Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Sorry Paint............Mary's gone in 2015...........

Do you need a tissue...................

sniff sniff..............

Maybe that will cheer you up...........


Nope, I honestly don't give a fuck. If you'd read the thread you'd know why.


For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have posted a lot on it troll..................What's the matter..........she didn't give you any when she was whoring herself out...............

poor thing.

I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.

It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.
Mary gets fired today................She sided with Obama and was the deciding vote for Obamacare...............Now she pays as the Dems pay for the law...................

Listen to here on the local station defending Obamacare..............

Mary Landrieu 8217 s Angry Interview On Ringside Politics Show- Dec 5 2014 WGSO

Mary Mary Quite Contrary

This morning U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) appeared as a guest on my radio program, Ringside Politics, on WGSO 990 AM in New Orleans.

Over the past 16 years as host of Ringside Politics, I have interviewed Senator Landrieu over a dozen times. In the past, she would call in to promote a particular issue or cause, usually engaging in pleasant conversation or good natured debate.

Our relationship certainly changed in our last radio interview, which occurred over a year ago on the contentious topic of Internet taxes. It was a testy exchange as the Senator and I clashed on whether the government should extend its reach into Internet commerce and tax consumers who purchase goods online.

After our on air tax debate, the Senator refrained from appearing on my program, even though she had an open invitation. She finally relented this morning and called in for an interview; though she seemed quite unhappy, possibly because polls show her way behind.

Initially, we discussed her infamous decision to support ObamaCare and later her 97% support for President Obama and finally the shocking allegations made by State Senator Elbert Guillory (R-Opelousas) that there was rampant voter fraud in her last election. In fact, Guillory alleged that 10% of Landrieu’s votes were fraudulent in the last election.

The Senator abruptly ended our 11 minute interview before I could ask the dozens of questions submitted by listeners, who wanted to know why she supported the President on issues such as gun control, amnesty for illegal aliens, liberal judicial appointments, higher spending, and more taxes.

Here is a link to the heated interview, which showed how much pressure Senator Landrieu feels as her 35-year political career may be ending. Her downfall, however, is of her own making; Landrieu has no one to blame but herself.

Yep, how dare a democrat vote for a health care plan that will help bring us close to what other civilized countries do for their citizens. God bless republicans for keeping us in the 19th century.
And how dare you pass a law that composes 1/6th of the economy without so much as a by your leave from the opposing party and was and is against the will of the people.

You had a chance to create a bill both sides could stomach, and fixed some of the things without screwing the whole dang thing up...............

But NO...........BACK OF THE BUS............Our way or the highway..............and your side is taking a beating in seats because of it.

Mary lost because she went with Obama and against the will of the people.
You could three votes away and it might as well be three hundred, for all the good it will do you.

It is a gain either way and in the right direction ... And other than that it still means she doesn't get a vote. I understand you cannot accept that it makes a difference ... And I am not trying to convince you otherwise. Personally I have stated several times that I hope you and your brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions go on thinking it doesn't mean anything.

I have been slapping you and your brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions around for shits and giggles while you melt away.

Sorry Paint............Mary's gone in 2015...........

Do you need a tissue...................

sniff sniff..............

Maybe that will cheer you up...........


Nope, I honestly don't give a fuck. If you'd read the thread you'd know why.


For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have posted a lot on it troll..................What's the matter..........she didn't give you any when she was whoring herself out...............

poor thing.

I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.

It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.

We have tons of laws, they just don't work. At least you know jack-shit will get done over the next two years. That's way ahead of most of these morons.

And it means you need 6 votes for 60 instead of 7. Considering the Congress these days, that might as well be 600.
Learn how many votes it takes to beat a veto dumbass.

What makes you think Democrats won't help override a veto if necessary ... Especially in light of having their asses handed to them at the ballot box for supporting the President?

I mean I am not saying it is highly probable ... But you cannot say it won't happen.

You could three votes away and it might as well be three hundred, for all the good it will do you.

It is a gain either way and in the right direction ... And other than that it still means she doesn't get a vote. I understand you cannot accept that it makes a difference ... And I am not trying to convince you otherwise. Personally I have stated several times that I hope you and your brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions go on thinking it doesn't mean anything.

I have been slapping you and your brilliant foreign friends who cannot operate televisions around for shits and giggles while you melt away.

You haven't slapped anyone around dumbass. You still seem to believe that some kind of Liberal Agenda will be brought the floor when nothing of the kind will happen. You are dumb as dog shit.
Sorry Paint............Mary's gone in 2015...........

