California Burning

I hate it for them, but when you will not allow the under brush to be cleared from your forest because you believe in climate change. It's hard to feel sorry for them. Hopefully the will learn their lesson this time.
Nope, they will never learn, vote for their liberal gov again, and the same shit will happen, again, and again, and again. It is like Groundhog day on steroids, but with wildfires instead of snow...Go figure.

So far it was campers that set the fire and high winds with no precipitation in months.....Is Trump going to make God produce some rain?

We actually had a substantial rain a few weeks ago. The dead brush the EPA protects has been there for decades.

Trump is right.
So you insinuate Cal welcomes these fires ,that they can stop them like Moses parted the Red Sea?
California stops every small fire AND refuses to allow dead brush to be cleared. Healthy forests burn in small fires that clear away the dead brush. California insists that it stay. California insists that bark beetles be protected and the result is acres of dead trees ready to burn.

Moses himself could not part the evil democrat bureaucracy in California.
You sound like an idiot. Who told you that California protects bark beetles? They are the main cause of trees dying along with climate change. There are currently 20 different invasive species of bark beetles in California attacking the trees.

Bark beetles are killing trees in the Sierra Nevada at a record pace. Here's why
You know who you are talking to, right? Allowances must be made.
My bad. :laugh:
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
No, actually I have nothing but contempt for these people. Wealthy rich white people that choose to live in areas that have high fire risks, historically. So they can get away from all those yucky poor whites, blacks and illegals aliens. Some call that karma, you can't escape it. And don't give me that deer in the headlights "you are shocked" response, either.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
Let it burn.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
No, actually I have nothing but contempt for these people. Wealthy rich white people that choose to live in areas that have high fire risks, historically. So they can get away from all those yucky poor whites, blacks and illegals aliens. Some call that karma, you can't escape it. And don't give me that deer in the headlights "you are shocked" response, either.

There are 250,000 people who have left their homes. Most are not rich nor celebrities.
90% of these fires can be prevented with some simple, and common sense land management skills.

I know that does not fit the "blame Trump for everything' narrative, but this face and debate predate Trump being President.

Mismanagement of the States resources has cost the taxpayers of California over a trillion dollars in the past few decades and will continue to cost them that, and more human lives until they wake up.

Monsters? They reside in the CA legislature.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad for the time I was with my parents with their one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds returned and the rains fell and the crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
I didnt face a Hurricane this year and I live in Florida.. Of course I have prepared my house to withstand a Cat 4 , but then many victims of liberalism cant afford to do that. God given talents were given to everyone, but there are the liberals who deny God, thus stay victims of Lucifer and his misery.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You do realize that you are filth? Over a quarter of a million fellow Americans have left their homes, not knowing if they will be there tomorrow. Tens of thousands have already lost their homes. And all you can do is brag about yourself, and denigrate others. I repeat, like our present President, you are filth.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember him seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad for the time I was with my parents with their one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds returned and the rains fell and the crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
At one time the water canals of southern Californication had water flowing into them. But those damn liberals decided that the delta smelt was endangered so that water no longer was allowed down there. Guess what? The Desert is taking back what mankind had cultivated. Liberals hate people and this just proves it. Vote for liberals and your life will eventually be miserable and you will end up with nothing...

A Brief History of Irrigation in the Imperial Valley, California - DesertUSA
Delta Smelt, Icon of California Water Wars, Is Almost Extinct
California Dumps a Trillion Gallons of Fresh Water in the Ocean; Declares Water Shortage
Blame California's Liberal Politics for Water Rationing

I feel no empathy for these liberals who deserve all the misery Gov Moonbeam Brown is forcing upon them. Karma is a bitch.
Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and other stars forced out as Woolsey fire evacuations affect thousands - Los Angeles Times
Like their tens of thousands of fellow evacuees were doing, famous folks such as Alyssa Milano and Guillermo del Toro gave status updates and expressed their thanks. On her Instagram stories, Lady Gaga posted photos of her evacuating her Malibu home.

Caitlyn {BRUCE} Jenner wasn’t as lucky, with TMZ reporting Friday that she had lost her home as the fire spread across the hills of Malibu.
Lucifer is laughing at these immoral fuckers.
I am glad you think the truth is funny old blockhead....Instead of proving me wrong, resort to Rules for Radical, try to shutdown the argument, call me a name, then run away like the petulant little cry baby that you are...

