California governor signs law to limit shootings by police

The bottom line is, in California you are on your own. Don't bother calling the police.

And yet people will and the cops will still respond.
They will respond after waiting a while so they can show up and take a report when the incident is over.

No they wont. Your fantasies are just that.
History has shown that everywhere the local politicians create laws and ordinances that limit the police's ability to combat crime, crime increases. You are a liar like all progressive filth.
Some people are simply not fit to be police officers and should be removed.

Glendale officer facing firing over use of force resigns

I agree with that.

Here's an idea. Cut food stamps and Obama phones, and welfare.

Take that money and pay for better training, and higher wages to attract more qualified people.

Fact is, police are paid crap. Then you complain you have unfit police.

Many of these officers are following the exact training they were given. So how about you improve the training? I'm all for it.

If the solution is better pay, I'm good with that.

Part of the solution. But that requires you to cut spending elsewhere to pay for it. So say goodbye to some of your programs and entitlements.

What you mentioned are Federal programs. The police are funded on the local level.

Cut those programs, and allocate the money to the states for more training. Or to the local governments, for better paid police.


Ohio Budget.
I see several entitlements we could cut, to fund this.
You do not obey when they demand you do something they can not require you to do. They have to understand that they can not violate your rights.

We've made improvements there.

I have never seen a situation where an officer ordered you to beat someone else, or take money from the cash register, or some other illegal command.

We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?
The bottom line is, in California you are on your own. Don't bother calling the police.

And yet people will and the cops will still respond.
They will respond after waiting a while so they can show up and take a report when the incident is over.

No they wont. Your fantasies are just that.
History has shown that everywhere the local politicians create laws and ordinances that limit the police's ability to combat crime, crime increases. You are a liar like all progressive filth.

Nevermind that has nothing to do with what I've ever said and you simply made it up.
You do not obey when they demand you do something they can not require you to do. They have to understand that they can not violate your rights.

We've made improvements there.

I have never seen a situation where an officer ordered you to beat someone else, or take money from the cash register, or some other illegal command.

We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?

The bottom line is, in California you are on your own. Don't bother calling the police.

And yet people will and the cops will still respond.
They will respond after waiting a while so they can show up and take a report when the incident is over.

No they wont. Your fantasies are just that.
History has shown that everywhere the local politicians create laws and ordinances that limit the police's ability to combat crime, crime increases. You are a liar like all progressive filth.

Nevermind that has nothing to do with what I've ever said and you simply made it up.
It's happening in New York city right now, filthy lying troll.
And yet people will and the cops will still respond.
They will respond after waiting a while so they can show up and take a report when the incident is over.

No they wont. Your fantasies are just that.
History has shown that everywhere the local politicians create laws and ordinances that limit the police's ability to combat crime, crime increases. You are a liar like all progressive filth.

Nevermind that has nothing to do with what I've ever said and you simply made it up.
It's happening in New York city right now, filthy lying troll.
How do they think Chicago got as bad as it is? Look at how fast Ferguson crumbled once the police pulled back.
Well officers, isnt it time to collect your pension (if you can before THAT is done away with by your DemonRATIC legislature in favor of giving it to all the illegal invaders ....I understand the illegals # over 1 million now in Kalipornia with hundreds more dsily) or perhaps put in applications with other state police departments? Give it 5 maybe 10 years and we can VOTE that state out of the Union and let it become it's own Venezuela!

California is changing its standards for when police can kill under a law signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, as it tries to deter police shootings of young minority men that have roiled the nation.

"We are doing something today that stretches the boundary of possibility and sends a message to people all across this country that they can do more and they can do better to meet this moment," Newsom said as he stood alongside family members of people killed by police.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What officer in their right mind would now do ANYTHING to protect and serve the public when their every action is subject to THEM being arrested for assault or worse of the BAD GUY.... Remember all you white privileged people in Kalipornia to VOTE DemonRAT and watch you rights to protect yourselves slowly fade into darkness..... A Second Revolution MUST happen or all is lost to the insane left!

Any cop there would be a fool to do anything other than stay in their car, get to the scene after the criminal has fled, and simply take down the report...

In the past, I have made the case for cops in these democrat cities to simply sit at their station house, wait for calls to come in, and then respond, long after the criminals have left the scene...that way, they can't get in trouble....of course, the people who voted for democrats will suffer the most...but good for that...
And yet people will and the cops will still respond.
They will respond after waiting a while so they can show up and take a report when the incident is over.

No they wont. Your fantasies are just that.
History has shown that everywhere the local politicians create laws and ordinances that limit the police's ability to combat crime, crime increases. You are a liar like all progressive filth.

Nevermind that has nothing to do with what I've ever said and you simply made it up.
It's happening in New York city right now, filthy lying troll.

I keep explaining to gun grabbers......times change, and crime rates change.....
You do not obey when they demand you do something they can not require you to do. They have to understand that they can not violate your rights.

We've made improvements there.

I have never seen a situation where an officer ordered you to beat someone else, or take money from the cash register, or some other illegal command.

We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.
You do not obey when they demand you do something they can not require you to do. They have to understand that they can not violate your rights.

We've made improvements there.

I have never seen a situation where an officer ordered you to beat someone else, or take money from the cash register, or some other illegal command.

We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.
I have never seen a situation where an officer ordered you to beat someone else, or take money from the cash register, or some other illegal command.

We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

His death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.
We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

We have covered this extensively. I think you just want to increase post counts so I'll no longer continue with this.

death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.

If it was lawful the family wouldn't have got 6 million and he would still have a job.
How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

We have covered this extensively. I think you just want to increase post counts so I'll no longer continue with this.

death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.