Do you need a tissue...................

sniff sniff..............

Maybe that will cheer you up...........


Nope, I honestly don't give a fuck. If you'd read the thread you'd know why.


For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have posted a lot on it troll..................What's the matter..........she didn't give you any when she was whoring herself out...............

poor thing.

I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.

It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.

We have tons of laws, they just don't work. At least you know jack-shit will get done over the next two years. That's way ahead of most of these morons.

And it means you need 6 votes for 60 instead of 7. Considering the Congress these days, that might as well be 600.

And you'll applaud when Obama does them via the back door...................


Like attacking coal..........via back door EPA policies...................when Cap N Trade Failed...............

Then have the nerve to say you are for the little guy who's power bills are going up because dumb asses like yourself.............

Bottom line..........your side lost.............Mary got fired...............and you can only say WE STILL GOT THE VETO.

Learn how many votes it takes to beat a veto dumbass.

What makes you think Democrats won't help override a veto if necessary ... Especially in light of having their asses handed to them at the ballot box for supporting the President?

I mean I am not saying it is highly probable ... But you cannot say it won't happen.

Yes, I can, and I did.
Nope, I honestly don't give a fuck. If you'd read the thread you'd know why.

For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have posted a lot on it troll..................What's the matter..........she didn't give you any when she was whoring herself out...............

poor thing.
I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.
It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.
We have tons of laws, they just don't work. At least you know jack-shit will get done over the next two years. That's way ahead of most of these morons.

And it means you need 6 votes for 60 instead of 7. Considering the Congress these days, that might as well be 600.
And you'll applaud when Obama does them via the back door...................


Like attacking coal..........via back door EPA policies...................when Cap N Trade Failed...............

Then have the nerve to say you are for the little guy who's power bills are going up because dumb asses like yourself.............

Bottom line..........your side lost.............Mary got fired...............and you can only say WE STILL GOT THE VETO.

Yep, and that matters more than anything else at the moment.

For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you sure have posted a lot on it troll..................What's the matter..........she didn't give you any when she was whoring herself out...............

poor thing.
I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.
It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.
We have tons of laws, they just don't work. At least you know jack-shit will get done over the next two years. That's way ahead of most of these morons.

And it means you need 6 votes for 60 instead of 7. Considering the Congress these days, that might as well be 600.
And you'll applaud when Obama does them via the back door...................


Like attacking coal..........via back door EPA policies...................when Cap N Trade Failed...............

Then have the nerve to say you are for the little guy who's power bills are going up because dumb asses like yourself.............

Bottom line..........your side lost.............Mary got fired...............and you can only say WE STILL GOT THE VETO.

Yep, and that matters more than anything else at the moment.
What matters to you............Killing coal or agreeing with Obama when he violates the Constitution..........and creates regulations against the will of the people.

You don't care about the will of the people. It's your way or the highway troll, and why your side just got it's ass handed to them and you...............

It' all you have. You only can get a temp super majority for a short time, and then you cram your leftist views down the people's throat.........then say it's the will of the people as the people fire your asses.

Nothing has changed in that aspect.
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
Are you still ranting?

Lord, what a mess your are.
I posted to teach morons that 53 to 54 doesn't matter a damn, especially when the big dog has a veto pen.
It moves you 6 votes closer to forcing the veto................Now, Obama will not be able to use Reid to block all legislation.................he'll finally have to do it himself.............

Which means gridlock.............which means neither side does anything.

Pop Quiz ass hat..............why the hell do we need more dang laws anyway.................We seem to have enough laws and regulations unless you belong to the ass party.
We have tons of laws, they just don't work. At least you know jack-shit will get done over the next two years. That's way ahead of most of these morons.

And it means you need 6 votes for 60 instead of 7. Considering the Congress these days, that might as well be 600.
And you'll applaud when Obama does them via the back door...................


Like attacking coal..........via back door EPA policies...................when Cap N Trade Failed...............

Then have the nerve to say you are for the little guy who's power bills are going up because dumb asses like yourself.............

Bottom line..........your side lost.............Mary got fired...............and you can only say WE STILL GOT THE VETO.

Yep, and that matters more than anything else at the moment.
What matters to you............Killing coal or agreeing with Obama when he violates the Constitution..........and creates regulations against the will of the people.

You don't care about the will of the people. It's your way or the highway troll, and why your side just got it's ass handed to them and you...............

It' all you have. You only can get a temp super majority for a short time, and then you cram your leftist views down the people's throat.........then say it's the will of the people as the people fire your asses.

