Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters
Is there a rash of flag burnt no I am not aware of? Seriously folks, are there flags being burned across the fruited plain?

Of course burning the flag is a political statement. And that's a right protected by the very first amendment. Remember, it's unpopular speech that needs protection. No one is going ape over someone proclaiming their love of chocolate sundaes.

Burning the flag is speech, more so than money, but let's argue the Citizens United case elsewhere. Burning a flag yields little heat so flags make a,poor choice of fuel. Burning flags provide a short term source of light, so no one is going to replace their LED bulbs with burning flags. The one and only reason to burn a flag is to make a political statement. Therefore flag burning is a,protected right under our constitution.

By the way, I love a good chocolate sundae.

Hey, fuck you I love chocolate sundaes! There should be a law I tells ya'!!1!


The whole idea of "sundaes" is just unfair. Cuts out the other six days of the week.

It's Dayism, let's just admit it.
An American citizen exercising their freedom of speech to burn a flag is evil to many cons, but a US president prostrating himself before a North Korean general and saluting that piece of shit gets a pass from them.

These are people that are clueless about what America is and what the Constitution is. They don't think these things important, they think their feelings regarding these things are important. Ignorance incarnate.

An American citizen who burns the American flag is an Anti-American asshole.

Protest against government is a true act of patriotism, including burning the flag.

Then feel free to do it in front of me. Just have your life insurance paid up because defense of those colors is far more patriotic than burning them.

Spoken like the true fetishist thug dupe you are. The same kind of thug that demanded Earnest Starr had to kiss a flag.

Fuck you and your childish fetish and your pathetic threats born out of your own pathetic insecurities.

Spoken like the true fetishist thug dupe you are. The same kind of thug that demanded Earnest Starr had to kiss a flag.

I wouldn’t have forced him to kiss it. I would have had him tortured to dear in a room with the walls and failing covered in flags, then had him buried in a flag lined coffin, wrapped in a flag so his Soul would never be st rest.
I am both for and against flag burning. I'm for burning when it's conducted as part of a respectful flag retirement ceremony, against it as a form of protest.

I agree that the rendering of LEGAL TO BURN THE USA FLAG---was
a serious mistake. Does anyone know if burning national flags is "LEGAL"
in any other land?

Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark and others it's legal.

I really don't understand the outrage of the legality of burning the flag, it doesn't harm the country.

The outrage is because it's blasphemy.

And it's only blasphemy because we made it into a god, to be worshiped and bowed before and genuflected before and sung praises and poems to and folded a certain way and yammer yammer rama rama ding dong.

Had we not gone down that kinky fetishism road, there would have been no host for the parasite of idolatry to suck on. And hence, blasphemy would have been impossible.

Fetishism is kind of a weird trip.

oh -----ok ----so next time you take your love to dinner----spit in the
soup tureen ----after all------IT IS NOT A GOD
I am both for and against flag burning. I'm for burning when it's conducted as part of a respectful flag retirement ceremony, against it as a form of protest.

I agree that the rendering of LEGAL TO BURN THE USA FLAG---was
a serious mistake. Does anyone know if burning national flags is "LEGAL"
in any other land?

Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark and others it's legal.

I really don't understand the outrage of the legality of burning the flag, it doesn't harm the country.

The outrage is because it's blasphemy.

And it's only blasphemy because we made it into a god, to be worshiped and bowed before and genuflected before and sung praises and poems to and folded a certain way and yammer yammer rama rama ding dong.

Had we not gone down that kinky fetishism road, there would have been no host for the parasite of idolatry to suck on. And hence, blasphemy would have been impossible.

Fetishism is kind of a weird trip.

oh -----ok ----so next time you take your love to dinner----spit in the
soup tureen ----after all------IT IS NOT A GOD

That's somebody's private property. It's not even close to the same thing. A proper analogy would be somebody spitting in their own soup bowl...who cares?
An American citizen exercising their freedom of speech to burn a flag is evil to many cons, but a US president prostrating himself before a North Korean general and saluting that piece of shit gets a pass from them.

These are people that are clueless about what America is and what the Constitution is. They don't think these things important, they think their feelings regarding these things are important. Ignorance incarnate.

An American citizen who burns the American flag is an Anti-American asshole.


