*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

There is nothing new here..

When news of the attack came out there were reports of the terrorist group that took claim to the attack. It is still not a smoking gun that it was them. This is not some smoking gun, investigations needed to happen to confirm that it was terrorism and that they were indeed the ones responsible.

If you remember, when 9/11/01 took place there was like about 15 total groups that stepped forward and took responsibility for the attacks.

Doesn't really matter though, LGS has all people descending opinion blocked.. So she can just float around without any contradicting opinion or any need for facts.

Fucking worthless hyperbole thread.
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This President will be brought under oath and have to account for the murder of American citizens.. While he slept and ignored their SLAUGHTER-- then lied to cover it all up.

Doesn't get any lower than this...
This President will be brought under oath and have to account for the murder of American citizens.. While he slept and ignored their SLAUGHTER-- then lied to cover it all up.

Doesn't get any lower than this...

Like I said, she blocks everyone and continues to spout her worthless crap.

Facts need not apply.
These are the faces of true LEFTISTS.. They lie, distort, propagandize all to cover up American deaths.. ALL ON DISPLAY.. Liberalism is the face of evil.. OBAMA SLEPT in the White House KNOWING FULL WELL, the entire details.. went back to bed.. AMERICANS WERE SLAUGHTERED.. NO protection, all denied.. then once he knew they were attacked, WENT TO BED..

Their deaths lie solely on him.
These are the faces of true LEFTISTS.. They lie, distort, propagandize all to cover up American deaths.. ALL ON DISPLAY.. Liberalism is the face of evil.. OBAMA SLEPT in the White House KNOWING FULL WELL, the entire details.. went back to bed.. AMERICANS WERE SLAUGHTERED.. NO protection, all denied.. then once he knew they were attacked, WENT TO BED..

Their deaths lie solely on him.

It's great how clueless she looks, while ignoring any descending opinion or even trying to defend her opinion.

LGS = Fingers in ears, screaming "lalalalalala".

I know you read these, you can't resist it. :lol:
President obama is an evil person.

and liberals don't care b/c Mitt is not a liberal.

We all know that from now on, when a dem accuses anyone of party before country, they are projecting.
These are the faces of true LEFTISTS.. They lie, distort, propagandize all to cover up American deaths.. ALL ON DISPLAY.. Liberalism is the face of evil.. OBAMA SLEPT in the White House KNOWING FULL WELL, the entire details.. went back to bed.. AMERICANS WERE SLAUGHTERED.. NO protection, all denied.. then once he knew they were attacked, WENT TO BED..

Their deaths lie solely on him.

You're gonna have a stroke if you don't calm down.

Go have a beer for breakfast. Or...maybe you already have.
Let's see how fast Issa can convene the Committee and get answers now that we HAVE SOLID PROOF of the cover up..

FIRST QUESTION: WHY DID THE SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES GO BACK TO BED and not protect our citizens KNOWING full damn well they were under attack by Al-Qaeda?? Why did the US President then LIE to the American people to cover it all up??
o my my name calling and accusations.....i hardly think i spit on any vietnam viets considering my father did two tours of vietnam

but you continue to rant
your continued reference to my age....

btw....one can not help their age...be they young or old

but one can help being a name calling fact ignoring moron......one can....you cant
Demanding answers:

Republicans Slam Obama Over Benghazi Emails

Republican strategist and former State Department official Liz Cheney, also told Van Susteren she was "really surprised" there was no action taken in response to the emails detailing how the attack proceeded and that the Libyan group Ansar al-Sharia was claiming responsibility for it.

"It's impossible for me to believe that the secretary of defense would not have said to the president, Here are your options, Mr. President. We need to know, did the president seek . . . those options? Did the president then reject those options?" Cheney asked.

"And I also would like to know where the secretary of state was in all of this because these emails were coming in to the State Department, to the Situation Room, to [other U.S. intelligence agencies]," she added. "These are people that are directly under her responsibility and authority. Where was she at 5:00 PM on September 11? What was going on? What did she recommend?"

Yes, where was HIILLARY, OBAMA???
I know, I just can't wait until he's indicted for that donor scandal..

Because you are a mindless hack, you don't care that Obama openly and directly lied to your face. You are just desperately hoping that ThinkProgress and the other hate sites have some sort of spin to mitigate the damage that knowledge of Obama's lies will do.

Party above all, right Sarah? The party is mother, the party is father, all hail the party.
What kind of an American President does absolutely NOTHING while Americans are attacked by AL-QAEDA on 9-11 and let's them die??????????????????????????????????????

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