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Bush Warned Obama About VA

Republicans make the mud: Iraq War

Jump in it then complain about getting dirty: Injured Soldiers
You have to be a "special" kind of stupid to assert that a problem which existed under both presidents only caused deaths while Obama was president. Was Bush that awe inspiring that it kept vets alive until Obama became president?

Vets of Bush's Wars Sue the VA: 'More than Half of Wounded Troops Slipping Through the Cracks'

Then please show me all the dead vets under Bush. SHow me the scandal that engulfed the Bush administration.
The truth is that problems left to themselves dont get better, they get worse. And they got worse under Obama, because he didnt do anything to fix them.
You really are one dumb turd, aren't you?


Yet you're only "outraged" now....why Shirley?

Good point. I guess RabbitBrain forgot about the Walter Reed Medical Center scandal in 2007:

Witness slams 'nightmares' of Army medical system
POSTED: 1:51 a.m. EST, March 6, 2007

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Witnesses told a House panel Monday that wounded U.S. soldiers are forced to struggle against a nightmarish and untrustworthy Army medical system that leaves veterans stranded in unfit conditions.

Two Iraq war veterans and the wife of a third gave heartbreaking, at times stunning, tales of neglect at the now notorious Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

The panel was convened in the wake of a scandal triggered by The Washington Post's detailing of problems at the hospital.

Annette McLeod, wife of Cpl. Wendell McLeod, who received an injury to his head in the war, said her husband "has been through the nightmares of the Army medical system."

"I'm glad that you care about what happened to my husband after he was injured in the line of duty. Because for a long time, it seemed like I was the only one who cared. Certainly, the Army didn't care. I didn't even find out that he was injured until he called me himself from a hospital in New Jersey."

"This is how we treat our soldiers -- we give them nothing," she said. "They're good enough to go and sacrifice their life, and we give them nothing. You need to fix the system." (Watch emotional testimony about Reed's problems )

A series of stories in The Washington Post in February documented a variety of problems at "Building 18," a one-time motel converted to a long-term outpatient dormitory at the Washington hospital. The newspaper found troops who lost limbs and suffered traumatic brain injuries or post-traumatic stress were quartered for months in moldy and rodent-infested rooms with inadequate follow-up care.

The panel chairman, Rep. John Tierney, called "the unsanitary conditions" and other problems at Walter Reed hospital "appalling."

"But we also realize that not only is it flat wrong, that's the tip of the iceberg," said Tierney, a Massachusetts Democrat. "For too many occasions, the soldiers at Walter Reed wait months, if not years, in sort of a limbo. And they must navigate through broken administrative processes and layers upon layers of bureaucracy to get their basic tasks accomplished."

The congressman said he believes the problems "go well beyond the walls of Walter Reed, and that they are problems systemic throughout the military health-care system. And as we send more and more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, these problems are only going to get worse, not better. And we should be prepared to deal with them."

Maj. Gen. George Weightman, whose duties included overseeing the facility before he was fired over the scandal, said, "It is clear mistakes were made and I was in charge. We can't fail one of these soldiers or their families, not one, and we did."

He added, "We did not fully recognize the frustrating bureaucratic and administrative processes some of these soldiers go through. We should have and in this, I failed."

But Annette McLeod described Weightman as a "fall guy."

"Mr. Weightman, in my opinion, he was just shoved into a situation that was already there, and because somebody had to be the fall guy, he was there," she said.

McLeod said her husband at one point waited four months for the results of an important medical test. She said the Army refuses to acknowledge that her husband suffered a brain injury. He once told the military he had needed special help with certain school subjects when he was young, and now the Army is using that "against him," she said.

Room 'wasn't fit for anyone'

During earlier testimony, a soldier who said he once lived in a recovery annex at Walter Reed described unfit hospital conditions.

Wounded Army Spc. Jeremy Duncan told the panel he spent some of his recovery in Building 18. Duncan said that his room "wasn't fit for anyone."

"I know most soldiers that come out of recovery have weaker immune systems and black mold can do damage to people," Duncan said. "The holes in the walls -- I wouldn't live there even if I had to."

