Buying the college vote

Questions: if these "students" are sooooo smart, why do they get degrees in subjects where the pay sucks? Why do they get degrees in subjects that are not marketable? Why don't they get degrees in subjects where there are jobs and a demand for educated workers?

Apparently all degrees suck right now. Are you saying that noone should try to better themselves?

There are fields that are looking for people that are qualified. Might not be looking for someone with a bachelor's in phsycology, or women's studies, but fields that need mathmaticians, physicists, and engineers are still there (you might have to move to get a job, away from mom).

Yeah, yeah yeah, but who is paying moving expenses?
Again: if they have nothing to compare their work experience to, they become bitter, and not interested in providing service, but blocking activity to meet "regulations". Even in areas that are interesting, they feel they are overworked, and underpaid because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE TO COMPARE.

Compare to what? They have a fulfilling career and are serving their country. Who says anyone has to compare their chosen career to anything?

I graduated as an engineer 35 years ago and chose a career with the Government. At the time, my choice of working for the Government was ridiculed as not as prestigious as working in the private sector
Over 35 years, I worked on projects much more challenging and fulfilling than those I graduated with. I was given much more responsibility at a young age and never had to be concerned about petty office politics and massive layoffs.
I traveled around the country and worked with some fantastic people

I would recommend it to anyone graduating from college

What did you do with your life logical4u?

I worked several different jobs. Currently I work with people that work for the gov't. The ones that have not worked outside the gov't are pretty much the way I described. The ones that worked in private industry, are grateful for their work and their job, and are very pleasant to work with. The gov't only workers are more worried about what everyone else is doing than what they are doing.

Outside looking in

I worked with Defense contractors for thirty years. They had their job to do, I had mine. Together, we worked long hours and got the job done. Government has it's function representing the taxpayers, Defense Contractors have their job representing the shareholders. I preferred representing the taxpayer
Of course, there's also DMV worker drones...

but soon (OP), time for more work on our education system, as well as everything else, ruined by Reaganism and Booosh brainwashed incompetence, cronyism, and elitist greed....

October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree
And what pray tell is the problem with this? Other than I doubt ANYONE gets to qualify for 100% of their College costs in loans..

The problem is it's an incredible waste of cash to waste on an Undergrad degree. But daddy and mommy wanted that GeorgeWash logo on the Christmas cards this year -- So Suzy becomes debt whore for the rest of her life..

College has gotten expensive because status OBSESSED parents are pushing their kids into overpriced schools for a mere BA or BS degree. As long as GeorgeWash and Vanderbilt have a long waiting list -- costs are gonna be higher..
The problem is all three quotes taken together! DUH
Your MessiahRushie made all three in the same mindless rant.

Please explain how a degree that costs $212,000 PER STUDENT will require the taxpayers to cough up $800,000 to $900,000 PER STUDENT to pay it back!

If the taxpayer is paying the $212,000 cost of the degree plus another $6 or $7 hunderd thousand on top of that, how is the student saving only 8 bucks a month???

No wonder Reagan CON$ want people uneducated, the more uneducated they are the more GOP bullshit they will swallow without question!

October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree

October 27, 2011
RUSH: These student loans are gonna end up costing the taxpayers anywhere between $800,000 and $900,000 per student.

October 27, 2011
RUSH: It's a farce. It's a total farce. It misleads and it deceives students, and it's gonna end up saving students $8. This is one of the biggest jokes to come down the pike in a long time, and I'm gonna set it straight. It's a convoluted, intricately woven web of deceit. But that's what I do here is make the complex understandable.
Obama: All politics all the time.

You'd think he would be better at it. Seriously, that's the biggest surprise of his tenure - how sucky he is at politics in spite of practicing nonstop.
See, Pubs have just been playing obstructon and propaganda- that depressed him and all good Americans, but now the A-holes are going to get their just desserts...

You make a good point.

Yes I do NOT think that education will solve every one of society's ills.

Formost among those ills, (as it regards this issue, at least) is this:

When are we going to ADMIT that technology is making an every increasing amount of people REDUNDANT and basically economically UNEMPLOYABLE?

Bottom line?

NOT 1% of the human population will be able to educate themselves faster than techology will replace HUMAN LABOR with technology.

We are just now beginning to see the effects of this disrupting our ecponomi9c system.

But the speed at which this is happening is advancing so rapidly that it is catching us unaware and unable to even IMAGINE how we solve this problem.

