By Any Means Necessary


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."

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We will resist with every means at hand.

We aren't a horde of poor peasants with little more than pitchforks.

The people in government with the keys to the weapons and ammo vaults aren't all bolsheviks either.

The reds will not have the same success they had in moscow.

All caps in header(in before the lock)

Yusef Salaam was 15 years old when Donald Trump demanded his execution for a crime he did not commit.
The miscarriage of justice is widely remembered as a definitive moment in New York’s fractured race relations. But Trump’s intervention – he signed full-page newspaper advertisements implicitly calling for the boys to die –

Donald Trump and the Central Park Five: the racially charged rise of a demagogue

Yet the boys were released when the DNA evidence cleared them....Of course the prosecutor is going to try to defend her actions in trying to put away and possibly kill the innocent black boys...She was a monster as was many in the white community that were ready to lynch these boys for a crime they never committed...
Thanks Polislick for showing us yet again your true nature of trying to twist the truth to fit your narrative...
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The raise for Congress is automatic thanks to legislation passed years ago, unless, it is voted down...Not everyone voted to turn it down yet all single minded simpletons can do is focus on one new person in Congress out of hundreds....Like they think that if they focus on these people they can run them out of office and take some heat off the buffoon we have as president.
We will resist with every means at hand.

We aren't a horde of poor peasants with little more than pitchforks.

The people in government with the keys to the weapons and ammo vaults aren't all bolsheviks either.

The reds will not have the same success they had in moscow.


Let's wait to see the results of the 2020 election to decide whether the public recognizes the threat.

"Sheep have only two speeds: graze and stampede.'
Here is the latest "Mississippi Burning" by the Left.

The documentary is filled with the lies meant to frame America as racist.

Of course it isn't.

Now Fairstein is 'burned' to advance the template.
Here is the latest "Mississippi Burning" by the Left.

The documentary is filled with the lies meant to frame America as racist.

Of course it isn't.

Now Fairstein is 'burned' to advance the template.

The facts remain that Trump and many white people had knee-jerk racist reactions to the crime that they were not guilty of.
Why is it you want to defend the ugliness that occurred? Oh, you be racist that's right..
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!

Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that you believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.
Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that you believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.
The hostility you and your ilk hold towards blacks simply has no bounds.

This is why none of you should be anywhere near the levers of power.
I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."

There was always one battle only, the haves and the havenots. Looking at the pictures, that applies to brains also.
I doubt that the thread title requires explanation when applied to the efforts Hitler's Socialist Party.

"Any" means just that.....any....with no limits applied via logic, justice, morality or humanity.

Any means. All means.

And the same when the Soviet's use of concentration camps, gulags, mass starvation were part of the calculation.

But to see the same level applied in America, by Americans, by elected officials and our own citizens.....well, the handwriting for our culture is on the wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"

1. How could it have happened that the major political party had a Marxist/Communist as their candidate for President.....had he not been cheated by his own party?

2. Lest any imagine that choosing Bernie was an aberration, here are his clones engineering to kick less Leftists out:


Justice Democrats Name 8-Term Incumbent As First Target In Bid To Primary Moderate Democrats

And, as Bolshevik as they are....they're elected:
"...running on a platform to bring about communal ownership of land, labor and resources “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca, 32, who considers herself a democratic socialist,..."
Denver Elects Councilwoman Promising To Usher In Communal Ownership ‘By Any Means Necessary’

4. Ground zero for the fascism is, of course, the most anti-free speech institutions, the universities.

This week, the police were called to arrest a student for uttering something someone considered 'offensive.'
"GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game
  • Resident assistants called the police on a group of University of Maryland students playing the video game “Quiplash.”
  • The reported incident was categorized as “hate bias."
According to the police report summary, the UMD students responded to a prompt “I see…” with the statements “I see my GPA falling,” “Civil Rights,” “unstoppable tide of Islam,” “Jared.Too.Much.Jared,” “your mom,” “The Fitness Grand Pacer Test,” and “Too many Jews to kill.” The last response, mentioned in the first paragraph of the police report, appears to be the one with which the RAs took issue."
GAME OVER: RAs call the COPS on students playing video game

5. Neflix, the media arm of the fascists, produced a Burns' 'documentary' designed to support the narrative of a racist the destruction of law and order, their bete noire.....
They attack Linda Fairstein in support of the savages based on
"Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix ‘Central Park Five’ Controversy
“a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication”

Linda Fairstein, the New York City sex crimes prosecutor who handled the famous ‘Central Park Five’ case, has been subjected to a purge after the premiere of a new Netflix program on the subject."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy is one of the perpetrators confessing, who was awarded with $millions because Liberals need to win "by any means necessary."


