Bush is being hunted

Who cares who started it?

Clinton changed the mission, totally away from what Bush had laid out with the UN. I mean, completely.

Who started it is irrelevant. Somalia is an albatross across Clinton's neck. No one elses.

Bush dumped a load of shit on Clinton's lap..then skated.

Yeah..it mattered.


Under Bush I, it was a humanitarian mission to distribute relief supplies by the US under UN auspices which began in August 1992. Under Clinton, the mission changed in March 1993 to the arrest of war criminals, again spearheaded by the US under UN auspices.

The mission changed under Clinton. Dramatically. The Battle of Mogadishu is all on him and his policies.

I provided a link to demonstrate that Bush sent in the American Military. It was a failed Mission by the way..because it failed to stablized the country to where aid, humanitarian or otherwise, would do any good. Why? It's almost impossible to distribute aid without an orderly way to do it. That failure was plunked on to Clinton's lap. So he was faced with losing the Mission on his watch..or nation building. His problem was he tried to "win" something vastly more complicated then killing a couple of bad guys.
Ok. Then they'll move on to Clinton and Obama, who did the same thing?

I don't agree with President Obama's, Afghanistan policy. He's essentially listening to the Military, who think that, given enough time and resources, can overcome anything. And, again, this is going to involve nation building.

Biden had the better idea. Let spook operations handle the bad guys when they pop up. It might be a little like "whack a mole" but it would be far cheaper..and far less civilians would get in the way.
democRATs are evil traitors and cowards,Right now the muslim fascist punk obama is supporting
the islamic terrorists in Egypt.
The discriminating are amused that you,

Of course they are, I mean - you're doing so well in this exchange...

Relax, have a banana and fling more shit at passers by...

I provided a link to demonstrate that Bush sent in the American Military. It was a failed Mission by the way..because it failed to stablized the country to where aid, humanitarian or otherwise, would do any good.

You're a liar.

I mean, of course you are, you're an "integrity free" leftist.

{WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 — President Bush ordered troops into Somalia today on a mission to "save thousands of innocents," as the Pentagon outlined an operation that will leave soldiers and marines in Somalia well into the Administration of President Bill Clinton.

Mr. Bush gathered broad support for the intervention from top leaders of Congress, from other world leaders and from Mr. Clinton himself, and then went on television at midday to announce an operation that thrusts the United States into a new post-cold-war role as a military force on behalf of humanitarian, not strategic ends.

"I understand the United States alone cannot right the world's wrongs," Mr. Bush declared in his speech, delivered just 47 days before he leaves office. "But we also know that some crises in the world cannot be resolved without American involvement, that American action is often necessary as a catalyst for broader involvement of the community of nations."}

MISSION TO SOMALIA - MISSION TO SOMALIA - Bush Declares Goal in Somalia to 'Save Thousands' - NYTimes.com
I provided a link to demonstrate that Bush sent in the American Military. It was a failed Mission by the way..because it failed to stablized the country to where aid, humanitarian or otherwise, would do any good.

You're a liar.

I mean, of course you are, you're an "integrity free" leftist.

{WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 — President Bush ordered troops into Somalia today on a mission to "save thousands of innocents," as the Pentagon outlined an operation that will leave soldiers and marines in Somalia well into the Administration of President Bill Clinton.

Mr. Bush gathered broad support for the intervention from top leaders of Congress, from other world leaders and from Mr. Clinton himself, and then went on television at midday to announce an operation that thrusts the United States into a new post-cold-war role as a military force on behalf of humanitarian, not strategic ends.

"I understand the United States alone cannot right the world's wrongs," Mr. Bush declared in his speech, delivered just 47 days before he leaves office. "But we also know that some crises in the world cannot be resolved without American involvement, that American action is often necessary as a catalyst for broader involvement of the community of nations."}

MISSION TO SOMALIA - MISSION TO SOMALIA - Bush Declares Goal in Somalia to 'Save Thousands' - NYTimes.com

Here..I got you a gift!

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you aslo hate its capitlaistic policies as well...

What do you like about this country?

The Appalachian mountains (which are now being blown to smithereens by coal corp's.)
The Gulf Coast (pre-BP)
The rise in the trend of Farmer's markets and local food (and farmers winning against Monsanto)
New York City in the fall (and spring)
My Appalachian homestead (an old Cherokee village before the extermination - don't worry, I'm part Cherokee)
I like lots of things about this country and I dislike a lot of things about this country.
you aslo hate its capitlaistic policies as well...

What do you like about this country?

The Appalachian mountains (which are now being blown to smithereens by coal corp's.)
The Gulf Coast (pre-BP)
The rise in the trend of Farmer's markets and local food (and farmers winning against Monsanto)
New York City in the fall (and spring)
My Appalachian homestead (an old Cherokee village before the extermination - don't worry, I'm part Cherokee)
I like lots of things about this country and I dislike a lot of things about this country.

