Burial for Jews in the First Century,


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
In the first century was the belief that the spirit leaves the body within 72 hours , 3 days.

I ask because I have read this and then Lazarus would not of had a spirit when Jesus resurrected him, but just a body. He was in the tomb for 4 days,

according to the gospels.
1) Lazarus was one of the combined
christ's lover (the naked rich boy seen fleeing Jesus' cabin), so most likely he was financing this maggis show benny hinn like scam. Remember self testimony is not valid-John 5:3I.
Either Rome made up the story to compete or plagiarize other mythologies or this was a ruse using self testimony
2)Another possibility is in understanding what being cast out to die and coming back from the dead means.
When they expelled you from the "kingdom" outside the walls of YeruShalem was the firey trash dump aka pit and they called you the dead as in being no more to them-to be remembered no more=dead. Some people were allowed to return from the dead and back into the community. Raised from being an outcasted to returning back to acceptance. The Christ who's lover was Lazarus, you usefor the Jesus character, would have argued his case to being his lover Lazarus back. Therefore Jesus brought back Lazarus into the community.

A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, According to this seemingly authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus had an active bisexual love life,including relationswith John, Lazarus and Mary Magdelene.
Also validating that: is
in the missing portions of Mark it shows Jesus sleeping with a naked young rich man, but also the NT validates this:
"...there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold of him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." (Mark 14:51-52). Was this the companion that Luke observed with Jesus inside the garden?

"...he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day..."(Amos 2:16----the Hebrew 'labab' translated 'flee away' here, actually means 'transported with love', and also 'ravished'). Now that certainly fits this episode of the young man fleeing away naked from Jesus outside the garden of Gethsemane.

Who was this young man if not perhaps the rich man whom "Then Jesus beholding him, loved him..."(Mark 10:21). Perhaps it was the rich man Lazarus, of whom "...he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth..."(John 11:11----The Greek 'philos' translated 'friend', also means 'dear' and 'fond of').
sheeeesh shev, cast, not, your pearls before swine. I always thought the young guy with the towel
around his waist ------had just taken a bath
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

titus was the homo running around naked? sheeeeehs HOW THE MIGHTY HATH FALLEN----
on his back?
sheeeesh shev, cast, not, your pearls before swine. I always thought the young guy with the towel
around his waist ------had just taken a bath

Did you not cast the first stone at
Michael Jackson when he was caught sleeping with young boys?
Then why give the Jesus character any difference in opinion?
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

titus was the homo running around naked? sheeeeehs HOW THE MIGHTY HATH FALLEN----
on his back?

Not naked, without his armor. They tried to seize him but could not.
..bad odor...

Read the whole thing. Jesus is teaching.
Bible Gateway passage: John 11:1-44 - New International Version

Yes for the glory of God, they had started the mourning process already. He has been dead for 4 days. We are not talking the death of the body , the spirit leaves the body in 3 days (according to jewish tradition), even Jesus was dead for only 3 days, and Jonah according to the scriptures.
I never cast a stone at Michael Jackson.

As to jesus------luke said it and luke was GREEK and everyone know all about GREEKS
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.
Wasn't Titus 70ad?
According to your without sources comment you'd be calling anyone parading around half dressed as being the person mentioned in scripture, even though Matthew says it was Lazarus. Nice try propaganda pusher.
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.

what "message"?? Your writing conveys that which you express---you state that you KNOW

what other people THINK----indicating that YOU are psychotic
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.

what "message"?? Your writing conveys that which you express---you state that you KNOW

what other people THINK----indicating that YOU are psychotic
I ask a simple question and none of you can answer it, its 72 hours, 3 days, the spirit leaves the body in 3 days so Lazarus could not be back to life, only his body.
Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.

what "message"?? Your writing conveys that which you express---you state that you KNOW

what other people THINK----indicating that YOU are psychotic
I ask a simple question and none of you can answer it, its 72 hours, 3 days, the spirit leaves the body in 3 days so Lazarus could not be back to life, only his body.

only a DOLT would describe the interface between SPIRIT and body as a "SIMPLE" question----
there no DOGMATIC answers to such complex concepts in Judaism------just LOTS OF DISCUSSSION ---
you are thinking of RC and the magical transformation of little cookies into THE BODY of some dead guy
Wasn't Titus 70ad?
According to your without sources comment you'd be calling anyone parading around half dressed as being the person mentioned in scripture, even though Matthew says it was Lazarus. Nice try propaganda pusher.

Titus was the man in the garden with the cloth, he was without his armor on according to Josephus. As we know the captured Jews within the walls of the temple area were starved to death and they ate the dead, cannibalism. As we know in the old testament it predicts this.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.

what "message"?? Your writing conveys that which you express---you state that you KNOW

what other people THINK----indicating that YOU are psychotic
I ask a simple question and none of you can answer it, its 72 hours, 3 days, the spirit leaves the body in 3 days so Lazarus could not be back to life, only his body.

only a DOLT would describe the interface between SPIRIT and body as a "SIMPLE" question----
there no DOGMATIC answers to such complex concepts in Judaism------just LOTS OF DISCUSSSION ---
you are thinking of RC and the magical transformation of little cookies into THE BODY of some dead guy

No this is the burial period according to your bible and the NT and Jewish writings. You prepare the body the same day of death if possible and bury or put into a tomb within 3 days. Of course many of you think differently about it , as time passed but this is the way it was in the NT and OT. No I am not talking about communion. If Lazarus was brought back to life only his body was, but he was not alive, he had no spirit.

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