Buying the college vote

Pure Rush/Pubcrappe. Public college costs DOUBLED just under W BOOOSH, and the private loans he pushed added MORE cost. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat druggie, bought off idiot, and his dittoheads are bad citizens out of pure angry ignorance....

In about an hour -- I could write a Python based script to generate your posts. YOU could be replaced by automation.. ((Don't be offended -- I could obsolete RDean in 35 minutes))


For francoHFW -- Press 2
For RDean --- Press 3
For All other Lefties -- Please stay on the line, the monkeys are currently typing to other customers.

October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree

And what pray tell is the problem with this? Other than I doubt ANYONE gets to qualify for 100% of their College costs in loans..

The problem is it's an incredible waste of cash to waste on an Undergrad degree. But daddy and mommy wanted that GeorgeWash logo on the Christmas cards this year -- So Suzy becomes debt whore for the rest of her life..

College has gotten expensive because status OBSESSED parents are pushing their kids into overpriced schools for a mere BA or BS degree. As long as GeorgeWash and Vanderbilt have a long waiting list -- costs are gonna be higher..
And as long as Government is giving out loans. Government should get OUT of the business.
So let me see if I have this straight.

A college degree that costs $212,000 will enslave the stupid student who is paying back all of it except for under $2,000 while costing the taxpayer almost a million dollars per student. :cuckoo:

October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree

October 27, 2011
RUSH: These student loans are gonna end up costing the taxpayers anywhere between $800,000 and $900,000 per student.

October 27, 2011
RUSH: It's a farce. It's a total farce. It misleads and it deceives students, and it's gonna end up saving students $8. This is one of the biggest jokes to come down the pike in a long time, and I'm gonna set it straight. It's a convoluted, intricately woven web of deceit. But that's what I do here is make the complex understandable.

How many of these students will sign up for gov't jobs to have their loans "forgiven" after working for the gov't for 10 years (at a job that pays less than the private sector for their "education level")? If they pay the minimum for 10 years (paying at the pro-rated scale), and then don't have to pay the rest of it. They have put the taxpayer on the hook for a whole bunch of money. Now that they have worked for the gov't for 10 years, they are likely to stay with the gov't because their leave and benefits have built up, and if they stay for another 15 years, they will have a good retirement.

The gov't gets people that wouldn't pay their own way, and then saddle the taxpayer with their livelyhood and the cost of their education. The gov't gets a lifelong supporter of "big gov't". The student becomes a person that never knows freedom or life outside gov't employment, or what they "could have" done with their life.

Government employees accomplish a great deal in their lives. The work can be challenging and fulfilling. While the pay might not always contend with the priate sector, the level of responsibility, challenges and self satisfaction make it worth it in the long run

What will they have to compare their work to? If they go to school, go to college, go to government, what will they know about the real world?
How many of these students will sign up for gov't jobs to have their loans "forgiven" after working for the gov't for 10 years (at a job that pays less than the private sector for their "education level")? If they pay the minimum for 10 years (paying at the pro-rated scale), and then don't have to pay the rest of it. They have put the taxpayer on the hook for a whole bunch of money. Now that they have worked for the gov't for 10 years, they are likely to stay with the gov't because their leave and benefits have built up, and if they stay for another 15 years, they will have a good retirement.

The gov't gets people that wouldn't pay their own way, and then saddle the taxpayer with their livelyhood and the cost of their education. The gov't gets a lifelong supporter of "big gov't". The student becomes a person that never knows freedom or life outside gov't employment, or what they "could have" done with their life.

Government employees accomplish a great deal in their lives. The work can be challenging and fulfilling. While the pay might not always contend with the priate sector, the level of responsibility, challenges and self satisfaction make it worth it in the long run

What will they have to compare their work to? If they go to school, go to college, go to government, what will they know about the real world?

The Government is real world. Government employees are given more responsibility early in their careers than their private counterparts. The work is in many cases much more interesting and provides an opportunity for advancement across all agencies

I would recommend it for all college graduates. It is a fulfilling career
So let me see if I have this straight.

A college degree that costs $212,000 will enslave the stupid student who is paying back all of it except for under $2,000 while costing the taxpayer almost a million dollars per student. :cuckoo:

October 27, 2011
RUSH: You know, Suzy Creamcheese gets into George Washington University and borrows from the government the requisite $212,000 to obtain an undergraduate degree

October 27, 2011
RUSH: These student loans are gonna end up costing the taxpayers anywhere between $800,000 and $900,000 per student.