After taking his complaints through the chain of command, nothing was fixed, Duncan said.

"That's when I contacted The Washington Post."

Asked what happened after the Post reported what he had to say, Duncan replied, "I was immediately removed from that room. And then the next day they were renovating the room."

Duncan rejected recent public statements from some military officials that they were unaware of the problems. "There's no way they couldn't have known," he said. "I mean, everybody had to have known somewhere. If they wanted to actually look at it or pay attention or believe it, it's up to them."

'I want to leave this place'

Another patient, Staff Sgt. John Daniel Shannon, said the revelations were no surprise. "Two years after first being admitted, I'm hearing the same thing that I heard two years ago," Shannon said. He described his many extensive efforts to get needed treatment and better conditions.

"I want to leave this place," said Shannon. "I have seen so many soldiers get so frustrated with the process that they will sign anything presented to them just so they can get on with their lives. We have almost no advocacy that is not working for the government, no one that we can talk to about this process who is knowledgeable and we can trust is going to give us fair treatment and informed guidance."

As testimony began, Vice President Dick Cheney was making a speech Monday to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, saying that President Bush has made clear "there will be no excuses, only action."

"We're going to fix the problems at Walter Reed, period," Cheney said.

Gen. Peter Schoomaker, Army chief of staff, said, "I couldn't be madder, and I couldn't be more embarrassed and ashamed."

Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley, the Army's surgeon general, acknowledged Walter Reed "has not met our standards" and added, "For that I am sorry."

Kiley's statement came after Acting Secretary of the Army Peter Geren told the committee that "we have let some soldiers down."

"We're going to fix that problem," Geren said.

Geren stepped into his role after Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey's resignation Friday.

In addition to Harvey's resignation, the outcry over the conditions some outpatient soldiers faced at Walter Reed led to Weightman's removal. (Watch why the Army secretary and hospital commander lost their jobs )

On Friday, House Democrats released documents showing Weightman was warned in September that the Army's decision to turn over support services for the facility to a private contractor sparked an exodus of skilled staff. That left patient care "at risk of mission failure," Weightman's deputy, Col. Peter Garibaldi, warned in a memo to the general.

Changes being made

Jim Nicholson, secretary of Veterans Affairs, said that the health-care system is not perfect, but steps are being taken to make sure veterans get the best care possible.

"I still worry that there are those cases where these things are not happening the way they should be," he said Monday on "The Situation Room." (Watch Nicholson talk about what's being done )

Nicholson said he ordered the hiring of 100 patient advocates to attend to patients in the VA system.

"If that's not enough, we'll hire more," he said.

Nicholson said the system has new procedures to screen Iraq veterans receiving any type of care for traumatic brain injuries and post traumatic stress disorder.
The raw ugly truth about how the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were ignored and hung out to dry can be seen in "Body of War", a documentary film released in 2006.

This isn't new. Which pisses me off even more.
Two different presidents, what, at least 8 different congresses ... and NO ONE has done anything about it.
^^Ignorant of the meaning of the word "relevent".

I know you are.

Here is a second helping you won't read....are you scared Shirley?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

American Military Hospital Scandal: Wake Up Call for Transformational Leadership

The words on the March 5, 2007 Newsweek magazine cover echo the sentiment throughout America, "Failing Our Wounded: Shattered in body and mind, too many veterans are facing poor health care and red tape."
This Newsweek edition focuses on the serious leadership deficiencies at Walter Reed Army Medical Center that resulted in deplorable conditions. It is full of heart wrenching photographs of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who have lost limbs or eyes, suffer from depression, or have serious bone, muscle and burn injuries. Compounding the normal difficulties associated with recovery and rehabilitation is the loss of morale and intense discouragement due to the burdensome and insensitive bureaucracy that makes required treatments, benefits disbursement and backlogged cases a nightmare.

There is a crisis of leadership throughout America highlighted by public and private corruption, professional sports and faith based scandals as well as a lack of preparedness for natural disasters underscored by the Hurricane Katrina fiasco. Yet, the contemptuous failing of care for our wounded veterans, many of them teenagers and each of them members of the American family must be the final straw. It is time to ignite change that leads to a transformational leadership culture within our entire nation.

