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California liberals wanted to raise money for a children’s soccer league through sex toys? The shit-hole state of California strikes again.
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
There are things california is doing that I wish other states would. I like how California is becoming first state to consider having a universal healthcare system for all Californian's. Brillant plan. There are a lot of things California just does so much better than the other states.
There are things california is doing that I wish other states would.
Like what?
I like how California is becoming first state to consider having a universal healthcare system for all Californian's.
  1. "Considering" is not an action. I can consider feeding homeless children, but that won't fill their empty bellies.
  2. Much more importantly, California isn't even close to being the "first state to consider universal healthcare system". You might want to Google "Romneycare" for Massachusetts (which actually implemented 20 years ago what you're crowing about California now considering :eusa_doh:)
Brillant plan. There are a lot of things California just does so much better than the other states.
Man, I seriously don't know where to begin with your comment here.

First you claim California is amazing for just thinking about something. Then you claim that they were the first to think about it, when other states have actually implemented it decades ago. Then you call their consideration a "plan" when it's not a "plan" at all at this point. And just to put the cherry on the top, you misspelled "brilliant" (making the irony of your entire post completely off the charts).

It's no wonder you're amazed with California. You're clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.
The shit-hole state of California continues to embarrass itself…
This is what the left-wing ideology does. It causes extreme poverty and misery - until people have no choice but to flee.
Meanwhile, as Democratic lawmakers "protect children from harmful and outdated stereotypes", many kids educated in California public schools cannot read or perform math at state levels of proficiency, standards that are not particularly high.

In 2019, barely half of kids in public schools were reading-proficient, while only 40% were math-proficient.
The Democrats NEED an ignorant electorate to win elections.
This is what the left-wing ideology does. It causes extreme poverty and misery - until people have no choice but to flee.
UCLA economist Lee Ohanian co-authored an August report on the tax and regulatory policies causing businesses to ditch California at an unprecedented rate. The report found: “Unless policy reforms reverse this course, California will continue to lose businesses, both large, established businesses, as well as young, rapidly growing businesses, some of which will become transformational giants of tomorrow.”
The left dogmatically clings to a failed ideology at ALL costs. Even if it results in extreme poverty and misery for everyone.
This is what the left-wing ideology does. It causes extreme poverty and misery - until people have no choice but to flee.

The Democrats NEED an ignorant electorate to win elections.

They need fraud a lot more.
Killing over 63 million unborn babies.......with no remorse...........and somehow thinking you are Righteous.

And many doing it ARE PROUD OF IT.

Genocidal maniacs.
Genocide (noun): the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Genocide (noun): the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Unborn people would be people if you didn't kill them. Your objection is over ruled.
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