October 27, 2011
RUSH: It's a farce. It's a total farce. It misleads and it deceives students, and it's gonna end up saving students $8. This is one of the biggest jokes to come down the pike in a long time, and I'm gonna set it straight. It's a convoluted, intricately woven web of deceit. But that's what I do here is make the complex understandable.

How many of these students will sign up for gov't jobs to have their loans "forgiven" after working for the gov't for 10 years (at a job that pays less than the private sector for their "education level")? If they pay the minimum for 10 years (paying at the pro-rated scale), and then don't have to pay the rest of it. They have put the taxpayer on the hook for a whole bunch of money. Now that they have worked for the gov't for 10 years, they are likely to stay with the gov't because their leave and benefits have built up, and if they stay for another 15 years, they will have a good retirement.

The gov't gets people that wouldn't pay their own way, and then saddle the taxpayer with their livelyhood and the cost of their education. The gov't gets a lifelong supporter of "big gov't". The student becomes a person that never knows freedom or life outside gov't employment, or what they "could have" done with their life.
So, like your MessiahRushie, you are claiming that the stupid enslaved students will save less than $10 per month over 10 or 20 years and at the same time will save so much money that the taxpayers will be on the hook for the "whole bunch of money" the stupid students saved.

CON$ are the most brilliant people on Earth! :cuckoo:

I am saying that people that never work for anybody but the government are fairly bitter people (they have nothing to compare their experiences, even if they have a great gov't job that is rewarding and challenging, chances are they will not see it because the are "spoiled"). The taxpayer pays for the bulk of their education. They never know what their "true" capabilities are because the gov't system rewards those that do not perform along with those that do.

Taking people that are bright enough to get thru college and pigeon-holing them into gov't work is a dis-service to the students, and will leave the people serving in gov't as bitter, unappreciative, takers that feel they are not competative enough to make it without the gov't crutch.
Right now, graduates enrolled in the federal government’s student loan Income-Based Repayment Plan make monthly payments of 15 percent of their discretionary income — and all debt is forgiven after 25 years. Congress has already passed a law to change that program to require students to make payments of just 10 percent of their monthly discretionary income — and to forgive the loan after just 20 years. That law will take effect in 2014 — unless Obama has his way. The president would like to promote the start date to 2012. Hmm. What else happens in 2012?

Obama’s politically-motivated plan to help college students repay their loans « Hot Air

10% of DISCRETIONARY income; then 20 years - bye bye.

Discretionary income is money you have after you've paid off all of your bills. Discretionary income is income after subtracting taxes and normal expenses (such as rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, medical, transportation, property maintenance, child support, inflation, food and sundries, &c.) to maintain a certain standard of living.[5] It is the amount of an individual's income available for spending after the essentials (such as food, clothing, and shelter) have been taken care of:

Let's say, Johnny owes 120K and gets a decent job making 40K.

How much will he screw the taxpayers for?

Can someone help me with the math?

My only gripe is that he couldn't force it to take effect immediately. They should also force a moratorium on the interest payments.
So, like your MessiahRushie, you are claiming that the stupid enslaved students will save less than $10 per month over 10 or 20 years and at the same time will save so much money that the taxpayers will be on the hook for the "whole bunch of money" the stupid students saved.

CON$ are the most brilliant people on Earth! :cuckoo:

Don't care what RUsh says.. Perhaps he never look at the payment chart I posted earlier in this thread. You're lucky he's WRONG about what gettin' handed out here. If he was INFORMED, this program would have gotten scrutiny MUCH earlier. Perhaps in time to modify it to something that's NOT packed with perverse incentives -- like having more kids or choosing a major that simply won't pay the bills.
My post was not directed to you, but to the CON$ who claim that students who graduate from college with a degree are so stupid that they allow their votes to be bought for less than $10 per month.

Stuttering LimpTard got it from GOP shills FOX, where else. Then the CON$ervative echo chamber parrots it endlessly.

But the main point I want to make is, the people who call college graduates stupid can't see any contradiction when their programmers accuse the students of being too stupid to see they have been duped for a less than $10 per month reduction on what they have to pay back on their loans, but at the same time in the same rant the same CON$ swallow that the taxpayer will be stuck paying $800,000 to $900,000 per student on a degree that costs $212,000.

My point is the gullibility required to be a CON$ervative, as well as the arrogantly condescending attitude they have towards anyone who isn't stupid enough to swallow the obvious bullshit they eagerly eat up. It doesn't matter how obvious the bullshit is, they will shamelessly parrot in public whatever crap is fed to them by GOP hate media.