The United States Military has a proud legacy. The raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, the discipline of The Sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknowns, the character of the West Point Honor Code, and the sacrifices of many Americans who have served gallantly in World War II, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Our nation must rise up and once again embrace honor and commit to leadership hallmarked by courage, character, compassion and community.

In response to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Scandal, the words of Abraham Lincoln must enter into the deepest recesses of our hearts:

"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."

Strange you're only outraged now....

Apparently rabbi doesn't give a shit about veterans. Just in trashing Obama.

Very sad.

Obama deserves some of the blame but by no means all of it. What is sad is that any sober observer would come to that conclusion.
The raw ugly truth about how the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were ignored and hung out to dry can be seen in "Body of War", a documentary film released in 2006.

This isn't new. Which pisses me off even more.
Two different presidents, what, at least 8 different congresses ... and NO ONE has done anything about it.

Exactly, and the reason for my post.

RabbitBrain continues the drumbeat to blame Obama. In his little tiny cavity where there's enough brain matter to at least type on his computer, he fails to acknowledge history prior to 2009.

If you haven't seen "Body of War" it is excellent and explains the number of veterans deaths that goes uncounted because they suffer for many years with no proper care and then die from secondary causes, like organ failure. Then these vets are NOT reported as dying from the war.
I know you are.

Here is a second helping you won't read....are you scared Shirley?

Strange you're only outraged now....

Apparently rabbi doesn't give a shit about veterans. Just in trashing Obama.

Very sad.

Obama deserves some of the blame but by no means all of it. What is sad is that any sober observer would come to that conclusion.

Sober is not really a word I'd use to describe Rabbi.

Anyone who gives "one of his" a pass on crapping on veterans like this is beneath contempt.
I cannot tell, are the liberals here trying to say conservatives were not outraged at the Bush administration for Walter Reed?

I think they are.

Are they sure we weren't? Really?

What I am sure about is this. Right now, the liberals are some how saying it is perfectly fine what is going with this situation, cause Bush was guilty of something similar?

If that is not what they are saying, then please someone from the left tell me what your point is.

BTW, the Bush administration in a lot of ways were pieces of shit, and that was one of the ways. Not to mention the various ways he tried to reach across the isle and placate liberals by passing pathetic liberal policies. Like "No child left behind" and committing more money to AIDS relief in Africa than all of the previous presidents combined. As though any moron on the left knew or cared.

Back to the point. Someone, please tell me what the point is about bringing up Bush with this particular situation. I have not read all of the liberals responses. Has any of them in any way showed any disgust?

Any of them? Can you please show me where. I do not want to read all of their bullshit. I cannot afford to have diarrhea today.
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The raw ugly truth about how the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were ignored and hung out to dry can be seen in "Body of War", a documentary film released in 2006.

My favorite was when the military tried to tell some of my friends that they weren't really sick or injured. First you have to convince the VA that you were sick; only then you could be ignored and have your care delayed.

I can't blame some for not wanting the flag on their coffin and the final expense benefits that they earned through their service.
I cannot tell, are the liberals here trying to say conservatives was not outraged at the Bush administration for Walter Reed?

I think they are.

Are they sure we weren't? Really?

What I am sure about is this. Right now, the liberals are some how saying it is perfectly fine what is going with this situation, cause Bush was guilty of something similar?

If that is not what they are saying, then please someone from the left tell me what your point is.

BTW, the Bush administration in a lot of ways were pieces of shit, and that was one of the ways. Not to mention the various ways he tried to reach across the isle and placate liberals by passing pathetic liberal policies. Like "No child left behind" and committing more money to AIDS relief in Africa than all of the previous presidents combined. As though any moron on the left knew or cared.

Back to the point. Someone, please tell me what the point is about bringing up Bush with this particular situation. I have not read all of the liberals responses. Has any of them in any way showed any disgust?

Any of them? Can you please show me where. I do not want to read all of their bullshit. I cannot afford to have diarrhea today.

Rabid asked "Where was the VA scandal" under Bush. We showed him.

