Busted: "We Control Them All!"...Trump Jr texted Meadows that overturning the 2020 election would be ‘very simple’

I have no use for Antifa, but Trump could have addressed their grievances.
He had no use for them either. But they showed up J6, never let a riot go to waste.
You notice the ones in the J6 crowd with the traditional Antifa black full face helmets with black and white decals saying Trump on the back for the cameras to pick up?
He had no use for them either. But they showed up J6, never let a riot go to waste.
You notice the ones in the J6 crowd with the traditional Antifa black full face helmets with black and white decals saying Trump on the back for the cameras to pick up?

So you are still trying to deflect the blame away from the Rumpsters. Not going to happen. Wel'll just keep jailing more of you.
So you are still trying to deflect the blame away from the Rumpsters. Not going to happen. Wel'll just keep jailing more of you.
False flag taking advantage. BLM bozo was inside taking pic's....think he got sentenced too. You won't find any Antifa or BLM in the Pelosi instigation.

Small group breaks the law, they deserve the consequences under the law.
False flag taking advantage. BLM bozo was inside taking pic's....think he got sentenced too. You won't find any Antifa or BLM in the Pelosi instigation.

Small group breaks the law, they deserve the consequences under the law.

When you find me an orgainization called Anitifa, I'll look into it. You want to have a laugh, look at antifa.org.

Home | antifa.org

Your idiot in charge had something to say on this site.

Then we can go go joinantifa.com and you can join antifa.
Get your AntiFa Membership here


Step 1: Print the membership card below, cut it out and keep it in your wallet! If you don't have a printer you can just write "AntiFa" on any piece of paper you have!
Step 2: Oppose fascism in all its forms. Fight for your right to free speech, to assemble, fight for feedom of the press, fight for your right to defend yourself against oppressive policies, fight for a society that strives for economic and social justice for all!

When you find me an orgainization called Anitifa, I'll look into it. You want to have a laugh, look at antifa.org.

Home | antifa.org

Your idiot in charge had something to say on this site.

Then we can go go joinantifa.com and you can join antifa.
Get your AntiFa Membership here


Step 1: Print the membership card below, cut it out and keep it in your wallet! If you don't have a printer you can just write "AntiFa" on any piece of paper you have!
Step 2: Oppose fascism in all its forms. Fight for your right to free speech, to assemble, fight for feedom of the press, fight for your right to defend yourself against oppressive policies, fight for a society that strives for economic and social justice for all!


I've looked into them previously. Doesn't mean much,those clowns still show up and break heads, with or without their banana splits club membership card.

Those peaceful demonstrations recently, you know, the ones that burned down entire blocks, they flowed in from all points on the compass.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

Yes a legal strategy of preventing stolen swing states from certifying their results.

LOL your CNN article:

"The November 5 text message outlines a strategy that is nearly identical to what allies of the former President attempted to carry out in the months that followed. Trump Jr. makes specific reference to filing lawsuits and advocating recounts to prevent certain swing states from certifying their results,"
Yes a legal strategy of preventing stolen swing states from certifying their results.

LOL your CNN article:

"The November 5 text message outlines a strategy that is nearly identical to what allies of the former President attempted to carry out in the months that followed. Trump Jr. makes specific reference to filing lawsuits and advocating recounts to prevent certain swing states from certifying their results,"
You're taking all the fun out of their use of selective reporting.

I'm calling Nina Jankowicz.
I've looked into them previously. Doesn't mean much,those clowns still show up and break heads, with or without their banana splits club membership card.

Those peaceful demonstrations recently, you know, the ones that burned down entire blocks, they flowed in from all points on the compass.

Well, I gave you the information for you to join their organization and where to get their membership card from. At least your QAnon has membership dues.
Well, I gave you the information for you to join their organization and where to get their membership card from. At least your QAnon has membership dues.
I have no use for Antifa, it is, as Nancy Pelosi once stated 'a grass roots organization'. Isn't that the same group Trump wanted to list as a terror group?

