California raises minimum wage to $10 an hour

I think we are not going to solve anything if we keep demonizing companies for making money.
If people are trying to raise a family of 8 on minimum wage that is a problem right there.
Minimum wage jobs are for kids.Kids going to school not raising a family and saddled with a mortgage.
I see it as a step in the right direction.

Could be, but It only makes sense that employers will hire less low wage workers because they're being forced to pay 20% higher wages. I don't see how it will be a positive.

So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Business's are in business to make money. They won't hire unless it makes business sense. Not all employers have their pockets lined with cash, in fact, the one's that do (those evil corporations) are mostly paying their workers more than 10 per. This is about small business's. They're the one's that are going to struggle to hire people because of this.
Facts are contrary to the group think of the self proclaimed economic experts, many of who should demand a refund on what they paid their education.

The faster & higher you raise the minimum wage, the slower the dollar loses it's value. Because most of the people on the government dole are working at a real job. Prices ALWAYS rise before wages because Government & Banks create money. Wages do not push or drive inflation & wage price spiral is a hoax. Higher minimum wages get workers off the government dole so government does not have to print more money supporting them causing inflation. Also Government does not have to guarantee bank home loans causing inflation because workers don't have the income to qualify.


Raising Wages CUTS Government Spending. Socialism is when employers make government tax payers pay for their workers so they can drive others out of business & pocket everyone else's wealth. If you don't like the minimum wage then pass a law banning employment of someone on the government dole. Because I already pay my workers & should not have to keep subsidizing yours, harming my business. Employment rises as wages & minimum wages rise.


Welfare & Entitlement Spending Way Up Under Bush & Down Since Obama Took Office Because Raising Minimum Wages CUTS Government Spending.


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Could be, but It only makes sense that employers will hire less low wage workers because they're being forced to pay 20% higher wages. I don't see how it will be a positive.

So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Business's are in business to make money. They won't hire unless it makes business sense. Not all employers have their pockets lined with cash, in fact, the one's that do (those evil corporations) are mostly paying their workers more than 10 per. This is about small business's. They're the one's that are going to struggle to hire people because of this.

I am speaking of big business. I understand small business struggle already and will continue to do so.
I think we are not going to solve anything if we keep demonizing companies for making money.
If people are trying to raise a family of 8 on minimum wage that is a problem right there.
Minimum wage jobs are for kids.Kids going to school not raising a family and saddled with a mortgage.

well it used to be that you have guys making minimum wage type money and they have been doing it for 10 years......and have a family....
So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Business's are in business to make money. They won't hire unless it makes business sense. Not all employers have their pockets lined with cash, in fact, the one's that do (those evil corporations) are mostly paying their workers more than 10 per. This is about small business's. They're the one's that are going to struggle to hire people because of this.

I am speaking of big business. I understand small business struggle already and will continue to do so.

well they have to get stuck with that raise either they hurt more or 1-2 get laid off.....
Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

you need to learn to read-

Brown, protective of California's tenuous economic recovery, had initially opposed the bill but agreed to support it after leaders of both houses of the Democratic-led state legislature agreed to postpone the effective date of the raise until 2016.

It doesn't say he signed it....

and $10 an hour? well, if he signs it? that taco or burger stand in the valley will then being laying off a few folks...great job,:rolleyes: firggin imbeciles.

Layoffs are not necessarily a forgone conclusion, particularly as inflation strikes the California economy.

The taco stand might raise prices to pay for higher minimum wage labor.

People buying Tacos will raise the costs of their goods and services, rent, mortgages and everything will cost more.

Then the laborers will soon find themselves exactly where they began, now $10 buys $7.25 worth of food, rent, etc.

But the important point is this: The more US dollars people earn and spend in California, the more California will earn in % tax associated with those US$.
I see it as a step in the right direction.

Could be, but It only makes sense that employers will hire less low wage workers because they're being forced to pay 20% higher wages. I don't see how it will be a positive.

So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Good grief, that is not what he said, why are you so dramatic, re-read. If I can hire a guy worth $10 an hour for $10 an hour, then you are putting the guy who is worth $7.50 for $10 an hour, out of work.

Also if payroll is 25% higher! you find ways to cut expenses. In most businesses the biggest expense is labor. Where does one cut first?
Could be, but It only makes sense that employers will hire less low wage workers because they're being forced to pay 20% higher wages. I don't see how it will be a positive.