Basically until we change the social cntract (one that is based on SCARCITY) to a social contract (based on the PLENTY that technology is creating for us) we (meaning all of mankind) are going to continue down the road to a THIRD WORLD ECONOMY.


Because in a society where technology rapidly replaces workers?


Workers, and more and more worker, find themselves no longer employable.

And no amount of educating our children is going solve THAT problem.

As long as kids are getting, for example, fine arts degrees and expecting that to take them to the promise land they are going to be fucked. The kids in engineering, or programs that will design and/or repair the new technology will have jobs. However it takes effort to get degrees that will actually benefit the individual.

Yes that is what is happening on the MICRO level.

What I am talking about and the problem facing us is on the MACRO level.


Because guess what?

Engineers and programmers are NOT immune to this trend.

We cannot all be knowledge workers.

All but the most creative and brilliant knowledge workers are going to be replaced by marchines, agorthms and the changes in the bueinss models that flow from those increases in productivity.

Soem of you may be immune to this problem in your working lifetimes, but I promise you you kids will NOT be.

I don't disagree that pretty much everyone will be out of work at one time or another. But I disagree that folks who are willing to work, go where the work is, and have real world portable skills, won't be able to find work. The most advanced machines in the world need upgrading and maintenance, be the guy able to do that is all I'm saying, and what I hope my kids have heard. It might not make you a millionaire, but combined with personal responsibility can and will provide a comfortable life.
This is just one example because it's the world I come from, there are other professions where the same holds true.
Apparently all degrees suck right now. Are you saying that noone should try to better themselves?

There are fields that are looking for people that are qualified. Might not be looking for someone with a bachelor's in phsycology, or women's studies, but fields that need mathmaticians, physicists, and engineers are still there (you might have to move to get a job, away from mom).

Yeah, yeah yeah, but who is paying moving expenses?

Depends on the job, sometimes the employer, sometimes the employee.
See, Pubs have just been playing obstructon and propaganda- that depressed him and all good Americans, but now the A-holes are going to get their just desserts...

Are you speaking of all the people who are unemployed? Are you speaking of all the people forced to take lower paying jobs because of the administrative policies, "currently" in place?

Please explain how the dems had the white house, the congress, and did not accomplish everything they wanted? They did not hesitate to pass the healthcare using unethical means. Just why is it that they did not accomplish the total socialization of the USA? Have you asked yourself? There were not enough republicans in office to stand in their way, yet they did not do it when they had the means and the power.

I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

If you disagree, please show me where your type of "government" has made life better for the "entire" population (and without the defense spending coming from another power, ie the USA) of a country.
. I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

Best post of all time

As long as kids are getting, for example, fine arts degrees and expecting that to take them to the promise land they are going to be fucked. The kids in engineering, or programs that will design and/or repair the new technology will have jobs. However it takes effort to get degrees that will actually benefit the individual.

Yes that is what is happening on the MICRO level.

What I am talking about and the problem facing us is on the MACRO level.


Because guess what?

Engineers and programmers are NOT immune to this trend.

We cannot all be knowledge workers.

All but the most creative and brilliant knowledge workers are going to be replaced by marchines, agorthms and the changes in the bueinss models that flow from those increases in productivity.

Soem of you may be immune to this problem in your working lifetimes, but I promise you you kids will NOT be.

I don't disagree that pretty much everyone will be out of work at one time or another. But I disagree that folks who are willing to work, go where the work is, and have real world portable skills, won't be able to find work. The most advanced machines in the world need upgrading and maintenance, be the guy able to do that is all I'm saying, and what I hope my kids have heard. It might not make you a millionaire, but combined with personal responsibility can and will provide a comfortable life.
This is just one example because it's the world I come from, there are other professions where the same holds true.

Yeah I get your POV. There's plenty of truth to it, too.

Sadly, I'm not talking about just today, I'm talking about an economic trend that is becoming a serious problem.

You won't feel its effects nearly so much as your kids will.

But those effects are already happening.
There are more applicants for jobs than there are jobs right now. No matter what your skills, no matter what your willingness or ability to relocate, there are more applicants than jobs.

But the group with lower unemployment is college grads. Far lower. The less the education, the greater the chance of being unemployed.

So naturally, logically, kids are going to see college at their best route to a good income.

But many kids end up having to borrow. Even with scholarships, even if they take part time work, they have to borrow to get through college.

