Bush didn't just lie........

He squashed 'Adolf' Hussein and company - -

Such the feeling of right wing extremist like yourself.
You opinion is just that and nothing more.

Prove it.
That is only in your little mind!

Face facts, Bush and Cheney were much better at foreign policy than this clown Obama and his gaffe machine Biden or his zero accomplishments former SOS Clinton.
We don't want the smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud
They will treat us as liberators
5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months....I can't envision it taking longer than that

You man Obama is a laughing stock among world leaders.

Meh I'm not concerned with the opinion of liberals, for example your opinion.
The wing nut thesis:

"everything would be peachy if only President Obama had continued the policies of George W. Bush. Except not the policy where Bush negotiated a withdrawal timeline and Obama stuck with it. The policy where Bush would have ignored that plan and continued occupying Iraq if he darn well felt like it."

The Great Helmsman
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Bush didn't just ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings - he later used fudged intel to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.
In the end......Bushs grand scheme blew up in his face

He wanted to reshape the Islamic world in his image. He would go down in history as the father of Democracy in the Islamic world. A couple of quick and easy invasions, the people treat us a liberators, free elections in two years and Democracy forever

Instead he opened the door to a civil war, long held hatreds came forward, the US became the invaders to be driven out. 7000 US dead, 100,000+ civilian dead, three trillion dollars, ten plus years
Now we have ISIS filling the power vacuum, uprisings throughout the Islamic world and the region is more unstable than ever
In the end......Bushs grand scheme blew up in his face

He wanted to reshape the Islamic world in his image. He would go down in history as the father of Democracy in the Islamic world. A couple of quick and easy invasions, the people treat us a liberators, free elections in two years and Democracy forever

Instead he opened the door to a civil war, long held hatreds came forward, the US became the invaders to be driven out. 7000 US dead, 100,000+ civilian dead, three trillion dollars, ten plus years
Now we have ISIS filling the power vacuum, uprisings throughout the Islamic world and the region is more unstable than ever
Everything was going fine until the Democrats played the race card.
Hillary supported it, voted to fund it, and supported the continuation of it. NO ONE LIED. Believing bad intel is not lying. Were the following lying: UN, EU, UK, Germany, Spain, Israel, Russia, Japan, both clintons, kerry, gore, and the dems who voted for it?

We get it that you hate bush and hate that he beat your clowns twice in close elections, We get it.

But Iraq belongs to all of them. Your partisan bullshit notwithstanding.
No, if you bother to read through this thread...they lied
It was not an honest mistake. It was a concerted effort to create an environment where war with Iraq was inevitable
They lied, misrepresented data, withheld data and wrapped themselves in the American flag to bring us to war

that is simply not true. the bad intel was accepted by everyone, every international security agency, the UN, the CIA, and the american congress.

It was bad intel. Why was it bad? a couple reasons, 1. Saddam thought he might stay in power if the world thought he had WMDs, 2. the breakdown of the US intelligence agencies when Clinton banned the sharing of data between the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence.
Actually, the intelligence was laughed at through most of the world. It was already widely discredited by the time Bush pulled the trigger on the attack

Yellow cake, aluminum tubes, mobile germ warfare labs

All bogus

The UN believed it. So did the intelligence agencies of the UK, Russia, Spain, Germany, Israel, et al.
The UN did not believe it

Their man on the ground told them otherwise and they withheld approval of the invasion

bullshit, you live in a libtardian fantasy world.
telling the truth is not spreading blame. History should record what actually happened, otherwise we will repeat the same mistakes.
Bush moved heaven and earth , spread misinformation contrived the war with single handed purpose ...that is the truth....Iraq belongs to Bush ...he busted up Humpty Dumpty and now all the Kings horse's and all the Kings men can't put Humpty Dumpty together again

you too live in libtardian fantasy world. History has recorded what happened and who was responsible, and, yes, Bush was one of them. But not the only one, not by a long shot.
telling the truth is not spreading blame. History should record what actually happened, otherwise we will repeat the same mistakes.
Bush moved heaven and earth , spread misinformation contrived the war with single handed purpose ...that is the truth....Iraq belongs to Bush ...he busted up Humpty Dumpty and now all the Kings horse's and all the Kings men can't put Humpty Dumpty together again
He squashed 'Adolf' Hussein and company - set up a government that was probably the most democratic That country had ever seen - along comes Barrack Saddam Hussein Obama and he fucked it all up -