It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad for the time I was with my parents with their one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds returned and the rains fell and the crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
I didnt face a Hurricane this year and I live in Florida.. Of course I have prepared my house to withstand a Cat 4 , but then many victims of liberalism cant afford to do that. God given talents were given to everyone, but there are the liberals who deny God, thus stay victims of Lucifer and his misery.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You do realize that you are filth? Over a quarter of a million fellow Americans have left their homes, not knowing if they will be there tomorrow. Tens of thousands have already lost their homes. And all you can do is brag about yourself, and denigrate others. I repeat, like our present President, you are filth.
Again, if you fucking vote for the very people who caused all this, by shutting down the waterways to the canals, then I just cant feel sympathetic to their cause...I used to feel sorry, but then watching time and again, they vote for Democrats who are more into saving a delta smelt fish, over the people of their state, then fuck it. Elections have consequences, you go and stupidly vote, then you deserve all the misery those liberal force upon you. Dont like it, bitch, then head to Cuba, find out how they treat sorry asses like you...
90% of these fires can be prevented with some simple, and common sense land management skills.

I know that does not fit the "blame Trump for everything' narrative, but this face and debate predate Trump being President.

Mismanagement of the States resources has cost the taxpayers of California over a trillion dollars in the past few decades and will continue to cost them that, and more human lives until they wake up.

Monsters? They reside in the CA legislature.
I spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia and I saw desalination plants along their coast, where with oil fired plants, they would suck the salt water out of the sea. remove the salt and then ship the fresh water inland so they could use it to irrigate the circular farms and provide drinking water to the locals. Even the Rag Heads are moving into modern technology, while the liberals just cant get their heads out of their asses. We could do the same thing, but you know what? To the liberals the world is over populated, so why provide anything that could make them happy, for liberals are never happy, and must force their misery and poverty on the people, so they too cannot be happy.

Saudi Arabia to build solar-powered desalination plant


with all the water that can be brought in, no longer would that area, go back to being the desert it originally was, before the canals were built. But alas, the liberals never work with people, it is all about them....
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
/----/ Talk abouot hot

Tires melted down to their steel belts. Windows blown out. Paint evaporated. Rims liquified and then solidified after running down the pavement. Fire leaping across the road.
'Like the gates of hell opened up': Thousands fled Paradise ahead of Camp Fire
Trump is accurate. A proper reaction is to be angry at the mismanagement that made this out of control fire possible.
So far it was campers that set the fire and high winds with no precipitation in months.....Is Trump going to make God produce some rain?

We actually had a substantial rain a few weeks ago. The dead brush the EPA protects has been there for decades.

Trump is right.
So you insinuate Cal welcomes these fires ,that they can stop them like Moses parted the Red Sea?
California stops every small fire AND refuses to allow dead brush to be cleared. Healthy forests burn in small fires that clear away the dead brush. California insists that it stay. California insists that bark beetles be protected and the result is acres of dead trees ready to burn.

Moses himself could not part the evil democrat bureaucracy in California.
You sound like an idiot. Who told you that California protects bark beetles? They are the main cause of trees dying along with climate change. There are currently 20 different invasive species of bark beetles in California attacking the trees.

Bark beetles are killing trees in the Sierra Nevada at a record pace. Here's why
Bark beetles are killing great swathes of trees in Alaska, too. But we're not allowed to clear cut because the tourpests would find clear cuts unattractive (like dead trees aren't?) I wouldn't say the government powers-that-be protect the beetles, per-se, but they certainly do not effectively manage wildlands in inhabited areas. I guess we are more fortunate than Cali, though, because we are less populated and a lot of wildfires can be allowed to burn themselves out without threatening humans or their habitations.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad for the time I was with my parents with their one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds returned and the rains fell and the crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
I didnt face a Hurricane this year and I live in Florida.. Of course I have prepared my house to withstand a Cat 4 , but then many victims of liberalism cant afford to do that. God given talents were given to everyone, but there are the liberals who deny God, thus stay victims of Lucifer and his misery.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You do realize that you are filth? Over a quarter of a million fellow Americans have left their homes, not knowing if they will be there tomorrow. Tens of thousands have already lost their homes. And all you can do is brag about yourself, and denigrate others. I repeat, like our present President, you are filth.
Says a progressive control freak
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
You know how leftists love to shove God or Jesus in the faces of the right when it suits them?

Yeah, God might have remembered too...

How bout all the times the wackadoodle left says they wouldn't piss on a Republican if he were on fire?

How bout all the times the left mock "hope & prayers"?

