California High School Teacher "Accidentally" Fires Gun in Classroom During Safety Lesson

Can you see a teacher with a pistol going up against a AK 47? fact we know that mass shooters in schools commit suicide, surrender or run away once they are faced by someone with a gun, civilian or yes...having a teacher with a gun engage a mass shooter would end the shooting faster than the 5-7 minutes it would take for cops with pistols to engage the AK-47.....

And Civilian Ak-47s are semi auto rifles....they do not fire fully would be nice if you doofuses knew what you were talking about...
one incident doesnt prove anything..
Or is the left now embracing the one size fits all mantra? Ready to talk about islam?

Cons will whine all day about the woman that was shot by an illegal alien as if one incident proves everything everywhere that any con said at any time anywhere.

Give it a rest, you derps are just so stupidly predictable now. You have two opposite thoughts at the same moment and immediately declare them both to be absolutes. :cuckoo:

It isn't one incident with illegal aliens......they commit crimes all over the country, violent crimes of rape and murder...and you guys keep letting them out of prison and protect them from the Feds ........

I think it’s a good idea to allow teachers who want to carry to do so.

I think it’s an even better idea to fire stupid teachers.

Guns in a school classroom with a lot of kids. What could possibly go wrong?

Weeeeelllll, the Israelis have been doing it for decades with no problems, and no school shootings since they implemented the policy, but that would be a fact, and we all know you progressives don't do facts.
one incident doesnt prove anything..
Or is the left now embracing the one size fits all mantra? Ready to talk about islam?

Cons will whine all day about the woman that was shot by an illegal alien as if one incident proves everything everywhere that any con said at any time anywhere.

Give it a rest, you derps are just so stupidly predictable now. You have have to opposite thoughts at the same moment and immediately declare them both to be absolutes. :cuckoo:
He's a moderate at best. Calling everyone you disagree with a Conservative is not only shallow, but also inaccurate, since the people that disagree with you can be Libertarians, Moderates, Conservatives, OR Republicans.

As for a person being shot, the person being shot at should have been armed, and the illegal shouldn't have been here in the first place, and even if they should have been there, the fact that they shot someone isn't an argument for gun control.

Being predictable doesn't mean you have a valid argument. Not only that, but "predictable" isn't a counter by itself, and also doesn't invalidate the argument, you only use it in place of a valid argument because you don't have one.

View attachment 182620
Oh look, a meme instead of an argument. I guess that means I was right that you don't have one.

I don't blame you for immediately giving up when faced with my illustrious presence. Maybe next time, you'll check to see if I'm viewing the thread before you post~

View attachment 182626
Still no arguments. Maybe even you are self-aware enough to realize you don't have one.

Substituting your argument with memes and hitting the funny button isn't clever. I do appreciate you improving my post to rating ratio, though, so thanks.
one incident doesnt prove anything..
Or is the left now embracing the one size fits all mantra? Ready to talk about islam?

Guns in a school classroom with a lot of kids. What could possibly go wrong?

Works out well in Israel. I dare you to go and try to shoot up one of their schools. You're gonna die

It was a class in gun safety.

Accidents happen, I remember an accident involving a driver's education vehicle back in high school. Shall we do away with driver's ed for the kids?
Guns in a school classroom with a lot of kids. What could possibly go wrong?

You could ask the teachers in the 14 states that have been allowing it for years....

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Florida is on the verge of becoming the 15th state to arm teachers after Gov. Rick Scott signed an omnibus bill Friday allowing school staff to undergo law enforcement training to carry guns in the classroom.

Although the notion may seem radical, at least 14 states already arm teachers, according to a VICE News review of state laws and interviews with education department officials and school board associations around the country. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Another 16 states give local school boards the authority to decide whether school staff can carry guns, either explicitly or through legal loopholes, but officials said they didn’t know of any instances of armed teachers in those states.
one incident doesnt prove anything..
Or is the left now embracing the one size fits all mantra? Ready to talk about islam?

Cons will whine all day about the woman that was shot by an illegal alien as if one incident proves everything everywhere that any con said at any time anywhere.

Give it a rest, you derps are just so stupidly predictable now. You have have to opposite thoughts at the same moment and immediately declare them both to be absolutes. :cuckoo:
He's a moderate at best. Calling everyone you disagree with a Conservative is not only shallow, but also inaccurate, since the people that disagree with you can be Libertarians, Moderates, Conservatives, OR Republicans.

As for a person being shot, the person being shot at should have been armed, and the illegal shouldn't have been here in the first place, and even if they should have been there, the fact that they shot someone isn't an argument for gun control.

Being predictable doesn't mean you have a valid argument. Not only that, but "predictable" isn't a counter by itself, and also doesn't invalidate the argument, you only use it in place of a valid argument because you don't have one.

View attachment 182620
Guns in a school classroom with a lot of kids. What could possibly go wrong?

Works out well in Israel. I dare you to go and try to shoot up one of their schools. You're gonna die

Israel has pretty much been in a perpetual war with nations right next door since 1948. I don't think we are talking apples to apples here.

Oh? So the fact that in the 1970's Israel was beset with school shootings, and they implemented the policy and since then not a single school shooting has occurred. And you think that your comment "Israel in perpetual war" helps your cause? Dude, if they are at WAR, and they have had no shootings, that pretty much blows your infantile arguments right out of the fucking water.

Dontcha think:eusa_think:
Can you see a teacher with a pistol going up against a AK 47?
A teacher with a handgun going up against an AK-47 is a great deal better than nobody with nothing going up against an Ak-47, or whatever.

A teacher well-trained and competent with a .38 who finds him/her/self in an advantageous position can take out a distracted shooter who has an AK, or whatever -- especially from behind. So don't presume the impossible. Conditions are the determining factor in any gunfight.

All teachers are not dowdy old women with zero potential for physical aggression.
Hmmm, I see a lot of problems with this story. The perp is a City Councilman, and a reserve police officer, and we all know how poorly they are trained, but then add in the fact that if he wasn't on duty as a school safety officer he was breaking a whole bunch of laws in CA. This story reads all kinds of fishy to me.

Of course the story sounds bizarre ... Until you remember it happened in California ... Perfectly normal there.
It was the gun's fault. Make more laws.
I would confidently wager that the gun is an automatic, not a revolver, which is one reason why I don't care for automatic pistols. Safe handling and proficiency with an automatic calls for a lot of training and practice.
Can you see a teacher with a pistol going up against a AK 47?
A teacher with a handgun going up against an AK-47 is a great deal better than nobody with nothing going up against an Ak-47, or whatever.

A teacher well-trained and competent with a .38 who finds him/her/self in an advantageous position can take out a distracted shooter who has an AK, or whatever -- especially from behind. So don't presume the impossible. Conditions are the determining factor in any gunfight.

All teachers are not dowdy old women with zero potential for physical aggression.

And the real point....all it takes with mass public shooters is to confront them with a that point in every case they commit suicide, surrender or run away...they never fight it out.....that is why a teacher with a gun first keeps them away in the first place and second, ends their attack as soon as they confront them....

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