So why did President Bush have to negotiate a SOFA with Iraq in 2008? Why didn't he get a long term agreement for the occupation?
In the end......Bushs grand scheme blew up in his face

He wanted to reshape the Islamic world in his image. He would go down in history as the father of Democracy in the Islamic world. A couple of quick and easy invasions, the people treat us a liberators, free elections in two years and Democracy forever

Instead he opened the door to a civil war, long held hatreds came forward, the US became the invaders to be driven out. 7000 US dead, 100,000+ civilian dead, three trillion dollars, ten plus years
Now we have ISIS filling the power vacuum, uprisings throughout the Islamic world and the region is more unstable than ever
Everything was going fine until the Democrats played the race card.
I know...they were treating us as liberators and playing around with Bush by throwing shoes and stuff....those jokers
So what you are saying is that Bush was a brilliant manipulator of human beings and that the dems were all too stupid to see what he was doing to them?

No. that isn't what was said. I understand reading comprehension is an issue for you, but even you should be able to understand that's a false characterization.

oh wait... maybe not.

they lied. end of story.

and why would you think cheney and baby bush's other handlers were incapable of scamming people.

of course, normal people knew that the final report of UN inspector Hans Blix said that Bush was full of it.

And, just in case you can string together more than one thought, the iraq authorization did NOT say "oh baby bush, go to war". it said that he had to use diplomacy, listen to the final report of the UN inspectors and THEN COME BACK TO CONGRESS...he did none of that.

don't believe me? go read the actual resolution.
No, if you bother to read through this thread...they lied
It was not an honest mistake. It was a concerted effort to create an environment where war with Iraq was inevitable
They lied, misrepresented data, withheld data and wrapped themselves in the American flag to bring us to war

that is simply not true. the bad intel was accepted by everyone, every international security agency, the UN, the CIA, and the american congress.

It was bad intel. Why was it bad? a couple reasons, 1. Saddam thought he might stay in power if the world thought he had WMDs, 2. the breakdown of the US intelligence agencies when Clinton banned the sharing of data between the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence.
Actually, the intelligence was laughed at through most of the world. It was already widely discredited by the time Bush pulled the trigger on the attack

Yellow cake, aluminum tubes, mobile germ warfare labs

All bogus

The UN believed it. So did the intelligence agencies of the UK, Russia, Spain, Germany, Israel, et al.
The UN did not believe it

Their man on the ground told them otherwise and they withheld approval of the invasion

bullshit, you live in a libtardian fantasy world.
History has been written

Blix documented that he was finding no evidence of WMDs. Rather than taking this as good news, Bush panicked and rushed the invasion
They succeeded in making most Americans accept the whole "false intel" story. After all.....lots of Dems fell for the FALSE INTEL too!

Problem is.....Bush and his staff knew that the intel was false. They fucking created the intel.

Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9 11 - CBS News

which is why the current acceptance of the "bad intel" nonsense is so horrible.

the Clintons have called it bad intel, are they lying? They bought into it 100% at the time. Were they lying to you then as well as now?
telling the truth is not spreading blame. History should record what actually happened, otherwise we will repeat the same mistakes.
Bush moved heaven and earth , spread misinformation contrived the war with single handed purpose ...that is the truth....Iraq belongs to Bush ...he busted up Humpty Dumpty and now all the Kings horse's and all the Kings men can't put Humpty Dumpty together again

you too live in libtardian fantasy world. History has recorded what happened and who was responsible, and, yes, Bush was one of them. But not the only one, not by a long shot.

