California AG: Employers who Cooperate With Federal Immigration Raids Will be Prosecuted

There is a real problem that California may secede if the feds pressure California, or invade with troops as they did in 1890 when Utah was also not answering the helm. Utah was put straight pretty quickly when troops entered the Temple in Salt Lake City, but that state then did not have the population of a state that is one of the sixth largest and most populated "countries" in the world.

I don't think we (the government of the USA) could win against California, and if it does secede, the country would shatter at once, I would think. Texas would go, and New England with New York, and the Southern states, of course.
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There is a real problem that California may secede if the feds pressure California, or invade with troops as they did in 1890 when Utah was also not answering the helm. Utah was put straight pretty quickly when troops entered the Temple in Salt Lake City, but that state then did not have the population of a state that is the sixth largest and most populated "countries" in the world.

I don't think we (the government of the USA) could win against California, and if it does secede, the country would shatter at once, I would think. Texas would go, and New England with New York, and the Southern states, of course.

I think we settled the question of secession the last time the democrats started a civil war.

California would last about 5 minutes against the federal government. From camp Pendelton to Edwards, the American military is deeply entrenched.

Arrest and execute Kim Jong Brown and the rest of the traitors that have defiled my state.
I don't think the question of civil war is ever, ever permanently settled.

Well, you know the state better than I do. It is true there are large military bases, and the people there don't all or most come from California. The Mexicans are said to be more than whites now, however, and would fight on the other side.

It's such a pity California has gone this way. It's such a valuable state, agriculturally, and with such good harbors. It must be very unpleasant for you and others who are sad to see it slipping away.
Here's the law:

(a) Except as otherwise required by federal law, an employer, or a person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not provide voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to enter any nonpublic areas of a place of labor. This section does not apply if the immigration enforcement agent provides a judicial warrant.
(b) An employer who violates subdivision (a) shall be subject to a civil penalty of two thousand dollars ($2,000) up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) for a first violation and five thousand dollars ($5,000) up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each subsequent violation. If a court finds that an immigration enforcement agent was permitted to enter a nonpublic area of a place of labor without the consent of the employer or other person in control of the place of labor, the civil penalty shall not apply. “Violation” means each incident when it is found that subdivision (a) was violated without reference to the number of employees, the number of immigration enforcement agents involved in the incident, or the number of locations affected in a day.
(c) This section shall not preclude an employer or person acting on behalf of an employer from taking the immigration enforcement agent to a nonpublic area, where employees are not present, for the purpose of verifying whether the immigration enforcement agent has a judicial warrant, provided no consent to search nonpublic areas is given in the process.
(d) The exclusive authority to enforce this section is granted to the Labor Commissioner or the Attorney General and enforcement shall be through civil action. Any penalty recovered shall be deposited in the Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund.
(e) This section applies to public and private employers.

This protects dirtbag employers who hire illegals!

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How do you prosecute them when the ca statute clearly states that it doesn’t apply for compliance with federal law?
California AG: Employers who Cooperate With Federal Immigration Raids Will be Prosecuted

I'd consider a move to California if they'd only take that same stance with the IRS.
Here's the law:

(a) Except as otherwise required by federal law, an employer, or a person acting on behalf of the employer, shall not provide voluntary consent to an immigration enforcement agent to enter any nonpublic areas of a place of labor. This section does not apply if the immigration enforcement agent provides a judicial warrant.
(b) An employer who violates subdivision (a) shall be subject to a civil penalty of two thousand dollars ($2,000) up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) for a first violation and five thousand dollars ($5,000) up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each subsequent violation. If a court finds that an immigration enforcement agent was permitted to enter a nonpublic area of a place of labor without the consent of the employer or other person in control of the place of labor, the civil penalty shall not apply. “Violation” means each incident when it is found that subdivision (a) was violated without reference to the number of employees, the number of immigration enforcement agents involved in the incident, or the number of locations affected in a day.
(c) This section shall not preclude an employer or person acting on behalf of an employer from taking the immigration enforcement agent to a nonpublic area, where employees are not present, for the purpose of verifying whether the immigration enforcement agent has a judicial warrant, provided no consent to search nonpublic areas is given in the process.
(d) The exclusive authority to enforce this section is granted to the Labor Commissioner or the Attorney General and enforcement shall be through civil action. Any penalty recovered shall be deposited in the Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund.
(e) This section applies to public and private employers.
Kind of like making it against the law for me to “Voluntarily” allow a cop in my house without a warrant.
How do you prosecute them when the ca statute clearly states that it doesn’t apply for compliance with federal law?

That's not quite what it said.

It said that unless another federal law was applicable, federal raids for immigration purposes require a warrant to be admitted to non-public spaces for inspection of illegal aliens (excluding admission to empty non-public spaces to determine the validity of the warrant).

Now with that said, I disagree with the idea that a private employer can't voluntarily allow for inspection to determine if illegal aliens are present in their workforce. Those would have inadvertently hired illegals because the illegal provided fraudulent paperwork can have their voluntary cooperation viewed positively be federal prosecutors. Employers that have intentionally hired illegal aliens as part of their workforce are not going to voluntarily allow inspection anyway and will demand a warrant.

A law abiding employer should be free to volunteer for inspection.

