Bush slammed on "kept us safe" comment

GOOD , good for them , get the next 'meme' out there for all the know nothings to spout and hopefully hurt the 'jebito' the 'bushs' and the 'gop' rinos JimH !! Think that its called a 'meme' .
Trump is beginning to implode and Jeb is doing nothing to help his chance to move into the top spot. Especially with stupid statements like this. It might play with the blind Repubs, but not with the General.
HOPE that Trump continues to do well , I'll wait for the polls even though they may be manipulated . No matter what though , I'll never support anyone other than a TRUMP or CRUZ !!
Kasich is truly the candidate we need.

Bush is a neo-con, and that makes him very, very dangerous.
Kasich as well as jebito are rinos !!
You are the WrHINO, bub. Kasich is the right candidate. We cannot afford any of the crazy anti-American far right who wants to go back to the sixties.
HOPE that Trump continues to do well , I'll wait for the polls even though they may be manipulated . No matter what though , I'll never support anyone other than a TRUMP or CRUZ !!

You are going to be very disappointed.....
no , think the rino moderates will be disappointed when I and lots of Conservatives don't vote for the rino moderate . Some like me will even go so far as to vote for the dem just to stab the moderate rinos JimH .
think that its you and Jake that will be unhappy as we replay a couple earlier elections that let mrobama into the 'whitehut' JimH !!
think that its you and Jake that will be unhappy as we replay a couple earlier elections that let mrobama into the 'whitehut' JimH !!
Most of the mainstream GOP will not accept a far right candidate at all. Vote as you will. You won't have a far right candidate on the GOP ticket.

I'm sorry, no soldiers died since Obama took office based on lies that the first thing he would do was end the Iraq war? And none have died after Obama took us back in? I bet you still blame the deficit in 2015 on Bush.

It was that easy to make you and the fool who made that pile of shit propaganda look like hacks.

no , think the rino moderates will be disappointed when I and lots of Conservatives don't vote for the rino moderate . Some like me will even go so far as to vote for the dem just to stab the moderate rinos JimH .
Cut off your nose to spite your face. You might as well register as a Democrat or form a third party. I guess you have been voting for Democrats since you turned 18 eh? I hate to be the one to break it to you but moderates are the majority in both parties.
"It's as if Jeb Bush believes his brother's presidency began on Sept. 12, 2001," Americans United for Change President Brad Woodhouse said in a statement. "We're not letting Jeb rewrite history. ... If Jeb Bush really believes his brother kept us safe, then Jeb Bush is the last person Americans should entrust their safety to."


And a Jeb! 'presidency' would likewise be a disaster, his 'administration' populated with Bush Era retreads, the same incompetent administrators and advisers who brought us a massive Federal deficit, larger and more intrusive government, and two failed, illegal wars.

Americans will no doubt pass on another Bush 'presidency.'
no , think the rino moderates will be disappointed when I and lots of Conservatives don't vote for the rino moderate . Some like me will even go so far as to vote for the dem just to stab the moderate rinos JimH .
Cut off your nose to spite your face. You might as well register as a Democrat or form a third party. I guess you have been voting for Democrats since you turned 18 eh? I hate to be the one to break it to you but moderates are the majority in both parties.
no --- NO , voted repub since the very early 70s . Stopped voting repub when 'gwb' ran his second run for president . Didn't support 'juan mccain' or vote for him either . 'romney' , I voted for him but no rino moderates ever again . But yeah , I'll just vote for the dem if its a rino , moderate republican nominee this time 'Brulee' .
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