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Cable TV News Hits An ALL TIME LOW

What is hilarious is how the progressives have been trying like hell to make this a "gun issue". The issue was the guy was a failure, and an asshole. He was also a narcissist. If he were white, and the victims black, you would all be tearing him to pieces and engaging in your typical guilt by association bullshit.


He was an asshole through and through and all the rest is just window dressing that bigots like you will use to try and vilify all the others of like type.

It is you who are despicable here.

This isn't about black. It's about blonde and being shot on camera.
Do you remember the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart years ago? Same thing. Blonde, pretty, upscale neighborhood, high profile parents.
Even Bill O'Reilly reported that there were kidnappings of two other girls in Salt Lake County that same week. Poor, minority girls, low profile parents. No coverage. Barely mentioned in the news.

No dumbass it's about the fact that she was a REPORTER, and that she was murdered while filming LIVE! My gosh but you are one of the stupidest people on the planet. Truly one of the stupidest. it doesn't matter that she was blonde! It could have been a black woman and it would have gotten the same airplay you dipshit!

It sure the fuck IS a gun issue. When you have a gun worshiping culture, the go-to solution for any problem you have is to stalk, take aim and pull the trigger. We're taught that from infancy and get it reinforced every day. Then somehow we're supposed to act surprised when it manifests in a setting that's not television, movie or video game fantasy? Surprised??

Columbine was a gun issue. Aurora was a gun issue. Sandy Hook was a gun issue. Luby's was a gun issue. Oak Creek and Tucson and Nickel Mines and Seal Beach and Virginia Tech and Omaha and Salt Lake and Webster and Jacksonville and Jonesborough --- what do they all have in common?

I mean -- DUH.

Blame the gun 2.png
It sure the fuck IS a gun issue. When you have a gun worshiping culture, the go-to solution for any problem you have is to stalk, take aim and pull the trigger. We're taught that from infancy and get it reinforced every day. Then somehow we're supposed to act surprised when it manifests in a setting that's not television, movie or video game fantasy? Surprised??

Columbine was a gun issue. Aurora was a gun issue. Sandy Hook was a gun issue. Luby's was a gun issue. Oak Creek and Tucson and Nickel Mines and Seal Beach and Virginia Tech and Omaha and Salt Lake and Webster and Jacksonville and Jonesborough --- what do they all have in common?

I mean -- DUH.

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I don't get it. What's your point?
I suspect if the two victims were black and the shooter was white there would be no issue with the story dominating cable news. For the record it is being covered this way because it's news because of the mans motivies and the way he did it.

Excuse me, but this story DID dominate the news today, that's why I started this thread. It ain't about the black guy, clown. If the video had not shown the blonde girl getting shot it would have been off the news cycle by 10:00am.
You don't like the news coverage because you can't use it to play the race card and score political points asshole that's what has your panties in a knot if you could you wouldn't have any issue with the news coverage. So take your phony outrage over the coverage and fuck off.

Careful, you're going to get another run in your nylon jock strap if you keep this up.
You would be the expert on that.

So by arguing with me all you're doing is confirming that a local cable news celebrity's life is more important than yours.

Because honey, if someone blew you away on the sidewalk, even with a camera rolling, no one would care because you ain't blonde, pretty and holding a mic in your hand. Got it yet?
What is hilarious is how the progressives have been trying like hell to make this a "gun issue". The issue was the guy was a failure, and an asshole. He was also a narcissist. If he were white, and the victims black, you would all be tearing him to pieces and engaging in your typical guilt by association bullshit.


He was an asshole through and through and all the rest is just window dressing that bigots like you will use to try and vilify all the others of like type.

It is you who are despicable here.

This isn't about black. It's about blonde and being shot on camera.
Do you remember the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart years ago? Same thing. Blonde, pretty, upscale neighborhood, high profile parents.
Even Bill O'Reilly reported that there were kidnappings of two other girls in Salt Lake County that same week. Poor, minority girls, low profile parents. No coverage. Barely mentioned in the news.

No dumbass it's about the fact that she was a REPORTER, and that she was murdered while filming LIVE! ....

