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When will the left learn that the sick fuck’n sexual deviance they engage in, in the gross and failed state of California, doesn’t fly in the rest of the country?
When will the left learn that the sick fuck’n sexual deviance they engage in, in the gross and failed state of California, doesn’t fly in the rest of the country?
Conservative boys are the sexual deviants.
Then why are people and businesses fleeing the state an alarming rate, genius?

Losers (like yourself) who can't make it there and companies looking to pad their bottom lines with cheap labor that you people love to work for.
LMAO! That’s the response of a second grader. It’s a shit-hole state and everyone knows it. People and businesses are fleeing in record numbers. Your juvenile “losers can’t make it there” excuse is as pitiful as you are.

It’s a state that promotes and supports promiscuity, homosexuality, sexual assault on women and children, drug use, illegal aliens, and communism among other things.

So which state are you living in, if you don't mind me asking. Me, I'm in California and I don't believe it's as bad as you say it is. It's so large and diverse, it could be it's own country.

It's own country that ranks 6th, economically, in the world.

Yes! And that’s going to last forever and ever and ever!

Detroit was unavailable for comment.
Then why are people and businesses fleeing the state an alarming rate, genius?

Losers (like yourself) who can't make it there and companies looking to pad their bottom lines with cheap labor that you people love to work for.
LMAO! That’s the response of a second grader. It’s a shit-hole state and everyone knows it. People and businesses are fleeing in record numbers. Your juvenile “losers can’t make it there” excuse is as pitiful as you are.

It’s a state that promotes and supports promiscuity, homosexuality, sexual assault on women and children, drug use, illegal aliens, and communism among other things.

So which state are you living in, if you don't mind me asking. Me, I'm in California and I don't believe it's as bad as you say it is. It's so large and diverse, it could be it's own country.

It's own country that ranks 6th, economically, in the world.

Yes! And that’s going to last forever and ever and ever!

Detroit was unavailable for comment.
Detroit is a city not a state. When was the city of Detroit's economy ranked in the 10 ten of WORLD economies?
Detroit is a city not a state.
Very good, Kitty. Your high school GED is really paying off these days. :rolleyes:
When was the city of Detroit's economy ranked in the 10 ten of WORLD economies?
Back before Dumbocrats ran it so far into the ground, it was forced to file bankruptcy. An entire major US city. The city which had “The Big Three” (GM, Ford, and Chrysler).

California debt clock stands at $584 billion. Half a trillion fucking dollars. California will be bankrupt. Soon. Very soon. Liberalism is a cancer that kills everything it touches.
The problem with the people's republik of California is that politics is based on liberal hypocrisy. Hypocrite California lefties pretend to be outraged about east coast based corporate wealth and the disparity of income while they support the ultimate corporate criminals in the entertainment industry and the decadent display of wealth in H'wood. Is it possible that pot head Jerry Brown is cut from the same mold as NK's fat bellied pig Kim Jung Un and challenging the power of the United States in order to promote some sort of anarchy movement?

If it was a red state you couldn't give a shit. Grow up.
Detroit is a city not a state.
Very good, Kitty. Your high school GED is really paying off these days. :rolleyes:
When was the city of Detroit's economy ranked in the 10 ten of WORLD economies?
Back before Dumbocrats ran it so far into the ground, it was forced to file bankruptcy. An entire major US city. The city which had “The Big Three” (GM, Ford, and Chrysler).

California debt clock stands at $584 billion. Half a trillion fucking dollars. California will be bankrupt. Soon. Very soon. Liberalism is a cancer that kills everything it touches.
Link to Detroit being in the top 10 of WORLD economies.
California isn't anywhere near bankruptcy.

Detroit is a city not a state.
Very good, Kitty. Your high school GED is really paying off these days. :rolleyes:
When was the city of Detroit's economy ranked in the 10 ten of WORLD economies?
Back before Dumbocrats ran it so far into the ground, it was forced to file bankruptcy. An entire major US city. The city which had “The Big Three” (GM, Ford, and Chrysler).

