California Passes Law Limiting Each Person to 50 Gallons of Water per Day

I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Most so-called conservatives in America today are rabid statists. Very few real conservatives are left in America.

I agree about corporatism.

Putting that aside, I don't tend to like using the word 'you' toward people in an antagonizing way.

You just never know who you're going to be debating in any given discussion.
I don’t believe desal plants are very efficient. How hard is it to conserve ?

I don’t undering you righties . “I should be able to waste all the water I want ! Screw Big gov! Amerika !!! “

Then the water runs out and you’ll be like “there’s no more water! Big government save meeeeee !”
I am all for conservation, but limiting a household to 2 flushes and few quick showers a day is beyond ridiculous. It is derelict. It should cost the democrats every last one of their seats. I just hope those seats don't go to the worthless, do-nothing GOP.

California has been under the thumb of statists deliberately ignoring or perpetuating the water crisis as a means of gaining more government control. Again, they should all be summarily expelled from office.

And the solution is so simple. Desalination plants. Democrats want to maintain the crisis for the political benefits
Too many people want to live in California. Not enough water.

They should have been building desalination plants on the coast 30 years ago.
There is no way that they could have afforded desalination plants of 30 years ago. Even if they can develop the graphene desalination methods, it will still be expensive.

So they couldn't afford the plants 30 years ago but you blame big oil for not saying something? What kind of fool are you? Now you are talking about fiscal responsibly????
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

What weight class did you wrestle you little twerp? 125?
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

Actually, as you know I have private property I can hunt on. I also have state land near my home I use from time to time. So I know a lot about this. What do you have besides your little smart ass comments? NOTHING! LOL.

My nephew said to my brother, "dad, do you think uncle sealybobo thinks we are using him for his boat?"

Isn't that funny? You think I'm a mooch for using my brothers property and they think they are mooches for coming to use my boat. This is how a family operates. We share. And this is why I'm a Republican now. Republicans take care of their own. Everyone else especially you can piss off. LOL.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Our air quality is for shit?

Say what??

What the he'll are you talking about???
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!
Dear Lord, buy yourself a new talking point. That one went stale 30 years ago.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

What weight class did you wrestle you little twerp? 125?

:lol: fraud
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

What weight class did you wrestle you little twerp? 125?

:lol: fraud

Silly boo boo thinks his old posts just disappear
That why Obama built a wall around his home, they're stupid?

Terrorism dropped 98% when Israel built their wall.
There are better easier cheaper solutions.

Where do our soldiers go through basic training? Why not move that to our southern border?
That's funny. A leftist pretending to be concerned about government spending.

Troops on the border can change every election. The wall is permanent.
Funny a righty who’s suddenly not interested in debt.

Is this a stimulus? Who gets the contract a trump company fosho
What was the finial cost of 9-11-01?

Worth the investment.
They didn’t sneak across the Mexican border
Yeah, you're right. Clinton let in the 9-11 terrorists. But now with a President serious about protecting America, their best bet is to sneak in via Mexico.

Care to guess how many Middle Easterners in our prisons we caught at the border?

I'll wait here for your answer.
I had a contract on my desk to buy a lot in Beverly Hills last month. I thought on it for some time and I almost signed the deal to buy it. The only reason I didn't buy it was because it was shaped oddly and I would have had to have built a home on the side of a steep mountain. Which I could have done, really Anyway, I decided against it.

But now I'm reading about their State government forcing people to install solar panels and now limiting your water supply? Gosh.

It has to to be the city dwellers who are voting these tyrants into office there, I can't believe the people of the whole stateares so subservient to government force.

Being a real conservative, I do believe in preserving our natural resources and moving to cleaner alternatives, but damn. Be careful what yo uask for. Because you will certainly get it. Unfortunately at the barrels of gv ernment guns.
You cons don’t know how to preserve and protect our natural resources.

Corporations control you. They want more consumption and more consumers. Growth! Bigger!

Bullshit the only ones truly protecting open land is the conservatives, God damn we hunt and fish we don't want it to go away..

You want to protect the woods sure so do I. Meanwhile our rivers are full of nasty pesticides and our air quality is for shit.

This is an entire different conversation but most of the people you are talking about have private property. So yea, they want to protect their land and the animals on it.

Do you have your own property to hunt? Well you should know Republicans and conservatives hate State land. The state should sell it off to a private owner. That's what they believe regardless of if you believe it or not.

Another ignorant democrat with a big mouth and nothing else.

Actually, as you know I have private property I can hunt on. I also have state land near my home I use from time to time. So I know a lot about this. What do you have besides your little smart ass comments? NOTHING! LOL.

My nephew said to my brother, "dad, do you think uncle sealybobo thinks we are using him for his boat?"

Isn't that funny? You think I'm a mooch for using my brothers property and they think they are mooches for coming to use my boat. This is how a family operates. We share. And this is why I'm a Republican now. Republicans take care of their own. Everyone else especially you can piss off. LOL.

Then you go home, hug your shitty little boat, and cry yourself to sleep..

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