So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Good grief, that is not what he said, why are you so dramatic, re-read. If I can hire a guy worth $10 an hour for $10 an hour, then you are putting the guy who is worth $7.50 for $10 an hour, out of work.

Also if payroll is 25% higher! you find ways to cut expenses. In most businesses the biggest expense is labor. Where does one cut first?

Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

you need to learn to read-

Brown, protective of California's tenuous economic recovery, had initially opposed the bill but agreed to support it after leaders of both houses of the Democratic-led state legislature agreed to postpone the effective date of the raise until 2016.

It doesn't say he signed it....

and $10 an hour? well, if he signs it? that taco or burger stand in the valley will then being laying off a few folks...great job,:rolleyes: firggin imbeciles.

You don't know that for a fact, do you?
“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman
Could be, but It only makes sense that employers will hire less low wage workers because they're being forced to pay 20% higher wages. I don't see how it will be a positive.

So employers will admit that even though their pockets are lined with cash, they are so selfish and greedy they would hire useless people just to pay them less?

Business's are in business to make money. They won't hire unless it makes business sense. Not all employers have their pockets lined with cash, in fact, the one's that do (those evil corporations) are mostly paying their workers more than 10 per. This is about small business's. They're the one's that are going to struggle to hire people because of this.

Educate thyself my friend.

Higher Minimum Wage? Small Business Doesn't Mind

Higher Minimum Wage? Small Business Doesn't Mind - Businessweek

President Barack Obama’s recent proposal to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour by the end of 2015 has an unlikely ally: a sizable swath of America’s 6 million small employers.
I think we are not going to solve anything if we keep demonizing companies for making money.
If people are trying to raise a family of 8 on minimum wage that is a problem right there.
Minimum wage jobs are for kids.Kids going to school not raising a family and saddled with a mortgage.

Who the hell are you to say who minimum wage is for? Oh, I forgot, another conservative-elitist snob wannbe chimes in.
Plenty to trickle up. The worker now has more to spend on gasoline which means more trips with extra cash on hand to spend on at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc, etc, etc. Get the picture?

That same worker just got laid off because the resturant he works in is shutting down because it had to raise its prices to pay its workers. Everyone loses. Dumbass

Yup. Its common sense 101.

Apparantly KidRocksforbrains and Seawitch don't have much common sense.

The more labor costs, the higher prices will be. Simple unless your Rocksforbrains or a Seawitch,

I guess we should pay everyone $1 per hour. Then everything will be really cheap to purchase.

you need to learn to read-

Brown, protective of California's tenuous economic recovery, had initially opposed the bill but agreed to support it after leaders of both houses of the Democratic-led state legislature agreed to postpone the effective date of the raise until 2016.

It doesn't say he signed it....

and $10 an hour? well, if he signs it? that taco or burger stand in the valley will then being laying off a few folks...great job,:rolleyes: firggin imbeciles.

Layoffs are not necessarily a forgone conclusion, particularly as inflation strikes the California economy.

The taco stand might raise prices to pay for higher minimum wage labor.

People buying Tacos will raise the costs of their goods and services, rent, mortgages and everything will cost more.

Then the laborers will soon find themselves exactly where they began, now $10 buys $7.25 worth of food, rent, etc.

But the important point is this: The more US dollars people earn and spend in California, the more California will earn in % tax associated with those US$.
yea but there is only so much a person will pay for a Taco.....there aint much to them....and Mexican food has always had the reputation as being relatively cheap....
Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

So how is paying someone $10 an hour to do work that is only worth $8.00 an hour economical?

How is paying Wagoneer 12 million when GM Failed so badly that it required a government bailout economical.

How is paying Ed Hanaway 73 million to retire and allowed Nataline Sarkisyan to die "economical"?

How is giving the AIG Executives juicy bonuses when the company required a government bailout economical?

(Oh, btw, if you criticize them getting their bonuses, you are just like those folks who lynched civil rights workers in the Old South.)

I'd rather see the kid flipping the burger getting $10.00 an hour than the CEO of McDonald's get 8 figures.
A minimum wage has been in effect for 70+ years and yet somehow we've managed to survive.

And even prosper.

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