Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Yes. Defined as classical liberalism.
Liberal...term has it's origin in the term "liberty".
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.

Did your brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate a television tell you 53 = 54?

Did they tell you that it doesn't matter how many votes a bill gets? Did they tell you that If Mary Landrieu had not supported the ACA (which she was considering not doing) it would never have passed?

Who cares? No one, but you, and you do for no goddamned reason. Her loss changes nothing, absolutely nothing as far as this election goes. You won, be happy, and so am I since it doesn't matter a fucking damn.
I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Yes. Defined as classical liberalism.
Liberal...term has it's origin in the term "liberty".
You guys aren't big on liberty. That means faggots can marry, Muslims can pray, and women can abort. That won't work in your book.
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.

Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
I don't run with any crowd in America. My guys can actually think.

When are your foreign friends going to teach you to think?
When are they going to you to think is the question but since that's imposable it really isn't a question after all. Like most Americans you are dumb as dog shit.
Impossible? And you think other people are as dumb as dog shit?

:lmao: Priceless
Yeah, it's impossible to teach you little worthless shits how to fucking think.

Don't you mean imposable?

You are a fucking idiot.
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
IN your short sighted narrow mind, that comment is self satisfying.
In the everyday functions of government it means just 6 democrats( and how far does one have to look for a few good Yellow Dog Dems...Not very) instead of 7 to cross the aisle to shut down Obama.....
And because these people are politicians FIRST and statesmen second, don't think twice as to which way they will go. The can stick to the jersey (D) or they can cross the aisle and stand a much better chance of getting to keep their seat in the next election cycle.
Did you really think your side was going to remain the majority party in perpetuity?
Very stupid on your partisan hack part.
Now, take your far left wing moonbat ass and get back under your dog piss stained rock.
Who cares? No one, but you, and you do for no goddamned reason. Her loss changes nothing, absolutely nothing as far as this election goes. You won, be happy, and so am I since it doesn't matter a fucking damn.

It obviously changes something because she won't be there to vote anymore. She lost the election whether or not you like it and that will always make a difference.

If you and your brilliant friends who cannot operate televisions want to select one of your Representatives to call useless ... Then that is fine with me. Otherwise ... I didn't win anything ... Bill Cassidy beat Mary Landrieu and I am just pleased it turned out that way.

You and your brilliant foreign friends can be "losers" if you like to make those comparisons ... I won't argue with that.


Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
IN your short sighted narrow mind, that comment is self satisfying.
In the everyday functions of government it means just 6 democrats( and how far does one have to look for a few good Yellow Dog Dems...Not very) instead of 7 to cross the aisle to shut down Obama.....
And because these people are politicians FIRST and statesmen second, don't think twice as to which way they will go. The can stick to the jersey (D) or they can cross the aisle and stand a much better chance of getting to keep their seat in the next election cycle.
Did you really think your side was going to remain the majority party in perpetuity?
Very stupid on your partisan hack part.
Now, take your far left wing moonbat ass and get back under your dog piss stained rock.
"Did you really think your side was going to remain the majority party in perpetuity?"

Try reading me jackass and you'll discover anything of the kind. Do you know how many seats you have to defend in two years? Start there and stop with the fantasy that you're gong to get Dems to vote for your crap. It's payback and veto time, and the goal is to fuck up the GOP every step of the way.
Who cares? No one, but you, and you do for no goddamned reason. Her loss changes nothing, absolutely nothing as far as this election goes. You won, be happy, and so am I since it doesn't matter a fucking damn.

It obviously changes something because she won't be there to vote anymore. She lost the election whether or not you like it and that will always make a difference.

If you and your brilliant friends who cannot operate televisions want to select one of your Representatives to call useless ... Then that is fine with me. Otherwise ... I didn't win anything ... Bill Cassidy beat Mary Landrieu and I am just pleased it turned out that way.

You and your brilliant foreign friends can be "losers" if you like to make those comparisons ... I won't argue with that.
Her vote wouldn't have mattered you dumshit. 53 to 54 changes nothing. And that's the last time I'm going to say it.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.

