By Hook Or By Crook...Democrats' Attermpt To Steal / Void Election Results Not Over Yet

They will continue to try to steal every seat they can...

...since they could not win them fairly.

Sure Ivan. Watch out, Biden finally got those briefing that Rump pooh poohed and he's pissed. You backed the wrong horse. Now you have to deal with the winner with a really, bad attitude.
Your calling me 'Ivan' while Democrats continue to try to steal seats they did not win is both amusing and pathetic, snowflake.

Do you mean it's Boris and not Ivan. Same thing, Vlad.
Russia, Russia, Russia....thanks, JAN.


Wow, you must have a hard time decrypting your email with all that russian messages.
The Stalinist scum bags stoled the election by millions of fake votes and illegal voting law changes
There is no nation
We are a banana republic

And yet it was those same "Stalinist Scumbags" from the Mother land that was assisting Rump and they failed. Now it's payback time.
Ummm...Barry used Russian-authored propaganda delivered by a foreign ex-spy in his failed voup attempt, and now Democrats are agzin trying to STEAL seats / elections they did not, could not win...

....and morons like you continue to defend and support the commies.

Thank you for showing me that you aren't the brightest bulb in here.
Thank you for showing me that you aren't the brightest bulb in here.
Thank you for exposing the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and had to resort to his pathetic response. I accept your surrender.
Sorry, I don't fight small minded children.
You ARE a small-minded child. Your only response to existing facts / evidence is to waste our time with immature responses like this. Do us a favor, let the grown-us talk. Sit this one out until you educate yourself.
Democrats continue to prove they are the enemy of the Constitution, of this country, and of the American people.

And......exactly WHO are "friends" of the Constitution since NO ONE is going to do a damn thing about it ?

If you ask any realistic person....they'll tell you the Constitution is officially dead.

The ONLY thing left to do is take away all the guns.....your "Rights" are long gone.
Democrats continue to prove they are the enemy of the Constitution, of this country, and of the American people.

Unfortunately, so do a lot of Republicans.

I think what we have here is the fringe from both sides saying that if you don't think,do or say what the fringe wants you are an Unamerican. You have the "Progressives" versus the "Ultrarightwingers". And if one side sees or hears something not exactly along their own lines, you are obviously the extreme on the other side. What happens is, on both sides, when one of the extremists go off, the sane ones of the same lines will stay quiet for fear of being beating severely by the extremists on their own party. We aren't hearing so much from the sane ones in here. What we are seeing is a very small minority very vocal (Loud) group that will take control of anything and everything attempting to cram their message down everyone's throat.
...and in the meantime, after an election fraud-riddled election in which Democrats were proven to have violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has colluded with domestic terrorists, facilitated an attack on the Capitol for political gain, attempted her 2nd treasonous failed Impeachnent, and is now trying to steal 2 seats the Democrats could not win....oh, and refusing to remove a proven CCP Espionage facilitator from a position where he has access to the nation's most classified information.

She has been busy these last 5 years....
Democrats continue to prove they are the enemy of the Constitution, of this country, and of the American people.

Unfortunately, so do a lot of Republicans.

I think what we have here is the fringe from both sides saying that if you don't think,do or say what the fringe wants you are an Unamerican. You have the "Progressives" versus the "Ultrarightwingers". And if one side sees or hears something not exactly along their own lines, you are obviously the extreme on the other side. What happens is, on both sides, when one of the extremists go off, the sane ones of the same lines will stay quiet for fear of being beating severely by the extremists on their own party. We aren't hearing so much from the sane ones in here. What we are seeing is a very small minority very vocal (Loud) group that will take control of anything and everything attempting to cram their message down everyone's throat.

Is Pelosi fringe? Schumer? Biden?
Like Warnock--you are an idiot, punatero.

Whine whine whine culture wars whine

That's all you Trumptards do these days, other than whine about the Big Lie of a stolen election.
Actually Trumpies are busy rolling in the aisles with mirth at the demented walking death rattle Biden. Pity the joke is on America; the NEWEST BANANA REPUBLIC

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America is going to be fine.. The whole world and all our allies were embarrassed by Trump's stupidity
If he was so stupid why did he defeat Barry, Pelosi, and Democrats obverse and over for 4 years, and why did the Democrats have to steal the election - why couldn't they beat him fairly?
...and in the meantime, after an election fraud-riddled election in which Democrats were proven to have violated both state and federal Constitutions and election laws, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has colluded with domestic terrorists, facilitated an attack on the Capitol for political gain, attempted her 2nd treasonous failed Impeachnent, and is now trying to steal 2 seats the Democrats could not win....oh, and refusing to remove a proven CCP Espionage facilitator from a position where he has access to the nation's most classified information.

She has been busy these last 5 years....

Election fraud?
Yep, it was proven in 60 different court cases.

Pelosi facilitated attack?
Whatever Q NUT.

Failed impeachment?
No, BOTH were successful.

Vrenn is right, you're a Russian or a Q NUT, famous for regurgitating Russian lies.
As do most RW's.

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