Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You mad bro? :laugh:
Only when people like you post utterly stupid shit that shows no understanding of the subject at hand.

I simply pointed out a fact, Dem's are 40 seats shy of a majority in the House. Then I mocked them. I would love to ask the liberal leadership how it feels to have their agenda and elected representatives rejected by the American people. Kicked to the curb like the lying freaks that they are.
They feel fine. They have the easy fun part now, fucking up the GOP for two years while the big dog has his veto pen warmed up, if they can even manage to get something to his desk that is. Wake up you stupid fuckers.
Proves that obutthurts the problem.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
You're on tilt...HA HA HA..Fuck you, asshole
Hey dumbfuck, go play now, mommy is calling you.
Only when people like you post utterly stupid shit that shows no understanding of the subject at hand.

I simply pointed out a fact, Dem's are 40 seats shy of a majority in the House. Then I mocked them. I would love to ask the liberal leadership how it feels to have their agenda and elected representatives rejected by the American people. Kicked to the curb like the lying freaks that they are.
They feel fine. They have the easy fun part now, fucking up the GOP for two years while the big dog has his veto pen warmed up, if they can even manage to get something to his desk that is. Wake up you stupid fuckers.
Proves that obutthurts the problem.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
BY all means please dispense your wisdom!!!!
Oh, you can forget use of the filibuster. The libs saw to that when they stupidly used the nuclear option and then Harry Reid surreptitiously changed Senate rules.
They don't need the filibuster, they have that funny man in the White House with the VETO pen.
You said it, funny man. The idiot in charge with his dumbo ears lying tongue in charge of all you other idiots. Retard.
I simply pointed out a fact, Dem's are 40 seats shy of a majority in the House. Then I mocked them. I would love to ask the liberal leadership how it feels to have their agenda and elected representatives rejected by the American people. Kicked to the curb like the lying freaks that they are.
They feel fine. They have the easy fun part now, fucking up the GOP for two years while the big dog has his veto pen warmed up, if they can even manage to get something to his desk that is. Wake up you stupid fuckers.
Proves that obutthurts the problem.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.
It maters to anyone who cares idiot.
They feel fine. They have the easy fun part now, fucking up the GOP for two years while the big dog has his veto pen warmed up, if they can even manage to get something to his desk that is. Wake up you stupid fuckers.
Proves that obutthurts the problem.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.
It maters to anyone who cares idiot.
Not very well is an opinion and he is still the big dog, which does not change.
Proves that obutthurts the problem.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.
It maters to anyone who cares idiot.
Not very well is an opinion and he is still the big dog, which does not change.
He is pos chihuahua. Everyone knows he is a spineless puke.
It proves that he still runs the fucking show dummy.
Not very well, retaEd.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.
It maters to anyone who cares idiot.
Not very well is an opinion and he is still the big dog, which does not change.
He is pos chihuahua. Everyone knows he is a spineless puke.
I thought he was a powerful dictator? Make up your mind please.
I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Liberals of that day didn't want you or the rest of the pitchforks to have the vote. I agree. You are destroying the damn place. And liberals are the same, we're 230 years smarter and the times have changed so we changed with them instead of pretending to live in 1789.

Liberals of that day built the church their children attend today. They built the school, so their sons and daughters could learn to read and write, and sign their wills with more than an x. They raised a daughter who fought for the right to vote and then held the fist election she could vote in, in her own home parlor. They started businesses and employed people and created a town which grew into a city. They were generous and gave freely. Not one ever stuck his hand out for a free lunch. Not then, not now.
You are the one who started down memory lane. They'd puke if they saw what has become of the Nation they fought and died to protect and nurture.
No, they'd wonder why the fuck we are still using what they created that worked for them instead of us doing the same damn thing ourselves when it's 230 years later. They fought a Revolution to get that right and then all went completely stupid as if nothing had charged from the days when a butter churn was considered high-tech.

No, they'd wonder who thought it was a good idea to go 20 trillion dollars in debt and continue to borrow. They'd wonder why people were lining up to get free money from our government instead of a getting up in the morning and going to work. They'd be appalled at the gov. stealing our money to redistribute it to those abroad. They would be offended at the way we treat our soldiers. They would grieve at the loss of moral compass in their land. They'd ask who's bright idea it was to make success a bad thing. They would want to know why we didn't shoot the gov. man who came on our farms to tell us who could and couldn't harvest the wheat. They'd ask why we let the government take control of our lives, when they died to make sure that never happened. They'd shake their heads at our stupidity, and wonder how something from their loins could have gone so far off track.....
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I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Liberals of that day didn't want you or the rest of the pitchforks to have the vote. I agree. You are destroying the damn place. And liberals are the same, we're 230 years smarter and the times have changed so we changed with them instead of pretending to live in 1789.

Liberals of that day built the church their children attend today. They built the school, so their sons and daughters could learn to read and write, and sign their wills with more than an x. They raised a daughter who fought for the right to vote and then held the fist election she could vote in, in her own home parlor. They started businesses and employed people and created a town which grew into a city. They were generous and gave freely. Not one ever stuck his hand out for a free lunch. Not then, not now.
You are the one who started down memory lane. They'd puke if they saw what has become of the Nation they fought and died to protect and nurture.
No, they'd wonder why the fuck we are still using what they created that worked for them instead of us doing the same damn thing ourselves when it's 230 years later. They fought a Revolution to get that right and then all went completely stupid as if nothing had charged from the days when a butter churn was considered high-tech.

