Buying the college vote

BTW- Does anyone have kids in college right now? I have two. I can't tell you how many letters and emails we have received pushing financial aid on us. We don't want it. And for some reason, they think we are crazy. I actually had to go through "credit counseling" to register my son for school. It was a 30 minute tutorial that was trying to determine if I was illiterate or insane. :lol: I kid you not.
. I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

Best post of all time


Notice how you didn't bother to address the subject, just attack the messenger:

Please explain how the dems had the white house, the congress, and did not accomplish everything they wanted? They did not hesitate to pass the healthcare using unethical means. Just why is it that they did not accomplish the total socialization of the USA? Have you asked yourself? There were not enough republicans in office to stand in their way, yet they did not do it when they had the means and the power.

No response here???????

If you disagree, please show me where your type of "government" has made life better for the "entire" population (and without the defense spending coming from another power, ie the USA) of a country.

No response here????????

If I am such a "cuckoo", it should be easy to provide how great your system works. Show us all where any of these types of beliefs have led to a great country.
I worked several different jobs. Currently I work with people that work for the gov't. The ones that have not worked outside the gov't are pretty much the way I described. The ones that worked in private industry, are grateful for their work and their job, and are very pleasant to work with. The gov't only workers are more worried about what everyone else is doing than what they are doing.


I wonder how many people on this thread that are harping have a job that is either directly or strongly tied to government dollars?

Big government sucks! Thanks for the check.
Obama hasn't sealed his records. Everyone has certain privacy rights.

Obama explained long ago that he and his wife had college debt, and that his book profits paid off that debt.

Michelle Obama's family was not wealthy.
. I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

Best post of all time


Notice how you didn't bother to address the subject, just attack the messenger:

Please explain how the dems had the white house, the congress, and did not accomplish everything they wanted? They did not hesitate to pass the healthcare using unethical means. Just why is it that they did not accomplish the total socialization of the USA? Have you asked yourself? There were not enough republicans in office to stand in their way, yet they did not do it when they had the means and the power.

No response here???????

If you disagree, please show me where your type of "government" has made life better for the "entire" population (and without the defense spending coming from another power, ie the USA) of a country.

No response here????????

If I am such a "cuckoo", it should be easy to provide how great your system works. Show us all where any of these types of beliefs have led to a great country.
To attack the hand that feeds him has put rightwingshitflinger in a quandry of having no principles.
BTW- Does anyone have kids in college right now? I have two. I can't tell you how many letters and emails we have received pushing financial aid on us. We don't want it. And for some reason, they think we are crazy. I actually had to go through "credit counseling" to register my son for school. It was a 30 minute tutorial that was trying to determine if I was illiterate or insane. :lol: I kid you not.
I am not at all suprised.
I used to look at these countries that allowed in communism or despotism and would shake my head could they be so stupid. They must be full of uneducated self-centered neanderthals that can't see past the end of their noses.

Now it's coming here and being cheered by the folks that claim to be the brightest among us.

Obama has used a bogus argument to go around Congress and decided that he doesn't have to listen to anybody. This is pretty much how it happened in all of those other screwed up countries. Nobody had the guts to stop this renegade leader. He had a populist rap pushing a national people's socialist workers party. The names change a bit but it's always the same nonsensical class-warfare bullshit. Screw somebody else so you can have a better life.


Sounds wonderful to some people.

Problem is screwing the rich doesn't improve your lot in life one iota.....especially when the government is involved. It is a short-sighted approach.

What happens when the rich leave, or run out of money?

Unfortunately the bar has to be lowered and what wasn't called rich before becomes the new rich.

It takes a few years for this to happen, but before you know it the Middle Class become the new rich......and then nobody is rich except the government run National People's Workers Socialist Party.
Last edited:
. I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

Best post of all time


Notice how you didn't bother to address the subject, just attack the messenger:

Please explain how the dems had the white house, the congress, and did not accomplish everything they wanted? They did not hesitate to pass the healthcare using unethical means. Just why is it that they did not accomplish the total socialization of the USA? Have you asked yourself? There were not enough republicans in office to stand in their way, yet they did not do it when they had the means and the power.

No response here???????

If you disagree, please show me where your type of "government" has made life better for the "entire" population (and without the defense spending coming from another power, ie the USA) of a country.

No response here????????

If I am such a "cuckoo", it should be easy to provide how great your system works. Show us all where any of these types of beliefs have led to a great country.

Address the subject?

. your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one)

I think :cuckoo: is the best response
The idea that Obama is a despot is pretty hilarious. A democratically elected President, acting within his constitutional authority, is the opposite of a despot.

Just an FYI, when people revolt and establish a communist regime, it's because of economic and political injustice. IOW, it seems like a step forward, however backward it seems to you and I.
I used to look at these countries that allowed in communism or despotism and would shake my head could they be so stupid. They must be full of uneducated self-centered neanderthals that can't see past the end of their noses.

Now it's coming here and being cheered by the folks that claim to be the brightest among us.

Obama has used a bogus argument to go around Congress and decided that he doesn't have to listen to anybody. This is pretty much how it happened in all of those other screwed up countries. Nobody had the guts to stop this renegade leader. He had a populist rap pushing a national people's socialist workers party. The names change a bit but it's always the same nonsensical class-warfare bullshit. Screw somebody else so you can have a better life.