Rush apparently knows none of this. But then, what does he ever know?

Obama and his wife had to borrow for college. Obama knows what it means to have college debt, and he knows how education can change lives. Good for him for doing this.
Interesting editorial in the Post today:

Singing in the populist hymnal he has taken up to secure a second term, Barack Obama raises his voice to the heavens, decrying supposedly bad actors whose selfish conduct he deems the cause of so much middle-class suffering -- the Republicans, the House of Representatives, the millionaires and billionaires with their private jets, the banks.

And yet on Wednesday, he moved yet again to enrich one of the sectors within the American economy most responsible for the profound financial pressure on the middle class -- higher education.

The staggering inflation in the cost of higher education since the federal government got involved in lending money to Americans for college in 1965 beggars description. One federal study found that between 1982 and 2007, tuition costs rose 432 percent while family income rose only 147 percent.

It is impossible to imagine that costs would have been even higher had the federal loan system not been in place at all. In other words, while federal subsidies have continued to grow, they have simply been gobbled up by universities.
Read more: President Obama enriches colleges at middle-class’ expense--John Podhoretz -
. I can see from your posts that you are a communist/socialist/homosexual extremist/islamic extremist/liberal/progressive (they all use the same methods, pick one). You chant the same mantra: our plans have NEVER worked, historically, but..... this time, it will be different. Your target: the only country that has exported liberty and freedom to the world. Your plan: to have the country ran by a single or group dictatorship or tyrant (all in the name of equal misery).

Best post of all time


A little extreme but pretty much on the mark. :eusa_whistle:
There are more applicants for jobs than there are jobs right now. No matter what your skills, no matter what your willingness or ability to relocate, there are more applicants than jobs.

But the group with lower unemployment is college grads. Far lower. The less the education, the greater the chance of being unemployed.

So naturally, logically, kids are going to see college at their best route to a good income.

But many kids end up having to borrow. Even with scholarships, even if they take part time work, they have to borrow to get through college.

Rush apparently knows none of this. But then, what does he ever know?

Obama and his wife had to borrow for college. Obama knows what it means to have college debt, and he knows how education can change lives. Good for him for doing this.

How do you "know" Obama had to borrow for college? His records are sealed. The "transparent" one has sealed all his educational records. I would love to see if he claimed (as an adult) if he was a citizen of this country or if he claimed to be a foreign student to get grants/scholarships. I don't know about Michelle's payment for college. She was from a wealthier family and I would be surprised if she took out loans. Again, where is the proof/documentation?
So what's he suggesting? That only the rich go to college?

Nope. Read the article. He wants the feds out of the lending business. And so does Ron Paul.

Like housing and medicine, education costs went through the roof when government became involved. In the last three decades, the overall inflation rate has increased more than 100%, which means we basically pay double now for everything we buy. This price inflation is an inevitable consequence of printing money out of thin air and devaluing our dollar. But compare this inflation to the rise in the cost of college tuition, which has increased almost 500% in the same amount of time.

This is what happens when we print money out of thin air and couple it with government intervention in education.

In the name of "helping" students through federal loans, the government has really hurt them in the long run by drastically driving up the overall cost of education and forcing poor and middle class Americans, who are just trying to better their lives, to take on unreasonable debt.

And look what that has given us. Our young people are jobless and saddled with student debt greater than all of the credit card debt of every American combined!

Ron Paul: The truth about my student loan plan
So what's he suggesting? That only the rich go to college?

Nope. Read the article. He wants the feds out of the lending business. And so does Ron Paul.

Like housing and medicine, education costs went through the roof when government became involved. In the last three decades, the overall inflation rate has increased more than 100%, which means we basically pay double now for everything we buy. This price inflation is an inevitable consequence of printing money out of thin air and devaluing our dollar. But compare this inflation to the rise in the cost of college tuition, which has increased almost 500% in the same amount of time.

This is what happens when we print money out of thin air and couple it with government intervention in education.

In the name of "helping" students through federal loans, the government has really hurt them in the long run by drastically driving up the overall cost of education and forcing poor and middle class Americans, who are just trying to better their lives, to take on unreasonable debt.

And look what that has given us. Our young people are jobless and saddled with student debt greater than all of the credit card debt of every American combined!

Ron Paul: The truth about my student loan plan
Absolutely. And I agree. That's not government's purpose.

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