Calif state Senate bans purchases of ALL "semiautomatic" rifles with detachable mags

Wow. That is some colorful LONG text up there ^.
Am I the only one that skimmed it? Geez. I've been blinded.
I thought one could buy like a shotgun, in any state? I don't plan on buying any more guns...but I guess I better go get some ammo before this stupid idea of 50 bucks goes into effect.

my advice would be to leave the state

out here we have written a new firearm freedom act

ENTITLED, An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.

Section 1. Terms used in this Act mean:

(1) “Firearm accessory,” any item that is used in conjunction with or mounted upon a firearm but is not essential to the basic function of a firearm, including any telescopic or laser sight, magazine, flash or sound suppressor, folding or aftermarket stock and grip, speed loader, ammunition carrier, or light for target illumination;
(2) “Generic and insignificant part,” any firearm part, including a spring, screw, nut, and pin;
(3) “Manufactured,” any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition which has been created from basic materials for functional usefulness, including forging, casting, machining, or other processes for working materials.

Section 2. Any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in South Dakota and that remains within the borders of South Dakota is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It is declared by the Legislature that those items have not traveled in interstate commerce. This section applies to any firearm, firearm accessory, and ammunition that is manufactured in South Dakota from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state. Any generic and insignificant part that has other manufacturing or consumer product application is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition, and importation of such parts into South Dakota and incorporation into a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in South Dakota does not subject the firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition to federal regulation. It is declared by the Legislature that any basic material, such as unmachined steel and unshaped wood, is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition and is not subject to congressional authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition under interstate commerce as if it was actually a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition. The authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in basic material does not include authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition made in South Dakota from such basic material. Any firearm accessory that is imported into South Dakota from another state and that is subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce does not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate commerce because it is attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm in South Dakota.

I've been trying to, but two old fogies packing up and moving to another state isn't so easy.
I just gotta pray this thing doesn't pass.
I'm presuming it will be a one time fee. Once your info is in their will be there whenever you go purchase more ammo. Unless they decide to put a time limit on how often you buy ammo. And if it is due to going to a shooting range, proof that you belong to that shooting range so they can track where that ammo is going.

The whole thing sucks. And is the government trying to find a way to disarm us. 'Course, it won't affect criminals. Ammo will be the new drug in california. Instead of buying crack or heroin or speed or coke or whatever in dark alleys, it will be ammo boxes.
Toomey/Manchin was too watered down. We need UNIVERSAL Background Checks.

BTW, a national gun registry is ILLEGAL.

PolitiFact | Gun-rights group says Senate bill proposes 'universal registration of all firearms and their owners'

Any time gun purchase records are kept at any level, be it at the dealer, City, County, State, or Federal Level, it is gun registration.

And at one time Florida said ticketing a driver for not wearing a seatbelt as a primary offense was illegal. That lasted about 5 years.
I thought one could buy like a shotgun, in any state? I don't plan on buying any more guns...but I guess I better go get some ammo before this stupid idea of 50 bucks goes into effect.

my advice would be to leave the state

out here we have written a new firearm freedom act

ENTITLED, An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.

Section 1. Terms used in this Act mean:

(1) “Firearm accessory,” any item that is used in conjunction with or mounted upon a firearm but is not essential to the basic function of a firearm, including any telescopic or laser sight, magazine, flash or sound suppressor, folding or aftermarket stock and grip, speed loader, ammunition carrier, or light for target illumination;
(2) “Generic and insignificant part,” any firearm part, including a spring, screw, nut, and pin;
(3) “Manufactured,” any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition which has been created from basic materials for functional usefulness, including forging, casting, machining, or other processes for working materials.

Section 2. Any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in South Dakota and that remains within the borders of South Dakota is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It is declared by the Legislature that those items have not traveled in interstate commerce. This section applies to any firearm, firearm accessory, and ammunition that is manufactured in South Dakota from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state. Any generic and insignificant part that has other manufacturing or consumer product application is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition, and importation of such parts into South Dakota and incorporation into a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in South Dakota does not subject the firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition to federal regulation. It is declared by the Legislature that any basic material, such as unmachined steel and unshaped wood, is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition and is not subject to congressional authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition under interstate commerce as if it was actually a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition. The authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in basic material does not include authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition made in South Dakota from such basic material. Any firearm accessory that is imported into South Dakota from another state and that is subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce does not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate commerce because it is attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm in South Dakota.

