Bwahahahahaaaa ! Joe Biden's latest high tech basement tape !!

There seems to be serious talk in the democrat party that he is no longer going to be their candidate...they are just working out the details on how to get that done...

Well, what of the delegates Crazy Comrade Bernie won?

Can he give them to another candidate?
F'N RW's living in LaLa Land -

americans sitting in bread lines 3 miles long ?

thats really some high tec shit to laugh at ---------------

There seems to be serious talk in the democrat party that he is no longer going to be their candidate...they are just working out the details on how to get that done...

Well, what of the delegates Crazy Comrade Bernie won?

Can he give them to another candidate?

I really don't know.
I heard that Chris Matthews wife did an intervention. But I'm beginning to suspect that Biden's problem is as much about the people running his campaign than anything. I had that worry months ago, when he went with his old school team that he trusted. As Plouffe and Axelrod wrote someplace last week "TV is really good, but you gotta be able to personally connect on social media." Obviously Team Biden doesn't have that skill set.

The Rat party has no sense of reality and obviously knows nothing about cost/benefit schedules or debt. They paid $3B to Mooch's pal to set up the Barry-Care website and it never worked. GoDaddy could have done it for $100 and it would have worked great.
I heard that Chris Matthews wife did an intervention. But I'm beginning to suspect that Biden's problem is as much about the people running his campaign than anything. I had that worry months ago, when he went with his old school team that he trusted. As Plouffe and Axelrod wrote someplace last week "TV is really good, but you gotta be able to personally connect on social media." Obviously Team Biden doesn't have that skill set.

The Rat party has no sense of reality and obviously knows nothing about cost/benefit schedules or debt. They paid $3B to Mooch's pal to set up the Barry-Care website and it never worked. GoDaddy could have done it for $100 and it would have worked great.
They'd never own it with GoDaddy, though. Bastards bought about 1/3 of all domains in the late 90s..GRR!
There should be/have been antitrust laws used for what GoDaddy did.
They'd never own it with GoDaddy, though. Bastards bought about 1/3 of all domains in the late 90s..GRR!
There should be/have been antitrust laws used for what GoDaddy did.

Still would have gotten a fraction of the cost from ANYBODY who does web-sites....I don't know much about who does them....GoDaddy is the only one I could think of that everybody has heard of. :dunno:
They'd never own it with GoDaddy, though. Bastards bought about 1/3 of all domains in the late 90s..GRR!
There should be/have been antitrust laws used for what GoDaddy did.

Still would have gotten a fraction of the cost from ANYBODY who does web-sites....I don't know much about who does them....GoDaddy is the only one I could think of that everybody has heard of. :dunno:
They got a racket going there, alright.

The Biden campaign knew they couldn't fuck up again and they went on ahead and fucked up again. This is democrats...they are the dumbest, most corrupt, angriest people in the history of Earth. Trump must have laughed his ass off when he saw that.....His rallies are immaculately planned...if a microphone or PA system doesn't work, those responsible are fired on the spot...he won't tolerate mistakes and they know it.
Well, the US supreme court literally used a a sort of conference call rather than the intranet video feeds with voice activated cameras that state courts have used for years …. so you can at least see who is speaking as the words actually are heard. And Clarence Thomas actually asked a question for the first time in three years. I'd forgotten what his voice sounded like, and it took me a minute to realize he was speaking. LOL

But you would think that running for president and having a lot of empty time to fill would cause him to have some "practice" at this. He could at least have made some joking analogy to Reagan's hot mike moment "we begin bombing in five minutes."
The difference is, of course, the SCOTUS is SUPPOSED to be disconnected and not subject to the whims of the people. Ergo, they have zero need to do things in order to look good.

Biden, unfortunately, does not have that luxury.

Demintia/Alzheimer's is a horrible disease.

Where is this man's family?
Jill Biden needs to take control of the situation. Joe will just keep bumbling along with his Media covering for him.
I heard that Chris Matthews wife did an intervention. But I'm beginning to suspect that Biden's problem is as much about the people running his campaign than anything. I had that worry months ago, when he went with his old school team that he trusted. As Plouffe and Axelrod wrote someplace last week "TV is really good, but you gotta be able to personally connect on social media." Obviously Team Biden doesn't have that skill set.

This. The only thing Biden really should be doing is concerning himself with his messaging and hiring the correct people. The campaign needs to be on top of everything else. Where are all the people that worked with Obama? It's not like Biden was not on that campaign also - they should be here working with Biden to create the new yes we can message and covering all the technical aspects. Something I cannot recall Obama ever having an issue with.

We don't give a rats arse, we know he is not good at talking or debating , and that is not why we are going to pick him, sure beats tramp arrogance blatant lies and you guys worship him, why because he has star quality (reality TV star) but nothing upstairs, if you know what I mean!!

20 or even 10 years ago Biden was dumb and no good at talking. He is now mentally impaired.
Plugs has become a stuttering fuck and now his team has him sounding like he's in a toilet. Even the silly stage directions to approach and take off the sunglasses is phony and cringe-worthy.

I'll have madonna take a knee and blow him if he'll just promise to stay in the race. Every time he's trotted out, the Dukakis tank photo op moves up a notch on the fucktard scale.
Tara Reade is now calling on Biden to drop out.

i think that actually hurts Trump if he does that, folks!

I've thought so as well, and in fact when the news about Tara Reade first hit, my thought was that gives the DNC the excuse they need to pressure him out, and get someone who knows which day of the week is.

We don't give a rats arse, we know he is not good at talking or debating , and that is not why we are going to pick him, sure beats tramp arrogance blatant lies and you guys worship him, why because he has star quality (reality TV star) but nothing upstairs, if you know what I mean!!

Trumps IQ runs about 153. He's got over 10 points on me and likely 60 or 65 points on you and at least 70 or 80 on old Joe depending on whether it's day or night and after sun down. And I'm being generous for both you and Joe.
Tara Reade is now calling on Biden to drop out.

i think that actually hurts Trump if he does that, folks!

I've thought so as well, and in fact when the news about Tara Reade first hit, my thought was that gives the DNC the excuse they need to pressure him out, and get someone who knows which day of the week is.
Nothing short of Biden actually showing up dead is going to cause them to change candidates at this point. Particularly when they cannot even get out there and brand themselves.

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