But hey! A lot of people are tired of Political Correctness!

yuk! :eek:

this Non-Politically correct stuff has lead to this slippery slope....!
What slippery slope would that be?

Do you mean like not jailing homos? Letting negroes marry white women? What?
No. Nonpolitically correct would be allowing people in your admin say, ''no problem with McCain on the vote, he's a dead man walking''....without apologizing....

Non politically correct would be allowing an employee stay on the job for weeks after he was known to have punched his wife in the eye....

Non politically correct would be having your daughter work for you in the oval office.

Non politically correct would be having your son in law work for you in the oval office.

Non politically correct would be a President tweeting as an official govt means.

Non politically correct would be supporting a grown man who chased and pursued teens while he was 35 yrs old, in Alabama.

Non politically correct would be demeaning a judge and claiming they can't do their job just because they have Hispanic parents.

Non politically correct for a president would be trashing and continually demeaning our law enforcement agencies in public because you are trying to influence the public, that when you are charged they won't believe law enforcement....

Non politically correct as a President is to campaign every single day and trash publicly businesses like the NFL, Amazon etc.

Non Politically correct is calling Mexicans rapists and murderers....

Non politically correct is refusing to shake P/M May's hand.

NOn politically correct is talking about your penis size and functioning ability on the Debate Stage.

Non politically correct is chanting LOCK HER UP, without due process or a trial.

Non politically correct is lying and saying Obama is a Muslim Nigerian...and not born here.... a birther.

Non politically correct would be announcing that the white supremacists marching and shouting and holding torches are 'good people'.....

So, there has been an awful lot of non politically correct things going on with this President that a whole bunch of people seem to like and cheer.....

This guy says he is riding on that wave...
...and Politically correct

So what does the term "politically correct" mean to you. I just said that children and teenagers should be protected from this vile behavior toward them, which may well deprive them of an opportunity to have a future. Uh, are you actually for this sort of behavior?
Politically correct means situational morality, to be politically correct you have to have zero backbone and no sense of morality a total lack of common sense. And heard mentality

Who out of everyone in the world is entitled to, and qualified to determine what "absolute morality" would consist of? Nobody.

It's all situational morality, i.e. ethical determinations are made according to the context in which they arise. It's all based on the exercise of common sense, or not.
Wrong. Morality is absolute, and ethics as well, basically. What you're referring to is "value", which can or can not be derived from morality. If morality isn't absolute, then slavery can't be considered immoral since the society at the time valued it and practiced it, and would have made arguments as to why it was moral.

The only thing that happens over time is we discover what absolute morality is or isn't to the best of our ability based on what the long-term results of our actions turn out to be. So no one will ever understand it completely, but we can get closer.
Morality is absolute? You sure?

So your point is that morality is subjective.
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .

Real Americans don't run around telling others that they are not real Americans.

Nor do they run around calling other American's deplorables.
Are your feelings hurt?

Nope, my ego is never involved. I understand the truth of our system. The system itself is false and designed to do one thing, keep American's divided. My response was to the other poster and stands as valid.
So...not only are your feelings hurt, you think we're all out to get you. Makes total sense.
So what does the term "politically correct" mean to you. I just said that children and teenagers should be protected from this vile behavior toward them, which may well deprive them of an opportunity to have a future. Uh, are you actually for this sort of behavior?
Politically correct means situational morality, to be politically correct you have to have zero backbone and no sense of morality a total lack of common sense. And heard mentality

Who out of everyone in the world is entitled to, and qualified to determine what "absolute morality" would consist of? Nobody.

It's all situational morality, i.e. ethical determinations are made according to the context in which they arise. It's all based on the exercise of common sense, or not.
Wrong. Morality is absolute, and ethics as well, basically. What you're referring to is "value", which can or can not be derived from morality. If morality isn't absolute, then slavery can't be considered immoral since the society at the time valued it and practiced it, and would have made arguments as to why it was moral.

The only thing that happens over time is we discover what absolute morality is or isn't to the best of our ability based on what the long-term results of our actions turn out to be. So no one will ever understand it completely, but we can get closer.
Morality is absolute? You sure?

So your point is that morality is subjective.
Are the morals of slave-holders 160 years ago the same as our morals now?
Are the morals of Ancient Egypt the same as our morals now?
Are the morals of India the same as our morals now?
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .

Real Americans don't run around telling others that they are not real Americans.

Nor do they run around calling other American's deplorables.
Are your feelings hurt?

