Buys Ad To Warn About Socialism

Quantam, you really hurt my feelings. Really. You know how much I respect your opinion.
Cons hate these studies. Can not prove them to be bad science but say they are. How profound. And what a surprise. And just like quantam. Making accusations with absolutely no, and I mean NO, impartial evidence. cman, quantam, I am sure you can go out to your bat shit crazy con web sites and come back with some more drivel. Which pretty much fits in perfectly with every one of the studies I provided you so far.

If you need more studies, let me know. There are hundreds out there. And all come to the same basic conclusions. Cons, like you, are stupid. but most also tell you that cons, lacking knowledge, believe that they understand everything. Makes them feel better. sound about right, dipshit??

I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything. Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus.
I am sure that you will. you are a con. You hate science. Pick your own. Have a ball. But your opinion, which is all that I see from you, proves nothing.
So, a group, say a university group, comes up with a question. They have a large group of people whom they ask questions of. Carefully devised questions to not shade the study in any direction. And they then look at the answers. But you, quantam, being the self believed genius, can take it apart in no time at all. Why is that quantam?? Why, it is because you believe yourself to be really smart. Which to them, proves the point. But to a con, well, you can go to a tea party meeting on some street corner (should you be able to find one somewhere these days) and hold a sign saying that obama is a socialist, or we are heading toward socialism under this administration. Amazing.

Funny how cons come up with attack after attack with zero proof of their assertions. Nothing. Just proof that they have listened to the right wing education over years and years and satisfied their need to "understand" what is going on. But put a bunch of studies together for them, and they screech like crazy. Science??? Nonsense, they say.

But if you put before them a statement by a study or two looking at the phenomenon that exists, the endless attacks and hate and statements without rational backing, why, it is BAD science. But you as a con HATE science.

So here you are in a blog thread about some clown who buys an add saying that we are heading towards socialism, and you LOVE it. Why is that, Quantam. Why do you line up behind hate of anything that the con machine tells you to. Where is the validity. Do you even know the definition of socialism??? If so, care to explain what has been going on in the current administration that is taking us toward socialism??? The rest of the industrialized world just look at people like you and shake their head.

So, lets look at your response. You said:
I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything.
So, you know without having looked at the studies, that they prove nothing. Just a bunch of over educated peope wasting our time. Question is, me con tool, how do you know anything about the study since your next sentence indicates you have not looked at it. You do not, of course. But this is how you go through life, telling people what you believe based on nothing but opinion. Which is exactly what these studies look at.
Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus
And, me con tool, you believe yourself so smart that you can brush the methodology of the study away and prove it to be bogus without having seen it yet. Again, you are proving their findings, that you are a con, you are stupid, and you know the answers without looking at the question. Amazing, quantam. Must be nice to live in a world filled with whatever you want to believe. Makes things so easy.
And, of course, it is exactly what I would expect of a good con. Since you believe what you want to believe, you are able to brush anything that is inconvenient out of your way. Which keeps you happy. Hell, maybe you can even gin up some additional anger. That would be a bonus, eh, quantam?

Hey, take it easy on windbag...this is the guy who wanted to use a nuclear bomb to stop the BP oil obviously he's an Einstein kinda guy!
I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything. Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus.
I am sure that you will. you are a con. You hate science. Pick your own. Have a ball. But your opinion, which is all that I see from you, proves nothing.
So, a group, say a university group, comes up with a question. They have a large group of people whom they ask questions of. Carefully devised questions to not shade the study in any direction. And they then look at the answers. But you, quantam, being the self believed genius, can take it apart in no time at all. Why is that quantam?? Why, it is because you believe yourself to be really smart. Which to them, proves the point. But to a con, well, you can go to a tea party meeting on some street corner (should you be able to find one somewhere these days) and hold a sign saying that obama is a socialist, or we are heading toward socialism under this administration. Amazing.

Funny how cons come up with attack after attack with zero proof of their assertions. Nothing. Just proof that they have listened to the right wing education over years and years and satisfied their need to "understand" what is going on. But put a bunch of studies together for them, and they screech like crazy. Science??? Nonsense, they say.

But if you put before them a statement by a study or two looking at the phenomenon that exists, the endless attacks and hate and statements without rational backing, why, it is BAD science. But you as a con HATE science.

So here you are in a blog thread about some clown who buys an add saying that we are heading towards socialism, and you LOVE it. Why is that, Quantam. Why do you line up behind hate of anything that the con machine tells you to. Where is the validity. Do you even know the definition of socialism??? If so, care to explain what has been going on in the current administration that is taking us toward socialism??? The rest of the industrialized world just look at people like you and shake their head.