And? That constitute's a full day and probably more tomorrow of 24-hour cable news? Really? That's called sensationalism, not news. And YOU are just the kind of sucker that cable is hoping tunes in.....Because cable t.v. is dying in the ratings race against internet streaming and 'net based content, SUCKER.
Suggested reading for all the cable news groupies. You'll see yourselves in the first few pages:

I suspect if the two victims were black and the shooter was white there would be no issue with the story dominating cable news. For the record it is being covered this way because it's news because of the mans motivies and the way he did it.

Excuse me, but this story DID dominate the news today, that's why I started this thread. It ain't about the black guy, clown. If the video had not shown the blonde girl getting shot it would have been off the news cycle by 10:00am.
You don't like the news coverage because you can't use it to play the race card and score political points asshole that's what has your panties in a knot if you could you wouldn't have any issue with the news coverage. So take your phony outrage over the coverage and fuck off.

Careful, you're going to get another run in your nylon jock strap if you keep this up.
You would be the expert on that.

So by arguing with me all you're doing is confirming that a local cable news celebrity's life is more important than yours.

Because honey, if someone blew you away on the sidewalk, even with a camera rolling, no one would care because you ain't blonde, pretty and holding a mic in your hand. Got it yet?
Congrats you reached a new low in stupid and for you that's saying something honey. The only question left is will you top yourself with your next post I'm betting you will.
why does the leftist media report on blm protesting a career criminal committing suicide by cop but pass over a 9 y/o getting killed in her home during a drive by?

b/c racist degenerates like you don't care about innocent children, only bringing hate to the world.
The concept that black lives matter bothers you. We get it.
It creates divisions since it's not fully based on facts.

we know leftist hate all the facts, but your leaders want to destroy America and here's more proof of it.

a movement based on nearly not facts, boos a man that says "all lives matter"

just more proof, but not to you, b/c you can't think for yourself.
Yes...we know that saying black lives matter bothers you.
Black lives matter doesn't bother Me or anyone. All lives matter and that includes blacks...

Black LIES however, does matter......
What is hilarious is how the progressives have been trying like hell to make this a "gun issue". The issue was the guy was a failure, and an asshole. He was also a narcissist. If he were white, and the victims black, you would all be tearing him to pieces and engaging in your typical guilt by association bullshit.


He was an asshole through and through and all the rest is just window dressing that bigots like you will use to try and vilify all the others of like type.

It is you who are despicable here.
I'm a progressive and I don't think it's a gun issue at all. That genie is well out of the bottle and will never go back in. We resign ourselves to shootings every day and the only ones who REALLY and SINCERELY care are those personally effected. The guy had some serious issues. I don't think anyone can argue that.

anti white racism being the main "issue"
why does the leftist media report on blm protesting a career criminal committing suicide by cop but pass over a 9 y/o getting killed in her home during a drive by?

b/c racist degenerates like you don't care about innocent children, only bringing hate to the world.
The concept that black lives matter bothers you. We get it.
Since it runs contrary to MLK's message, it bothers anyone who is not a segregationist. Where's that put you?
It sure the fuck IS a gun issue. When you have a gun worshiping culture, the go-to solution for any problem you have is to stalk, take aim and pull the trigger. We're taught that from infancy and get it reinforced every day. Then somehow we're supposed to act surprised when it manifests in a setting that's not television, movie or video game fantasy? Surprised??

Columbine was a gun issue. Aurora was a gun issue. Sandy Hook was a gun issue. Luby's was a gun issue. Oak Creek and Tucson and Nickel Mines and Seal Beach and Virginia Tech and Omaha and Salt Lake and Webster and Jacksonville and Jonesborough --- what do they all have in common?

I mean -- DUH.

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Look at the black crime rate in america...we don't have a gun problem. We have a negro problem.
It sure the fuck IS a gun issue. When you have a gun worshiping culture, the go-to solution for any problem you have is to stalk, take aim and pull the trigger. We're taught that from infancy and get it reinforced every day. Then somehow we're supposed to act surprised when it manifests in a setting that's not television, movie or video game fantasy? Surprised??