Nothing has changed in that aspect.
The Founders didn't care about the will of the pitchforks so why the fuck should I?
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
Are you still ranting?

Lord, what a mess your are.
Stubborn is more like it, but I'm off for drinks in 30 seconds.
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
Are you still ranting?

Lord, what a mess your are.

But he doesn't care and it doesn't matter.
Who are "your people"?

And I will ask anything I want.

So far his people are fellow Democrats and a bunch of foreign guys who know how to think (but cannot change the television channel). It doesn't seem like they know much about how Senators cast votes in Congress either, or they would understand the difference of Mary Landrieu getting beat.
Yeah, the difference is 53 to 54, which means no fucking difference at all except for the number dummy.
Are you still ranting?

Lord, what a mess your are.

But he doesn't care and it doesn't matter.
Hey, you got one. Good on you.
The topic shifted to Bye Bye Mary, to Paint's it doesn't matter that Marry is gone..............Which has been the topic for quite some time.

He's saying it doesn't matter, and doesn't care and then will not shut up about the point of threatening to kill people in HIS COUNTRY.................If we don't agree.

We all know he is a troll. We also all know he has melted down on this thread...........and we are getting entertainment from it.
We are not a democracy, honey, we are a republic, even though you and the Dem's would much prefer it.
I live on the land that was my GGGGGGGGGGGGGG grandfather's farm in the 1600's. I can visit all of my relative's graves. And the Liberals that founded this country had nothing in common with the Liberal's of today. The Liberals of old, went to church, worked hard, built a nation and ask for 0 handouts. Liberals of today wouldn't recognize them if they walked up and handed them a shovel...............
Liberals of that day didn't want you or the rest of the pitchforks to have the vote. I agree. You are destroying the damn place. And liberals are the same, we're 230 years smarter and the times have changed so we changed with them instead of pretending to live in 1789.

Liberals of that day built the church their children attend today. They built the school, so their sons and daughters could learn to read and write, and sign their wills with more than an x. They raised a daughter who fought for the right to vote and then held the fist election she could vote in, in her own home parlor. They started businesses and employed people and created a town which grew into a city. They were generous and gave freely. Not one ever stuck his hand out for a free lunch. Not then, not now.
You are the one who started down memory lane. They'd puke if they saw what has become of the Nation they fought and died to protect and nurture.
No, they'd wonder why the fuck we are still using what they created that worked for them instead of us doing the same damn thing ourselves when it's 230 years later. They fought a Revolution to get that right and then all went completely stupid as if nothing had charged from the days when a butter churn was considered high-tech.

No, they'd wonder who thought it was a good idea to go 20 trillion dollars in debt and continue to borrow. They'd wonder why people were lining up to get free money from our government instead of a getting up in the morning and going to work. They'd be appalled at stealing their money to redistribute it to those too lazy to work. They would be offended at the way we treat our soldiers. They would grieve at the loss of moral compass in their land. They ask who's bright idea it was to make success a bad thing. They would want to know why we didn't shoot the gov. man who came on our farms to tell us who could and couldn't harvest the wheat. They'd ask why we let the government take control of our lives, when they died to make sure that never happened. They'd shake their heads at our stupidity, and wonder how something from their loins could have gone so far off track.....
Their loins? You think they fucked this country into existence? And they'd know why the benefits get tossed around the way they do now, capitalism took over the place and the pitchforks got the vote. They knew once that happened the game was up. It's why we're not a Democracy. They were Liberal Elites little woman (who they would never have let vote).
That, we are.
The topic shifted to Bye Bye Mary, to Paint's it doesn't matter that Marry is gone..............Which has been the topic for quite some time.

He's saying it doesn't matter, and doesn't care and then will not shut up about the point of threatening to kill people in HIS COUNTRY.................If we don't agree.

We all know he is a troll. We also all know he has melted down on this thread...........and we are getting entertainment from it.
The topic shifted to Bye Bye Mary, to Paint's it doesn't matter that Marry is gone..............Which has been the topic for quite some time.

He's saying it doesn't matter, and doesn't care and then will not shut up about the point of threatening to kill people in HIS COUNTRY.................If we don't agree.

We all know he is a troll. We also all know he has melted down on this thread...........and we are getting entertainment from it.

Did you see the exit polls in Louisiana when Mary Landrieu was thrown out of office?

Only 27% of Louisiana voters thought Governor Jindal would make a good Presidential candidate.

I wasn't part of the 27%.


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