Yes.. I agree....Very little copmpares to the Appalachain Mountains
Yep..the Gulf Coast...but have you been there lately? BP was an issue...but it looks great
NYC in the fall and spring are OK.....Im not a NYC fan after years of commuting there
Where was your homestead?
Where was your homestead?

North GA mountains near the head of the Appalachian trail. We still have it.

I envy you for having a heritage like that.
Me? I barely know where I am from...I mean I know nationality wise, but very little about the local areas my ancestors are from....how they lived...what their values were...
These folks might want to remember that as a former POTUS, Bush is still protected 24/7 by the United States Secret Service. Somehow I would suggest that is going to make arresting him QUITE DIFFICULT, since Secret Service agents are well armed and quite good at using their weapons.

They might also want to examine just how Hypocritical it is of them. To want to "Hunt down" someone like a vigilante Mob Because said Person broke the law.

Bush dumped a load of shit on Clinton's lap..then skated.

Yeah..it mattered.


Under Bush I, it was a humanitarian mission to distribute relief supplies by the US under UN auspices which began in August 1992. Under Clinton, the mission changed in March 1993 to the arrest of war criminals, again spearheaded by the US under UN auspices.

The mission changed under Clinton. Dramatically. The Battle of Mogadishu is all on him and his policies.

I provided a link to demonstrate that Bush sent in the American Military. It was a failed Mission by the way..because it failed to stablized the country to where aid, humanitarian or otherwise, would do any good. Why? It's almost impossible to distribute aid without an orderly way to do it. That failure was plunked on to Clinton's lap. So he was faced with losing the Mission on his watch..or nation building. His problem was he tried to "win" something vastly more complicated then killing a couple of bad guys.

I know Bush sent in the military. I agreed that it was so. BTW, Clinton agreed to the mission as well, since he may be POTUS (when Bush sent them in in August), and then Clinton agreed again (in December when Clinton was the President elect) when Bush stepped it up again.

Then Clinton radically changed the mission in March 1993. Away from humanitarian to more of a police style mission.

You can argue whether or not this change was needed, but it doesn't matter. Clinton changed the mission drastically. The events of October 1993 are due to his actions and are his responsibility, and his alone. There is no "blaming Bush" on this one.
Rights groups vow to hunt Bush over torture - Yahoo! News

GENEVA (AFP) – Human rights groups vowed Monday to pursue George W. Bush wherever he travels, claiming that the former US president had cancelled a trip to Switzerland over fears that he could be probed for torture.
Bush was due to attend a fund-raising gala evening in Geneva this week, but organisers said Saturday that he had cancelled because of the risk of disturbances.
"The reach of the Convention Against Torture is wide -- this case is prepared and will be waiting for him wherever he travels next," said Katherine Gallagher, an attorney and vice-president of the Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

Human rights groups pointed out that two "torture victims" were to have filed a criminal complaint in Geneva against Bush, who was due to speak at the gala here on February 12.
"Swiss law requires the presence of the torturer on Swiss soil before a preliminary investigation can be opened," said the FIDH, the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights and the Centre for Constitutional Rights.
"When Bush cancelled his trip to avoid prosecution, the human rights groups who prepared the complaints made (them) public and announced that the Bush torture indictment would be waiting wherever he travels next," they added in a statement.
In his memoirs published last year, Bush claimed that use of the water boarding technique -- which simulates drowning -- had directly prevented terror attacks in Britain and the United States.

He also said in an interview with the British newspaper The Times it was "damn right" that he had authorised use of the controversial method on Al-Qaeda's 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
"Waterboarding is torture, and Bush has admitted, without any sign of remorse, that he approved its use," said Gallagher.
"Torturers -- even if they are former presidents of the United States -- must be held to account and prosecuted. Impunity for Bush must end."
Gavin Sullivan, a lawyer at the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights, added that Bush "bears ultimate responsibility for authorizing the torture of thousands of individuals at places like Guantanamo and secret CIA ?black sites?.
"As all states are obliged to prosecute such torturers, Bush has good reason to be very worried," he said.

Human Rights Watch said in New York that the US authorities themselves should be pursuing Bush.
"The US government should take the lead to investigate former US President George W. Bush and other senior officials for authorizing torture of terrorism suspects rather than leaving prosecutions to other countries," the organization said.
"The US government needs to demonstrate that no official, including an ex-president, is above the law," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.


The shrub should be forced to frog walk. He is afer all a War Criminal
The Appalachian mountains (which are now being blown to smithereens by coal corp's.)

Funny I drove up and down and back and forth across the length and width of the Appalachians when I was driving truck. Saw very little sigh of Mining at all.
The Gulf Coast (pre-BP)
Have you even been there. The Disaster was over blown by the Media. Things are doing pretty good.
The rise in the trend of Farmer's markets and local food (and farmers winning against Monsanto)

the rising cost of Farm goods can be directly attributed to 2 major factors.

1 the rising cost of Fuel.

2 The massive rise in the cost of Corn due to its use as a fuel. Corn being the basic feed stock of nearly every domesticated animal.

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