Columbine was a gun issue. Aurora was a gun issue. Sandy Hook was a gun issue. Luby's was a gun issue. Oak Creek and Tucson and Nickel Mines and Seal Beach and Virginia Tech and Omaha and Salt Lake and Webster and Jacksonville and Jonesborough --- what do they all have in common?

I mean -- DUH.

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Look at the black crime rate in america...we don't have a gun problem. We have a negro problem.

yes, but to go one further we have a lib problem.
television is for idiots, anyway...
It's a weapon of mass distraction so the herd doesn't get restless.

Give them bread and circuses and they'll never revolt.
Wrong. The concept that black lives only matter when they're killed by white people bothers us.
Fuck the thousands of blacks killed by blacks right?
I missed the "Only" in Black lives matter. Perhaps you can point it out for us?

Perhaps you can point out the black outrage over the drive by shooting of a 9 year old black girl?
Surely you have some video or at least an article by Al not so Sharpton planning the protests and street riots.
I'm sure the family and friends were very outraged....and that is exactly how it works in this country. Those most affected are quite outraged, the rest of us not at all...................at least not enough to look for solutions. Honestly, we simply don't care enough to do anything.

What? Only the family is outraged when a little girl is murdered in cold blood,yet the black community goes on a chimpout when some dumbass convict gets shot while resisting arrest?
Fuck it...black lives really dont mean shit.
If black lives mean nothing, neither do white lives. How much sleep did you lose over Columbine? I bet none. How about Sandy Hook...again, I bet none. Neither did I. Because unless you are personally affected, it no longer matters.

So you admit all the chimpouts were just about stealing shit.
why does the leftist media report on blm protesting a career criminal committing suicide by cop but pass over a 9 y/o getting killed in her home during a drive by?

b/c racist degenerates like you don't care about innocent children, only bringing hate to the world.
The concept that black lives matter bothers you. We get it.

Wrong. The concept that black lives only matter when they're killed by white people bothers us.
Fuck the thousands of blacks killed by blacks right?
I missed the "Only" in Black lives matter. Perhaps you can point it out for us?

Perhaps you can point out the black outrage over the drive by shooting of a 9 year old black girl?
Surely you have some video or at least an article by Al not so Sharpton planning the protests and street riots.

Okay, here you go...

The Rev. Al Sharpton is calling for a high-profile community summit to address black-on-black violence after Harlem was rocked by a wave of shootings over Memorial Day.

"Last year alone, nearly one black child a day under the age of 17 was shot and killed in New York City. Shot mostly by other black city residents," Sharpton said.

"Shootings and violence within our community by one of our own is an outrage and an issue that we must confront as diligently and as passionately as a sensational case of police misconduct or brutality."

Rev. Al: Let's talk about violence in black nabes

Thats hardly outrage.
Where's the rioting and looting?
This from Ezra Klein today on Twitter:

"7. Via @_cingraham, there’s been a mass shooting (or more than one) almost every day in 2015: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/07/27/why-its-never-the-right-time-to-discuss-gun-violence/…"

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As soon as you can show me a system that will prevent a deranged person from getting a gun i'll gladly turn mine in. until then you are merely pissing up a rope.

Which system is used to keep dynamite out of people's hands. Or bazookas. Or C4 explosives.

When something dangerous is properly regulated it IS kept out of the wrong people's hands. Unfortunately gun-lickers have made sure the U.S. is flooded with so many guns it would take a decade to slowly destroy most of them. But it is not impossible.

And for the 2nd amendment whackjobs who have visions of being minutemen and saving the country, this dream ended for good over 100 years ago when the civil population could not possess fully auto machine guns comparable to the government's. Now the U.S. military has such powerful weapons any revolution here would be ended in a matter of days.

But unreal fantasies die hard.
why does the leftist media report on blm protesting a career criminal committing suicide by cop but pass over a 9 y/o getting killed in her home during a drive by?

b/c racist degenerates like you don't care about innocent children, only bringing hate to the world.
The concept that black lives matter bothers you. We get it.
What is bothersome is that ONLY back lives matter to some of you.

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