So, lets look at your response. You said:

So, you know without having looked at the studies, that they prove nothing. Just a bunch of over educated peope wasting our time. Question is, me con tool, how do you know anything about the study since your next sentence indicates you have not looked at it. You do not, of course. But this is how you go through life, telling people what you believe based on nothing but opinion. Which is exactly what these studies look at.
Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus
And, me con tool, you believe yourself so smart that you can brush the methodology of the study away and prove it to be bogus without having seen it yet. Again, you are proving their findings, that you are a con, you are stupid, and you know the answers without looking at the question. Amazing, quantam. Must be nice to live in a world filled with whatever you want to believe. Makes things so easy.
And, of course, it is exactly what I would expect of a good con. Since you believe what you want to believe, you are able to brush anything that is inconvenient out of your way. Which keeps you happy. Hell, maybe you can even gin up some additional anger. That would be a bonus, eh, quantam?

Hey, take it easy on windbag...this is the guy who wanted to use a nuclear bomb to stop the BP oil obviously he's an Einstein kinda guy!
Yup, in his own mind he is indeed.
Is that Sigmund Freud, or Benny Freud?

Wish my wife would tell me to go take a nap.

Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.

"Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her..."

You misunderstand, hedgehog....I look forward to finding folks like you to wipe my shoes on.

Remain prostrate.
Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.
More proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others, constantly, as being less than her. And calls herself wise. She is delusional, of course. But that is the belief system that she has created for herself. She probably actually believes it.

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

And calls herself wise."

I don't recall saying such....

...but, I will cop to being somewhere between wise, and you.
Socialism has gotten rid of the middle class and now they are working on the rich.
It's been the Socialists agenda all along.They are in both Parties.
Getting a little more than half of Americans on government goodies (they are almost there at 47%), 4 more yrs of Obama and they will get it, it won't take much to get 3% more) and then take as much as they can from the rich.
Quantam, you really hurt my feelings. Really. You know how much I respect your opinion.
Cons hate these studies. Can not prove them to be bad science but say they are. How profound. And what a surprise. And just like quantam. Making accusations with absolutely no, and I mean NO, impartial evidence. cman, quantam, I am sure you can go out to your bat shit crazy con web sites and come back with some more drivel. Which pretty much fits in perfectly with every one of the studies I provided you so far.

If you need more studies, let me know. There are hundreds out there. And all come to the same basic conclusions. Cons, like you, are stupid. but most also tell you that cons, lacking knowledge, believe that they understand everything. Makes them feel better. sound about right, dipshit??

I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything. Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus.
I am sure that you will. you are a con. You hate science. Pick your own. Have a ball. But your opinion, which is all that I see from you, proves nothing.
So, a group, say a university group, comes up with a question. They have a large group of people whom they ask questions of. Carefully devised questions to not shade the study in any direction. And they then look at the answers. But you, quantam, being the self believed genius, can take it apart in no time at all. Why is that quantam?? Why, it is because you believe yourself to be really smart. Which to them, proves the point. But to a con, well, you can go to a tea party meeting on some street corner (should you be able to find one somewhere these days) and hold a sign saying that obama is a socialist, or we are heading toward socialism under this administration. Amazing.

Funny how cons come up with attack after attack with zero proof of their assertions. Nothing. Just proof that they have listened to the right wing education over years and years and satisfied their need to "understand" what is going on. But put a bunch of studies together for them, and they screech like crazy. Science??? Nonsense, they say.

But if you put before them a statement by a study or two looking at the phenomenon that exists, the endless attacks and hate and statements without rational backing, why, it is BAD science. But you as a con HATE science.

So here you are in a blog thread about some clown who buys an add saying that we are heading towards socialism, and you LOVE it. Why is that, Quantam. Why do you line up behind hate of anything that the con machine tells you to. Where is the validity. Do you even know the definition of socialism??? If so, care to explain what has been going on in the current administration that is taking us toward socialism??? The rest of the industrialized world just look at people like you and shake their head.

So, lets look at your response. You said:
I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything.
So, you know without having looked at the studies, that they prove nothing. Just a bunch of over educated peope wasting our time. Question is, me con tool, how do you know anything about the study since your next sentence indicates you have not looked at it. You do not, of course. But this is how you go through life, telling people what you believe based on nothing but opinion. Which is exactly what these studies look at.
Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus
And, me con tool, you believe yourself so smart that you can brush the methodology of the study away and prove it to be bogus without having seen it yet. Again, you are proving their findings, that you are a con, you are stupid, and you know the answers without looking at the question. Amazing, quantam. Must be nice to live in a world filled with whatever you want to believe. Makes things so easy.
And, of course, it is exactly what I would expect of a good con. Since you believe what you want to believe, you are able to brush anything that is inconvenient out of your way. Which keeps you happy. Hell, maybe you can even gin up some additional anger. That would be a bonus, eh, quantam?