Electoral college? Even your orange king criticized. Is outdated , it leads to a minority that governs.
Not a minority of AMERICANS. Your dopey popular vote (chock full of illegal aliens) is like allowing Mexico, China, et al to determine our political leadership. Borders on treason.

PS - I've seen Trump on TV a dozen times in the last few months. His skin color looks perfectly normal. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.
It is always illegal for an employer to cooperate with any police investigation of any employee.
That is because employees have privacy rights that are paramount.
The only legal way an employer can give out information on employees is with a warrant, and if you follow a warrant demand, that is NOT at all cooperating. That is following the law under duress.
How do you prosecute them when the ca statute clearly states that it doesn’t apply for compliance with federal law?

That's not quite what it said.

It said that unless another federal law was applicable, federal raids for immigration purposes require a warrant to be admitted to non-public spaces for inspection of illegal aliens (excluding admission to empty non-public spaces to determine the validity of the warrant).

Now with that said, I disagree with the idea that a private employer can't voluntarily allow for inspection to determine if illegal aliens are present in their workforce. Those would have inadvertently hired illegals because the illegal provided fraudulent paperwork can have their voluntary cooperation viewed positively be federal prosecutors. Employers that have intentionally hired illegal aliens as part of their workforce are not going to voluntarily allow inspection anyway and will demand a warrant.

A law abiding employer should be free to volunteer for inspection.


No, if the raid does not have a warrant, then it is illegal and the employer is required to resist, in order to protect the rights of the workers, which are superior.
And employer does not have the authority to help in the violation of employees right to privacy.
Look at the fascists pile on, all trying to out-fascist each other. Anyone opposing TheParty must be arrested and prosecuted!

States' rights? Those were forgotten when Trump took office. The Trumpflakes aren't even pretending not to be hypocrites.

California will likely win this, just as they almost always do. That's what happens when the law, morality and public opinion are on your side. It's generally something only liberals experience, so conservatives won't be familiar with it.
States rights ? States have the rights that they have, not the rights that the federal govt has. Some loudmouth screwballs are going to find that out the hard way soon.

DOJ escalates pressure on sanctuary cities

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses | USAM | Department of Justice
Electoral college? Even your orange king criticized. Is outdated , it leads to a minority that governs.
Not a minority of AMERICANS. Your dopey popular vote (chock full of illegal aliens) is like allowing Mexico, China, et al to determine our political leadership. Borders on treason.

PS - I've seen Trump on TV a dozen times in the last few months. His skin color looks perfectly normal. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.

Non-citizens have never been able to successfully vote in the US.
It just can not happen.
They can never get registered, because they need a birth certificate or naturalization papers.
Non-citizens have never been able to successfully vote in the US.
It just can not happen.
They can never get registered, because they need a birth certificate or naturalization papers.
HA HA HA! Funniest stuff there is to hear liberals talk what they're fed (programmed) from liberal media, think tanks, universites, talking heads.

EARTH TO RIGBY: Outside your liberal fog, normal people have known that illegals vote in droves, and have been doing so for decades. There is virtually nothing whatsoever to stop them. 22 states don't even require ID. Most others don't require an ID that proves citizenship or eligibilty to vote.

I've talked to illegal aliens many times (in Spanish of course) They love to brag about how they flaunt US laws.. Especially with voting. :biggrin:

EARTH TO RIGBY: Outside your liberal fog, normal people have known that illegals vote in droves, and have been doing so for decades.

Earth to protectonist: You're spinning crazy stories, and everyone knows your sided has been doing so for decades.

If you didn't just try to push a fraud, I'm sure you'll be able to back up your claim with hard evidence. Saying "Well, theoretically, it's possible, so it must be happening!" is not backing up your claims. After all, it's theoretically possible that you're a mass murderer, yet we don't assume that's the case.

If you have any actual evidence, you ought to turn it over to the Republican Party. They've been using every illegal method they can think of to find or create such evidence, and yet they've come up empty. They'd appreciate your help.
EARTH TO RIGBY: Outside your liberal fog, normal people have known that illegals vote in droves, and have been doing so for decades. There is virtually nothing whatsoever to stop them. 22 states don't even require ID. Most others don't require an ID that proves citizenship or eligibilty to vote.

And yet, you tards have provided zero proof of it over the years other than you saying it happens.
Earth to protectonist: You're spinning crazy stories, and everyone knows your sided has been doing so for decades.

If you didn't just try to push a fraud, I'm sure you'll be able to back up your claim with hard evidence. Saying "Well, theoretically, it's possible, so it must be happening!" is not backing up your claims. After all, it's theoretically possible that you're a mass murderer, yet we don't assume that's the case.

If you have any actual evidence, you ought to turn it over to the Republican Party. They've been using every illegal method they can think of to find or create such evidence, and yet they've come up empty. They'd appreciate your help.
EARTH TO MAMOOTH: What's YOUR definition of "hard evidence" ? What you're programmed to define it as ? As taught to you by your liberal media, think tanks, universities, talking heads. ? :laugh:

Sorry, you don't get to define by YOUR rules alone. The normal world isn't captive to YOUR confined depictions of "hard evidence" So here's a question for you too..

What would be YOUR criteria for "hard evidence" ? The New York Times ? Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center ?, CNN (Coloring Book News Now) ?, MSNBC (Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap) ?, or any of your 1000's of biased liberal universities, professors, and think tanks ?

Oh boy. Won't we be impressed ? :rolleyes:

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