As for what "liberals" are saying, I have said twice now; It happened under Obama, he is responsible. I'm not sure about others.
Apparently rabbi doesn't give a shit about veterans. Just in trashing Obama.

Very sad.

Obama deserves some of the blame but by no means all of it. What is sad is that any sober observer would come to that conclusion.

Sober is not really a word I'd use to describe Rabbi.

Anyone who gives "one of his" a pass on crapping on veterans like this is beneath contempt.

Well, what I meant was that by saying that Bush's administration of the VA was not much better (or much worse) than Obama's doesn't dampen your powder in attacking Obama, does it?

Admitting that your guy was at fault is simply being honest. That he refuses to be honest is the real but wholly unsurprising development.
Bush Administration were the adults. Obama Administration were the amateurs. Evidence the Obama Administration knew about problems back in 2008 but did nothing. And of course the mainstream news sources aren't reporting that. Can't sayi anything good about Bush, ya know.

ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems | NewsBusters
Documents obtained by the Washington Times revealed that the Bush Administration warned the Obama Administration about problems within the Veterans Administration as early as 2008, yet both the ABC and NBC evening news broadcasts ignored the story on Monday, May 19.

Of the big three networks, only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley covered the new revelations in the VA scandal. CBS News host Scott Pelley noted that “The Bush White House was so concerned about this back in 2008 that it warned the incoming Obama Administration.”

Read more: ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems | NewsBusters
NEWBUSTERS: An ultra right sewer site that serves up a buffet of shit each and every day. That rabbi would stop by on a daily basis for lunch is no surprise. When I saw the word Newsbusters I stopped reading.

What was CBS's reason for running the story? Nothing like closed minded tolerant liberals to make knee jerk judgements to save face.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Republicans make the mud: Iraq War

Jump in it then complain about getting dirty: Injured Soldiers

Hillary voted for the war AND propagated the existence of WMDs in Iraq before Bush took office.

Now, tell us. What are her massive accomplishments off the top of your head that garners her any qualiifications to be president.

Wait, why am I asking you? You voted for Obama for no other reason other than he is black (well half black.) Well, if that is not the reason, why don't you tell me all of his qualifications to be president?

Don't attempt to look for his schooling, we know more about James Polk's education than Obama's.

Oh never mind. All you are about is cliche after cliche. Your arguments really have nothing. You are a bloviated hypocrite.

Not to worry though, at least 47% of this country are exactly like you.
I cannot tell, are the liberals here trying to say conservatives was not outraged at the Bush administration for Walter Reed?

I think they are.

Are they sure we weren't? Really?

What I am sure about is this. Right now, the liberals are some how saying it is perfectly fine what is going with this situation, cause Bush was guilty of something similar?

If that is not what they are saying, then please someone from the left tell me what your point is.

BTW, the Bush administration in a lot of ways were pieces of shit, and that was one of the ways. Not to mention the various ways he tried to reach across the isle and placate liberals by passing pathetic liberal policies. Like "No child left behind" and committing more money to AIDS relief in Africa than all of the previous presidents combined. As though any moron on the left knew or cared.

Back to the point. Someone, please tell me what the point is about bringing up Bush with this particular situation. I have not read all of the liberals responses. Has any of them in any way showed any disgust?

Any of them? Can you please show me where. I do not want to read all of their bullshit. I cannot afford to have diarrhea today.

Rabid asked "Where was the VA scandal" under Bush. We showed him.

As for what "liberals" are saying, I have said twice now; It happened under Obama, he is responsible. I'm not sure about others.

I was not responding to Rabbi. I was asking specific questions. Is your level of disgust the same when you say Obama is "responsible?"

How much does it bother you that the administration is not taking any responsibility?

Have you noticed at in this thread that many left wing hacks are not showing disgust? I have.

In fact, I could swear they are saying it is perfectly ok since Bush was guilty of something similar.

If that is not what they are saying, why the lack of disgust, and why bring up Bush and Walter Reed. I mean other than obfuscating.

Can you answer those?