I notice that you didn't actually try to defend any of the studies.
I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything. Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus.
I am sure that you will. you are a con. You hate science. Pick your own. Have a ball. But your opinion, which is all that I see from you, proves nothing.
So, a group, say a university group, comes up with a question. They have a large group of people whom they ask questions of. Carefully devised questions to not shade the study in any direction. And they then look at the answers. But you, quantam, being the self believed genius, can take it apart in no time at all. Why is that quantam?? Why, it is because you believe yourself to be really smart. Which to them, proves the point. But to a con, well, you can go to a tea party meeting on some street corner (should you be able to find one somewhere these days) and hold a sign saying that obama is a socialist, or we are heading toward socialism under this administration. Amazing.

Funny how cons come up with attack after attack with zero proof of their assertions. Nothing. Just proof that they have listened to the right wing education over years and years and satisfied their need to "understand" what is going on. But put a bunch of studies together for them, and they screech like crazy. Science??? Nonsense, they say.

But if you put before them a statement by a study or two looking at the phenomenon that exists, the endless attacks and hate and statements without rational backing, why, it is BAD science. But you as a con HATE science.

So here you are in a blog thread about some clown who buys an add saying that we are heading towards socialism, and you LOVE it. Why is that, Quantam. Why do you line up behind hate of anything that the con machine tells you to. Where is the validity. Do you even know the definition of socialism??? If so, care to explain what has been going on in the current administration that is taking us toward socialism??? The rest of the industrialized world just look at people like you and shake their head.

So, lets look at your response. You said:

So, you know without having looked at the studies, that they prove nothing. Just a bunch of over educated peope wasting our time. Question is, me con tool, how do you know anything about the study since your next sentence indicates you have not looked at it. You do not, of course. But this is how you go through life, telling people what you believe based on nothing but opinion. Which is exactly what these studies look at.
Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus
And, me con tool, you believe yourself so smart that you can brush the methodology of the study away and prove it to be bogus without having seen it yet. Again, you are proving their findings, that you are a con, you are stupid, and you know the answers without looking at the question. Amazing, quantam. Must be nice to live in a world filled with whatever you want to believe. Makes things so easy.
And, of course, it is exactly what I would expect of a good con. Since you believe what you want to believe, you are able to brush anything that is inconvenient out of your way. Which keeps you happy. Hell, maybe you can even gin up some additional anger. That would be a bonus, eh, quantam?

Hey, take it easy on windbag...this is the guy who wanted to use a nuclear bomb to stop the BP oil obviously he's an Einstein kinda guy!

You still have a problem with facts. don't you?

American billionaire buys politicians; discourages other Americans from enacting economic democracy.
How strange.

As Freud pointed out, it is the purpose of repose to provide wish fulfillment.

Go take a nap.

Is that Sigmund Freud, or Benny Freud?

Wish my wife would tell me to go take a nap.

Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'

Actually, the opposite is true, she wants me with her all of the time.

Go figure.

You hopefully can do better than this. I know you think that you are more humorous than this, I would need some proof though.
Is that Sigmund Freud, or Benny Freud?

Wish my wife would tell me to go take a nap.

Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.

She is actually in love with me. Positive reps me, sends me private messages. It is actually a bit embarrassing. Do not tell Daveman, he is her new puppy and would be devastated.
Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.

She is actually in love with me. Positive reps me, sends me private messages. It is actually a bit embarrassing. Do not tell Daveman, he is her new puppy and would be devastated.

What a blabber-mouth!
Tell me when supply side economics has ever worked .

too stupid and 100% liberal ! The USA is the most supply-side or capitalist oriented country in human history and the richest!! Cuba/Florida, East/West Germany, North/South Korea, Communist China/ current China are other obvious examples of
capitalism working where socialism is failed hugely!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be stupid
Listen more carefully.....the wise woman told you to 'take a hike.'
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.

"Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her..."

You misunderstand, hedgehog....I look forward to finding folks like you to wipe my shoes on.