If it was lawful the family wouldn't have got 6 million and he would still have a job.

Yeah, and OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife, because every husband wears socks with their wife's blood on them.

It's funny how you refer to Police being wrongly acquitted, and yet then cite the family getting judgement, implying that if the police are convicted it must be right, and if they are acquitted it must be wrong.

If you believe the courts can get it wrong, then that also works the other way too. I think the judgement in favor of the family was wrong.

So now it's just your opinion against other people's opinion.

Which leads me back to the facts of the case. Yes or no, Eric Garner had a long criminal history? Yes. That's a documented fact.
Yes or no, Eric Garner had been picked up for criminal actions at that very location, prior to the event? Yes. That is also a fact.
Yes or no, Eric Garner refused to comply with lawful orders by police during the event in question? Yes. That is a fact as well.
Yes or no, a choke hold is part of police training? Yes that is a documented fact.

Bottom line.... If Eric Garner did not have a criminal history, had not be caught breaking the law at that location in the past, if Eric had followed lawful instructions by the police at that time..... None of this would have happened.


So I stand by everything I said, including my statement about your evil and immoral support of criminals in opposition to police doing their duty, and how that makes you no better of a person than any criminal.
I feel that when children and young adults begin referring to their elders as Mr., Mrs, and Miss ---- and the police as Officer or Sir ---- the world will be a far better place. When people learn to respect each other and the authority represented, I feel that no one will be taken for granted.
We have seen where they beat someone for refusing to cede their civil right.

How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

His death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.
When the cop tells you to drop and start sucking, which knee hits the ground first?
How many examples? 1? We have a half million officers in the US. How many examples do you have?

Where is this example? What was the person doing, before the officer confronted them? Did they provoke or instigate a response?


And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

His death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.
When the cop tells you to drop and start sucking, which knee hits the ground first?

Are you suggesting the officer asked Chris Garner to start sucking? If not, the try again with a post that makes a point.

And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

We have covered this extensively. I think you just want to increase post counts so I'll no longer continue with this.

death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.

If it was lawful the family wouldn't have got 6 million and he would still have a job.

Yeah, and OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife, because every husband wears socks with their wife's blood on them.

It's funny how you refer to Police being wrongly acquitted, and yet then cite the family getting judgement, implying that if the police are convicted it must be right, and if they are acquitted it must be wrong.

If you believe the courts can get it wrong, then that also works the other way too. I think the judgement in favor of the family was wrong.

So now it's just your opinion against other people's opinion.

Which leads me back to the facts of the case. Yes or no, Eric Garner had a long criminal history? Yes. That's a documented fact.
Yes or no, Eric Garner had been picked up for criminal actions at that very location, prior to the event? Yes. That is also a fact.
Yes or no, Eric Garner refused to comply with lawful orders by police during the event in question? Yes. That is a fact as well.
Yes or no, a choke hold is part of police training? Yes that is a documented fact.

Bottom line.... If Eric Garner did not have a criminal history, had not be caught breaking the law at that location in the past, if Eric had followed lawful instructions by the police at that time..... None of this would have happened.


So I stand by everything I said, including my statement about your evil and immoral support of criminals in opposition to police doing their duty, and how that makes you no better of a person than any criminal.

So it is the criminal history and criminal activity that decides things. OK.

Then help me out. Why did the same DOJ investigation which did not pursue Federal Civil Rights charges find a long history and practice by both the courts and the police in Ferguson of violating the Constitution?Justice Department Announces Findings of Two Civil Rights Investigations in Ferguson, Missouri

You are looking at this wrong. Let’s try an analogy. You start stacking trash along the back wall of your garage. There are tons of flammable things there. It does not ignite when you toss an oil soaked rag on the pile. It doesn’t ignite from sparks and slag from a welding project you do. For some reason it ignites when you fire up the lawnmower. It shouldn’t burn then. You point to the mower and say the muffler has a spark arrester. The house should not have burned down. Blaming the mower is bullshit.

The problem in Ferguson was not Eric Brown. It was the long documented history of corruption and abuses that built the pile of flammable materials. If the police had not engaged in a decades long history of corruption and abuse then the death on that fateful day would not have done anything.

What you are doing is claiming that the death of Eric Brown was not criminal, so there was no real problem, ever. The truth is that the bigger the pile of flammable material. The less perfect the circumstances have to be to start the fire. The fire started on that day. It had been building for years. If your cops habitually lie and abuse the population, then the more of the population that will distrust the police.

the problem wasn’t Eric Brown. It was the documented long history of corruption that made any spark no matter how imperfect the catalyst for the conflagration.

And there we go. A known criminal, with a long criminal history, refusing to comply with officers, being subdued by police, entirely following the training they were given, and you are defending the criminal, and implying the officers did something wrong.

No, they did not. Eric Garner did something wrong. That's why the police stopped him.

That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You attack police for doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and then want to cry when they sit back, and let violence dramatically increase across this country.

You know you are full of crap.

What I know is that you are disgusting garbage human being, that has zero value to society.

Anything else unclear to you?

You made my whole point, and now you can't answer. Eric Garner was a criminal with a long track record, who had been caught engaging in criminal activity at that location prior to his death. The police acted in accordance with their training, and subdued him.

His death was entirely his fault. When an officer says put your hand behind your back, shut up and do it. He'd be alive today, if he had followed the lawful orders of the police. End of story.
When the cop tells you to drop and start sucking, which knee hits the ground first?

Are you suggesting the officer asked Chris Garner to start sucking? If not, the try again with a post that makes a point.
No, I am suggesting that you are a badge bunny who would excuse ANYTHING the police do, no matter how egregious.

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