No, they'd wonder who thought it was a good idea to go 20 trillion dollars in debt and continue to borrow. They'd wonder why people were lining up to get free money from our government instead of a getting up in the morning and going to work. They'd be appalled at stealing their money to redistribute it to those too lazy to work. They would be offended at the way we treat our soldiers. They would grieve at the loss of moral compass in their land. They ask who's bright idea it was to make success a bad thing. They would want to know why we didn't shoot the gov. man who came on our farms to tell us who could and couldn't harvest the wheat. They'd ask why we let the government take control of our lives, when they died to make sure that never happened. They'd shake their heads at our stupidity, and wonder how something from their loins could have gone so far off track.....
Their loins? You think they fucked this country into existence? And they'd know why the benefits get tossed around the way they do now, capitalism took over the place and the pitchforks got the vote. They knew once that happened the game was up. It's why we're not a Democracy. They were Liberal Elites little woman (who they would never have let vote).
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
BY all means please dispense your wisdom!!!!
Oh, you can forget use of the filibuster. The libs saw to that when they stupidly used the nuclear option and then Harry Reid surreptitiously changed Senate rules.
They don't need the filibuster, they have that funny man in the White House with the VETO pen.
LOL......Just a minute genius. You earlier retorted "learn how the Congress works"...
Last time I checked, POTUS is part of the Executive Branch.
You're such a schmuck.
Once again, all it takes is 6 dems to cross the aisle and "Mr Pen and Telephone" is rendered powerless.
And don't think for a second that should Obama start vetoing bills out oh hand showing his petulant behavior, the voters will not take their frustrations out on the next democrat candidate for POTUS.
Your one way thinking will be your undoing.
^^^Hardcore partisan ideologues only "care" when their party is winning. Too funny.
Anyway, this whole running-away-from-Obamacare thing has been interesting. I wonder if they all do this because internal polling tells them to. Nationally, the poll numbers aren't all that bad. Maybe they, like most partisan ideologues, just figure they have to follow the herd.
Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
Have you noticed you are the lone voice in the woods?
Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up
Whatever................It means the Dems lose another Senate Seat...............She went with Obama and now she can get her Dem Ass handed to her..............It's what happens when you go against the will of the people.

Either way, another nail in the coffin for Obama the Lame Duck pen and a phone dumb ass in office.
Obama was already on vacation for two years and doesn't give a flying fuck because there's no reason why he should. What in the hell are you thinking because you obviously aren't.
Excellent. You just confirmed that since 2013 Obama has acted at best disinterested in the job YOUR side allowed him to have.
SO were all paying this empty suit $400k per year plus a $50k expense account, so he can play golf. so his fat ass bitch of a spouse can run around the country acting like she's royalty while telling other people what SHE believes they should be permitted to consume....Nice going. And your "I voted for Obama" sticker is still affixed to your 1968 VW Bus bumper...
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.

Let me clue in you and all you brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions who may think we don't know crap about how Congress works.

The number 54 is one step closer to 60 than 53 was ... And whatever bullshit you think is what really doesn't matter ... because anything you think about how that may turn out hasn't happened.

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Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
BY all means please dispense your wisdom!!!!
Oh, you can forget use of the filibuster. The libs saw to that when they stupidly used the nuclear option and then Harry Reid surreptitiously changed Senate rules.
They don't need the filibuster, they have that funny man in the White House with the VETO pen.
LOL......Just a minute genius. You earlier retorted "learn how the Congress works"...
Last time I checked, POTUS is part of the Executive Branch.
You're such a schmuck.
Once again, all it takes is 6 dems to cross the aisle and "Mr Pen and Telephone" is rendered powerless.
And don't think for a second that should Obama start vetoing bills out oh hand showing his petulant behavior, the voters will not take their frustrations out on the next democrat candidate for POTUS.
Your one way thinking will be your undoing.

Learn how many votes it takes to beat a veto dumbass.
It doesn't fucking matter dumbass.

Let me clue in you and all you brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions who may think we don't know crap about how Congress works.

The number 54 is one step closer to 60 than 53 was ... And whatever bullshit you think is what really doesn't matter ... because anything you think about how that may turn out hasn't happened.
You could be three votes away and it might as well be three hundred, for all the good it will do you.
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Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up
Whatever................It means the Dems lose another Senate Seat...............She went with Obama and now she can get her Dem Ass handed to her..............It's what happens when you go against the will of the people.

Either way, another nail in the coffin for Obama the Lame Duck pen and a phone dumb ass in office.
Obama was already on vacation for two years and doesn't give a flying fuck because there's no reason why he should. What in the hell are you thinking because you obviously aren't.
Excellent. You just confirmed that since 2013 Obama has acted at best disinterested in the job YOUR side allowed him to have.
SO were all paying this empty suit $400k per year plus a $50k expense account, so he can play golf. so his fat ass bitch of a spouse can run around the country acting like she's royalty while telling other people what SHE believes they should be permitted to consume....Nice going. And your "I voted for Obama" sticker is still affixed to your 1968 VW Bus bumper...
I don't buy Germans, I buy Japanese like the rest of America.
^^^Hardcore partisan ideologues only "care" when their party is winning. Too funny.
Anyway, this whole running-away-from-Obamacare thing has been interesting. I wonder if they all do this because internal polling tells them to. Nationally, the poll numbers aren't all that bad. Maybe they, like most partisan ideologues, just figure they have to follow the herd.
Maybe they are just like the rest of Americans and they lack the stones to stand up for anything at all? As for caring, why would I since it changes nothing. The whole last election changes nothing and this is even less important than that. Get a reality boys, this ain't it.
Have you noticed you are the lone voice in the woods?
In a nation of amazingly stupid fuckers why wouldn't that be true?

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