Bush is just a beebee in a WAR he doesn't understand

Most voters are average fol,ks actually. I have a theory though. Lets say that everyone would have to walk to the polling places and noone could drive that Tuesday. Another words - NO CHURCH VANS!!!!

R's - 84%
D's - 13%
L's - 2%
G's - .5%
oth- .5%
Mr.Conley said:
What a terrible thread, just one insult after another.

what a terrible post....hurling insults while complaining about them....
menewa said:
Because most of the American voters are idiots. It pays to be a dumb politician. People can relate to you better. Intellligence makes people nervous. Remember high school, the nerds are the least popular group. The smart people with original ideas are at the bottom of the social ladder. Meanwhile, the hard-drinking, good-looking, but not to smart, male cheerleader wins the class election again and again.

Spoken like a true liberal elitist. Everybody's dumb so you need to tell them how to think.

Intellegence does not necessarily mean smart. Problem with you smarter than the average bear types is you have no common sense. Raw data that cannot be translated into anything uselful or even sensical equates to you just being dumber than a stick.

And hard-drinking, good-looking people have more fun. Enjoy your book. :rotflmao:
GunnyL said:
And hard-drinking, good-looking people have more fun. Enjoy your book. :

That's just a shtick anyway. See, smarter than you're average bear. :laugh:
KarlMarx said:
And if we all only impeached Bush, kicked all the Republicans out of government, turned the reins of government over to Hillary and Bill Clinton, withdrew our forces from Iraq, started riding bikes, gave gays the right to marry, defended a woman's right to an abortion, started eating tofu... why... why the world would be a better place!!!!! Why? Because Psycho says so!!!!! OK everyone, all together, let's sing "Kumbaya" and "We shall overcome!", peace beads will be on sale after the love in!!!!!

I truly don't care if Republicans or Democrats run the government, so long as they remember their places. They are servants of the people, ALL the people. Not just their big money cash cows.

It doesn't matter so long as they remember that their first duty is not to party or president, but to the Constitution.
Semper Fi said:
1. I dont think you know what you're talking about. My dad told me that he's flown to mass grave sights where Saddam bussed out minorities and ethnic groups and slaughtered them. The reason that they "know little about the intents and activities of Saddam Hussein" could be directly linked to the former Iraq's lack of freedom of press.

Have you heard of the Kurdish section of Islam? I'm sure you have, they were target using GAS and GAS ATTACKS by CEHMICAL ALI during Saddam's reign. Can you honestly stand there and tell me the Iraqi's were appalled to learn that their tyrant had connections to terrorism?

2. It is a hotbed of religious extremism because of foreign fighters and jihadist going to Iraq to earn money to support their families in Syria and Saudi Arabia. That was confirmed by a close friend of mine,a Blackhawk pilot in the 68th Medevac Company, 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation Regt. Does that answer your question? Would you like it if the terrorists defeated us and we left Iraq with our tail between our legs? Maybe you (being a democrat) would, but that's not the way We like to do things.

3. I'm assuming you are an evolutionist? The basics of survival of the fittest revolves around competition and WAR, but not on the level as you and I know it. CAvement threw rocks at each other. There's a reason WAR has prevailed over the millenia. I have a Bush-Cheney sticker on my window, a USA flag, USMC flag, and POW-MIA flag on my walls. War has corrupted me? I'm PROUD to be corrupted! By the way, killing innocents is more than a by-product of TERRORISM.

4. Failures of all wars. If world war two had not happened, Europe would be known as Germany, and there would be no Jews. Fascist tyrannicals would reign the world, and we would probably be engaged in a cold war between Europe (Germany) and us. War is a failure, eh? Yeah, for Chirac.

War gave you the America you live and piss in today. War is a failure? Move to Britain, redcoat.

War lead many slaves to freedom throughout history. War is a failure? shackle yourself to a shed and get working.

5. * George W. Bush once said that 75% of terrorists in Afghanistan have been brought to justice (killed or captured). I believe him more than you.

You've seen bin Laden? Then how do you know he's alive?

Women voted in their last elections. It's a start. I can't imagine how they are at a less of an advantage than 5 years ago, care to elaborate?

They have always suffered from wear. From the USSR to terrorism. We are the only country to have invaded successfully.

You do a lot of Fox News, don't you, Semper Fi?

so many unanswered posts from only a few. Banned is Comefreak for a few here. Why not present intelligible argument and stop all the name calling?

Psychoblues said:
You do a lot of Fox News, don't you, Semper Fi?


Actually I watch maybe 1 hour of Fox news per month. I watch CNN almost every morning, believe it or not.
Psychoblues said:
No, actually, you are hilarious. Ann Coulter, an unforgiven heathen of extreme but popular right wing thought, suggested that we "convert them or kill them." That's where that statement came from.