Karma is a motherfucker it seems
So far it was campers that set the fire and high winds with no precipitation in months.....Is Trump going to make God produce some rain?

We actually had a substantial rain a few weeks ago. The dead brush the EPA protects has been there for decades.

Trump is right.
So you insinuate Cal welcomes these fires ,that they can stop them like Moses parted the Red Sea?
California stops every small fire AND refuses to allow dead brush to be cleared. Healthy forests burn in small fires that clear away the dead brush. California insists that it stay. California insists that bark beetles be protected and the result is acres of dead trees ready to burn.

Moses himself could not part the evil democrat bureaucracy in California.
You sound like an idiot. Who told you that California protects bark beetles? They are the main cause of trees dying along with climate change. There are currently 20 different invasive species of bark beetles in California attacking the trees.

Bark beetles are killing trees in the Sierra Nevada at a record pace. Here's why
Bark beetles are killing great swathes of trees in Alaska, too. But we're not allowed to clear cut because the tourpests would find clear cuts unattractive (like dead trees aren't?) I wouldn't say the government powers-that-be protect the beetles, per-se, but they certainly do not effectively manage wildlands in inhabited areas. I guess we are more fortunate than Cali, though, because we are less populated and a lot of wildfires can be allowed to burn themselves out without threatening humans or their habitations.

The west is burning because the Feds own over half the land, and do not manage it.
Bringing back the CCC will automatically prompt privately-owned land to follow suit with fire-prevention management. How many controlled burns occurred in California during 2017? British Columbia first analyzed the bark beetle problem and determined that a certain number of beetles per a certain sq. area (less than 1,000 beetles) was the limit to maintain and thus prevent an epidemic. We are currently searching for this obscure initial report.
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
No, actually I have nothing but contempt for these people. Wealthy rich white people that choose to live in areas that have high fire risks, historically. So they can get away from all those yucky poor whites, blacks and illegals aliens. Some call that karma, you can't escape it. And don't give me that deer in the headlights "you are shocked" response, either.
You mean Paradise, the low to medium income RETIREMENT community?
90% of these fires can be prevented with some simple, and common sense land management skills.

I know that does not fit the "blame Trump for everything' narrative, but this face and debate predate Trump being President.

Mismanagement of the States resources has cost the taxpayers of California over a trillion dollars in the past few decades and will continue to cost them that, and more human lives until they wake up.

Monsters? They reside in the CA legislature.
Ever experienced a Santa Ana?
It seems that fire season in California is now unending. No beginning and no end. It is the new normal for those in California in particular, but also out west in general. They are our fellow citizens and we need to offer them all the support we can.

‘The Whole World Was on Fire’: Infernos Choke California, Piling On the Grief
In the summer of 1998, Florida had its wildfire crisis. I remember the air was so dense with smoke you needed to drive with your headlights on. The smell of burning debris was everywhere. Entire neighborhoods were closed off and the sound of fire truck sirens were common. I'll never forget the sky. The sky was like a blue desert barren of all clouds. Every day that scorching sun with no end in sight.

My father joined the volunteer fire department. I remember seeing him on the TV hosing a house down. I went to stay with him and my mom as they were in a danger zone. I joined the small fire department with my dad, for the time I was with my parents, with the department's one fire truck. It was an eclectic group to say the least. Super conservatives like my Dad and a long haired hippie fire captain.

There was a camaraderie among its members. They all joined together in a time of crisis to try to halt what we thought was an unrelenting inferno. The clouds eventually returned and the rains fell. The crisis was over.

But every year could be the year of the next drought. We need to be cognizant that but for the grace of God go I.

I can understand what the people of California are going through. We live in Florida where every summer we face hurricane season and their destructive power. If you ask me the drought and raging fires were every bit as bad, and thankfully, the drought has not returned.

We also need to remember that all people should come together in these times. No one gave a damn about your politics only that you were there to help.
No, actually I have nothing but contempt for these people. Wealthy rich white people that choose to live in areas that have high fire risks, historically. So they can get away from all those yucky poor whites, blacks and illegals aliens. Some call that karma, you can't escape it. And don't give me that deer in the headlights "you are shocked" response, either.
You mean Paradise, the low to medium income RETIREMENT community?

Where good people like our own Gracie have been literally burned out of their home.

Mary takes the prize for the most profoundly ignorant head-up-the-ass post of the month, if not the fucking YEAR.

Here ya go MaryL --- this is what's left of their home. Oh look, they still have a chimney.



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