*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

Wrong. Here is what I posted earlier, an article from 9/12/12 that mentions Ansar al Sharia possibly being involved.

Reuters article from 9/12/12 states the following:

U.S. government officials said the Benghazi attack may have been planned in advance and there were indications that members of a militant faction calling itself Ansar al Sharia - which translates as Supporters of Islamic Law - may have been involved.

Obama vows to track down ambassador's killers | Reuters

And you think that mitigates the cascade of lies from this corrupt administration.

But it doesn't, drone.

{“This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday. “It is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”} - direct lie

{Tapper was skeptical. “The group around the Benghazi post was well armed,” he said. “It was a well-coordinated attack. Do you think it was a spontaneous protest against a movie?”

“Look, this is obviously under investigation,” Carney said.} - direct lie, we now find out that Obama and the administration knew full well it was a terrorist attack - nothing to investigate.

{"there are no words that excuse the killing of innocent" and "no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."} - Lying fuck Obama

{“Let’s be clear: these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region,” said Carney. “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack.”} - Direct lie

{“The unrest around the region has been in response to the video.”} - Direct lie

{“What we have seen is unrest around the region in response to a video that Muslims find offensive.”} - Direct lie

{“We are working to ensure that our diplomatic personnel and our diplomatic facilities are secure as we deal with the response to this video, which we believe is offensive and disgusting.”} - Direct lie

{“The cause of the unrest was a video. And that continues today, as you know, as we anticipated. And it may continue for some time.”} - Direct lie

{“The reason why there’s unrest is because of the film. This is in response to the film… this is not a film that the United States government had anything to do with. We reject its message and its contents we find it both reprehensible.”} - Direct lie

{“My point was simply that we are responding to and coping with and dealing with…unrest brought about by this offensive video.”} - Direct lie

If Obama fails to resign today, start the impeachment process.
It sounds like from all reports I am hearing that is precisely what is going to take place.. More Hearings with this LYING President put under oath. Hang on to your seats..
Oh, so the truth is, right after the attack, the administration acknowledged the possible involvement of Ansar al Sharia?

lol. So this was all in the public domain for over a month?


The administration KNEW from day one that this was a coordinated attack by Al Qaeda on 9/11 - but chose to engage in a coverup for fear of political fallout. The administration then engaged in a conspiracy of lies and deceit to keep the American people from the truth. Obama looked at the American people through a camera lens, and lied repeatedly.

Impeach Obama.

Since the President called it a terrorist attack the next day, what's your point?

That's bullshit and you know it. Obama was talking generally about attacks on the US. He NEVER called the attacks in Bengazi a terrorist attack. Why would he declare it to be a terrorist attack and then send out Jay Carney, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice to declare that it was NOT a terrorist attack but a spontaneous attack prompted by the YouTube video? Why would he do the same thing himself?

The gyrations that you Obama zealots are willing to do to try and get Barry off the hook for misleading the American people are amusing to watch. You've got an entire WEEK of lies told by the Obama Administration that supposedly doesn't count because Obama used the word terror in a completely different context? That's laughable...

You know why Mitt Romney didn't push this issue in the last debate? Because the American people finally know the truth. Romney doesn't have to risk an accusation of being "disrespectful" of the office of President. He can let Obama's words and actions speak for themselves. Barack Obama lied. Hillary Clinton lied. Jay Carney lied. Joe Biden lied. Susan Rice lied so many times in one day it might be a new record.
It doesn't really matter as Romney if elected would arm Al qaeda in Syria and the blowback from that would be just as big or bigger then the blowback from the Libya embassy attack. But, yeah this looks bad on Pres Obama but don't think it wouldn't happen under Pres Romney watch as well.

Really Romney says he would arm Al Qaeda in Syria eh? Can you link us to where he says that? Because what he says is exactly what king Obama says. Determine those forces we can work with, and arm them.

Dip shit.

Is that really the best defense you guys have for this liar of a president? Our guy sucks but yours would to? Dems, you are about to get 2 to 4 years of time in the Wilderness, Enjoy.
1st off I'm no liberal I cant stand'em second I will not be voteing for Pres Obama I feel he had four years he sucked for four of them and its time for him to go.But, that doesn't mean I'm going to vote in a person that agrees with him 90% of time in Romney
Wrong. Here is what I posted earlier, an article from 9/12/12 that mentions Ansar al Sharia possibly being involved.

Oh, so the truth is, right after the attack, the administration acknowledged the possible involvement of Ansar al Sharia?

lol. So this was all in the public domain for over a month?


Posted twice now with no response. No surprise there.

She's not here to debate anything. She puts anyone on ignore if they can smack down the shit she posts with facts.

Just another bitter broken down old bag trying to use anger and hate to cope with the fact that her life is over with 40 more years to go.
She's not here to debate anything. She puts anyone on ignore if they can smack down the shit she posts with facts.

Just another bitter broken down old bag trying to use anger and hate to cope with the fact that her life is over with 40 more years to go.

Really Hack?

I've had that one on ignore almost since coming here.. He's a liar and a waste of space on this earth.
For all the LYING shitbag leftist Zombies who are trying their best to make this about Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. WMD's Proof.. go ooooze back under your rocks now.

It wasn't until June, 1996 that DOD officially recognized that (1) the site contained chemical weapons and, (2) US troops had blown it up in March, 1991.

A Closer Look - Was Khamisiyah A Cover-Up? | Last Battle Of The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS

OMG....... Oh noesssssssssssssssss MORE LIBERAL LIES
For all the LYING shitbag leftist Zombies who are trying their best to make this about Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. WMD's Proof.. go ooooze back under your rocks now.

It wasn't until June, 1996 that DOD officially recognized that (1) the site contained chemical weapons and, (2) US troops had blown it up in March, 1991.

A Closer Look - Was Khamisiyah A Cover-Up? | Last Battle Of The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS

OMG....... Oh noesssssssssssssssss MORE LIBERAL LIES

WMD.....you mean Horses and Bayonets, of course!
Maybe Mitt will bring it up on the stump today?

He doesn't need to. This is major news. This is worse than Watergate. If by some strange occurrence (fraud) Obama is elected, he will be impeached and removed from office over this.

You can pretend it means nothing, but it is the biggest presidential issue since Nixon.

Leftists flood forums to do one thing:


The truth always prevails.. it's why they get soo nasty.. They're always shown to be liars.. ALWAYS. Day in and day out.
You guys should read your own linked articles.

We did, and theyre pretty damning for the President. I dont know how you could spin this any other way. Another point to bring up is that the administration (whether the POTUS was there are not) had real time video of the 4 hour or so attack going on through a drone flying over monitoring the situation. So the administration either did not believe what their eyes were seeing, or was indeed trying to cover it up. They watched it unfold before them and did nothing to help the ambassador and his security team. To me this is worse than watergate, which was basically just campaign espionage.

If the president did not want to call the fort hood attack a terrorist attack, and instead label it workplace violence, then you best believe he is capable of trying to mislead the american people to believe that this was merely a protest that turned violent over a youtube video.
I've had that one on ignore almost since coming here.. He's a liar and a waste of space on this earth.

The only person I've put on ignore here is Catzshit, after she continually libeled a forum member by accusations of raping and impregnating his daughters. But I don't like ignore, so I took her off eventually.

The left lies without thought or hesitation. They are programmed to support the party, but no code was developed to provide them with so much as a hint of integrity.
WMD.....you mean Horses and Bayonets, of course!

Shortbus, you claimed to be in the military - so you know they use bayonets and that Obama is an ignorant, lying fuck.

Of course Romney never said a word about "horses and bayonets," that lying, ignorant fuck Obama brought them up.

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