Questions: if these "students" are sooooo smart, why do they get degrees in subjects where the pay sucks? Why do they get degrees in subjects that are not marketable? Why don't they get degrees in subjects where there are jobs and a demand for educated workers?
Pure Rush/Pubcrappe. Public college costs DOUBLED just under W BOOOSH, and the private loans he pushed added MORE cost. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat druggie, bought off idiot, and his dittoheads are bad citizens out of pure angry ignorance....

You could substitute Obama there (except for the fat part).
Pure Rush/Pubcrappe. Public college costs DOUBLED just under W BOOOSH, and the private loans he pushed added MORE cost. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat druggie, bought off idiot, and his dittoheads are bad citizens out of pure angry ignorance....

In about an hour -- I could write a Python based script to generate your posts. YOU could be replaced by automation.. ((Don't be offended -- I could obsolete RDean in 35 minutes))


For francoHFW -- Press 2
For RDean --- Press 3
For All other Lefties -- Please stay on the line, the monkeys are currently typing to other customers.

Try dealing with the facts we present, Dittohead. Perhaps we Dems are interested in fairness for those who want a good education- for the good of the country in the global economy, rather than myopic pub pandering to third wheel bankers, greedy college administrators, and scam online "educators"... Dingbat.
Government employees accomplish a great deal in their lives. The work can be challenging and fulfilling. While the pay might not always contend with the priate sector, the level of responsibility, challenges and self satisfaction make it worth it in the long run

What will they have to compare their work to? If they go to school, go to college, go to government, what will they know about the real world?

The Government is real world. Government employees are given more responsibility early in their careers than their private counterparts. The work is in many cases much more interesting and provides an opportunity for advancement across all agencies

I would recommend it for all college graduates. It is a fulfilling career

Again: if they have nothing to compare their work experience to, they become bitter, and not interested in providing service, but blocking activity to meet "regulations". Even in areas that are interesting, they feel they are overworked, and underpaid because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE TO COMPARE.
Public college costs DOUBLED just under W BOOOSH, and the private loans he pushed added MORE cost. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat druggie, bought off idiot, and his dittoheads are bad citizens out of pure angry ignorance....

A lot of these folks actually thought that Obama was forbidding them to borrow money from a bank with the changes to the law. :cuckoo:

But the private loans cost the government MORE. They were a pure giveaway to the banks, from the taxpayer. Bush's favorite game. Giving my tax dollars to the richest people in the world.
Don't care what RUsh says.. Perhaps he never look at the payment chart I posted earlier in this thread. You're lucky he's WRONG about what gettin' handed out here. If he was INFORMED, this program would have gotten scrutiny MUCH earlier. Perhaps in time to modify it to something that's NOT packed with perverse incentives -- like having more kids or choosing a major that simply won't pay the bills.
My post was not directed to you, but to the CON$ who claim that students who graduate from college with a degree are so stupid that they allow their votes to be bought for less than $10 per month.

Stuttering LimpTard got it from GOP shills FOX, where else. Then the CON$ervative echo chamber parrots it endlessly.

But the main point I want to make is, the people who call college graduates stupid can't see any contradiction when their programmers accuse the students of being too stupid to see they have been duped for a less than $10 per month reduction on what they have to pay back on their loans, but at the same time in the same rant the same CON$ swallow that the taxpayer will be stuck paying $800,000 to $900,000 per student on a degree that costs $212,000.

My point is the gullibility required to be a CON$ervative, as well as the arrogantly condescending attitude they have towards anyone who isn't stupid enough to swallow the obvious bullshit they eagerly eat up. It doesn't matter how obvious the bullshit is, they will shamelessly parrot in public whatever crap is fed to them by GOP hate media.

Questions: if these "students" are sooooo smart, why do they get degrees in subjects where the pay sucks? Why do they get degrees in subjects that are not marketable? Why don't they get degrees in subjects where there are jobs and a demand for educated workers?

Apparently all degrees suck right now. Are you saying that noone should try to better themselves?
What will they have to compare their work to? If they go to school, go to college, go to government, what will they know about the real world?

The Government is real world. Government employees are given more responsibility early in their careers than their private counterparts. The work is in many cases much more interesting and provides an opportunity for advancement across all agencies

I would recommend it for all college graduates. It is a fulfilling career

Again: if they have nothing to compare their work experience to, they become bitter, and not interested in providing service, but blocking activity to meet "regulations". Even in areas that are interesting, they feel they are overworked, and underpaid because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE TO COMPARE.

