Bush JR vs Obama, which presidency was worse

Which President did more damage to this nation?

  • Read your choices, thx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sdsdsdds Bush Jr

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • qqq bbddd Obama

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • Both should be considered one giant 16 year failure.

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters
Not a serious comparison. The Bush League caused more damage than America seems to have realized, but history will make it clear.
American war criminals never get prosecuted.
We have not had a Constitutionally legal war since WWII.

You continue to prove you are nothing but a LIAR!

I know you are embarrassed, pissed, and distraught over the FACT that Democrats voted to give George Bush the constitutional Authority to take the United States to War against Afghanistan AND IRAQ. Hell, Democrats - to include Hillary - even stood up before Congress and the media and made impassioned arguments as to why Hussein had to be overthrown.

I agree with you - I thought it was wrong...but that does not change the FACT that Congress DID give Bush the Constitutional authority to take this country to war.

I know you have a lot of excuses WHY (they were deceived, lied t, blah, blah, blah - that does not change the fact that they DID give Bush the Constitutional authority...and does NOT change the fact that Barak Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner - dragged this country into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help TERRORISTS...and one of those constituted a WAR CRIME (invasion of Syria)
Not a serious comparison. The Bush League caused more damage than America seems to have realized, but history will make it clear.
Bush never helped terrorists take over nations, to include our allies.

Bush never took the nation to war Unconstitutionally...twice.

Bush never abandoned Americans to die or hired Al Qaeda to protect US citizens

Bush never mocked Americans and then helped facilitate the murder of Americans in a terrorist attack he made possible like Barry did
We have not had a Constitutionally legal war since WWII.

You continue to prove you are nothing but a LIAR!

I know you are embarrassed, pissed, and distraught over the FACT that Democrats voted to give George Bush the constitutional Authority to take the United States to War against Afghanistan AND IRAQ. Hell, Democrats - to include Hillary - even stood up before Congress and the media and made impassioned arguments as to why Hussein had to be overthrown.

I agree with you - I thought it was wrong...but that does not change the FACT that Congress DID give Bush the Constitutional authority to take this country to war.

I know you have a lot of excuses WHY (they were deceived, lied t, blah, blah, blah - that does not change the fact that they DID give Bush the Constitutional authority...and does NOT change the fact that Barak Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner - dragged this country into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help TERRORISTS...and one of those constituted a WAR CRIME (invasion of Syria)

You are wrong a few points..

First, what Congress did was not Constitutional, they and only they have the task of declaring war.

Second, the AUMF was not given to President Bush, it was given to the Office of the President and it has never been taken back, thus it is still in effect today.

Third, the AUMF did not limit action to Afghanistan AND Iraq, it did not put any limits on it who military force can be used against.

Fourth, Trump himself, your savior in the White House, has used the AUMF as justification for his actions in Syria and other places.
Moving on past Obama's obvious treason / aiding and abetting terrorists.....

Obama violated the Constitution and Rule of law CONSTANTLY, aided criminals and Enemies of this country...

In the 1st week of taking office he openly declared that he was not going to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Great, it immediately became clear that Obama had given himself the power to decide what laws he would follow / obey / enforce and which ones he would NOT!

During his Presidency:

- He was found to be in Contempt of Court for not following Judges' rulings...TWICE
- He was found to be in violation of the Constitution...TWICE

He openly admitted he had no Constitutional Authority to impact Immigration Law but he immediately afterwards Un-Constitutionally by-passed Congress (Separation of Powers) to impose his own ILLEGAL EDICT - The Dream Act

Before the ink of his signature on Obamacare was dry he was already signing illegal exemptions and changing the law - also a violation of the Separation of Powers Act.

Chief Justice Roberts personally saved the un-Constitutional Obamacare law when its 'Penalty' went before the USSC. The way the law is supposed to work, as Justice Kennedy pointed out, is that if the Law is found to be Un-Constitutional - any part - the entire law is Un-Constitutional, it is overturned, and it is up to Congress to fix it and sign it back into law.