Iraq s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence TIME.com

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat…

But ending the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending it. While he was inclined to see a small number of American soldiers stay behind to continue mentoring Iraqi forces, the likes of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on whose support Maliki’s ruling coalition depends, were having none of it. Even the Obama Administration’s plan to keep some 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution that is common to SOF agreements in most countries where U.S. forces are based.
I don't think Bush lied.

I think he just went along with those who were more than willing to lie, to cherry pick data and to bend facts, and who were able to manipulate his simplistic, shallow worldview and naive, tunnel-visioned love of his country to their agenda.

So yeah, that's his signature on the "fuck yes, let's go to war" documents, since he was Commander In Chief. But this was a lot more than just him.

They succeeded in making most Americans accept the whole "false intel" story. After all.....lots of Dems fell for the FALSE INTEL too!

Problem is.....Bush and his staff knew that the intel was false. They fucking created the intel.

Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9 11 - CBS News

which is why the current acceptance of the "bad intel" nonsense is so horrible.

the Clintons have called it bad intel, are they lying? They bought into it 100% at the time. Were they lying to you then as well as now?

i never lie. you're just a moron.

again, go back and read. assuming you're capable, of course.

look at hans blix' final report and the resolution.

until then, don't bother anyone.
I don't think Bush lied.

I think he just went along with those who were more than willing to lie, to cherry pick data and to bend facts, and who were able to manipulate his simplistic, shallow worldview and naive, tunnel-visioned love of his country to their agenda.

So yeah, that's his signature on the "fuck yes, let's go to war" documents, since he was Commander In Chief. But this was a lot more than just him.

That sounds like a lie to me
that is simply not true. the bad intel was accepted by everyone, every international security agency, the UN, the CIA, and the american congress.

It was bad intel. Why was it bad? a couple reasons, 1. Saddam thought he might stay in power if the world thought he had WMDs, 2. the breakdown of the US intelligence agencies when Clinton banned the sharing of data between the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence.
Actually, the intelligence was laughed at through most of the world. It was already widely discredited by the time Bush pulled the trigger on the attack

Yellow cake, aluminum tubes, mobile germ warfare labs

All bogus

The UN believed it. So did the intelligence agencies of the UK, Russia, Spain, Germany, Israel, et al.
The UN did not believe it

Their man on the ground told them otherwise and they withheld approval of the invasion

bullshit, you live in a libtardian fantasy world.
History has been written

Blix documented that he was finding no evidence of WMDs. Rather than taking this as good news, Bush panicked and rushed the invasion

No one believed Blix, not even the UN. congress dismissed him, cong
that is simply not true. the bad intel was accepted by everyone, every international security agency, the UN, the CIA, and the american congress.

It was bad intel. Why was it bad? a couple reasons, 1. Saddam thought he might stay in power if the world thought he had WMDs, 2. the breakdown of the US intelligence agencies when Clinton banned the sharing of data between the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence.
Actually, the intelligence was laughed at through most of the world. It was already widely discredited by the time Bush pulled the trigger on the attack

Yellow cake, aluminum tubes, mobile germ warfare labs

All bogus

The UN believed it. So did the intelligence agencies of the UK, Russia, Spain, Germany, Israel, et al.
The UN did not believe it

Their man on the ground told them otherwise and they withheld approval of the invasion

bullshit, you live in a libtardian fantasy world.
History has been written

Blix documented that he was finding no evidence of WMDs. Rather than taking this as good news, Bush panicked and rushed the invasion

no one believed that Blix had been given full access. congress dismissed his reports,, congress authorized and funded the fiasco based on exactly the same intel that Bush had.

yes, it was a massive fuck up, but they all did it. they are all responsible. Unless you think that Bush was such a brilliant orator that he could fool all of the dimwitted dems. Hmmm, dimwitted dems, maybe you hit on something.

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