Compare to what? They have a fulfilling career and are serving their country. Who says anyone has to compare their chosen career to anything?

I graduated as an engineer 35 years ago and chose a career with the Government. At the time, my choice of working for the Government was ridiculed as not as prestigious as working in the private sector
Over 35 years, I worked on projects much more challenging and fulfilling than those I graduated with. I was given much more responsibility at a young age and never had to be concerned about petty office politics and massive layoffs.
I traveled around the country and worked with some fantastic people

I would recommend it to anyone graduating from college

What did you do with your life logical4u?
The Government is real world. Government employees are given more responsibility early in their careers than their private counterparts. The work is in many cases much more interesting and provides an opportunity for advancement across all agencies

I would recommend it for all college graduates. It is a fulfilling career

Again: if they have nothing to compare their work experience to, they become bitter, and not interested in providing service, but blocking activity to meet "regulations". Even in areas that are interesting, they feel they are overworked, and underpaid because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE TO COMPARE.

Compare to what? They have a fulfilling career and are serving their country. Who says anyone has to compare their chosen career to anything?

I graduated as an engineer 35 years ago and chose a career with the Government. At the time, my choice of working for the Government was ridiculed as not as prestigious as working in the private sector
Over 35 years, I worked on projects much more challenging and fulfilling than those I graduated with. I was given much more responsibility at a young age and never had to be concerned about petty office politics and massive layoffs.
I traveled around the country and worked with some fantastic people

I would recommend it to anyone graduating from college

What did you do with your life logical4u?

I have to agree with you 'rightwinger'. It is very naiive to assume someone doesn't have the savvy to compare based on only their job experience.
My post was not directed to you, but to the CON$ who claim that students who graduate from college with a degree are so stupid that they allow their votes to be bought for less than $10 per month.

Stuttering LimpTard got it from GOP shills FOX, where else. Then the CON$ervative echo chamber parrots it endlessly.

But the main point I want to make is, the people who call college graduates stupid can't see any contradiction when their programmers accuse the students of being too stupid to see they have been duped for a less than $10 per month reduction on what they have to pay back on their loans, but at the same time in the same rant the same CON$ swallow that the taxpayer will be stuck paying $800,000 to $900,000 per student on a degree that costs $212,000.

My point is the gullibility required to be a CON$ervative, as well as the arrogantly condescending attitude they have towards anyone who isn't stupid enough to swallow the obvious bullshit they eagerly eat up. It doesn't matter how obvious the bullshit is, they will shamelessly parrot in public whatever crap is fed to them by GOP hate media.

Questions: if these "students" are sooooo smart, why do they get degrees in subjects where the pay sucks? Why do they get degrees in subjects that are not marketable? Why don't they get degrees in subjects where there are jobs and a demand for educated workers?

Apparently all degrees suck right now. Are you saying that noone should try to better themselves?

There are fields that are looking for people that are qualified. Might not be looking for someone with a bachelor's in phsycology, or women's studies, but fields that need mathmaticians, physicists, and engineers are still there (you might have to move to get a job, away from mom).
The Government is real world. Government employees are given more responsibility early in their careers than their private counterparts. The work is in many cases much more interesting and provides an opportunity for advancement across all agencies

I would recommend it for all college graduates. It is a fulfilling career

Again: if they have nothing to compare their work experience to, they become bitter, and not interested in providing service, but blocking activity to meet "regulations". Even in areas that are interesting, they feel they are overworked, and underpaid because THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE TO COMPARE.

Compare to what? They have a fulfilling career and are serving their country. Who says anyone has to compare their chosen career to anything?

I graduated as an engineer 35 years ago and chose a career with the Government. At the time, my choice of working for the Government was ridiculed as not as prestigious as working in the private sector
Over 35 years, I worked on projects much more challenging and fulfilling than those I graduated with. I was given much more responsibility at a young age and never had to be concerned about petty office politics and massive layoffs.
I traveled around the country and worked with some fantastic people

I would recommend it to anyone graduating from college

What did you do with your life logical4u?

I worked several different jobs. Currently I work with people that work for the gov't. The ones that have not worked outside the gov't are pretty much the way I described. The ones that worked in private industry, are grateful for their work and their job, and are very pleasant to work with. The gov't only workers are more worried about what everyone else is doing than what they are doing.

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