C B S Helped Cover-Up Benghazi


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Why did CBS have to "investigate" what happened that night in Benghazi for a YEAR when everybody at the WH and State Dept knew during the attack? Because they weren't about to interfere in Soetoro being reelected is why. Not only did they not report the truth, they stonewalled the truth by dismissing the anecdotal accounts from those who were there. They attacked GOP congressional investigations to get at the truth. And now that everybody knows Soetoro and Clinton abandoned their own friend and ambassador and his guards, lied about what happened and why, and threatened anybody who talked with being fired, CBS finally tries to fake us out with their bullshit concern on 60 Minutes A YEAR LATER!

Better late then never? I think not.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BD7CYLTndk]Lara Logan 2012 BGA Annual Luncheon Keynote Speech - YouTube[/ame]
C'mon progs....surely your attacks on Fox News haven't left you unable to defend the leftist cowards that make up the rest of the MSM....let's hear a sterling defense of the alphabet networks while they lie through their teeth to you and you LIKE IT. Your side can't exist without serial liars....there isn't a democrat/prog who's told you the truth about anything and you couldn't care less.
Graham says he'll block nominations over Benghazi

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened Monday to hold up all nominations for federal government positions until survivors of last year's deadly attack on the diplomatic post in Libya appear before Congress.

"Where are the #Benghazi survivors?" the South Carolina Republican said on his official Twitter account. "I'm going to block every appointment in the US Senate until they are made available to Congress."

If we had any integrity in the Senate, Obama would have been impeached over this--either for Constitutional negligence/incompetence/violation of his oath of office, or outright treason. For how long is his claimed ignorance going to be accepted as an excuse.
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If we had any integrity in the Senate, Obama would have been impeached over this--either for Constitutional negligence/incompetence/violation of his oath of office, or outright treason. For how long is his claimed ignorance going to be accepted as an excuse.

Barry is a muslim communist queer....he's really never denied it. Now we find out Moochelle's gal-pal who got a no-bid contract for over half a BILLION dollars to build a crashed ACA website have quite a history. At Princeton they were both rabid anti-semites who often confronted Jewish students with vile language and threats of violence. Anybody who doesn't understand who wears the pants in the WH doesn't understand their marriage. She's a beard for him to appear normal while he and Reggie Love and Rahm Emmanuel play slap and tickle in the sauna. Another 3 years of the mutts will pretty much finish us off as a super-power.
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Having fun playing with yourself?
Let me guess: You immediately and unquestioningly believed the White House when they lied to you.

Well, in your defense, I have to say it's because you're not very bright.
If we had any integrity in the Senate, Obama would have been impeached over this--either for Constitutional negligence/incompetence/violation of his oath of office, or outright treason. For how long is his claimed ignorance going to be accepted as an excuse.
It'll be accepted by useful idiots like Moonglow until his last breath.
They did have a guy on FOX with his face hidden and voice distorted, telling a story that contradicts all the other known facts.

Hence, the FOX story must be the RealTruth, and everyone else in the world is lying. You know, just the normal 'tard logic we see daily from the ODS crowd here.
Ah, beating the Ben Gassy drums again? What, didn't the latest "scandal" take off as you wished? Wonder if Lindsay Graham will hold up appointments over all the embassy attacks and deaths that occurred under Shrub/Cheney?
13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush?s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News | The Daily Banter

Which if any of the "13" involved an embassy openly threatened by al-Qaida, which had additional security denied despite repeated pleas, and then when attacked, left the personnel to be murdered, sent no help to them, and then lied about who did it and why, and threatened anybody who talked with criminal charges? :eusa_eh:

The answer is ZERO you asshole.
The Barry Hussein administration spent more money closing the WW2 memorial during the government shutdown than they spent protecting the US embassy at Benghazi. The administration is down to it's only defense...ignorance.
They did have a guy on FOX with his face hidden and voice distorted, telling a story that contradicts all the other known facts.

Hence, the FOX story must be the RealTruth, and everyone else in the world is lying. You know, just the normal 'tard logic we see daily from the ODS crowd here.

What you know as "facts" are no such thing.
The Barry Hussein administration spent more money closing the WW2 memorial during the government shutdown than they spent protecting the US embassy at Benghazi. The administration is down to it's only defense...ignorance.

There was an election to win (steal) and Barry had claimed he'd "decimated al-Qaida" so an attack by AQ was impossible according to the Regime. The Lara Logan video spells out the disconnect with reality if you believe they are sincere, which I don't. They would allow nothing to stand in the way of what they had planned for us....the destruction of our economy and place in the world. They'll not be satisfied until we're broke and broken.
Ah, beating the Ben Gassy drums again? What, didn't the latest "scandal" take off as you wished? Wonder if Lindsay Graham will hold up appointments over all the embassy attacks and deaths that occurred under Shrub/Cheney?
13 Benghazis That Occurred on Bush?s Watch Without a Peep from Fox News | The Daily Banter

Which if any of the "13" involved an embassy openly threatened by al-Qaida, which had additional security denied despite repeated pleas, and then when attacked, left the personnel to be murdered, sent no help to them, and then lied about who did it and why, and threatened anybody who talked with criminal charges? :eusa_eh:

The answer is ZERO you asshole.

Well, assface... several of the Bush era embassy attacks were done by Al Qaeda. Some of the embassies were attacked multiple times. Why no investigations about lack of reinforcements? Why no outcries, outrage, investigations, hairpulling, and sackcloth and ashes, and all the other hysterical theatrics? Is it because Republicans don't really give a shit about the embassy attacks - they just want a cudgel to beat Obama with?
Well, assface... several of the Bush era embassy attacks were done by Al Qaeda. Some of the embassies were attacked multiple times. Why no investigations about lack of reinforcements? Why no outcries, outrage, investigations, hairpulling, and sackcloth and ashes, and all the other hysterical theatrics? Is it because Republicans don't really give a shit - they just want a cudgel to beat Obama with?

As I already pointed out, nothing in the article compares to what happened in Benghazi in any way. In fact, even the attempt to link random attacks over the years to the willful abandoning of US personnel to be sodomized and murdered without even an attempt to help them is is a first in US history. I suggest before you try this shit again to think twice or more....it's disgusting.
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Graham says he'll block nominations over Benghazi

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened Monday to hold up all nominations for federal government positions until survivors of last year's deadly attack on the diplomatic post in Libya appear before Congress.

"Where are the #Benghazi survivors?" the South Carolina Republican said on his official Twitter account. "I'm going to block every appointment in the US Senate until they are made available to Congress."


The GOP was blocking nominations before Libya.

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