I am both for and against flag burning. I'm for burning when it's conducted as part of a respectful flag retirement ceremony, against it as a form of protest.

I agree that the rendering of LEGAL TO BURN THE USA FLAG---was
a serious mistake. Does anyone know if burning national flags is "LEGAL"
in any other land?

Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark and others it's legal.

I really don't understand the outrage of the legality of burning the flag, it doesn't harm the country.

The outrage is because it's blasphemy.

And it's only blasphemy because we made it into a god, to be worshiped and bowed before and genuflected before and sung praises and poems to and folded a certain way and yammer yammer rama rama ding dong.

Had we not gone down that kinky fetishism road, there would have been no host for the parasite of idolatry to suck on. And hence, blasphemy would have been impossible.

Fetishism is kind of a weird trip.

oh -----ok ----so next time you take your love to dinner----spit in the
soup tureen ----after all------IT IS NOT A GOD

That's somebody's private property. It's not even close to the same thing. A proper analogy would be somebody spitting in their own soup bowl...who cares?
Protest against government is a true act of patriotism, including burning the flag.

Then feel free to do it in front of me. Just have your life insurance paid up because defense of those colors is far more patriotic than burning them.

Your response is a great reason why flag burning should be illegal. Although the act itself is legal, it has the potential to start a riot which is illegal. Burning a flag serves no purpose other than to stick your middle finger at other people, which some people may not take kindly to.
Protest against government is a true act of patriotism, including burning the flag.

Then feel free to do it in front of me. Just have your life insurance paid up because defense of those colors is far more patriotic than burning them.

Your response is a great reason why flag burning should be illegal. Although the act itself is legal, it has the potential to start a riot which is illegal. Burning a flag serves no purpose other than to stick your middle finger at other people, which some people may not take kindly to.

So you think it should be illegal to give someone the finger?
Protest against government is a true act of patriotism, including burning the flag.

Then feel free to do it in front of me. Just have your life insurance paid up because defense of those colors is far more patriotic than burning them.

Your response is a great reason why flag burning should be illegal. Although the act itself is legal, it has the potential to start a riot which is illegal. Burning a flag serves no purpose other than to stick your middle finger at other people, which some people may not take kindly to.

So you think it should be illegal to give someone the finger?

Apparently he does.
I am both for and against flag burning. I'm for burning when it's conducted as part of a respectful flag retirement ceremony, against it as a form of protest.

I agree that the rendering of LEGAL TO BURN THE USA FLAG---was
a serious mistake. Does anyone know if burning national flags is "LEGAL"
in any other land?

Canada, Australia, Belgium, Denmark and others it's legal.

I really don't understand the outrage of the legality of burning the flag, it doesn't harm the country.

The outrage is because it's blasphemy.

And it's only blasphemy because we made it into a god, to be worshiped and bowed before and genuflected before and sung praises and poems to and folded a certain way and yammer yammer rama rama ding dong.

Had we not gone down that kinky fetishism road, there would have been no host for the parasite of idolatry to suck on. And hence, blasphemy would have been impossible.

Fetishism is kind of a weird trip.

oh -----ok ----so next time you take your love to dinner----spit in the
soup tureen ----after all------IT IS NOT A GOD

Are you snorting Drano again? :cuckoo:
Spoken like the true fetishist thug dupe you are. The same kind of thug that demanded Earnest Starr had to kiss a flag.

I wouldn’t have forced him to kiss it. I would have had him tortured to dear in a room with the walls and failing covered in flags, then had him buried in a flag lined coffin, wrapped in a flag so his Soul would never be st rest.

Of course you would. Because not only are you a childish imbecile, you're a fascist. Which is ironically the antithesis of what that flag actually represents.

So don't bother troubling yourself over somebody shitting on the flag. You just did it. And you're so intoxicated with your own dipshitic dystopia that you can't even see it.
I absolutely hate it.

And I'll defend it.

Defend the flag or the bvurning of the flag?

If I see any miscreant commies burning the flag I will take it and save it and give it a proper burial.

I have sworn to defend that flag and that oath is not ended.
Wouldn't do it personally and the people that do are fools but it is a freedom of speech issue.
So is burning a cross; yuou OK with that too?

The fact is that some forms of speech should not fall under the category of protected speech, and the SCOTUS got it brain-dead wrong on this one.

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