Sounds wonderful to some people.

Problem is screwing the rich doesn't improve your lot in life one iota.....especially when the government is involved.



October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree

And what pray tell is the problem with this? Other than I doubt ANYONE gets to qualify for 100% of their College costs in loans..

The problem is it's an incredible waste of cash to waste on an Undergrad degree. But daddy and mommy wanted that GeorgeWash logo on the Christmas cards this year -- So Suzy becomes debt whore for the rest of her life..

College has gotten expensive because status OBSESSED parents are pushing their kids into overpriced schools for a mere BA or BS degree. As long as GeorgeWash and Vanderbilt have a long waiting list -- costs are gonna be higher..

The "$212,000" figure that Limbaugh spit out would be at the highest end of the college tuition spectrum and represents a small percentage of the whole.

It's closer to what someone like me would be looking at coming out of professional school. In my case, that's a scary number. On the other hand, I want to go into Emergency Medicine. The median annual salery is over that (as is the mean). Pragmatically, I am looking at a 3-4 year residency at $35 to 40K where times will be tight followed by the potential for a good income. IBR makes sense for me. I can delay paying on a large principle for three years when times are tight and then try and knock it off as quickly as possible when my family has more disposable income. It also pays off for the government/taxpayer: more interest.

If I stretch that principle out over 20 years, I will have ended up paying multiple times what I have owed for no real benefit. Clearly I am going to try and pay off my loans as fast as I can. So in my (and my peers case), the government and the taxpayer are repaid in full with 7% interest.

Income wise, the profession I am going into is somewhat unique in that the salaries are fairly consistent and predictable. The mean salary is in the upper ends as far as Americans are concerned. On the other end, the high end of the salary curve is also basically capped. I am never going to earn a seven figure income unless I invent something or do something outside of the purely practicing medicine (i.e. start a business or invest).

On the other hand, kids coming out of college generally have more risk, but the potential to go on and become a bajillionaire is also there.

Mark Zuckerberg didn't start a business that now puts his value at 17 billion dollars on a loading dock. He started it at Harvard.

So where is the tipping point? You guys clearly want to bitch, but at what point are student loans a good investment and when are they a bum deal? I mean, I only hear you guys bitching about the most extreme cases: "Susie Creamcheese went to Yale and got a degree in Underwater Basketweaving".
The rich are being worshiped by the right.

People thank God, their creator, for this planet that provides us with the means to live.

The right sees the rich as "the job creators", and thanks them for providing them with the means to live by bestowing jobs upon them.

You're worshiping them. You believe that you owe them.

The other day, a poster asked who created more jobs, a rich person, or your neighbor.

The answer is your neighborS. Demand creates jobs. Not rich people.
Obama hasn't sealed his records. Everyone has certain privacy rights.

Obama explained long ago that he and his wife had college debt, and that his book profits paid off that debt.

Michelle Obama's family was not wealthy.

Fer real, you believe this?? I would hope everyone would expect the President of the United States provide full disclosure of his educational background. Sure, go apply for a job, tell your prospective employer you have a degree from Harvard but he can't see it, can't question you about it and you have a right to privacy. Do you think you'll get hired??

And haven't you learned that anything a politician says can't be believed. You take a proven liar at his word?? Why would you do that???
It is instinct for a Mother to nurture a child.It is instinct for a Father to protect his Wife.It is instinct for a child to take advantage of his Mother. We have a fatherless president...
Wee - it was our instinct to plan for our children as soon as they were born. And that plan included a college fund which we set up days after their baptisms.

One of my friends is a financial planner. She said she has met with so many parents of teens who say "I guess it's time to start saving for college". She tells them "Maybe it's time to start shopping for a second mortgage".
Obama hasn't sealed his records. Everyone has certain privacy rights.

Obama explained long ago that he and his wife had college debt, and that his book profits paid off that debt.

Michelle Obama's family was not wealthy.

Fer real, you believe this?? I would hope everyone would expect the President of the United States provide full disclosure of his educational background. Sure, go apply for a job, tell your prospective employer you have a degree from Harvard but he can't see it, can't question you about it and you have a right to privacy. Do you think you'll get hired??

And haven't you learned that anything a politician says can't be believed. You take a proven liar at his word?? Why would you do that???

You're mixing up a lot of issues here.

Yes, an employer can request your transcript, others only request proof of your degree. Others do neither.

We know that he graduated from these institutions. I don't have to see his transcript.

And no employer demands your loan records.

You're looking for an excuse to call him a liar.
Sure, go apply for a job, tell your prospective employer you have a degree from Harvard but he can't see it, can't question you about it and you have a right to privacy. Do you think you'll get hired??

Well, it's pretty well-established that he does in fact have a J.D. from Harvard--we know he made the law review after his first year on the strength of grades and writing, was eventually elected president of the law review, and ultimately graduated magna cum laude. Now you may additionally want a line-item view of how he did via transcripts (maybe even of his undergrad years) but the contours there aren't really in doubt.

Frankly I think Perry may be heading down the tragic road--paved by Trump earlier this year with the birth certificate bluster--of getting exactly what he asks for. Obama has a history of letting bloviating political opponents destroy themselves and then finishing them off with a well-timed bit of political jujitsu.

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