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Bush Warned Obama About VA

Of course Obama screwed the pooch on this one. I have no admissions to make. Obama does. Bush does. All these assholes who talk about the problem and do absolutely nothing to fix it are up to their eyeballs in the blood and the needless suffering of our veterans.

So you're outraged at Obama, whose negligence caused these needless deaths, right?

Jesus, you are one desperate motherfucker. Were you salivating when you asked that question? So Bush supposedly warned Obama about the problems with the VA. And now all of the VA's problems are due to Obama's incompetence. No vet ever died while waiting on the VA to help hom or her until Obama became potus. Well, what did Bush do about it other than warn Obama? And if the GOP cares so much about vets, then why have they continually voted to cut funding for programs that help vets?

The desperation just builds.
1) "Problems" can mean anything. But Bush gave Obama a list of specific issues that were building.
2) Vets werent dying from neglect under Bush. How do we know? Because the Lamestream media would have been all over it if they were.
The problem is Obama. Period.
More than one.
And when does the 'meter' (the counting of days) start running?

When the story breaks in the media and embarrasses the Administration?

Or when the initial reports of abuses and wrongdoing first came to the attention of the Administration?

The difference between the two could be weeks, months or even years.

Who knew what... and when did they know it?

THAT is what will probably tell us when the meter should truly have begun running.
At the very least when the news became public. Right? And it'sbeen days since that happened and only now he's getting around to ordering an investigation.
He previously expressed confidence in Shinseki.
Why did he have to order him to investigate something after Shinseki promised he was already investigating it?

We have a Civilian Run Military in this Country for one reason and one reason only.....

Because that's the way the Military likes it.

And they can change that any fucking time they're in the mood. Believe it. In about ten minutes. Maybe less.

I told these dimocrap scumbags the other day that you just don't fuck with the US Military or their Veterans. EVERYBODY knows that.


the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is SERIOUSLY worried about this scandal. And he needs to be.

We ALL need to be.

Heads will roll within two weeks. Count on it.
Bush Administration were the adults. Obama Administration were the amateurs. Evidence the Obama Administration knew about problems back in 2008 but did nothing. And of course the mainstream news sources aren't reporting that. Can't sayi anything good about Bush, ya know.

ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems | NewsBusters

Read more: ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing VA Problems | NewsBusters
NEWBUSTERS: An ultra right sewer site that serves up a buffet of shit each and every day. That rabbi would stop by on a daily basis for lunch is no surprise. When I saw the word Newsbusters I stopped reading.

Here's a similar article from the Washington Times...

The Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care — problems that have turned into a growing scandal.

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting.

Obama Knew About VA Problems as far Back as 2008

The Washington Times are any better?

It's not even a freaking paper.

So like everything else all the problems in the US started around 2009?

Of course Obama screwed the pooch on this one. I have no admissions to make. Obama does. Bush does. All these assholes who talk about the problem and do absolutely nothing to fix it are up to their eyeballs in the blood and the needless suffering of our veterans.

So you're outraged at Obama, whose negligence caused these needless deaths, right?

Jesus, you are one desperate motherfucker. Were you salivating when you asked that question? So Bush supposedly warned Obama about the problems with the VA. And now all of the VA's problems are due to Obama's incompetence. No vet ever died while waiting on the VA to help hom or her until Obama became potus. Well, what did Bush do about it other than warn Obama? And if the GOP cares so much about vets, then why have they continually voted to cut funding for programs that help vets?

The other side of the coin is that the Obama administration doubled the amount of money going to the VA and expanded what's covered. Now vets with Agent Orange poisoning are covered. Didn't help my friend much.

He's dead.
NEWBUSTERS: An ultra right sewer site that serves up a buffet of shit each and every day. That rabbi would stop by on a daily basis for lunch is no surprise. When I saw the word Newsbusters I stopped reading.

Here's a similar article from the Washington Times...

The Obama administration received clear notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that threatened to deny veterans timely health care — problems that have turned into a growing scandal.

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting.

Obama Knew About VA Problems as far Back as 2008

The Washington Times are any better?

It's not even a freaking paper.

So like everything else all the problems in the US started around 2009?


How about the UK Daily Mail?

Which is bigger than the New Yawk Slimes and Pravda West (WaPo) COMBINED

White House says Obama only learned of VA wait-list scandal on TV (just like the IRS, Fast and Furious and reporter snooping scandals) | Mail Online

You are THE most dishonest fuck on this Board.