Nope, my ego is never involved. I understand the truth of our system. The system itself is false and designed to do one thing, keep American's divided. My response was to the other poster and stands as valid.
So...not only are your feelings hurt, you think we're all out to get you. Makes total sense.

LOL, does putting words in the mouths of others usually work for you? Won't work with me son. I also don't get side tracked. Is morality subjective?
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

Actually the left like everyone else (hopefully) is against both.
Yes, but let's be honest: the left is more tolerant of pedophiles (or those with pedophilia-like thoughts) and the right is more tolerant of white supremacists.

The left is tolerant of pedophiles?

Where do you assholes come from?
From the same side of the aisle that voted for people who voted Dennis Hastert to the third most important position in the federal government.
Real Americans don't run around telling others that they are not real Americans.

Nor do they run around calling other American's deplorables.
Are your feelings hurt?

Nope, my ego is never involved. I understand the truth of our system. The system itself is false and designed to do one thing, keep American's divided. My response was to the other poster and stands as valid.
So...not only are your feelings hurt, you think we're all out to get you. Makes total sense.

LOL, does putting words in the mouths of others usually work for you? Won't work with me son. I also don't get side tracked. Is morality subjective?
When you make it abundantly clear that your feelings are hurt (or do you whine about things just for the heck of it?) and that you believe the system is against you ("the system itself is false").....it's hard to miss your meaning.
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?
The Clinton’s have always been above the law... thanks to the deep state
LOL...look at you! Always the victims. They're all out against you. :71:
I really don’t give a shit, because the Clintons have always been around and never had have had so much is a slap on the wrist for blatantly corrupt behavior..
You can’t get any more corrupt than the Clintons... Putin is envious

The right has been going after the Clintons for decades and you guys come up with Bupkiss. Either the conservatives are all incompetent boobs or the Clintons are innocent. Take your pick....
Na, the Clinton’s are above the law

I see...they are more powerful than anyone else in America...interesting.
Nor do they run around calling other American's deplorables.
Are your feelings hurt?

Nope, my ego is never involved. I understand the truth of our system. The system itself is false and designed to do one thing, keep American's divided. My response was to the other poster and stands as valid.
So...not only are your feelings hurt, you think we're all out to get you. Makes total sense.

LOL, does putting words in the mouths of others usually work for you? Won't work with me son. I also don't get side tracked. Is morality subjective?
When you make it abundantly clear that your feelings are hurt (or do you whine about things just for the heck of it?) and that you believe the system is against you ("the system itself is false").....it's hard to miss your meaning.

Does inserting words into other people's mouth usually work for you? It won't work me son, been doing this too long. The "system" is false, just because you don't know it in no way makes it "not false". Nobody is "out to get me", they are simply striving to keep American's divided and it's working splendidly. Why do you keep dodging the question?
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .

Real Americans don't run around telling others that they are not real Americans.
--------------------------------------------------- if i don't do it the inclusive crew and their brainwashed 'lk' won't do it L.Laugher ,
So what does the term "politically correct" mean to you. I just said that children and teenagers should be protected from this vile behavior toward them, which may well deprive them of an opportunity to have a future. Uh, are you actually for this sort of behavior?
Politically correct means situational morality, to be politically correct you have to have zero backbone and no sense of morality a total lack of common sense. And heard mentality

Who out of everyone in the world is entitled to, and qualified to determine what "absolute morality" would consist of? Nobody.

It's all situational morality, i.e. ethical determinations are made according to the context in which they arise. It's all based on the exercise of common sense, or not.
Wrong. Morality is absolute, and ethics as well, basically. What you're referring to is "value", which can or can not be derived from morality. If morality isn't absolute, then slavery can't be considered immoral since the society at the time valued it and practiced it, and would have made arguments as to why it was moral.

The only thing that happens over time is we discover what absolute morality is or isn't to the best of our ability based on what the long-term results of our actions turn out to be. So no one will ever understand it completely, but we can get closer.
Morality is absolute? You sure?

So your point is that morality is subjective.
You don't think that morality was different for the ancient Egyptians than it was for us?
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .

Real Americans don't run around telling others that they are not real Americans.

Nor do they run around calling other American's deplorables.

Her remarks, as she said:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half [my emphasis] of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that.
In Context: Hillary Clinton and the 'basket of deplorables'

She was referring only to the people who held these horrible views regarding their fellow human beings, which should be condemned.
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .

Naw, I’m still here I’m 50, I’m like you I just hope it holds together long enough for me to finish life too, but it’s picking up speed, one Day liberals will take over and destroy America from inside!

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And that is why the right whines like little babies over being called cuntsss!!! lol

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