California Passes Law Limiting Each Person to 50 Gallons of Water per Day

What did they expect when our great-grandparent's generation rapid-spread into the west seventy years ago, building a few hundred dams to fool everyone into think this almost-desert was a lush, green paradise? No irrigation-dependent society has ever survived their silted-up dams becoming waterfalls and reverting back to it desert roots - a process which, by the way, usually takes about seventy years.

Shoulda built that water pipeline from British Columbia thirty years ago, but didn't wanna stroke that check.
The oceans are full of water, why aren't we building desalination plants? Sure, price would go up a bit, but water is so cheap, so what?

Government likes shortages. Gas, water, whatever. They use it to manipulate idiots. You know, you

I don’t believe desal plants are very efficient. How hard is it to conserve ?

I don’t undering you righties . “I should be able to waste all the water I want ! Screw Big gov! Amerika !!! “

Then the water runs out and you’ll be like “there’s no more water! Big government save meeeeee !”

You think the oceans are going to run out of water? Wow, you bring new meaning to stupid

You think it’s so easy to to turn slat water into fresh? Who wouldn’t do that ?!!? It takes a lot of energy ( and money).

Or there’s a crazy alternative way...... conserve! It’s really cheap too!

What the hell, Timmy. You're on the internet. Google desalination plants. And I said it's a little more expensive. But water is so cheap, who gives a shit?

Government wants there to not be enough water. They use it to manipulate dumb asses like you who are too lazy to Google desalination plants and all the countries that do it, including the United States

Manipulate what ? Government IS the people ! What the hell does the “government “ gain by having water rules ?
you must be an imbecile of high magnitude. the gov hasn't listened to peeps in a long time.
Allright there sportcheck, where exactly do you propose building these dams to save water for when they need it?
There are sites that have been studied and will work...the politicians would rather have the power that comes from the water issue than to fix the can be done stop cutting the American people so short....Improvise and overcome....
That was not what the question. Where do you propose to put these dams? Specifics please. Remember, California has a history of dam failures, 45 in all.
All they have to do is convert about 10% of irrigation water to residential and industiral use, and they've had all the water they need.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. Move and have less children
You need to get out of your tiny apartment now and then. You can put every human on earth inside Texas and everyone still gets a tenth of an acre.
Doesn’t matter. We’re consuming too much and air quality sucks
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels we can engineer another solution like taking salt out of the salt water. Stupid humans. Parasites

What’s too many?

Oh, your three word reply was not convincing or compelling. I’m winning
People need to wake up. This is where 'Global Warming' Globalist psychos take you. The next phase will be taxing (fining) those who don't 'comply.' So perplexing so many Americans are still voting Communist/Democrat. They're only voting against their own interests.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necessary conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.

You DO understand that most of California's people live in areas with no natural fresh water to sustain them and in particular, southern California must steal all its water either from Northern California or the Colorado River? These supplies are limited while the population increases. California---- the world's great 5th largest economy---- dancing on the head of a pin.
Sounds like they are overpopulated. I wonder what they have done to control the population or what they have done to inhibit the federal government from doing so? Anything?

Now is a good time to put that solar power to use and start advancing the technology for desalinating sea water.

Get after it, Cali.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necessary conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.

You DO understand that most of California's people live in areas with no natural fresh water to sustain them and in particular, southern California must steal all its water either from Northern California or the Colorado River? These supplies are limited while the population increases. California---- the world's great 5th largest economy---- dancing on the head of a pin.
Sounds like they are overpopulated. I wonder what they have done to control the population or what they have done to inhibit the federal government from doing so? Anything?

Now is a good time to put that solar power to use and start advancing the technology for desalinating sea water.

Get after it, Cali.

Plan in Kalifornia seems to be let criminals out and let illegals in, which helps drive out a good portion of the hell of a plan.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. ...

No, we are not.
Sure instead of lowering the population to manageable levels .....

No one asked you, of all people, to manage anything, loser. Typical democrat attitude.
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. Move and have less children
Yet you support unlimited illegal immigration
No I do not. It's one of the things I admittedly love about the Racist Republicans.

Beautiful state. Millions are leaving which leaves room for unprecedented millions of illegals to flood in. Enjoy.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necessary conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.

You DO understand that most of California's people live in areas with no natural fresh water to sustain them and in particular, southern California must steal all its water either from Northern California or the Colorado River? These supplies are limited while the population increases. California---- the world's great 5th largest economy---- dancing on the head of a pin.
Sounds like they are overpopulated. I wonder what they have done to control the population or what they have done to inhibit the federal government from doing so? Anything?

Now is a good time to put that solar power to use and start advancing the technology for desalinating sea water.

Get after it, Cali.

Plan in Kalifornia seems to be let criminals out and let illegals in, which helps drive out a good portion of the hell of a plan.
The tax base of California is being replaced by homeless, illegals, and felons. When the dot coms implode like they did before the state will have no income.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necessary conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.

You DO understand that most of California's people live in areas with no natural fresh water to sustain them and in particular, southern California must steal all its water either from Northern California or the Colorado River? These supplies are limited while the population increases. California---- the world's great 5th largest economy---- dancing on the head of a pin.
Sounds like they are overpopulated. I wonder what they have done to control the population or what they have done to inhibit the federal government from doing so? Anything?

Now is a good time to put that solar power to use and start advancing the technology for desalinating sea water.

Get after it, Cali.

Plan in Kalifornia seems to be let criminals out and let illegals in, which helps drive out a good portion of the hell of a plan.
The tax base of California is being replaced by homeless, illegals, and felons. When the dot coms implode like they did before the state will have no income.

Thats such a wonderful mix, W2020. I love all that diversity.....homeless, illegals, felons, etc.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necessary conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.

You DO understand that most of California's people live in areas with no natural fresh water to sustain them and in particular, southern California must steal all its water either from Northern California or the Colorado River? These supplies are limited while the population increases. California---- the world's great 5th largest economy---- dancing on the head of a pin.
Sounds like they are overpopulated. I wonder what they have done to control the population or what they have done to inhibit the federal government from doing so? Anything?

Now is a good time to put that solar power to use and start advancing the technology for desalinating sea water.

Get after it, Cali.

Plan in Kalifornia seems to be let criminals out and let illegals in, which helps drive out a good portion of the hell of a plan.
The tax base of California is being replaced by homeless, illegals, and felons. When the dot coms implode like they did before the state will have no income.

Thats such a wonderful mix, W2020. I love all that diversity.....homeless, illegals, felons, etc.
Right now housing costs remain high only because the Chinese are buying up the coastal properties and 4 families are occupying single family homes elsewhere.
Ohhh there's plenty of water. These new rules have nothing to do with necesssry conservation. This is preparation for future global warming.
Well then they need to invest in some desalinization plants in the interior regions like Bakersfield, because the coast will not be around when disaster strikes!!!!!!
8 minute shower - 17 gallons
1 load of laundry- 40 gallons

The left have a train to nowhere to build, no time for water infrastructure.

New California Law Limits How Much Water People Can Use
We are overpopulated. Move and have less children
Yet you support unlimited illegal immigration
No I do not. It's one of the things I admittedly love about the Racist Republicans.
wait, we're racist because we don't want illegals here, yet you agree and are not racist....uh..........

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