"by any means necessary"

isn't that the same principle conservatives apply?


you never tire of accusing your enemies of your own crimes. ( any means necessary! ha ha)
Fairstein "claims the program has distorted the truth and maligned her unfairly. Now she is speaking out in her own defense. She wrote at the Wall Street Journal:

Netflix’s False Story of the Central Park Five

At about 9 p.m. April 19, 1989, a large group of young men gathered on the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue for the purpose of robbing and beating innocent people in Central Park. There were more than 30 rioters, and the woman known as the “Central Park jogger,” Trisha Meili, was not their only victim. Eight others were attacked, including two men who were beaten so savagely that they required hospitalization for head injuries.

Reporters and filmmakers have explored this story countless times from numerous perspectives, almost always focusing on five attackers and one female jogger. But each has missed the larger picture of that terrible night: a riot in the dark that resulted in the apprehension of more than 15 teenagers who set upon multiple victims.

... filmmaker Ava DuVernay in the Netflix miniseries “When They See Us,” a series so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.

It shouldn’t have been hard for Ms. DuVernay to discover the truth. The facts of the original case are documented in a 117-page decision by New York State Supreme Court Justice Thomas Galligan, in sworn testimony given in two trials and affirmed by two appellate courts, and in sworn depositions of more than 95 witnesses—including the five themselves. Instead she has written an utterly false narrative involving an evil mastermind (me) and the falsely accused (the five).

Fairstein points to specific examples of where the program gets it wrong:

Consider the film’s most egregious falsehoods. “When They See Us” repeatedly portrays the suspects as being held without food, deprived of their parents’ company and advice, and not even allowed to use the bathroom. If that had been true, surely they would have brought those issues up and prevailed in pretrial hearings on the voluntariness of their statements, as well as in their lawsuit against the city. They didn’t, because it never happened."
Linda Fairstein Speaks in her Own Defense After Netflix 'Central Park Five' Controversy

Destroy the former prosecutor and the NYC police department, in order to protect the Liberal narrative.

Once again....Rule #1 in effect:

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
If their story is a lie, then why did the State of NY exonerate them?

Why did the state then pay them millions in damages?

Think McFly, THINK!!!!

Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that use believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.

Perhaps the most perplexing "nuance" of this entire matter is how the so-called perpetually oppressed minorities have yet to open their eyes and see for themselves how the meta-narrative of their own repression is the fuel and political currency the Democratic Party depends on to keep it relevant and in the running for any political office. Without using minority voters as whipping boys to drum up false moral outrage over historical events as far in the past as African American slavery, the Democratic Party would cease to exist. But that particular box of tissues has to run out at some point, and no demographic can accept status as "permanent victim" forever, if it hopes to improve the lives of all the people it represents. At some point, African-American culture is going to have to admit to itself the Democratic Party has been keeping it down and out for its own political gain. Until that happens, those metaphorical chains worn by minority "victim" groups will only get heavier and heavier.
Read carefully.

I explained why they were 'exonerated' and paid.

They were used to perpetuate the lies that you believe.

Bill Ayers said it about himself.....but it applies to this miscarriage of justice:

"Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird, It's a Great Country"

A nearly $45 million payoff to thugs and criminals.

Your America.
The hostility you and your ilk hold towards blacks simply has no bounds.

This is why none of you should be anywhere near the levers of power.

Your ignorance is showing.

My hostility is toward lies and injustice.

There is no truth to allowing these criminals set free, or rewarded.

I provided the actual confession of Korey Wise


Now try to get your foot out of your mouth.

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