I never said that the US was religiously prostyletizing the WAR. I simply implied that American religious prostylitites were encouraging it despite the warnings of Jesus Christ. That is a paradox that someone with higher religious and intellectual abilities than my own might have to explain to you.


I just had to repeat this. The prostyletizing heathens will appreciate it.

Semper Fi said:
Actually I watch maybe 1 hour of Fox news per month. I watch CNN almost every morning, believe it or not.

I don't recommend either. I get my kicks in fully independent news sources or at least non-encumbered ones if you can dig it.

I watch the crap as depicted by Fox and CNN, but I rely more heavily on the truths I've learned in my life and the understanding I've acquired through experience. I do a lot of news outlets. None of them work for me.

Are you experienced?

Psychoblues said:
I don't recommend either. I get my kicks in fully independent news sources or at least non-encumbered ones if you can dig it.

I watch the crap as depicted by Fox and CNN, but I rely more heavily on the truths I've learned in my life and the understanding I've acquired through experience. I do a lot of news outlets. None of them work for me.

Are you experienced?


I watch CNN in the morning so I know basically what's happening in the US and the world, and look to people I trust and know for additional news and such on the topics. I also listen to Micheal Savage (sometimes) and pick stuff up here.

Another tactic I use; whatever CNN says I always assume it is blown out of proportion and there is a greater (often justifying) portion to the story than meets my ears and eyes.
Semper Fi said:
I watch CNN in the morning so I know basically what's happening in the US and the world, and look to people I trust and know for additional news and such on the topics. I also listen to Micheal Savage (sometimes) and pick stuff up here.

Another tactic I use; whatever CNN says I always assume it is blown out of proportion and there is a greater (often justifying) portion to the story than meets my ears and eyes.

Don't let your assumptions over ride your intelligence. Just because you believe and advertise it in your handle an overwhelming sense of rightousness doesn't make it so. Get your own thoughts together and make your own decisions. The bullshit is for those who are susceptible for it.

Get a grip on what WE are fighting for and let the subsidiaries fight for themselves. Dig it?

Psychoblues said:
Most of us are, however, opposed to WAR BY CHOICE on any country that doe's not present any direct and/or capable threat to the general safety of common everyday American citizens.

Really, are you speaking for Howard "Dreamer" Dean?

Psychoblues said:
We supported the WAR in Afghanistan* against Al Queda and we continue to support any WAR against the murderous intents of ANY enemy that uses their military power, their economic power or their religious inclination to do us harm. That said, I think it disingenuious to imply that Democrats are anything other than the genuine Americans that they are.

Really, Howard Dean, head spokesmouth for your party doesn't. Your right about Democrats being genuine Americans(they were born here), they just tend to be a lot more naive about reality and much more hungry for power to the point of using anything they can come up with to regain it. They appeal to the lowest common denominator in society in order to steal their votes by promising and not delivering for decades. They do understand that idiots will believe lies if you repeat them enough. They depend on the uninformed to stay in power and will use their friends in the media to keep them that way. Look at their supporters. . . American Communist Party, felons in prison, killers of babies, white trash, welfare cheats of all colors, the anti-eveything idiots, trial lawyers, unions,....etc. etc.

Psychoblues said:
Most Democrats don't believe there was ever any capability in Iraq, particularly since Desert Storm and the subsequent UN inspections, to do any harm to Americans. In fact, many of us that visited Iraq even during that war and since it are convinced that the everyday and commonplace Iraqis know little about the intents and activities of Saddam Hussein and are completely appalled by any such accusal they might be connected with the Al Queda or it's leader, Osama Bin Laden.

Speaking for MOST Democrats now Maniacblues? The fact that no large supplies of WMDs proves the honesty of our present administration. It would have been some work but not that tough to have planted or buried WMDs, created fake documentation, created fake satellite photos etc., why wasn't this done genius? If the Bush administration would have hidden a truckload of Anthax in the desert, buried next to the 2 dozen MIGs that were discovered early in the war, what would you say then you naive twerp?

How often are we going to hear your harping about the incredible amount of real war experience that even if true somehow qualifies you to push the bullshit you do. I really don't give a crap about your little guilt complex, war is a reality in the human experience and you can bury your self loathing head in the proverbial sand and dream your little dreams of flowers and peace but that won't protect this country or the rest of the world from the "Evil Doers" that do indeed exist in reality no matter how much your ilk wants to deny it.