And THAT is saying something.

Kill yourself. Nobody would care.
If Obama didn't know; he should have. If Bush didn't know, he should have.

Look, we went from zero combat troops in the field in 2000 to what, 300,000 to 700,000 who served in theater? Nobody needs to be informed how much medical care can cost. Try multiplying that by a quarter million.

We have never spent enough to compensate members of the military much less taking care of the combat veterans after hostilities end. To say that the President didn't know that the VA wasn't going to be up to the challenged caused by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is theater of the absurd.

Obama is in office. The blame lays with him. And it will lay with the next POTUS as well who will also fail.

you are absolutely right.....every administration since Vietnam has treated returning Vets half assed......every one of them.....including this one.....
Here's a similar article from the Washington Times...

Obama Knew About VA Problems as far Back as 2008

The Washington Times are any better?

It's not even a freaking paper.

So like everything else all the problems in the US started around 2009?


How about the UK Daily Mail?

Which is bigger than the New Yawk Slimes and Pravda West (WaPo) COMBINED

White House says Obama only learned of VA wait-list scandal on TV (just like the IRS, Fast and Furious and reporter snooping scandals) | Mail Online

You are THE most dishonest fuck on this Board.

And THAT is saying something.

Kill yourself. Nobody would care.

The Daily Mail is just about as reliable as the National Enquirer.

And projection doesn't help your cause.

everytime the Left is hit with inconveniant truths they attack the messenger

libs are crybabies who lie to themselves
If Obama didn't know; he should have. If Bush didn't know, he should have.

Look, we went from zero combat troops in the field in 2000 to what, 300,000 to 700,000 who served in theater? Nobody needs to be informed how much medical care can cost. Try multiplying that by a quarter million.

We have never spent enough to compensate members of the military much less taking care of the combat veterans after hostilities end. To say that the President didn't know that the VA wasn't going to be up to the challenged caused by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is theater of the absurd.

Obama is in office. The blame lays with him. And it will lay with the next POTUS as well who will also fail.

you are absolutely right.....every administration since Vietnam has treated returning Vets half assed......every one of them.....including this one.....

At least one good thing came of this..

This President is so hated by the right wing, this is getting some focus.

Which is a good thing.

Perhaps it will be enough to override McConnell's obstruction to more funding.

One can only hope.
He also warned the (D) congress about the looming housing & mortgage meltdown... they damn near called him a racist and Barney Frank declared that all was fine.

The left fiddles while Rome burns and then scurries like rats when it implodes.
If Obama didn't know; he should have. If Bush didn't know, he should have.

Look, we went from zero combat troops in the field in 2000 to what, 300,000 to 700,000 who served in theater? Nobody needs to be informed how much medical care can cost. Try multiplying that by a quarter million.

We have never spent enough to compensate members of the military much less taking care of the combat veterans after hostilities end. To say that the President didn't know that the VA wasn't going to be up to the challenged caused by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is theater of the absurd.

Obama is in office. The blame lays with him. And it will lay with the next POTUS as well who will also fail.

you are absolutely right.....every administration since Vietnam has treated returning Vets half assed......every one of them.....including this one.....

Bush 41 tried his best to end that.

I am a Priority 1 Disabled Veteran. Believe me when I tell you, I know what I'm talking about through PERSONAL experience not through the filters of someone else's eyes who may have political view.

When Bush became POTUS, the VA changed almost overnight.

I don't see where the Liar in Chief has done anything DIRECTLY to harm the VA or Veterans but his act is getting old. Really old.

His, "I'm mad as hell" bullshit and, "I just found out about it in the Morning Paper" schtick is getting really tiresome.

In fact, it is so disingenuous as to cause people to believe that he doesn't care.... Not interested.

Maybe if he'd have Cabinet Meetings once in a while (he doesn't, didja know that?) he could find these things out.

The man is the worst president in history. By a LONG shot. By a Big Margin.

If I were President, I would fire Shinseki on the spot and order Eric Himmler to open a Criminal Investigation immediately. I would take no prisoners.

But I'm not, and I never will be. So thieves, liars, scum, criminals, IOW; dimocraps, throughout the Country needn't worry.

Men and Women who offered up their lives for this Country, without reservation, for SHIT pay and lousy living conditions, and these motherfucking bureaucrats are playing numbers games to hide their incompetence?

I'd do worse than fire Shinseki. I think I'd have him perp-walked in chains from his Office

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