I understand how Congress works ... Senators vote on legislation and if it passes both the House and Senate it will go on to the White House for approval. Mary Landrieu won't have a vote anymore ... Because she lost the election ... You cannot make it mean anything other than that.

God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.

I understand how Congress works ... Senators vote on legislation and if it passes both the House and Senate it will go on to the White House for approval. Mary Landrieu won't have a vote anymore ... Because she lost the election ... You cannot make it mean anything other than that.
Alright Mr. Wizard, who decides what comes to the floor for a vote? Is it Jesus? Is it Mr. Potato Head? Is it the Pope?
I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Liberals of that day didn't want you or the rest of the pitchforks to have the vote. I agree. You are destroying the damn place. And liberals are the same, we're 230 years smarter and the times have changed so we changed with them instead of pretending to live in 1789.

Liberals of that day built the church their children attend today. They built the school, so their sons and daughters could learn to read and write, and sign their wills with more than an x. They raised a daughter who fought for the right to vote and then held the fist election she could vote in, in her own home parlor. They started businesses and employed people and created a town which grew into a city. They were generous and gave freely. Not one ever stuck his hand out for a free lunch. Not then, not now.
You are the one who started down memory lane. They'd puke if they could see what has become of the Nation they fought and died to nurture and protect.
Her vote wouldn't have mattered you dumshit. 53 to 54 changes nothing. And that's the last time I'm going to say it.

Yes it does mean something ... It means she lost ... Won't be there anymore ... Isn't coming back ... Won't have a vote ... Cannot support the president with a vote in Congress ... Cannot support the Progressive Liberal agenda with a vote in Congress.

No Matter What You Say ... She Lost!

Thank goodness you have decided to stop saying it ... Your poor brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions need your help.

I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Liberals of that day didn't want you or the rest of the pitchforks to have the vote. I agree. You are destroying the damn place. And liberals are the same, we're 230 years smarter and the times have changed so we changed with them instead of pretending to live in 1789.

Liberals of that day built the church their children attend today. They built the school, so their sons and daughters could learn to read and write, and sign their wills with more than an x. They raised a daughter who fought for the right to vote and then held the fist election she could vote in, in her own home parlor. They started businesses and employed people and created a town which grew into a city. They were generous and gave freely. Not one ever stuck his hand out for a free lunch. Not then, not now.
You are the one who started down memory lane. They'd puke if they saw what has become of the Nation they fought and died to protect and nurture.
No, they'd wonder why the fuck we are still using what they created that worked for them instead of us doing the same damn thing ourselves when it's 230 years later. They fought a Revolution to get that right and then all went completely stupid as if nothing had charged from the days when a butter churn was considered high-tech.
Alright Mr. Wizard, who decides what comes to the floor for a vote? Is it Jesus? Is it Mr. Potato Head? Is it the Pope?

The Majority Leader of the House or Senate respectfully ... And Mary Landrieu won't be able to vote on anything they bring to the floor.

Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
BY all means please dispense your wisdom!!!!
Oh, you can forget use of the filibuster. The libs saw to that when they stupidly used the nuclear option and then Harry Reid surreptitiously changed Senate rules.
Alright Mr. Wizard, who decides what comes to the floor for a vote? Is it Jesus? Is it Mr. Potato Head? Is it the Pope?

The Majority Leader of the House or Senate respectfully ... And Mary Landrieu won't be able to vote on anything they bring to the floor.
And are they going to bring Liberal Agenda items to the floor for a vote?
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
BY all means please dispense your wisdom!!!!
Oh, you can forget use of the filibuster. The libs saw to that when they stupidly used the nuclear option and then Harry Reid surreptitiously changed Senate rules.
They don't need the filibuster, they have that funny man in the White House with the VETO pen.
Hey dummy, with the GOP in charge of both houses of Congress, how exactly is anything even remotely like a Liberal Agenda going to make to either floor for a vote? Oh right, it won't you stupid asshole.

They won't advance the Liberal Agenda ... Because Senator Landrieu won't be there to help advance it. Ask your brilliant foreign friends after they kick their television set because they haven't figured out how to turn it off.
God damn you are dumb. Learn how the Congress works, please.
You're on tilt...HA HA HA..Fuck you, asshole

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