an American rancher, you are.

nope. there has been no such shooting, so how could i celebrate it?

do you pal around with terrorists in real life or just offer support online?

Are you blind to tyranny in real life or just online?

Are you a member of the federal gestapo?


to what tyranny, specifically, do you think i'm blind?

Yep - also naive and stupid

no no no... you don't get to claim there's tyranny and then duck out from naming it.

what tyranny do you believe i am not seeing?

One of the first engagements with the Bundy ranch as the BLM seize their cattle.......They killed the cattle and then buried them with a back hoe..................

Did the same to the Dann Sisters.............Killed their horses basically through STARVATION..........Killed their cows the same way.

The fascists/socialist motherfuckers at USMB don't give a shit about things like that - they get fed via food stamps.



They weren't playing a game Scooter.

The LEO community gave those dummies PLENTY of time to leave on their own accord for weeks, so spare us
Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader.
When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The continuous criminal enterprise continues to slaughter Americans , perpetrate treason against the Constitution while the narcotized populace pick their collective noses and propel and avowed socialist to the Whitehouse.

For shame

What land have they grabbed?

You do realize that the land where that sanctuary is was BOUGHT over 100 years ago by the US federal government don't you?

Ever hear of a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt?

He was president a the beginning of the 20th century.

He had the federal government BUY that land from those who owned it which is what the constitution requires.

So there is no land grab.

Stop lying.


"Notice, those lands have to be specifically ceded by the states through consent of the state legislatures; they cannot be taken arbitrarily by government. The federal government got around this by making federal ownership of large parts of Western territories a condition of statehood. This had never been done to any state until the territories west of the Dakotas, down through Texas became states. Nevada was literally robbed of 84.5% of its land. In most western states the federal government owns more than half of the land mass. This is outrageous. Here is a link to a map showing the sad facts."

So now you have to lie and change the subject.

That land at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was BOUGHT by the federal government.

There was no land grab.

If any land was designated federal land at any time and it was owned by a private citizen the constitution requirers that the government pay that private citizen fair market value for that land.

If you have to lie, call me names, use extremely vulgar language and try to change the subject, just how valid is your point? And why should anyone pay any attention to one word you post?

Stop lying.


Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
was established on August 18, 1908, by President Theodore Roosevelt as the Lake Malheur Reservation. Roosevelt set aside unclaimed government lands encompassed by Malheur, Mud and Harney Lakes “as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds.” The newly established “Lake Malheur Reservation” was the 19th of 51 wildlife refuges created by Roosevelt during his tenure as president. At the time, Malheur was the third refuge in Oregon and one of only six refuges west of the Mississippi.

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Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader.
When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The continuous criminal enterprise continues to slaughter Americans , perpetrate treason against the Constitution while the narcotized populace pick their collective noses and propel and avowed socialist to the Whitehouse.

For shame

What land have they grabbed?

You do realize that the land where that sanctuary is was BOUGHT over 100 years ago by the US federal government don't you?

Ever hear of a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt?

He was president a the beginning of the 20th century.

He had the federal government BUY that land from those who owned it which is what the constitution requires.

So there is no land grab.

Stop lying.


"Notice, those lands have to be specifically ceded by the states through consent of the state legislatures; they cannot be taken arbitrarily by government. The federal government got around this by making federal ownership of large parts of Western territories a condition of statehood. This had never been done to any state until the territories west of the Dakotas, down through Texas became states. Nevada was literally robbed of 84.5% of its land. In most western states the federal government owns more than half of the land mass. This is outrageous. Here is a link to a map showing the sad facts."
You lose.

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