Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters
I absolutely hate it.

And I'll defend it.

Defend the flag or the bvurning of the flag?

If I see any miscreant commies burning the flag I will take it and save it and give it a proper burial.

I have sworn to defend that flag and that oath is not ended.
I'd hate seeing it, and I'd defend the burning.

And I'd help you dig.
I absolutely hate it.

And I'll defend it.

Defend the flag or the bvurning of the flag?

If I see any miscreant commies burning the flag I will take it and save it and give it a proper burial.

I have sworn to defend that flag and that oath is not ended.

You actually think you took an oath to "defend" a piece of cloth?

Against what? Moths? Guano?

Doooooon't think so Hunior -- roll tape.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

----- where exactly do you see any reference to a piece of cloth there, fetish-boi?

Maybe you should have actually paid attention to what you were vowing to. Then you might have noticed the word "Constitution". Maybe you should have been made to swear not to lie about it too.

DAMN, JimBlowme --- takes a real sleazeball to swear to defend the Constitution, then lie about what the oath was, then spit on that oath by attacking the very First Amendment OF that same Constitution.
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Wouldn't do it personally and the people that do are fools but it is a freedom of speech issue.
So is burning a cross; yuou OK with that too?

The fact is that some forms of speech should not fall under the category of protected speech, and the SCOTUS got it brain-dead wrong on this one.

That’s also a free speech issue. Would never do so myself, but I am awfully glad when morons self-identify. It makes avoiding them all the easier.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
Protest against government is a true act of patriotism, including burning the flag.

Then feel free to do it in front of me. Just have your life insurance paid up because defense of those colors is far more patriotic than burning them.

Your response is a great reason why flag burning should be illegal. Although the act itself is legal, it has the potential to start a riot which is illegal. Burning a flag serves no purpose other than to stick your middle finger at other people, which some people may not take kindly to.

-------------- and whose fault would that be?

Think about it. Again, no "offense" can exist without two parties mutually agreeing it is one.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

That ain't an "oath", Oaf. The military Oath is what I posted up there in 363 to bust your ass into a fine powder.

What you have here is a worship prayer to a fetish. One which pledges fealty to an inanimate object and shoves the country to a subordinate position so it could sell flags --- which is exactly what it was written to do in 1892. And it AIN'T the Oath that military inductees take, NOR does it say jack shit about "defending" anything --- which you yourself invoked in your lame-ass attempt to sell this bullshit.

Good god you must be living on a spring of Stupid, in the city of Clueless, the capital of the state of Ignoramia.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

That ain't an "oath", Oaf. The military Oath is what I posted up there in 363 to bust your ass into a fine powder.

What you have here is a worship prayer to a fetish. One which pledges fealty to an inanimate object and shoves the country to a subordinate position so it could sell flags --- which is exactly what it was written to do in 1892. And it AIN'T the Oath that military inductees take.

Good god you must be living on a spring of Stupid, in the city of Clueless, the capital of the state of Ignoramia.
Pogo, I think everyone here knows you have no allegiance to our Republic or its flag.

You c an go back to your antiTrump chew toy now.
Wouldn't do it personally and the people that do are fools but it is a freedom of speech issue.
So is burning a cross; yuou OK with that too?

The fact is that some forms of speech should not fall under the category of protected speech, and the SCOTUS got it brain-dead wrong on this one.

I'm curious just which forms of speech you feel should not be protected, and why. Unpopular speech being protected is the only way the first amendment means anything, but there can clearly be exceptions.
So you think it should be illegal to give someone the finger?

No, but when I put 2 holes in your chest and 1 in your face for doing so, I should be able to claim self-defense.

BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

You really are quite the 'tard, aren't you? Here, let me help you out with some definitions.........................