Remain prostrate.
Problem you have, politicalchic me poor ignorant con, is that you are all mouth. You may not remember the time, but I do, that you told me you were going to tear me appart. Really, that stupid. And you went on for a page and a half trying. But you had no game. Just posted a few weak responses from some of your bat shit crazy con web sites. No rationality at all, PC. So, if you are trying to scare me, as I said at the time, I seem to have missed how really tough you believe you are.
Or, said another way, PC, you are truly delusional. And I am so in fear of the opinion that you have of yourself.
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.
More proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others, constantly, as being less than her. And calls herself wise. She is delusional, of course. But that is the belief system that she has created for herself. She probably actually believes it.

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Watching Fox makes you stupid Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

And calls herself wise."

I don't recall saying such....

...but, I will cop to being somewhere between wise, and you.
Post 118. And again, I know that you believe yourself to be smarter than I. And once again, I must tell you how much it hurts me. Because, PC, I value your opinion so much.
I suppose I should be sorry, but I am not. Only complete idiots quote studies like the ones you posted because only complete idiots think that they prove anything. Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus.
I am sure that you will. you are a con. You hate science. Pick your own. Have a ball. But your opinion, which is all that I see from you, proves nothing.
So, a group, say a university group, comes up with a question. They have a large group of people whom they ask questions of. Carefully devised questions to not shade the study in any direction. And they then look at the answers. But you, quantam, being the self believed genius, can take it apart in no time at all. Why is that quantam?? Why, it is because you believe yourself to be really smart. Which to them, proves the point. But to a con, well, you can go to a tea party meeting on some street corner (should you be able to find one somewhere these days) and hold a sign saying that obama is a socialist, or we are heading toward socialism under this administration. Amazing.

Funny how cons come up with attack after attack with zero proof of their assertions. Nothing. Just proof that they have listened to the right wing education over years and years and satisfied their need to "understand" what is going on. But put a bunch of studies together for them, and they screech like crazy. Science??? Nonsense, they say.

But if you put before them a statement by a study or two looking at the phenomenon that exists, the endless attacks and hate and statements without rational backing, why, it is BAD science. But you as a con HATE science.

So here you are in a blog thread about some clown who buys an add saying that we are heading towards socialism, and you LOVE it. Why is that, Quantam. Why do you line up behind hate of anything that the con machine tells you to. Where is the validity. Do you even know the definition of socialism??? If so, care to explain what has been going on in the current administration that is taking us toward socialism??? The rest of the industrialized world just look at people like you and shake their head.

So, lets look at your response. You said:
So, you know without having looked at the studies, that they prove nothing. Just a bunch of over educated peope wasting our time. Question is, me con tool, how do you know anything about the study since your next sentence indicates you have not looked at it. You do not, of course. But this is how you go through life, telling people what you believe based on nothing but opinion. Which is exactly what these studies look at.
Pick any single study to defend and lets go through the math and the science behind it, I will prove it is bogus
And, me con tool, you believe yourself so smart that you can brush the methodology of the study away and prove it to be bogus without having seen it yet. Again, you are proving their findings, that you are a con, you are stupid, and you know the answers without looking at the question. Amazing, quantam. Must be nice to live in a world filled with whatever you want to believe. Makes things so easy.
And, of course, it is exactly what I would expect of a good con. Since you believe what you want to believe, you are able to brush anything that is inconvenient out of your way. Which keeps you happy. Hell, maybe you can even gin up some additional anger. That would be a bonus, eh, quantam?

I notice that you didn't actually try to defend any of the studies.
Quantam, i gave you a choice. You did not take me up on it. I gave you studies. You said you could show any of them to be untrue. Which, of course, you can not so you did not. Quantam, you are going to hurt your brain again. Stop trying to be clever. Not in you. You are a con. You can not argue points or engage in conversation, you can not remember what you said if it was over 20 seconds ago, and you can not keep straight what you said you would do. You see, me poor ignorant con, I gave you actual studies. I do not need to defend them, you said they were wrong, you tell us all why. We are all waiting for the great rational and logic that you beleve that you possess. dipshit.
And here again, is proof of the conservative studies. Politicalchic attacks others as being less than her, and calls herself wise. She is Delusional. But normal for con tools.

She is actually in love with me. Positive reps me, sends me private messages. It is actually a bit embarrassing. Do not tell Daveman, he is her new puppy and would be devastated.

What a blabber-mouth!

I will sing it from the highest mountain.
Why do Americans fear Socialism? Do they equate it with Communism?

Now...for today's lesson in the history of economic theory.....

From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

1. Modern history presents us with two divergent models of economic arrangement: socialism, and capitalism. One of these appears preoccupied with the common good, and social betterment, the other with profits and production.