I've been trying to, but two old fogies packing up and moving to another state isn't so easy.
I just gotta pray this thing doesn't pass.

when will the people ever tire of this sort of stuff out there

The Lunatic World Of Gun Rights Radio
I wonder if it is a one time fee, or if you have to pay 50 bucks every time you want to buy bullets. Guess that is going to make some target practice places go out of business real fast.

Bullets are expensive. Demanding an extra 50 bucks is ridiculous. I hope it doesn't pass.

Good question...I was wondering the same thing. I disagree with what California is doing.....but on the other hand, the right wingers should have embraced Toomey/Manchin.

I have no doubt that this extreme type of legislation is going to become more commonplace due to the stubbornness of the right on a bill that infringed upon NO ONE other than people trying to buy guns who aren't allowed to have them and the sleazebags who sell guns to people who aren't allowed to have them via private sales and wink wink gun show sales.

So basically... the douchebag and their congressional puppets are going to fuck things up for everyone.

So I should have backed a bill that would have led to gun registration?

Read the bottom of page 27 of the bill* (below at the asterisk, read it, it's killer, very short) and you tell me if you think that language stops the federal government from recording, storing, collating, compiling, distributing, securing, retrieving, integrating, merging, using or... backing up its records forever. It doesn't. Show me an audit trail. You can't. It's not there.

It doesn't even limit the FBI or BATFE in this regard. It only restricts gun dealers and gun owners. It is a complete farce.

Show me where they can't go around and just use all the Form 4473 gun-registration papers you fill out that every dealer must permanently keep -- as they are doing right now and have been doing for years. You can't. This bill allows the federal government to do almost anything it wants with records of you and your firearms, and massively expands the records it can collect -- even though it can't collect absolutely every record at this time, yet.

Failure to give them all the records they currently demand under this bill, even by accident (and there are plenty of easy ways to innocently make an error), would put you in prison. The 15-year prison term they threw in for creating a federal registry is a meaningless smokescreen.

Not only do you not know how to spell, not only do you back a suck-ass football team, but you don't know what you are talking about when you say we gun owners should have supported Toomey.

I'm a gun owner, fuckface....BTW...what did I misspell?

You should have....we are going to lose much more than background checks when the next piece of legislation comes around. Your side's continual paranoia is going to cost all of us gun owners big time at some point
Wrong, the 14h Amendment was heavily influenced by the Dred Scott case.

lol, you just got owned by historical facts

What a low information voter from the far right you are.

The 1868 Civil Rights Bill was reinforced by the 14th Amendment, using the due process and equal access clauses to protect blacks. It did not work until the federal government said "fuck you segregationist meatheads, we are going to crush you" in the 1960s using the 14th and the new Civil Rights bill and Voting Act.

The 14th Amendment allows the federal government to take over protecting the Bill of Rights, one amendment at a time over the lasting 100 years. The 2d Amendment is now in the hands of the federal government with SCOTUS having the right to opine on 2d Amendment cases brought to it.

SCOTUS has the right, pursuant to the recognition of Heller 1(f), to restrict and regulate gun ownership and possession.
Holy shit. What's next, CRAYONS?

What's next, is a poster so self-centered and oblivious that he copies an entire, huge, glaring, obnoxious post that fills many pages, all so he can put one short line that contributes nothing to the discussion.
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The Supreme Court has ruled that the Bill of Rights applies to the states. A state cannot infringe on the Second Amendment.

Yes, they did say that, in the McDonald case in Chicago.

But they didn't have to. The 2nd amendment has applied to the states ever since it was written.

The paranoid gun-haters have done their best to pretend otherwise, so I guess it's good that the Supremes put that particular nail in their coffin.

