California Passes Law Limiting Each Person to 50 Gallons of Water per Day

8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. Move and have less children
Yet you support unlimited illegal immigration
No I do not. It's one of the things I admittedly love about the Racist Republicans.
wait, we're racist because we don't want illegals here, yet you agree and are not racist....uh..........

Libs can't be racist. You should know that.
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8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use

This is because of very bad forward planning and not looking into the future. California has a coast on the Pacific Ocean that is approx 1,400 kms which is 900 miles, in the 1970s they should have been constructing Desalination Plants and brought their water in from the Pacific Ocean, if they had done this they would not be in this chronic situation now. Saudi Arabia a desert nation, they are the producer of the most desalinated water in the world, they bring their water in from the Red Sea, I think they have approx 24 Desalination Plants on the coast of the Red Sea.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels we can engineer another solution like taking salt out of the salt water. Stupid humans. Parasites

What’s too many?

Oh, your three word reply was not convincing or compelling. I’m winning

Lowering the population to manageable levels? WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.

Throughout history, California has experienced many droughts, such as 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977, 2006–2010, and 2012–2017.
Allright there sportcheck, where exactly do you propose building these dams to save water for when they need it?
There are sites that have been studied and will work...the politicians would rather have the power that comes from the water issue than to fix the can be done stop cutting the American people so short....Improvise and overcome....
That was not what the question. Where do you propose to put these dams? Specifics please. Remember, California has a history of dam failures, 45 in all.
Lack of maintenance of infrastructure is not an argument for denying new infrastructure.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.

Your globalists can't wait to get their killin on. The problem though, is that you'll be a target too. Lol.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels we can engineer another solution like taking salt out of the salt water. Stupid humans. Parasites

What’s too many?

Oh, your three word reply was not convincing or compelling. I’m winning

Lowering the population to manageable levels? WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?

That's the soros globalists dreams. Kill em all.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.

We are not overpopulated, and we are not going to be. This has been explained to you before, but you are too stupid and afraid to let go of your false crisis.
I don’t believe desal plants are very efficient. How hard is it to conserve ?

I don’t undering you righties . “I should be able to waste all the water I want ! Screw Big gov! Amerika !!! “

Then the water runs out and you’ll be like “there’s no more water! Big government save meeeeee !”
I am all for conservation, but limiting a household to 2 flushes and few quick showers a day is beyond ridiculous. It is derelict. It should cost the democrats every last one of their seats. I just hope those seats don't go to the worthless, do-nothing GOP.

California has been under the thumb of statists deliberately ignoring or perpetuating the water crisis as a means of gaining more government control. Again, they should all be summarily expelled from office.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.
Thus, the solution is world war.

8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels we can engineer another solution like taking salt out of the salt water. Stupid humans. Parasites

What’s too many?

Oh, your three word reply was not convincing or compelling. I’m winning

Lowering the population to manageable levels? WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?

That's the soros globalists dreams. Kill em all.
No you stupid fools. The rich want the markets flooded with low wage workers.

Are you for the poor single women who have four kids and she’s on welfare? So we don’t really need to kill em do we? Those poor women on welfare should only have one mistake not 2-5
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.
Thus, the solution is world war.

No. Anyone in the future on welfare will make one maybe 2 mistakes but after that screw them. They’ll know that and get their tubes tied after the second mistake.
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
Right and that's why we are overpopulated and trying to figure out how to get salt out of ocean water.

Just because you have your head buried in the sand doesn't mean shit to me bro.

We do not know if today’s population of seven billion is remotely sustainable, or what the limit is

God I hate this saying "It is not the number of people on the planet that is the issue – but the number of consumers and the scale and nature of their consumption," What does that mean? So we don't have too many people we just have too many people consuming too much? Well I know one way to solve that. Less people. Are you going to engineer a way to get people to consume less? Good luck with that bro.

The number of "modern human beings" (Homo sapiens) on Earth has been comparatively small until very recently. Just 10,000 years ago there might have been no more than a few million people on the planet. The one billion mark was not passed until the early 1800s; the two billion mark not until the 1920s.

As it stands now, though, the world's population is over 7.3 billion. According to United Nations predictions it could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, and over 11 billion by 2100.

You think we will be ok with 11 billion? You're an idiot.

You said the population would eventually go down? How's that gonna happen? Well however it is, it'll be a glorious day because as I've said before, we are overpopulated.

Population growth has been so rapid that there is no real precedent we can turn to for clues about the possible consequences. In other words, while the planet might hold over 11 billion people by the end of the century, our current level of knowledge does not allow us to predict whether such a large population is sustainable, simply because it has never happened before.

Satterthwaite says that most of the growth over the next two decades is predicted to be in urban centres in what are currently low and middle-income countries.

One way to be able to handle all these people is to go Green but dumb ass Republicans like you don't want to so here we are.

We are not overpopulated, and we are not going to be. This has been explained to you before, but you are too stupid and afraid to let go of your false crisis.
You’ve never explained anything Coach.
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels we can engineer another solution like taking salt out of the salt water. Stupid humans. Parasites

What’s too many?

Oh, your three word reply was not convincing or compelling. I’m winning

Lowering the population to manageable levels? WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?

That's the soros globalists dreams. Kill em all.
No you stupid fools. The rich want the markets flooded with low wage workers.

Are you for the poor single women who have four kids and she’s on welfare? So we don’t really need to kill em do we? Those poor women on welfare should only have one mistake not 2-5
The rich want the markets flooded with low wage workers.

That's why Democrats love open borders.

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