California Bans SINGING During ON-LINE Church Services

California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public


wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?
The longer the blue state tyrants keep this up the least likely they will ever be able to win another political race....the American people do not like dem friends are telling me they are voting for Trump....oh oooooooo........
Care to point out to the class where there's a Constitutional right for "churches"?
The 1st Amendment? You know, the part about freedom of assembly? Did you forget about that one, Justice?

Once AGAIN -- the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom of buildings. "Assembly" was already done back in post 5 of this same-old-thing whiny thread by the same HEY LOOKA ME OP.
Who do you think is singing? A building, or the people who are assembled in the building, moron?

Holy SHIT :banghead:
No kidding. Amazing that had to be pointed out to you, huh?
What makes you think there need to be laws about singing and playing wind instruments... online or offline?

Can the local government micromanage everyone's life further?

Are they going to institute fornication laws also so they limit human contact

I would think that common sense would take care of it. But I guess for those who lack it. Maybe if they put them in separate sound rooms or something.

How long can they do it based on the fact that there is limited testing and no vaccine yet?

I bet their porn industry is taking a big hit so to speak.
Again, "assembly" is covered in the link. Be over there now. Not seeing an application for Fourth Amendment here. A church is not somebody's house unless you're Alice of Alice's Restaurant.
A building for private use (a church or a business) has some constitutional protections, including the 4th.

But, the term "church" is not necessarily a physical building. It comes from the Greek word kyriakos which means "lord." So, church is in reference to a master, not a building.

California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

The insanity continues...............California really DOES need to secede from the rest of our states.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

The insanity continues...............California really DOES need to secede from the rest of our states.
Bush had his "Hurrican Machine" to take out all the blacks in New Orleans..............maybe Trump needs to break out his "Earthquate Machine" and just lop KKKalifornia off into the ocean.

problem solved.
Again, "assembly" is covered in the link. Be over there now. Not seeing an application for Fourth Amendment here. A church is not somebody's house unless you're Alice of Alice's Restaurant.
A building for private use (a church or a business) has some constitutional protections, including the 4th.

But, the term "church" is not necessarily a physical building. It comes from the Greek word kyriakos which means "lord." So, church is in reference to a master, not a building.

Oh definitely show us your copy of the Constitution rendered in classical Greek.

Say what? You don't have one? You mean this ordinance is written in ENGLISH? I don't believe you, let's check.

>> m. For the purposes of this Order, “Minimum Basic Operations” include the following, provided that employees comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Section, to the extent possible, while carrying out such operations:​
i. The minimum necessary activities to maintain the value of the business’s inventory, ensure security, process payroll and employee benefits, provide for the delivery of existing inventory or gift cards directly to residences or businesses, or for related functions.​
ii. The minimum necessary activities to facilitate employees of the business being able to continue to work remotely from their residences.​
iii. Those operations necessary for venues, such as concert halls, auditoriums, churches, temples, and playhouses, to enable a recorded and/or live-streamed event to be shared virtually with the public, with the following limitations:​
a. Only four individuals may be present for the live event. All others must participate remotely;​
b. Social Distancing Requirements must be maintained, include maintaining at least six feet of physical distancing from other individuals (physical distancing not required for members of the same household), frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer that is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as effective in combatting COVID-19, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, not shaking hands, and, for those who are not on camera, to wear facial coverings as much as possible;​
c. No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19. <<​

Nnnnape, I'm afraid that refers to a building. Would you like to render us the Greek etymologies of the words for "concert halls" and "playhouses" now? Or perhaps we should parse the word "venues"??

It's very simple. They're keeping the church ---- THE BUILDING ---- disinfected.
Last edited:
Oh definitely show us your copy of the Constitution rendered in classical Greek.
For the love of donkey rape!!!

You are the dumbest person on earth.

Will somebody please explain to this moron or teach him to read.

There is no explaining anything to that simpleton. That's why I generally just mock his idiocy, and expose his lies.

Trying to educate a slug on rocket science would be easier than teaching Pogo to tie his shoes.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.
From the actual order, yes it is true-
No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19.
You ever empty the spit out of a woodwind instrument? There's a reason for it.
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.
Whatever happened to playing the organ in church?
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

wait.... during ONLINE services? How do you spread corona by singing.... ONLINE?

You don't. This is where the headline immediately becomes suspect. First thing I checked was to see if this was satire from Babylon Bee or sump'm. Second thing was to check the source URL. And there is was, wasn't it.

So I looked up the issue... and it does appear that....

What they said was true. So many churches have been doing online church services. These include a half dozen people, on stage singing, usually spread extremely far apart on stage, and playing instruments.

The ban specifically says, no singing or playing of instruments.

Page 8, sub section C:

No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19​

This is too far. Sorry, but this is too far.
Now even when the entire church is completely empty, and you have a whooping 6 people on stage, and likely six people in the church that have been together the entire time regardless.... and you tell them they can't even sing into a camera?

Then we need to ban the White House press corp too. We need to ban all the people at the restaurants too. Heck, we need to ban anyone from being within visual distance of each other.

No, this is ridiculous now. Sorry, but this really is too far. This is over reach. If feel sorry for anyone left in California. What a hell hole that place has become.

Yes, singing. To keep the building itself sanitary. Here's why.
From the actual order, yes it is true-
No singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas, or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence, and involving only the members of one’s household or living unit, because of the increased risk of transmission of COVID-19.
You ever empty the spit out of a woodwind instrument? There's a reason for it.

See, this is why wind instrument players need to smoke pot before playing. Dries all that up.

Uh so I've uh heard
California County Bans Singing During Online Church Services, ‘Abortions Are Essential, But Singing in a Streamed Worship Service is Just Too Unsafe’

Mendocino County in California is being criticized for banning singing while churches are recording their online services, unless the people are singing from home


4 people....looks to be about 6 feet apart....what's the deal?

"Per the order, there can only be four people recording from one place and “no singing or use of wind instruments, harmonicas or other instruments that could spread COVID-19 through projected droplets shall be permitted unless the recording of the event is done at one’s residence.”

California is reportedly considering a whole list of other actions to outlaw due to COVID-19:

Blowing Bubbles
- Gum or sudsy child entertainment devices


Blowing out birthday or other celebratory candles

Laughing 'boisterously'
- Chuckles, guffaws, snickers, and 'golf claps' are encouraged

Emojis or Emotes that might cause 'boisterous' laughter

- Especially in Public

Stay away from the trombone players.

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