Obama and the Democrats had to SNEAK the bill into law the 1st time, ramming it into law in the wee hours of the morning as the majority of Americans who opposed it slept, so there was no way they could afford / allow it to be killed at the USSC level and have to re-do the entire thing.

The USSC found that the govt's argument that a financial penalty in the bill was NOT a tax, the USSC found that to be Un-Constitutional, however, Roberts stepped in - overstepped his authority according to Kennedy - to change the Govt's plea / case FOIR THEM by declaring what the govt really had intended was for the punitive fine to be a tax. Even then the case should have been over because the law states you can not sue against a TAX until an attempt had been made to collect that tax, which it had not. Roberts again overstepped his bounds and continued to hold the hearing, addressing that issue.

All of that is 'small stuff' compared to Obama's other CRIMES:

Obama and his criminal administration, on the way to setting a new Presidential Record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA ('most transparent administration evuh' my ass), Obama and his criminal administration ILLEGALLY SPIED ON US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices.

Brennan, among others like Holder/Clapper/Koskinen, was caught perpetrating Felony Perjury by lying under oath when asked if he and his CIA had spied on US Senators. When confronted with the evidence that he had done so, Brennan agreed to a deal to keep him out of prison that consisted of him standing before Congress, admitting he had committed perjury, and admitting that he had illegally spied on the Senate.


Again, these are the 'big picture' items, the ip of the proverbial iceberg...for which Obama deserved to be Impeached numerous times as well as indictment.

Obama administration will no longer defend DOMA

Obama: DOMA Unconstitutional, DOJ Should Stop Defending In Court | HuffPost
-- King Obama declares DOMA Un-Constitutional

Report: Obama NSA Illegally Spied On Americans For Years

CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers

CIA director John Brennan apologizes for search of Senate committee’s computers

John Roberts Saves Obamacare, Again - The Atlantic

Chief Justice Roberts saves Obamacare for 2nd time; Scalia chides: ‘Words have no meaning’

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Obama Uses IRS to Eliminate His Enemies

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

Justice Department settles IRS targeting lawsuits - CNNPolitics
First, what Congress did was not Constitutional, they and only they have the task of declaring war.
STFU liar.

Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war, something Congress never did before the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged us into 2 wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Everyone is well aware of your denial of reality and the lengths you are willing to go to defend and justify the criminal Left's actions, as you remind us by doing to repeatedly.

You continue to post nothing but UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION and PROPAGANDA.
First, what Congress did was not Constitutional, they and only they have the task of declaring war.
STFU liar.

Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war, something Congress never did before the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged us into 2 wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Everyone is well aware of your denial of reality and the lengths you are willing to go to defend and justify the criminal Left's actions, as you remind us by doing to repeatedly.

You continue to post nothing but UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION and PROPAGANDA.

Here is the AUMF, please find the part that limits it to just Bush II. https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ40/PLAW-107publ40.pdf

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States:

Here is a link to the story about Trump, your god in the White House, using the AUMF to justify his actions...Trump will keep the US military in Syria without new congressional authorization — and it could set a dangerous precedent
Anyone voting Obama is a partisan moron. It’s not even close. Trump inherited a strong economy. Obama inherited 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, auto industry about to go under, huge deficits....
Anyone voting Obama is a partisan moron. It’s not even close. Trump inherited a strong economy. Obama inherited 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, auto industry about to go under, huge deficits....
Trump inherited a strong economy.

In other words, "Obama's economy".
I have no doubt Trump is much happier following obama than he would have been trying to clean up the bush mess.
First, what Congress did was not Constitutional, they and only they have the task of declaring war.
STFU liar.

Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war, something Congress never did before the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged us into 2 wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Everyone is well aware of your denial of reality and the lengths you are willing to go to defend and justify the criminal Left's actions, as you remind us by doing to repeatedly.

You continue to post nothing but UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION and PROPAGANDA.

Here is the AUMF, please find the part that limits it to just Bush II. https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ40/PLAW-107publ40.pdf

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States:

Here is a link to the story about Trump, your god in the White House, using the AUMF to justify his actions...Trump will keep the US military in Syria without new congressional authorization — and it could set a dangerous precedent

Again, Congress voted to give BUSH the Authority to take the country to war against Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11/01. Claiming that authority extended over to Obama is bullshit.

