Bush JR vs Obama, which presidency was worse

Which President did more damage to this nation?

  • Read your choices, thx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sdsdsdds Bush Jr

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • qqq bbddd Obama

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • Both should be considered one giant 16 year failure.

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters
The Iraq invasion was against international laws and treaties approved by Congress. That makes them part of Constitutional law. What Congress did was doubly (W-ly?) unconstitutional and criminal. That makes H. Clinton a war criminal along with the entire Bush League and the others who voted for it.
Yet Congress voted to give Bush the authority to go to war....which new Democrats are trying to spin because it was the Democrats who voted to give him that power. (Like Kerry, I believe, who said, 'I voted for it before I was against it.' :p)

No such vote was held to give Obama the authority to drag the US into wars in Libya and Syria to help terrorists.

Sorry, 'No Sale'.

The constitution give Congress the duty and responsibility to declare war, it does not give it the authority to abdicate their role to the Executive branch.

And you keep lying about who they gave the power to, it was not given to Bush II, it was given to the President and still stands today.

"That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force...."
Obama didn't literally crash the economy like W. did, he just used the fact that it did to funnel taxpayer money to his cronies.
In 8 years under Bush only $4 trillion in new debt was added.

In his 1st 6 (SIX) years, which included 9/11 / the aftermath / 2 wars, only $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added.

The Democrats took over a near-super majority control of Congress - to include spending - during Bush's last 2 years. In those last 2 years DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt. In only 2 years the Democrats controlling the spending added MORE THAN HALF AS MUCH DEBT IN ONLY 2 YEARS AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 6 YEARS.

Snowflakes, try to let that sink in ... allowing it to get past the ignorance and bias.
Some people in leadership positions are Warriors, some are Managers.

Bush was a Manager. The kind of man you use when there is no sinister opposition. Competition? Opposition? Absolutely.

A good Manager can handle those things with ease.

But dimocraps aren't the competition. And they aren't the opposition.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. THE worst political Party in history. Without a doubt. Criminal, traitorous, dishonest, corrupt and willing to do ANYTHING to gain power.

Bush would have been a great President if he had been up against the democrat Party of a JFK or Truman.

But not the current scum of the Earth dimocrap scum.

Bush let them walk over him. That is almost as bad as collaboration but not quite.

Gutless? Yep. He tried 6 times to stop the CRA from bankrupting the Country but didn't want to do what it would have taken because he couldn't face the onslaught from the press.

Ancient history.

For that he deserves tremendous criticism. For his weaknesses he deserves derision.

But obama? THE scummiest scumbag pile of fucking shit to ever insult the White House with his/it/her presence.

A total scumbag. A complete and total piece of fucking shit.

It's not even close.

Trump is a Warrior. Bush was a rather weak, but well-meaning, manager.

obama was a complete and utter piece of human FILTH.

Hope you're not too hungover from last night
Obama didn't literally crash the economy like W. did, he just used the fact that it did to funnel taxpayer money to his cronies.
In 8 years under Bush only $4 trillion in new debt was added.

In his 1st 6 (SIX) years, which included 9/11 / the aftermath / 2 wars, only $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added.

The Democrats took over a near-super majority control of Congress - to include spending - during Bush's last 2 years. In those last 2 years DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt. In only 2 years the Democrats controlling the spending added MORE THAN HALF AS MUCH DEBT IN ONLY 2 YEARS AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 6 YEARS.

Snowflakes, try to let that sink in ... allowing it to get past the ignorance and bias.
Bush inherited a balanced budget.
The Iraq invasion was against international laws and treaties approved by Congress. That makes them part of Constitutional law. What Congress did was doubly (W-ly?) unconstitutional and criminal. That makes H. Clinton a war criminal along with the entire Bush League and the others who voted for it.
Yet Congress voted to give Bush the authority to go to war....which new Democrats are trying to spin because it was the Democrats who voted to give him that power. (Like Kerry, I believe, who said, 'I voted for it before I was against it.' :p)

No such vote was held to give Obama the authority to drag the US into wars in Libya and Syria to help terrorists.

Sorry, 'No Sale'.

The constitution give Congress the duty and responsibility to declare war, it does not give it the authority to abdicate their role to the Executive branch.

And you keep lying about who they gave the power to, it was not given to Bush II, it was given to the President and still stands today.

"That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force...."

THE PRESIDENT at the time of this vote was George Bush. Thank you for pointing that out.