No I personally haven't been to war, I was raised by a great man that served this country in the U.S. Air Force for 29 years. At 19 he was in England escorting bombers to Germany on 9 hour missions in his P-51 to fight the evil that existed then. He also flew F-86s in Korea against the North Koreans and Chinese Communists. He then continued to fly with the National Guard before finally becoming an instructor for many other fine Air Force pilots. He never intimated the pathetic guilt you show for what he had to do. He was a real man that loved his family and country and did what he had to do to protect them. I was lucky, because of his actions and the actions of many more heroes from our country and many others I was afforded the freedom to not join the military after spending my first 18 years indirectly involved in it. At the age of 52 I regret not joining, I believe very strongly in our military and the need for it and wish I would have had more participation in it.

Psychoblues said:
Iraq has been a secular country for many years. It is now a hotbed for religious fanatics. How did that equation change? You make up your own mind about it. In addition, maybe you should go join the fight yourself and fully experience all that WAR has to offer you.

This is such a naive statement that it fits perfectly with the dillusional ideas to come from the group of power hungry idiots that you and Howard Dean are so in love with.

Psychoblues said:
I've been to WAR after WAR. Killing, murdering innocents is a by-product of WAR. Somewhere, somehow, there must be an end to WAR. Many innocents in Iraq are no longer innocent. Many innocents in the United States are no longer innocent. WAR corrupts us.

Good for you, why did you go from war to war idiot, did you have no other options? Innocents are killed by a wide variety of things, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes....how about automobiles, tobacco, alcohol, doctors, lawyers, politicians attempting to hide the wrong they do(your heroes Bill and Hillary) dumbass gang members that kill because someone wears the wrong color in a certain part of town. How many died at Saddam's hands, Osama bin Asshole's hands, Castro's hands? You nor anyone else will stop killing no matter how many times you click the heals of your ruby red shoes.

Psychoblues said:
Are you corrupted? The corrupt almost never admit their guilt. I admit mine and I live with it every day, every hour and every minute of my life. I'm not smart enough to draw any VA pension or even a military pension. I've worked all of my life and college educated all of my children. And, I'm smart enough to know that WAR is flat WRONG in a society that deems itself civilized and comprehensive of the historical failures of ALL WARS.

Good job on your responsibility of taking care of your children, hopefully they are smarter than their father.

Psychoblues said:
Even still, I do not oppose our coming together for the originally advertised WAR ON TERROR.

Sure you aren't.

Psychoblues said:
* The Taliban is back in Afghanistan more forceful than before. Osama Bin Laden is still alive and still threatening the United States of America. Most of the opium and heroine in the world still comes from Afghanistan. The girls and women in Afghanistan have less a chance today than they had 5 years ago for personal growth and political involvement. And, last but not at all the end of the story, the peoples of Afghanistan still suffer indescretions of WAR. Think about it.

Where do you get these facts? You only are privy to the real news? You sound like some jerk from Europe that actually believes that we Americans go through life being duped by the media run by the current administration and only they have the truth. You are nothing but a internet bully and are so full of shit you cannot see through you open eyes anymore, the mere fact that you want to prop up that disingenuous asshole Bill Clinton as some sort of actual man with a love for anyone but himself tells everyone what they need to know about you and your lack of mental health. If you feel so guilty about what you have done with your life, fly to San Francisco and walk to the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge and take a swan dive off.

I will admit, you were pretty funny in Stripes.....
Psychoblues said:
Yeah, there are only about 40 or 50 more tyrants in this world far more potent and at least equally as anti-American as Saddam Hussein or even OBL.

That may be, and best left for another discussion, but...

How many of those 40-50 were defying UN resolutions for over 12 years?
Psychoblues said:
I get my kicks in fully independent news sources or at least non-encumbered ones if you can dig it.

Please identify these "independent" and "non-encumbered" news sources that you rely so heavily on to form your views.
Psychoblues said:
Americans can annilate the world with their weapons. The opposition knows this and they don't care about that circumstance. We are responsibly refraining from world destruction. The opposition has no such capacity. But, they fight on. Why? It's not any hate of freedom they embrace. Maybe it's an unfair and unjust intervention? Maybe it's a religious uprising? I really don't know!

Agreed, unjust intervention (WMD) and religious differences makes this war a failure. A Nation must choose its own fate; freedom should be earned by the blood of its own citizens. Intervention from the Bush administration's religious right will never create a democracy that the Iraqi's will embrace.

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.
Albert Einstein
Well put. :beer:

Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.

Bullypulpit said:
I truly don't care if Republicans or Democrats run the government, so long as they remember their places. They are servants of the people, ALL the people. Not just their big money cash cows.

It doesn't matter so long as they remember that their first duty is not to party or president, but to the Constitution.
Bully... I could not agree with you more! I believe that our differences lie in the interpretation of "duty to the Constitution"...

but, then, that is what makes this a great country doesn't it? We can disagree with the government and not have to go to jail for it!
Said1 said:
That's just a shtick anyway. See, smarter than you're average bear. :laugh:

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