But unlike the 1st amendment that applied only to the Federal government ("Congress shall make no law..."), the 2nd amendment never had any language restricting its effect to just Congress. So, it has always applied to ALL governments in the U.S. - Federal, state, and local. True also for the 4th, 5th, 6th and other such amendments. No "incorporation" has ever been necessary for those. Though you'll never get the big-govt fanatics to agree, of course.

Historical note: When the Bill of Rights was proposed and ratified, most of the states had official state religions. And the 1st amendment was carefully crafted to not interfere with that. Those states' "official religions" soon fell into disuse on their own, and were eventually discarded by most states that had them. But the 1st amendment had no effect on them, until passage of the 14th amendment nearly a hundred years later.
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An ill-formed low-information voter ignores that SCOTUS will feel free to disagree with him or her.
You should have....we are going to lose much more than background checks when the next piece of legislation comes around. Your side's continual paranoia is going to cost all of us gun owners big time at some point

I disagree.

We would have had to fight the next battle regardless of the outcome of the last.

The gun controllers spent all their capital and all their money...and came away with nothing to show for it.

They pushed a solution that would not have solved the problem they were showcasing.

Loughner, Cho, Lanza and Joker all used guns where a background check was performed.
Good question...I was wondering the same thing. I disagree with what California is doing.....but on the other hand, the right wingers should have embraced Toomey/Manchin.

I have no doubt that this extreme type of legislation is going to become more commonplace due to the stubbornness of the right on a bill that infringed upon NO ONE other than people trying to buy guns who aren't allowed to have them and the sleazebags who sell guns to people who aren't allowed to have them via private sales and wink wink gun show sales.

So basically... the douchebag and their congressional puppets are going to fuck things up for everyone.

So I should have backed a bill that would have led to gun registration?

Read the bottom of page 27 of the bill* (below at the asterisk, read it, it's killer, very short) and you tell me if you think that language stops the federal government from recording, storing, collating, compiling, distributing, securing, retrieving, integrating, merging, using or... backing up its records forever. It doesn't. Show me an audit trail. You can't. It's not there.

It doesn't even limit the FBI or BATFE in this regard. It only restricts gun dealers and gun owners. It is a complete farce.

Show me where they can't go around and just use all the Form 4473 gun-registration papers you fill out that every dealer must permanently keep -- as they are doing right now and have been doing for years. You can't. This bill allows the federal government to do almost anything it wants with records of you and your firearms, and massively expands the records it can collect -- even though it can't collect absolutely every record at this time, yet.

Failure to give them all the records they currently demand under this bill, even by accident (and there are plenty of easy ways to innocently make an error), would put you in prison. The 15-year prison term they threw in for creating a federal registry is a meaningless smokescreen.

Not only do you not know how to spell, not only do you back a suck-ass football team, but you don't know what you are talking about when you say we gun owners should have supported Toomey.

I'm a gun owner, fuckface....BTW...what did I misspell?

You should have....we are going to lose much more than background checks when the next piece of legislation comes around. Your side's continual paranoia is going to cost all of us gun owners big time at some point

You may own guns, but you obviously don't know what was in the bill you are backing.

Either that or you would want to lay the foundations for a Federal Database of all gun owners.

I would suggest that instead of listening to what the MSM says is in these gun bills, you do the following;

1 - Read them yourself.

2 - Read articles written by Gun Rights Lawyers and experts, such as this article on Toomey.. Page Nine: "Background gun-check records are saved."

3 - Look beyond how it would affect you today, how it would affect others today and, more importantly, how it can be built upon to affect your children and Grandchildren by future Congresses.

4 - Always remember, what is promised today can be unpromised tomorrow. What is legal today can be illegal tomorrow and what is illegal today can be legal tomorrow.

I will continue to remind you and other that when Florida passed their seatbelt law, it was promised that it would never be a primary violation. You could not be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt.

That lasted about 5 years. Now some parts of Florida will actually have police in unmarked cars sitting out there to do nothing else but call into marked cars drivers who are not wearing seatbelts. It's a money maker.

And I have told you before, it's spelled "SteAlers". :eusa_whistle:
NRA gun nutters are reaping what they sowed. This is exactly the kind of blowback that sensible gun owners have feared. The NRA gun nutters are putting all our gun rights at risk.

yea like you give a fuck about OUR gun rights.....geezus.....

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