Bush took the country to war because we were attacked BY TERRORISTS.
Obama took the country to war TWICE to HELP TERRORISTS!

Libya, as pointed out, was actually HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - they were not a threat to the United States...not until Obama sides with Al Qaeda, helped them murder Gadaffi, and gave control of an entire country - Libya - to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 people.

So you are saying Congress, without voting, approved of Obama helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country...when the reason they voted to give Bush the authority to go to war was to deny them safe haven anywhere in the world?!


Thank you for pointing out how Obama's F* UP - his illegal invasion of Syria - is not Trump's problem.

Obama's Syria mistake is now Trump's problem - CNN

"President Obama's gross miscalculation in 2013 was to wager that the conflict could be contained within Syria's borders. Reflecting a widely held realpolitik view at the time, political scientist John Mearsheimer argued that Syria did not affect the core strategic interests of the West and was of "little importance for American security."

Looking back, we can see how misguided this assessment was. It was arguably the biggest foreign policy miscalculation of the Obama presidency. Not only has the Syrian conflict deeply destabilized the Middle East, but its ripple effects have dramatically re-shaped politics around the world, including the domestic politics of the United States."

Thanks, Barry!
First, what Congress did was not Constitutional, they and only they have the task of declaring war.
STFU liar.

Congress voted to give Bush the authority to take the country to war, something Congress never did before the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged us into 2 wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Everyone is well aware of your denial of reality and the lengths you are willing to go to defend and justify the criminal Left's actions, as you remind us by doing to repeatedly.

You continue to post nothing but UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION and PROPAGANDA.

Here is the AUMF, please find the part that limits it to just Bush II. https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ40/PLAW-107publ40.pdf

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States:

Here is a link to the story about Trump, your god in the White House, using the AUMF to justify his actions...Trump will keep the US military in Syria without new congressional authorization — and it could set a dangerous precedent

Again, Congress voted to give BUSH the Authority to take the country to war against Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11/01. Claiming that authority extended over to Obama is bullshit.

Bush took the country to war because we were attacked BY TERRORISTS.
Obama took the country to war TWICE to HELP TERRORISTS!

Libya, as pointed out, was actually HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - they were not a threat to the United States...not until Obama sides with Al Qaeda, helped them murder Gadaffi, and gave control of an entire country - Libya - to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 people.

So you are saying Congress, without voting, approved of Obama helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country...when the reason they voted to give Bush the authority to go to war was to deny them safe haven anywhere in the world?!


Thank you for pointing out how Obama's F* UP - his illegal invasion of Syria - is not Trump's problem.

Obama's Syria mistake is now Trump's problem - CNN

"President Obama's gross miscalculation in 2013 was to wager that the conflict could be contained within Syria's borders. Reflecting a widely held realpolitik view at the time, political scientist John Mearsheimer argued that Syria did not affect the core strategic interests of the West and was of "little importance for American security."

Looking back, we can see how misguided this assessment was. It was arguably the biggest foreign policy miscalculation of the Obama presidency. Not only has the Syrian conflict deeply destabilized the Middle East, but its ripple effects have dramatically re-shaped politics around the world, including the domestic politics of the United States."

Thanks, Barry!

You can keep repeating the same lie time and time again, it does not make it true.

Congress gave the PRESIDENT the power to wage war without true constitutional authority. that authority has never been revoked thus the PRESIDENT still has it.

I gave you the link and the exact wording and you still ignore the truth.

and dishonest liars like you are allowed to vote, that is a crying shame.
I have no doubt Trump is much happier following obama than he would have been trying to clean up the bush mess.
Facts do not matter to Democrats.

Obama did not inherit any economy from BUSH. He inherited it from his own Democrats.

Congress - not the President - controls the Purse Strings, spending, the economy. The Democrats had a near super-majority control of those purse strings, that spending, that economy Bush's last 2 years in office and during Obama's 1st 2 years in office. Funny how snowflakes and liberals never like to bring that up.....