What happened to the Liberals who USED TO scream how we were not the world's policemen? The same Democrats / snowflakes claiming going into Iraq are now defending Obama's decision to drag the US into 2 UnConstitutional wars to help terrorists.

Libya was no threat to us - they were helping the coalition fight Al Qaeda and terrorists in Northern Africa.

The night Benghazi was attacked and Americans were abandoned to die, you know who reportedly helped get Americans to safety? EX-Gadaffi military officers / personnel...the guys Obama called out 'enemy' while his chosen 'allies' were killing Americans.

Syria was in the middle of a civil war. Again, what happened to the Liberals who USED TO scream how we were not the world's policemen? You snowflakes are actually condoning / defending / justifying Obama INVADING a sovereign nation without permission / invitation / cause.

Obama's own daddy was an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence because of shit like Barry pulled - invading a sovereign nation for no reason. Barry's daddy is rolling over in his grave over the shame Barry has brought him. :p
Obama didn't literally crash the economy like W. did, he just used the fact that it did to funnel taxpayer money to his cronies.
In 8 years under Bush only $4 trillion in new debt was added.

In his 1st 6 (SIX) years, which included 9/11 / the aftermath / 2 wars, only $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added.

The Democrats took over a near-super majority control of Congress - to include spending - during Bush's last 2 years. In those last 2 years DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt. In only 2 years the Democrats controlling the spending added MORE THAN HALF AS MUCH DEBT IN ONLY 2 YEARS AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 6 YEARS.

Snowflakes, try to let that sink in ... allowing it to get past the ignorance and bias.
Bush inherited a balanced budget.

FUCK progressives are ignorant. NO he didn't. Educate yourself, and you won't find it on StrokingProgressiveCock.Com
Obama didn't literally crash the economy like W. did, he just used the fact that it did to funnel taxpayer money to his cronies.
In 8 years under Bush only $4 trillion in new debt was added.

In his 1st 6 (SIX) years, which included 9/11 / the aftermath / 2 wars, only $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added.

The Democrats took over a near-super majority control of Congress - to include spending - during Bush's last 2 years. In those last 2 years DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt. In only 2 years the Democrats controlling the spending added MORE THAN HALF AS MUCH DEBT IN ONLY 2 YEARS AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 6 YEARS.

Snowflakes, try to let that sink in ... allowing it to get past the ignorance and bias.
Bush inherited a balanced budget.
How does that detract from anything I said, how the Democrats put their pedal down on increasing the debt and how if Obama inherited a shitty economy if was inherited from, as proven, the Democrats?
THE PRESIDENT at the time of this vote was George Bush. Thank you for pointing that out.

Yes he was, but the power was not limited to him, it was given to the President, no matter who the president is.

Not unlike the Constitution that gives power to the president, it was not just given to the president at the time.
The administration and Congress following "W" socialized the banking disaster and bailed out failed speculators with the future of America.
Obama didn't literally crash the economy like W. did, he just used the fact that it did to funnel taxpayer money to his cronies.
In 8 years under Bush only $4 trillion in new debt was added.

In his 1st 6 (SIX) years, which included 9/11 / the aftermath / 2 wars, only $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added.

The Democrats took over a near-super majority control of Congress - to include spending - during Bush's last 2 years. In those last 2 years DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt. In only 2 years the Democrats controlling the spending added MORE THAN HALF AS MUCH DEBT IN ONLY 2 YEARS AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 6 YEARS.

Snowflakes, try to let that sink in ... allowing it to get past the ignorance and bias.
Bush inherited a balanced budget.
How does that detract from anything I said, how the Democrats put their pedal down on increasing the debt and how if Obama inherited a shitty economy if was inherited from, as proven, the Democrats?
Shows how bad bush was. Deficits have increased under trump. Repubs love debt.
In my opinion, their presidencies should be combined as a single supreme failure.
OK I'm going to post TWO MEMES
A) President Bush had MORE disaster events over which HE HAD no control but had to deal with than no other president has ever ever faced!
B) Obama made STATEMENTS and actions that did everything possible to destroy our economy!

Shows how bad bush was. Deficits have increased under trump. Repubs love debt.

More proof of the hypocrisy of dimocrap scum.

When a dim is spending like crazy (like they ALWAYS do) we're not to worry about the debt or deficits.