2. In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

3. A half-century before Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, there was Gracchus Babeuf’s 'Plebeian Manifesto,' which was later renamed the 'Manifesto of the Equals.' Babeuf’s early (1796) work has been described as socialist, anarchist, and communist, and has had an enormous impact.

He wrote: “The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, on which will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last…We reach for something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of goods! Nor more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all.” Here, then, are the major themes of socialist theory. It takes very little interpolation to find that opponents profit at the expense of the environment, and conditions of inequality in society.

4. For Babeur, socialism would distribute prosperity across the entire population, as it would “[have] us eat four good meals a day, [dress} us most elegantly, and also [provide] those of us who are fathers of families with charming houses worth a thousand louis each.”

5. Oscar Wilde: “Under socialism…there will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings…Each member of society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society…”

6. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

7. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.

So, you see, NoNoodles....."Why do Americans fear Socialism?" is no more than a bumper-sticker sans any real meaning.

Despising socialism in favor of capitalism is merely the sign of an educated mind.

You're welcome.
So, PoliticalChic is at it again, posting con dogma. In this last post, she exercised her skill at copy and paste of another article damning socialism. Just an opinion piece, by a priest or some such, but it fits PC's needs for con dogma.

So, you see, NoNoodles....."Why do Americans fear Socialism?" is no more than a bumper-sticker sans any real meaning.
And, of course, that is more of Politicalchic's con drivel. "Americans" do not fear Socialism. Socialism is what fear mongering con bosses push, over and over, on their unwitting followers. And on to their tools, such as PC. Because, you see, socialism is simply an economic system. It is rarely an economic system that describes the entire economy of a nation. Because, you see, nearly all economies are MIXED. That is the reality, but the fear tactic of the right is to make the populace very, very afraid. Make them believe that the socialists are out to get them. Which is, of course, drivel.
As an example, Canada has single payer medical insurance. Which the right correctly labels as socialist. Not socialist mecicine, as the right preaches, but socialist medical insurance. So, the canadian gov periodically does poling to see how that is going. And every time, the key question to most of us in the us is concerned, is would the canadians rather have their socialist medical insurance or the US version of medical insurance. And in every case, the results are that more than 97% of the respondants want to stay with their own Canadian version of health care insurance.
Yet the cons say that the canadians can not get medical services, that they are dying for lack of medical service, and that they are streaming to the US to get medical service. Yet every study says that these charges are incorrect. Simply more of the con dogma. BECAUSE, medical insurance is PROFITABLE, and those profitable companies pay their politicians to protect them. And con tools like PC say whatever the dogma being preached is. Simple as that.
So, you get a bunch of tools like PC, preaching the dogma. Many are paid, by the organizations that educate and push the dogma forward. Very, very, very dishonest, and some would say, very, very very Un-American.
So, based on the studies out there, where are the best economies? Depends on how you rate them.

In terms of satisfaction of the populaces, we are somewhere around number 23. And number 23 would indicate that there are 22 better than the US. Kind of sucks, eh, PC.
The 23 Best Countries for Work-Life Balance (We Are Number 23) - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

In terms of the prosperity of the populaces of the nations, we are around number 10. And falling like a rock, over the past 35 years or so.
The 2011 Legatum Prosperity Index

But here is the real clincher. In either of the above rankings, the nations above us all have either socialist, or mostly socialist economies. Kind of makes you want to stop and think. Why is it that con tools like PC are preaching fear of socialism???

Despising socialism in favor of capitalism is merely the sign of an educated mind.

No, PC, it is the sign of a mind bent by con tools like you. It is a sign of people controlled by money from above. And it is a sign of the inability to think, and to consider, what is going on in the rest of the world

You're welcome.
For what, PC? For you posting more dogma??
Why do Americans fear Socialism? Do they equate it with Communism?

Because Socialism is the light form of Communism.
Socialism- government owned business.
Our Government now owns stocks in GM.
Democtatic management of the essential means for the production and distribution of goods.
This is Socialism in full production, right here right now;

Americans could lose the right to resell their own possessions - TechSpot News

Supreme Court has hearing on Oc.t 29th and we may not be able to sell the things that we own.
A change in the law could have a profound effect on the entire country. Sites like eBay and especially Craigslist would no doubt suffer. Trading in an old vehicle towards something new would be a nightmare. Manufacturers might even see overseas production as an incentive to cash in on resale later on in a product’s life. The list goes on and on but we’ll stop there for the sake of brevity.
The doctrine, recognized by the Supreme Court since 1908, states that the copyright holder only has controller over the first sale.
If this is changed we can no longer sell our own goods that we own (no more yard sales people).

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