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
  1. a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something: a pledge of aid; a pledge not to wage war.
  2. something delivered as security for the payment of a debt or fulfillment of a promise, and subject to forfeiture on failure to pay or fulfill the promise.
  3. the state of being given or held as security: to put a thing in pledge.
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural oaths [ohth z, ohths] /oʊðz, oʊθs/.
  1. a solemn appeal to a deity, or to some revered person or thing, to witness one's determination to speak the truth, to keep a promise, etc.: to testify upon oath.
  2. a statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
  3. a formally affirmed statement or promise accepted as an equivalent of an appeal to a deity or to a revered person or thing; affirmation.

So, what you did in school was a pledge, not an oath, because it was a promise of allegiance to the flag, but was not sworn to a deity. An oath is a solemn promise that is sworn to something revered or a deity.

Yes, what I did in school was say a PLEDGE, not an oath.

What I did whenever I reenlisted was an OATH, not a pledge.

It would help if you understood the difference. And, I swore to God that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and apparently....................you are one of the domestic ones because you don't believe in free speech.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

You really are quite the 'tard, aren't you? Here, let me help you out with some definitions.........................

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
  1. a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something: a pledge of aid; a pledge not to wage war.
  2. something delivered as security for the payment of a debt or fulfillment of a promise, and subject to forfeiture on failure to pay or fulfill the promise.
  3. the state of being given or held as security: to put a thing in pledge.
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural oaths [ohth z, ohths] /oʊðz, oʊθs/.
  1. a solemn appeal to a deity, or to some revered person or thing, to witness one's determination to speak the truth, to keep a promise, etc.: to testify upon oath.
  2. a statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
  3. a formally affirmed statement or promise accepted as an equivalent of an appeal to a deity or to a revered person or thing; affirmation.

So, what you did in school was a pledge, not an oath, because it was a promise of allegiance to the flag, but was not sworn to a deity. An oath is a solemn promise that is sworn to something revered or a deity.

Yes, what I did in school was say a PLEDGE, not an oath.

What I did whenever I reenlisted was an OATH, not a pledge.

It would help if you understood the difference. And, I swore to God that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and apparently....................you are one of the domestic ones because you don't believe in free speech.

Way to go if one wants to prove he's a hippie faggot.
BS they did not die defending the "flag". They died defending the America and the Constitution, which includes the right to freedom of speech
You dont know what the fuck you are talking about,Dude.

I know what he's talking about because I swore that same oath 5 times during my 20 year Naval career. We didn't swear an oath to the flag of the US, but rather swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

You qualify as one of the domestic enemies that I swore to defend the Constitution from. You want citizens to revere the flag over the Constitution. Sorry dude, but the Constitution is what formed this country and keeps it going, not some scrap of cloth that has 3 colors on it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to th e Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Yeah, maybe you never said that pledge, which would only indicate how fucked up our military discipline and morale have bec ome.

Did you say it at lest during school?

Is that allegiance over now, biker?

You really are quite the 'tard, aren't you? Here, let me help you out with some definitions.........................

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
  1. a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something: a pledge of aid; a pledge not to wage war.
  2. something delivered as security for the payment of a debt or fulfillment of a promise, and subject to forfeiture on failure to pay or fulfill the promise.
  3. the state of being given or held as security: to put a thing in pledge.
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural oaths [ohth z, ohths] /oʊðz, oʊθs/.
  1. a solemn appeal to a deity, or to some revered person or thing, to witness one's determination to speak the truth, to keep a promise, etc.: to testify upon oath.
  2. a statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
  3. a formally affirmed statement or promise accepted as an equivalent of an appeal to a deity or to a revered person or thing; affirmation.

So, what you did in school was a pledge, not an oath, because it was a promise of allegiance to the flag, but was not sworn to a deity. An oath is a solemn promise that is sworn to something revered or a deity.

Yes, what I did in school was say a PLEDGE, not an oath.

What I did whenever I reenlisted was an OATH, not a pledge.

It would help if you understood the difference. And, I swore to God that I would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and apparently....................you are one of the domestic ones because you don't believe in free speech.

Way to go if one wants to prove he's a hippie faggot.

Hippie, yes. Faggot no. Better educated than you? Definitely.

Besides, after serving this country for over 20 years in the military, I think I have the right to grow my hair long, and wear tie dye and sandals.

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