When it's Republicans giving The American People back THEIR OWN MONEY or doing their ONLY Constitutionally Mandated job (protecting us), it's the end of the fucking world.

dimocraps are scum
Bush wasn’t as bad as ppl think. Obama, on the other hand, was a catastrophe
You people are absolutely nuts. Obama saved us from a full blown GOP corrupt depression finally passed Healthcare... Growth for seven years straight same as now. Bush jr. And his corrupt idiots allowed 911, started the stupidest Wars ever and caused the world depression. Only cost 8 trillion so you can be so stupid.

You're missing your screaming session tonight. They've started without you.

No arguments as usual, troll? All trolls are Republicans, they have nothing.

What are you doing, dinking around on the computer? You're going to be late for your mob.
Trump. Whenever the question about whose presidency was worse; the answer is Trump.

It's always "Trump" with you people. You should be charging him for taking up that much space in your heads.

Yeah, you’ve been crying about Hillary since 1990 bewitch. She owns you. Too bad you’re worthless.

Hillary was president ?

In her dreams, she was President.


She isn’t. Yet you’re still obsessed...and have been for 30 years. Get a life

Of course I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with the thought of the devil claiming her.

There would be dancing in the streets.
It's always "Trump" with you people. You should be charging him for taking up that much space in your heads.

Yeah, you’ve been crying about Hillary since 1990 bewitch. She owns you. Too bad you’re worthless.

Hillary was president ?

In her dreams, she was President.


She isn’t. Yet you’re still obsessed...and have been for 30 years. Get a life

Of course I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with the thought of the devil claiming her.

There would be dancing in the streets.
Dancing in the streets is now classified as "mob" behavior. Sorry.
In my opinion, their presidencies should be combined as a single supreme failure.

Neither would be complete failures. Bush was far superior to Obama on the economy--despite 9/11 and Katrina with resulting recessions being quickly overcome, he produced a strong economy that would have still been strong had the housing bubble crash not occurred. And that was not his fault and he repeatedly warned Congress to act to head it off. The boondoggle of the Iraq War and the bad decision to do nation building in Afghanistan is on his head though.

Obama policies created the slowest recovery from recession that we have seen since FDR and that was because he had almost no understanding about what drives a strong economy. And Obamacare was so ill advised and bad for us that it should have been criminal and would have been impossible to pass without a near super majority of Democrats in Congress. And his foreign policy was as wrong headed as Bush's. But he did produce something of a recovery so he can be allowed that.

As far as who was best or worst on the energy, immigration, education, environment, there is a lot of wiggle room in the debate for that.

And both did nothing to stop Congress from spending like drunken sailors.

Bottom line. Each was better on some things than the other; worse on some things than the other. Neither will go down in history as great Presidents.
In my opinion, their presidencies should be combined as a single supreme failure.

Neither would be complete failures. Bush was far superior to Obama on the economy--despite 9/11 and Katrina with resulting recessions being quickly overcome, he produced a strong economy that would have still been strong had the housing bubble crash not occurred. And that was not his fault and he repeatedly warned Congress to act to head it off. The boondoggle of the Iraq War and the bad decision to do nation building in Afghanistan is on his head though.

Obama policies created the slowest recovery from recession that we have seen since FDR and that was because he had almost no understanding about what drives a strong economy. And Obamacare was so ill advised and bad for us that it should have been criminal and would have been impossible to pass without a near super majority of Democrats in Congress. And his foreign policy was as wrong headed as Bush's. But he did produce something of a recovery so he can be allowed that.

As far as who was best or worst on the energy, immigration, education, environment, there is a lot of wiggle room in the debate for that.

And both did nothing to stop Congress from spending like drunken sailors.

Bottom line. Each was better on some things than the other; worse on some things than the other. Neither will go down in history as great Presidents.

Well as I posted earlier Obama did NOTHING to encourage businesses as he just hates capitalism!
As far as energy...
Look at this chart...
This is the ONE and ONLY direct affect a president can have on oil and gas prices.
More oil/gas leases means more production may lower gas prices,
less oil/gas leases means LESS production definitely means HIGHER gas prices.

Obama had one year out of 8 to increase oil/gas production by signing federal leases. As a result he signed 1,896 fewer leases than Bush.
Now look at Trump. He signed in less than a year nearly twice as many as Obama did in 2016, and MORE that Obama in 2015. He probably would
have signed more in 2017 but it took a couple of months to get the ball moving again.
I mean what would you expect if a President like Obama said:
And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil
Really? Obama telling the world the USA will continue to be dependent on foreign oil/gas.
NOT so with Trump. In less than 2 years
US becoming more energy independent, on path to being 'biggest oil producer in the world'
US becoming more energy independent, on path to being 'biggest oil producer in the world'


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