California debt clock stands at $584 billion. Half a trillion fucking dollars. California will be bankrupt. Soon. Very soon. Liberalism is a cancer that kills everything it touches.
Link to Detroit being in the top 10 of WORLD economies.
California isn't anywhere near bankruptcy.


9 Most Bankrupt States In America: Is Yours On The List? | The Daily Wire
California isn't anywhere near bankruptcy.

Hahahahahaha!!! Here is a screen shot of your stupid shit. Note the word I highlighted. OPINION (from a whack-job leftist had hard-left Bloomberg).

Now here is indisputable, concrete fact kitty. The California debt clock:

Screen Shot 2021-07-18 at 3.03.08 PM.png
Your article is from 2016 :lol:
I'm sorry...did something happen since 2016 to reverse California's misfortunes?

Did they lower taxes to attract businesses? Nope!

Did they reduce regulations to bring in new jobs? Nope!

Did they recall whack-job, bat-shit crazy Gavin Newsome? Nope!

So all they've done since 2016 is drive out MILLIONS of citizens, hundreds of thousands of jobs, thousands of corporations, and run up more debt.

Watching you deny that rain is wet, the sun is hot, and the sky is blue would be comical if it wasn't so ridiculous.

California is a failed state, kitty. You know it. I know it. Gavin Newsome knows it.
Hahahahahaha!!! Here is a screen shot of your stupid shit. Note the word I highlighted. OPINION (from a whack-job leftist had hard-left Bloomberg).

Now here is indisputable, concrete fact kitty. The California debt clock:

View attachment 514289
Posting the debt clock doesn't disprove anything I posted. That's like me saying the sky is blue and you posting a picture of a snowy mountain. :lol:

The most trusted measure of economic strength says California is the world-beater among democracies. The state’s gross domestic product increased 21% during the past five years, dwarfing No. 2 New York (14%) and No. 3 Texas (12%), according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gains added $530 billion to the Golden State, 30% more than the increase for New York and Texas combined and equivalent to the entire economy of Sweden. Among the five largest economies, California outperforms the U.S., Japan and Germany with a growth rate exceeded only by China.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I'm sorry...did something happen since 2016 to reverse California's misfortunes?

Did they lower taxes to attract businesses? Nope!

Did they reduce regulations to bring in new jobs? Nope!

Did they recall whack-job, bat-shit crazy Gavin Newsome? Nope!

So all they've done since 2016 is drive out MILLIONS of citizens, hundreds of thousands of jobs, thousands of corporations, and run up more debt.

Watching you deny that rain is wet, the sun is hot, and the sky is blue would be comical if it wasn't so ridiculous.

California is a failed state, kitty. You know it. I know it. Gavin Newsome knows it.
Yeah, Rottweiler old pup, it did...

The most trusted measure of economic strength says California is the world-beater among democracies. The state’s gross domestic product increased 21% during the past five years, dwarfing No. 2 New York (14%) and No. 3 Texas (12%), according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gains added $530 billion to the Golden State, 30% more than the increase for New York and Texas combined and equivalent to the entire economy of Sweden. Among the five largest economies, California outperforms the U.S., Japan and Germany with a growth rate exceeded only by China.
Yeah, Rottweiler old pup, it did...​
Bwahahaha! Pointing to GDP doesn’t even remotely answer the question. Did anything change with California? Did they change leadership, lower taxes, reduce regulations, or stop the hemorrhaging of people and businesses fleeing your failed state?

Holy…fucking….shit kitty. Oracle - yes Oracle - is leaving California for Texas. Larry Ellison. Left-wing Larry Ellison is saying “fuck this shit” and getting the hell out of Dodge (joining Tesla, Space X, and HP!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Between 2009 and 2016 an estimated 13,000 businesses left California. The left-wing ideology is a cancer that kills anything it touches. It is a failed ideology.
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