Obama deserves some of the blame but by no means all of it. What is sad is that any sober observer would come to that conclusion.

Sober is not really a word I'd use to describe Rabbi.

Anyone who gives "one of his" a pass on crapping on veterans like this is beneath contempt.

Well, what I meant was that by saying that Bush's administration of the VA was not much better (or much worse) than Obama's doesn't dampen your powder in attacking Obama, does it?

Admitting that your guy was at fault is simply being honest. That he refuses to be honest is the real but wholly unsurprising development.

I agree 100%. It doesn't dampen the powder. On several campaign stops Obama talked about this disgrace (that obviously developed under Bush or sooner). But he hasn't fixed it. Bush didn't fix it. If the problems were emerging sooner, previous administrations didn't fix it.

It just flat out sucks on all fronts imho. I think no sober, right-minded person should try to claim Bush did better than Obama on this just to try to grind a political ax. Politicizing this issue is the act of a hack who doesn't give a crap about veterans - only in the party line.
clinton didnt warn Bush about 9-11 you mindless left-wing idiot.
in fact clinton let EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 9-11 hijackers into this country and when Clinton was handing over the country to the incoming President Bush he never had a clue they were ALREADY HERE

true story

Right wing revisionist history. Bush was warned that al Queda was planning an attack, they were even told about using airplanes as bombs. He was too busy looking at Iraq to impress daddy. How many died?
clinton didnt warn Bush about 9-11 you mindless left-wing idiot.
in fact clinton let EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 9-11 hijackers into this country and when Clinton was handing over the country to the incoming President Bush he never had a clue they were ALREADY HERE

true story

Right wing revisionist history. Bush was warned that al Queda was planning an attack, they were even told about using airplanes as bombs. He was too busy looking at Iraq to impress daddy. How many died?

CLINTON had that same information ONE MONTH after the FIRST ATTACK ON THE WORLD TRADE CENTER; when he was in office for 3 MONTHS. the information said the next attack might be by airplane

i didnt "revise" anything you lying dolt. clinton handed over the country never knowing the whole crew that would go on to commite 9-11 WAS ALREADY HERE.

now what part of that is the "revisionist" part?

i'm waiting
clinton didnt warn Bush about 9-11 you mindless left-wing idiot.
in fact clinton let EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 9-11 hijackers into this country and when Clinton was handing over the country to the incoming President Bush he never had a clue they were ALREADY HERE

true story

Right wing revisionist history. Bush was warned that al Queda was planning an attack, they were even told about using airplanes as bombs. He was too busy looking at Iraq to impress daddy. How many died?

A truther everyone.

Everyone knew al qaeda was planning an attack you bloviated dick.

You are here saying they knew specifically what they are going to do, and that they deliberately ignored it.

That means you believe Bush and Cheney planned it, and carried out.....for OIL.

Well, what is your point?

LOL at a truther.
Republicans make the mud: Iraq War

Jump in it then complain about getting dirty: Injured Soldiers

Hillary voted for the war AND propagated the existence of WMDs in Iraq before Bush took office.

Now, tell us. What are her massive accomplishments off the top of your head that garners her any qualiifications to be president.

Wait, why am I asking you? You voted for Obama for no other reason other than he is black (well half black.) Well, if that is not the reason, why don't you tell me all of his qualifications to be president?

Don't attempt to look for his schooling, we know more about James Polk's education than Obama's.

Oh never mind. All you are about is cliche after cliche. Your arguments really have nothing. You are a bloviated hypocrite.

Not to worry though, at least 47% of this country are exactly like you.

Why do you ask anything? You already wrote the script, characters and outcomes of your fiction. Straw men are easy to beat up but good job tho
The Disaster after 9/11: The Department of Homeland ...

Homeland Security Affairs: Article - The Disaster after 9/11: The Department of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Reorganization

by C Perrow - *Cited by 10 - *Related articles
The terrorist attack suggested possible future ones that would involve more of society ... our defense strategy, even after the first Twin Towers attack in 1993 was laid at the ... that Al Qaeda could be planning to hijack airplanes and use them as missiles. .... This had been “ordered” during the Clinton administration but no one ...

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