Burger King Moves North to Canada for Tax Reasons.

So to escape oppressive American federal taxes on businesses, Burger King is engaged in negotiations with Tim Horton to acquire the Canadian company and move the headquarters there making Burger King a Canadian company and lowering their tax rates from 35% to 15%. Great for them, they are looking out for their stockholders and customers by keeping returns up and prices down. They are great Americans!

Great Americans do not give government money because our greedy politicians want it for their greedy liberal voters. Great Americans do the right thing, and that is what Burger King is trying to do.

Hey, remember how all the liberals keep saying our corporate tax rates are not high, they are low? So why are all these American companies trying to get out?

Burger King is not the bad guy here, the Triad regime of Obama, Harry and Nancy are. Let's not attack Burger King for wanting to leave, let's make it attractive for them to stay. THAT, is the right thing to do...

Burger King did exactly what the US Secretary of State did when he was Senator of Massachusetts: Move their taxable asset to another jurisdiction that did not charge as much in taxes. What is the difference?
So to escape oppressive American federal taxes on businesses, Burger King is engaged in negotiations with Tim Horton to acquire the Canadian company and move the headquarters there making Burger King a Canadian company and lowering their tax rates from 35% to 15%. Great for them, they are looking out for their stockholders and customers by keeping returns up and prices down. They are great Americans!

Great Americans do not give government money because our greedy politicians want it for their greedy liberal voters. Great Americans do the right thing, and that is what Burger King is trying to do.

Hey, remember how all the liberals keep saying our corporate tax rates are not high, they are low? So why are all these American companies trying to get out?

Burger King is not the bad guy here, the Triad regime of Obama, Harry and Nancy are. Let's not attack Burger King for wanting to leave, let's make it attractive for them to stay. THAT, is the right thing to do...

Burger King did exactly what the US Secretary of State did when he was Senator of Massachusetts: Move their taxable asset to another jurisdiction that did not charge as much in taxes. What is the difference?

Was that out of country?
Tax code is moronic. Clearly the authors of these codes have to know what people and corporations are going to do to minimize their tax. We even have professional that earn their living telling people what and how to do it. Simplified tax code that does nothing more than pay for Constitutionally granted expenditures would end or severely slow the insanity.
Well, then, I strongly advise republicans to write their representatives and ask them to pass a bill lowering corporate taxes on foreign earnings, and send it to the senate. That way, if the senate does not pass it, they can blame the democrats.
Now that is the kind of political posturing that has the majority of Americans despising Congress.....
:laugh2: I'm listening to Sean Innanity on the air right now, trying to pretend he doesn't know what Tim Horton's is and whining about the evil corporate taxes --- always wording it in such a way that he cannot connect that motive to the event. He doesn't need to; all he needs to do is state them side by side and let the gullible make the association because he knows they won't stop and ask "where do these dots connect?" Power of suggestion.

Seeding the gullible. Not hard to see how this crap gets started.
I always wondered who constituted Hannity's audience!

Thank you for sharing.

Dat's me -- people who didn't get up to turn the radio off after the ball game is over. You're welcome.

The thing is, he's not usually this funny.
Well, I enjoyed slogging through this one.

I read the article about an hour ago and decided to post it. However, Kaz beat me to it. Not much gets by Kaz.


Whatever the reason, you have a U.S. corporation merging with a Canadian corporation and moving it's headquarters to Canada.

That says something about who has the better deal.

The could have bought Tim Hortons and kept their headquarters in Miami.

But they didn't.

Miami vs. Canada.

The weather certainly wasn't the determining factor (I am only guessing).
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I have not seen this much drama since I was in my high school senior class play.

Here is the situation in a nutshell.

BK wants to avoid paying US taxes on foreign earned profits. To do this, they buy a Canadian chain and move their headquarters, which probably means that 2 or 3 guys in Canada are given the title of CEO of the combined operation, but actually, BK remains run by US people, for their Brazilian owners.

The Right goes into a total drama queen melt down over this. They want to change US tax law so that foreign profits are taxed at foreign rates.

Guess what folks. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE! Either way, BK saves money and the US loses the same amount of tax dollars! The only difference is the 2 or 3 people in Canada who get to call themselves CEO and CFO of the combined company, which is nothing but a front, anyway.

...so Burger King is talking about going to Canada, trying to ditch the 35% tax rate for Canada's 15%.

the news said "21 companies have started a similar process" , "most of them are health care companies"

so Obama passed obamacare where those of us that work have to buy health care, and be forced customers, and these health care companies are going to set up in other countries so they can ditch the taxes, and probably some restrictions Obamacare places on them (if any)
First off where have you been that you just heard about it? Second there is already a thread on it. Third the story was just rumor.
I have not seen this much drama since I was in my high school senior class play.

Here is the situation in a nutshell.

BK wants to avoid paying US taxes on foreign earned profits. To do this, they buy a Canadian chain and move their headquarters, which probably means that 2 or 3 guys in Canada are given the title of CEO of the combined operation, but actually, BK remains run by US people, for their Brazilian owners.

The Right goes into a total drama queen melt down over this. They want to change US tax law so that foreign profits are taxed at foreign rates.

Guess what folks. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE! Either way, BK saves money and the US loses the same amount of tax dollars! The only difference is the 2 or 3 people in Canada who get to call themselves CEO and CFO of the combined company, which is nothing but a front, anyway.


If that's the case, then why is Obama whining about the loss in revenue to the federal government?
Other countries can set corporate taxes lower because they make up the difference in other taxes.
What I like most about this story is that Warren Buffet that higher tax advocate mouthpiece of the Obama admin. who owes almost a billion in back taxes himself is facilitating the move

It's just not that complicated. Provide clear incentives for people or businesses to do something, and they'll often do it. Provide DIS-incentives for them to do something, and they'll often do it. BK got a better deal somewhere else, just as dozens of companies have, so they ran with it.

If you get a better deal on a refrigerator, you'll probably take it.

Let's just pass laws that trap them here; increase taxes on them; slap a few more layers of regulations on them; tweak the ACA up a few notches that cost them more. I'm sure that will make everything better. What could go wrong?


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