Never did QAnon, pal....try again.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

But CNN inadvertantly is saying that the 4 years spent to overturn the 2016 election by them and their fellow media outlets and the abuse of power Dem politicians was "criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America"
They admit what they did was Treason.-oops!
if youre talking about John Sullivan, that fails a fact check.
The guy was associated with proud boys, not BLM.
Politico? Your 'fact check' has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

I said he was a BLM bozo.....from his statements he was. He is a political activist, has a site called Insurgence USA.....chases BLM around sniffing for photos.

In June 2020, John attended his first Black Lives Matter event, according to Lex Scott, the founder of the Utah chapter of the group. Nobody had seen him before or knew who he was. Sullivan also started his own group, Insurgence USA, in response to the killing of George Floyd and he organized his first protest in Provo.

“His very first protest he held was the one someone got shot,” she said.

Weeks later, Sullivan showed up dressed in black with a rifle across his chest for a “solo protest” at the Utah Capitol. His demonstration drew counter-protesters from a Utah militia group.

But Scott said he did something that was “just a big no-no.”

“At his second protest he invited the Proud Boys on stage, he invited the militias on stage and said, ‘We want to work with you, we want to be friends with you,’” Scott said. “That is when he officially got blackballed by the activist community.”

“This guy is a clout-chaser, someone who is only here for fame or money or someone who just needs attention,” she said. “He’s a thorn in my side.”

In addition to being banished from Black Lives Matters events in Utah and shunned by groups in other cities, he is also accused of profiting from the cause.

On his Insurgence website he hocks face coverings, gas masks, bullet-proof vests, spear knives, T-shirts and jogging pants. And he promotes himself relentlessly on a network of social media accounts

“Was I an agent provocateur? Was I there to invite violence? I can tell you no,” Sullivan said in the video. “I was there to document the events and be part of history.”

But he did a lot more than document. In a video he can be heard shouting, “Let’s go! This s*** is ours! … We accomplished this s***! We did this together … Let’s burn this s*** down!”

He is seen climbing through a broken window, he confronts law enforcement and tells them to go home, then enters an office and — it appears and the federal charges against him allege — broke a window looking out onto the plaza.

Robert Gehrke: What we know about John Sullivan, charged with rioting at the U.S. Capitol

Reortedly, Sullivan also said he also intended to “support the Black community” with his presence, but also feels it was “important to understand” those who were protesting in support of Trump. But the video he posted to his social media sites disclaims his assertion that he and another woman were “only filming” the actions and not participating as he can be heard in the video encouraging people to join them as they push their way through police barricades.

“I was probably the only person that supported BLM (Black Lives Matter),” he said. “I could say, from my knowledge … there were just seas of Trump supporters, Proud Boys. If people are saying I’m Antifa, as far as a terrorist organization, I’m not,” he said. “Am I anti-fascist? We all are anti-fascist. And that’s what we should all strive for being. I have my own organization, Insurgence USA, and that’s what it is for. That’s really what it is.”
What is Insurgence USA? Far-left group allegedly encouraged 'seas of Trump supporters' to storm the Capitol
But CNN inadvertantly is saying that the 4 years spent to overturn the 2016 election by them and their fellow media outlets and the abuse of power Dem politicians was "criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America"
They admit what they did was Treason.-oops!
There are a couple of neato undercover video's done by James O'Keefes 'Project Veritas' people while at CNN.
Stooge editor reveals how they went after Trump and created the false realities that the left bought into, hook , line and sinker. One was 'Trump says inject clorox'.

People admitting they only hired on at CNN just to help get rid of Trump.
Jr you little dumb fuck
He is dumb that's for sure. I wonder if the reason these donkey boys are so outspoken is because they have so much money. They don't seem to have a clue how stupid and obnoxious they are.
Trump Jr is ALSO going to wind up in prison for criminal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Who'd a thunk it?

All what?

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