KNOWING they were 'inheriting' a bad economy Obama and the Democrats decided to spend $1 TRILLION dollars on a failed jobs bill that included over 7,000 pieces of tax payer funded Democrat ONLY, self/party-benefitting PORK . Attempting to keep a sharp eye on the economy and 'recover' from the bad economy they 'inherited, Democrats spent tax dollars on things like:
- A study of 'shrimp on treadmills'
- A study to find out why homosexual Argentinian males had better sex lives than heterosexual American men (WTF?)

DANE FEINSTEIN, who was already being well-paid by the Chinese for her facilitating espionage against the US, and other Democrats received LARGE 'Loans/Grants' used to save their personal family businesses....money they never had to pay back

In the end the CBO stated the cost PER JOB of jobs Obama created / saved through this jobs bill ended up being approx $774,000 PER JOB...due to all that 'FREE MONEY' Democrats got to use for their pet projects.

The bill never kept unemployment down as they promised. Obama had to publicly admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs as promised. Overall, it was a disastrously failed waste of tax dollars.

But again, Obama got a shitty declining economy from his fellow Democrats who had controlled Congress and spending for 2 years and who controlled them for Obama's 1st 2 years. The failed stimulus bill was their 1st all-Democrat House-Senate-WH collaborative bill.

...but please, don't let the facts derail your attempt to re-write history.
You can keep repeating the same lie time and time again, it does not make it true.
I don't repeat anything, snowflake. UNLIKE YOU, I do not keep spewing opinion and propaganda. I let the facts, reports, documents, and links do the talking.
I have no doubt Trump is much happier following obama than he would have been trying to clean up the bush mess.
Facts do not matter to Democrats.

Obama did not inherit any economy from BUSH. He inherited it from his own Democrats.

Congress - not the President - controls the Purse Strings, spending, the economy. The Democrats had a near super-majority control of those purse strings, that spending, that economy Bush's last 2 years in office and during Obama's 1st 2 years in office. Funny how snowflakes and liberals never like to bring that up.....

KNOWING they were 'inheriting' a bad economy Obama and the Democrats decided to spend $1 TRILLION dollars on a failed jobs bill that included over 7,000 pieces of tax payer funded Democrat ONLY, self/party-benefitting PORK . Attempting to keep a sharp eye on the economy and 'recover' from the bad economy they 'inherited, Democrats spent tax dollars on things like:
- A study of 'shrimp on treadmills'
- A study to find out why homosexual Argentinian males had better sex lives than heterosexual American men (WTF?)

DANE FEINSTEIN, who was already being well-paid by the Chinese for her facilitating espionage against the US, and other Democrats received LARGE 'Loans/Grants' used to save their personal family businesses....money they never had to pay back

In the end the CBO stated the cost PER JOB of jobs Obama created / saved through this jobs bill ended up being approx $774,000 PER JOB...due to all that 'FREE MONEY' Democrats got to use for their pet projects.

The bill never kept unemployment down as they promised. Obama had to publicly admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs as promised. Overall, it was a disastrously failed waste of tax dollars.

But again, Obama got a shitty declining economy from his fellow Democrats who had controlled Congress and spending for 2 years and who controlled them for Obama's 1st 2 years. The failed stimulus bill was their 1st all-Democrat House-Senate-WH collaborative bill.

...but please, don't let the facts derail your attempt to re-write history.
Even Trump ran on how bad Bush was. You are quite the inbred partisan.
Even Trump ran on how bad Bush was. You are quite the inbred partisan.
Trump may have stated a negative opinion of Bush and his policies, but Trump did not 'run on' that. There is a big difference, snowflake...not that you are smart enough to know / comprehend that. Nice try.
Even Trump ran on how bad Bush was. You are quite the inbred partisan.
Trump may have stated a negative opinion of Bush and his policies, but Trump did not 'run on' that. There is a big difference, snowflake...not that you are smart enough to know / comprehend that. Nice try.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history
President Trump said Wednesday former President George W. Bush is responsible for the biggest mistake in American history.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” Trump said during an interview with the Hill. “Obama may have gotten [U.S. military personnel] out wrong, but going in is, to me, the biggest single mistake made in the history of our country.”

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